Name | Type | Description | Notes |
api_version | str | API version (for backward compatibility purpose) | [optional] |
front_image | str | frontImage containing front daylight image of the identity document (base64 encoded, no wrap, jpg/png/tiff/pdf format) | |
front_image_ir | str | frontImage containing front infrared image of the identity document (base64 encoded, no wrap, jpg/png/tiff/pdf format) | |
front_image_uv | str | frontImage containing front ultraviolet image of the identity document (base64 encoded, no wrap, jpg/png/tiff/pdf format) | |
back_image | str | backImage containing daylight back image of the identity document (base64 encoded, no wrap, jpg/png/tiff/pdf format) | [optional] |
back_image_ir | str | backImage containing infrared back image of the identity document (base64 encoded, no wrap, jpg/png/tiff/pdf format) | [optional] |
back_image_uv | str | backImage containing ultraviolet back image of the identity document (base64 encoded, no wrap, jpg/png/tiff/pdf format) | [optional] |
recto_image_cropped | bool | rectoImageCropped true to obtain recto image cropped if applicable | [optional] [default to False] |
face_image_cropped | bool | faceImageCropped true to obtain recto image cropped if applicable | [optional] [default to False] |
signature_image_cropped | bool | signatureImageCropped true to obtain recto image cropped if applicable | [optional] [default to False] |
This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 2, 2023. It is now read-only.