Thanks for visiting my SysAdmin / SRE-type scripting projects. It is written in Bash, Python, and other tools
This repository contains various projects created while learning the System Admin or Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) skills.
This repository contains projects on:
- Linux/Command Line. The projects will cover:
- How the shell works
- Navigating the file system
- Manipulating files
- I/O redirections, standard input, standard output, pipes, filters
- Permissions
- Job control
- Shell scripts
- Infrastructure design & management
- Parsing
- Advanced Log parsing
- Advanced SSH
- Setup a domain name Understanding DNS
- Setup SSL certificate
- Manage Web servers
- Manage Load balancers
- Continuous integration & deployment MySQL Master / Slave setup
- Firewall management
- Build tools for AWS, EC2, S3
- Web infrastructure design
- Monitor a web infrastructure
- Web stack debugging
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- python3 3.4.3
- Flask
- Puppet
- ufw
- xxx styling
- All programs were run on a Vagrant(ubuntu/trusty64) (Virtualbox) environment
In your terminal, git clone the directory with the following command:
git clone[Github project directory]
./[executable file]
- 0x00-shell_basics
- 0x01-shell_permissions
- 0x02-shell_redirections
- 0x03-shell_variables_expansions
- 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing
- 0x05-processes_and_signals
- 0x06-regular_expressions
- 0x06-ssh
- 0x07-networking_basics
- 0x08-networking_basics_2
- 0x08-web_stack_debugging_0
- 0x09-web_infrastructure_design
- 0x0B-web_server
- 0x0E-web_stack_debugging_1
- 0x0F-load_balancer
- 0x10-https_ssl
- 0x11-what_happens_when_your_type_holbertonschool_com_in_your_browser_and_press_enter
- 0x12-web_stack_debugging_2
- 0x13-firewall
- 0x14-mysql
- 0x15-api
- 0x16-api_advanced
Work is owned and maintained by Anoop Macharla (@noop_lion). A few projects were group projects, and joint ownership will be reflected in each respective project file.