- You should have git installed.
- You should have python on your machine.
- You should have IDE installed on your machine
- Fork the Webinar repository.
- Now download Repository to local Machine.
- Install Requirements.txt
- Edit index.html(Templates/main/index.html) file as per your requirements.
- Now use command python manage.py runserver or python3 manage.py runserver
- If you see website running on local host Congrats you have created your website.
- Now push the code to github
- Now go to https://heroku.com/ create your account.
- create application with suitable name.
- Now go to setting of app select buildpack as python.
- Now go to deploy section select github and connect your forked repository.
- Now click on deploy. If deployed successfully you will get url for app.
- Add that url in allowed host of setting.py file on local machine and push again.
- now deploy again. Hurray you have successfully deloyed your website.