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Latest commit



114 lines (81 loc) · 5.29 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (81 loc) · 5.29 KB


A tool to analyze your git repository's commit log. It can help you generate daily/weekly or longer work reports.

一个可以分析你的 Git 仓库 commit 记录的工具。它可以帮你生成一份工作日报 / 周报,或者你需要的更长时间范围的工作报告。


The .dmg package built by CI may be broken (See: #18), macOS users can choose to clone this repository and use it through pnpm i and pnpm dev.

由 CI 构建的 .dmg 包可能出现损坏(见 #18 ), macOS 用户可以选择克隆本仓库,并通过 pnpm ipnpm dev 使用。


This is a client tool, so you need to download the program to use it. See: The Latest Release to download.

这是一个客户端工具,所以你需要下载程序去使用它,点击 最新版本 去下载客户端。

Change Log

You can look at the CHANGELOG to understand the content of each update.

你可以查看 更新记录 去了解每个版本的更新内容。


Create and fill in your configuration file, and then run the program to get your work report.


Configuration File

You need to create a config.json at the same folder with the program, and write the content in the following format.

你需要在与程序相同的文件夹下,创建一个名为 config.json 的文件,并写入以下格式的内容。

  "lang": "en",
  "authors": [
  "dateRange": [
  "repos": [
  "format": {
    "git-commit-analytics": "Git Commit Analytics"
  "includes": [
  "excludes": [

The configuration items are described as follows:


key type description
lang string Set program default language, support en (English) and zh (Simplified Chinese).
设置软件的默认语言,支持 en (英语)和 zh (简体中文)。
authors string[] Filter the author name of commits, support multiple author names, for you may have different names in different repos.
筛选 commit 的作者名称,支持多个作者名称,用于你在不同的仓库可能有不同的名字。
dateRange [string, string] Fill in [start date, end date], support the legal time format, and count from the start date 00:00:00 to the end date 23:59:59(If not configured, the default day to run the program).
填写 [开始日期, 结束日期] , 支持合法的时间格式,会从开始日期的 00:00:00 统计到截止日期的 23:59:59 (如果不配置则默认运行程序的当天)。
repos string[] The Git repo folder on your computer, need to be switched to the branch you want to count.
你电脑里的 Git 仓库文件夹,需要提前切换到你要统计的分支。
format { [key: string]: string } Format your folder name as the project name.
includes string[] The commit message prefix to be included in the statistics.
要纳入统计的 commit message 前缀。
excludes string[] In the statistical results, exclude commit messages that contain these keywords.
在统计出来的结果里,排除掉包含了这些关键词的 commit message 。

Among them, authors / includes / excludes will be created as regular expressions to match data.

其中,authors / includes / excludes 会创建为正则表达式去匹配数据。


The report file will be generated in markdown syntax (probably the most common format for developer?) and saved as a file in .txt format (probably the most compatible format?).

报告文件会以 markdown 语法生成(可能是对程序员最通用的格式?),并以 .txt 格式的文件保存(可能是兼容性最好的格式?)。

The project name will be classified as the second-level title, and 7 types of commit prefixes will be classified as the third-level title:

会以项目名称作为二级标题归类,以 7 个类型的 commit 前缀作为三级标题归类:

type description
feat Features
fix Bug Fixes
docs Documentation
style Optimized Style
refactor Refactored
test Test Cases
chore Chores

You can click Commit message and Change log writing guide to learn how to standardize the git commit.

你可以点击 Commit message 和 Change log 编写指南 学习如何规范化提交 Git Commit 。


MIT License © 2022 chengpeiquan