This sample demonstrates how to change the border, background, color, and shadow effects of the PageLayoutControl's page using one, some, or all of the following interfaces: IPage, IFrameProperties, and IPropertySupport.
Language: C#, VB
Subject: Controls
Organization: Esri,
Date: 11/17/2017
ArcObjects SDK: 10.6
Visual Studio: 2015, 2017
.NET Target Framework: 4.5
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- Browse and select a map document to load into the PageLayoutControl.
- Change the page border, background, color, and shadow properties by double-clicking a symbol.
The Browse dialog box allows you to search and select map documents that are validated and loaded into the PageLayoutControl using the CheckMxFile and LoadMxFile methods. The visible extent of the PageLayout is set with the ZoomToWholePage method and the TrackRectangle and Pan methods in the OnMouseDown event to zoom in and pan the display.
The LoadStyleFile method and StyleClass property are used in the Form_Load event to display the contents of a SymbologyStyleClass (Borders, Backgrounds, Colors, and Shadows) from the ESRI.ServerStyle file into each of the SymbologyControls.
When you double-click a symbol in a SymbologyControl, the GetSelectedItem method is used to get the selected symbol, which is applied to the PageLayoutControl's page in one of the following ways:
PageLayoutControl class
IPageLayoutControl interface
SymbologyControl class
ISymbologyControl interface
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