Split-door criterion provides a method for identifying causal effect between two time-series. This repository provides an R package for calculating causal effects from observational data using the split-door criterion.
For more details, see: Split-door criterion: Identification of causal effects through auxiliary outcomes. Amit Sharma, Jake Hofman, Duncan Watts. https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.09414
Use devtools to install the package.
devtools::install_github(repo = "amit-sharma/splitdoor-causal-criterion/splitdoor")
For a quick introduction to applying the split-door criterion, check out 'splitdoor_estimate_example.R'.
## Data format
# date_factor: 15-day time periods
# date
# treatment_tseries_id: ID for each treatment
# treatment_group: Category of treatment
# outcome_tseries_id: ID of the corresponding outcome
# treatment_val: Time-series for values of the treatment
# outcome_val: Time-series for "Referred" part of the outcome
# aux_outcome_val: Time-series for "Direct" part of the outcome
tseries_df = recommender.log.sample
# 1a. Computing a naive estimate first using correlations.
naive_estimate_df = correlational_estimate(tseries_df,
fn_add_time_period_factor = assign_time_periods)
# 1b. Aggregating to each unique treatment
agg_naive_estimate_df = aggregate_by_treatment_id(naive_estimate_df)
# 2a. Estimating causal effect using the split-door criterion.
# Available independence tests: fisher_independence_test, dcor_independence_test
causal_estimate_df = splitdoor_causal_estimate(tseries_df,
# 2b. Aggregating to each unique treatment
agg_causal_estimate_df = aggregate_by_treatment_id(causal_estimate_df)
# 3. Analysis of the obtained estimates
# 3a. Comparing correlational and split-door estimates
compare_splitdoor_correlational_estimate(agg_causal_estimate_df, agg_naive_estimate_df,
by_group=TRUE, estimate_colname="agg_causal_estimate",
min_group_frequency = 10)
The package also includes methods for checking robustness of the obtained estimate.
# 3b. Visualizing valid split-door <treatment, outcome> pairs
n_treatment_outcome_pairs = 4)
#3c. Checking robustness of the split-door estimate to
# change in threshold for independence test.
independence_thresholds = c(0.05,0.01))
# 3d. Checking whether distribution of sample treatments selected by the
# split-door criterion is similar to the overall distribution over treatment groups.