Repositories created while following bootcamp classes and other courses and tutorials.
[Workshop] Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Course] Getting Started with Google Cloud Learning Path (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Workshop] Manage Application State with Jotai Atoms (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Tutorial] Beginners TypeScript (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Tutorial] Zod (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Workshop] Type Transformations (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Workshop] TypeScript Tips (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Tutorial] FullStack GraphQL Tutorials (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Book] Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams (0%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Course] Learn ThreeJS using React
- Started:
- Finished:
[Project] Peerlab Community (5%)
- Started: 2019-12-16
- Finished:
Use Cases
- [Developer] Once I merge a PR to trunk, release notes are automatically generated (80%)
- [Developer] Once I open a new PR, an isolated fullstack environment is created (75%)
- [Developer] I can see and manage code for the whole system from a single repository (100%) ✔️
- [Developer] The CI pipeline do not waste time running tasks previously executed (75%)
- [Developer] I can easily find information about how things were done in the docs (50%)
- [User] I want to log in using my google account (10%)
System Attributes
- [DevOps] CI/CD with GitHub Actions, Terraform and Google Cloud Platform
- [DevOps] Automated release workflow with Lerna, Husky and Commitlint
- [DevOps] Full stack preview environments for pull-requests
- [DevOps] Nx build system for monorepo management
- [DevOps] Remote caches for reduced ci time consumption with Nx Cloud
- [Docs] Documentation with Docusaurus
- [Auth] Firebase configuration
[Project] Peerlab (5%)
- Started: 2019-12-16
- Finished:
Use Cases
- [Developer] Once I merge a PR to trunk, release notes are automatically generated (80%)
- [Developer] Once I open a new PR, an isolated fullstack environment is created (75%)
- [Developer] I can see and manage code for the whole system from a single repository (100%) ✔️
- [Developer] The CI pipeline do not waste time running tasks previously executed (75%)
- [Developer] I can easily find information about how things were done in the docs (50%)
- [User] I want to log in using my google account (10%)
System Attributes
- [DevOps] CI/CD with GitHub Actions, Terraform and Google Cloud Platform
- [DevOps] Automated release workflow with Lerna, Husky and Commitlint
- [DevOps] Full stack preview environments for pull-requests
- [DevOps] Nx build system for monorepo management
- [DevOps] Remote caches for reduced ci time consumption with Nx Cloud
- [Docs] Documentation with Docusaurus
- [Auth] Firebase configuration
[Course] Full Cycle (5%)
DevOps (18%) (301 lectures)
- [DevOps] Docker (40%) (43 lectures)
- [DevOps] Advanced techniques with Git and Github (0%) (22 lectures)
- [DevOps] Continuous Integration (0%) (20 lectures)
- [DevOps] Kubernetes (6%) (11 lectures)
- [DevOps] Service Mesh with Istio (0%) (34 lectures)
- [DevOps] API Gateway with Kong ad Kubernetes (0%) (23 lectures)
- [DevOps] Observability (0%) (47 lectures)
- [DevOps] Introduction to OpenTelemetry (0%) (17 lectures)
- [DevOps] Terraform (0%) (36 lectures)
- [DevOps] Ansible (0%) (22 lectures)
- [DevOps] GitOps (0%) (18 lectures)
- [DevOps] Deploy to Cloud Providers (0%) (8 lectures)
Architecture & Development (2%) (1123 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Fundamentals of software architecture (0%) (35 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Communication between systems (0%) (59 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] SOLID Express (0%) (6 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Domain Driven Design (8%) (13 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] DDD: Tactical Modeling and Patterns (0%) (61 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Practical Event Storming (0%) (15 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Hexagonal Architecture (28%) (36 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Clean Architecture (25%) (48 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Monolithic Systems (0%) (77 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Microservices Architecture (0%) (82 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] EDA - Event Driven Architecture (0%) (45 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] API Gateway (0%) (28 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Rabbit MQ (0%) (4 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Apache Kafka (0%) (45 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Authentication and Keycloak (0%) (16 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Codeflix - Practical project architecture (0%) (15 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Practical project - TypeScript Back-end (0%) (361 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Practical project - React Front-end (0%) (133 lectures)
- [Architecture & Development] Video encoder microservice with Go Lang (0%) (44 lectures)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Course] Microfrontends with React: A Complete Developer's Guide (16%)
- Started:
- Finished:
[Course] Systems Design Fundamentals (20%)
- Started: 2022-12-11
- Finished:
[Course] NestJS Fundamentals (52%)
- Started: 2022-11-26
- Finished:
[Book] Building Micro-Frontends (20%)
- Started: 2022-10-13
- Finished:
[Book] The Phoenix Project - A Noval About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win (85%)
- Started: 2023-06-02
- Finished:
[Book] The Unicorn Project - A Novel about Developers, Digital Disruption, and Thriving in the Age of Data (100%) ✔️
- Started: 2023-07-04
- Finished: 2023-07-26
[Book] Staff Engineer's Path (100%) ✔️
- Started: 2023-04-26
- Finished: 2023-05-29
[Tutorial] Vite, NX and Module Federation (100%) ✔️
- Tutorial
- Started: 2023-04-06
- Finished: 2023-04-07
[Book] Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time (100%) ✔️
- Started: 2023-02-16
- Finished: 2023-04-23
[Workshop] Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit (RTK) and TypeScript (100%) ✔️
- Workshop:
- Started: 2023-03-28
- Finished: 2023-03-28
[Book] Monolith to Microservices: Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith (100%) ✔️
- Started: 2023-02-04
- Finished: 2023-02-24
[Book] Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow (100%) ✔️
- Started: 2022-11-02
- Finished: 2023-01-14
[Workshop] Ignite Lab Node.js 2022 (100%) ✔️
- Started: 2022-12-13
- Finished: 2022-12-15
[Book] Extreme Programming Explained (100%) ✔️
- Started: 2022-02-22
- Finished: 2022-10-28
[Bootcamp] Ignite - ReactJS
Chapter 01 - Fundamentals of ReactJS
🌐 Create github explorer app [ReactJS, TypeScript]
Description: List github repositories for a given github username.
🌐 Challenge 01 - React concepts [ReactJS, TypeScript]
Description: Explore state, props and other concepts.
🌐 Challenge 02 - Create application components [ReactJS, TypeScript]
Description: Restructure application and organize components.
Chapter 02 - First Web Application With ReactJS
🌐 Challenge 01 - Creating a shopping cart hook [ReactJS, TypeScript]
Description: Creating hooks and using React Context API.
🌐 Challenge 02 - Refactor project using TypeScript and Functional Components [ReactJS, TypeScript, JavaScript]
Description: Convert project from Javascript to Typescript and from Class based Components to Functional Components.
Chapter 03 - I - Fundamentals of Next.js
🌐 Create app [Next.js, ReactJS, TypeScript]
Description: Subscription based news app, with Next.js.
[Course] ThreeJS Journey
Create 3D visualizations with Three.jS
🌐 Chapter 01 - Basics
- Introduction
- What is WebGL and why use Three.js
- Basic Scene
- Webpack
- Transform objects
- Animations
- Cameras
- Fullscreen and resizing
RocketSeat - GoStack
🌐 Testes no ReactJS e React Native [React, Redux, Jest, React Testing Library]
Description: Created unit tests for components, actions and reducers using TDD.