- What is deep learning?
- Use cases in computer vision and natural language processing.
- Introduction to problem and data-set - Fashion MNIST
- Working on the cloud, including
: Rorodeep - Build your ML model - t-SNE + Multi-Class Logistic Regression (sklearn)
- Build your first DL Model - Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP)
- Input, Output & Loss Function
- Neurons
- Activation functions
- Back propagation algorithm
- Stochastic gradient descent / Adaptive learning / Momentum
- Training & Validation
- Architecture
- Build your second DL Model - CNN
- Concept of Convolution
- Kernel Size
- Shared Weights
- Pooling
- Padding & Stride
- Tricks to improve your model
- Augment your training data
- Batch normalization (Kill)
- Concept of Transfer Learning
- Build your third DL Model - Leverage pre-trained models
- Deploying your DL model on the cloud (Flask and deploy - Jinja template)
- Recap of Day One
- Challanges with traditional NLP techniques
- Concept of Word Embedding - word2vec
- Build your fourth DL Model - MLP using word2vec
- Concept of RNNs
- Concept of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
- Build your fifth DL Model - LSTM
- Concept of Sequence-to-Sequence Learning
- Build your sixth DL Model - Text Generation
- Deploy it as a bot (e.g. TweetBot / ChatBot)
- Challenges in building DL apps
- Concept of Generative Adversarial Network
- Moving beyond Classification e.g. Object Detection
- Concept of DL for Unsupervised Learning
- Concept of Reinforcement Learning
- Where to go from here...