This is @alurban's and @duncanmmacleod's workflow, which might work well for others. It is merely a verbose version of the GitHub flow.
The basic idea is to use the master
branch of your fork as a way of updating your fork with other people's changes that have been merged into the main repo, and then working on a dedicated feature branch for each piece of work:
create the fork (if needed) by clicking Fork in the upper-right corner of - this only needs to be done once, ever
clone the fork into a new folder dedicated for this piece of work (replace
with yout GitHub username):git clone<username>/gwsumm.git gwsumm-my-work # change gwsumm-my-work as appropriate cd gwsumm-my-work
link the fork to the upstream 'main' repo:
git remote add upstream
pull changes from the upstream 'main' repo onto your fork's master branch to pick up other people's changes, then push to your remote to update your fork on
git pull --rebase upstream master git push
create a new branch on which to work
git checkout -b my-new-branch
make commits to that branch
push changes to your remote on
git push -u origin my-new-branch
open a merge request on
when the request is merged, you should 'delete the source branch' (there's a button), then just delete the clone of your fork and forget about it
cd ../
rm -rf ./gwsumm-my-work
And that's it.
GWSumm code must be compatible with Python versions >=3.6.
This package follows PEP 8, and all code should adhere to that as far as is reasonable.
The first stage in the automated testing of pull requests is a job that runs
the flake8
linter, which checks the style of code
in the repo. You can run this locally before committing changes via:
python -m flake8
GWSumm has a relatively incomplete test suite, covering less than 40% of the codebase.
All code contributions should be accompanied by (unit) tests to be executed with
, and should cover
all new or modified lines.
You can run the test suite locally from the root of the repository via:
python -m pytest gwsumm/