A picture says a thousand words
Using this application, users will be able to browse through the Marvel library of characters. The data is available by connecting to the Marvel API (http://developer.marvel.com/).
You should use the following mockup and assets as a base for this challenge:
assets: http://bit.ly/1LcMgwO
List of Characters In this view, you should present a list of characters loaded from the Marvel API character index. Notice that the when reaching the end of the list, if there are additional results to show, you should load and present the next page. Filter Results When tapping on the magnifier icon, you should be able to search for characters by name. To do this, use the same endpoint used to list characters and use the name param to filter results.
Character Details When selecting a character, you should present a detail view of that character. Most of this information is already available on the result of the first API call, except for the images to be presented on the comics/series/stories/events sections. Those images can be fetched from the resourceURI and should be lazy loaded. That same behavior is expected when expanding those images.
You need to setup pod first before you can run to do that follow the following
* open terminal from finder
* $ cd ../Project folder
* $ pod setup
* $ pod install