<amp-ad width="320" height="180"
: The web client token for your FeedAd publisher account. It can be found in your publisher dashboard and was sent to you in your onboarding e-mail.data-placement-id
: This identifies the placement within the FeedAd dashboard. We recommend giving it a meaningful name related to its position within the page, like "article-detail-sidebar". The name may consist of lowercase letters [a-z], numbers [0-9], and dashes [-]'. You can access your publisher dashboard at https://admin.feedad.com. If you do not yet have a FeedAd publisher account, please contact us via the contact form at https://feedad.com/#contact.
: A CSS color value for the background of the ad, in case the amp-ad element is larger than the ad itself. The ad will always try to request an optimal size, but AMP may reject this request.
: Use values with a 16:9 aspect ratio, as most of our ads are videos of that same ratio.
- FeedAd is GDPR compliant and reads TCF 2.0 consent strings. Add the IAB vendor 'FeedAd' (#781) in your CMP to ask for your users' consent to our targeted ads.