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Flink/Delta Connector


Official Delta Lake connector for Apache Flink.


Flink/Delta Connector is a JVM library to read and write data from Apache Flink applications to Delta tables utilizing Delta Standalone JVM library. It includes:

  • DeltaSink for writing data from Apache Flink to a Delta table
  • DeltaSource for reading Delta tables using Apache Flink (still in progress)


  • DeltaSink provides exactly-once delivery guarantees.

  • Depending on the version of the connector you can use it with following Apache Flink versions:

    connector's version Flink's version
    0.4.0 >= 1.12.0

Known limitations:

  • Currently only DeltaSink is supported, and thus the connector supports writing to Delta tables, but does not support reading Delta tables.
  • The current version only supports Flink Datastream API. Support for Flink Table API / SQL, along with Flink Catalog's implementation for storing Delta table's metadata in an external metastore, are planned to be added in the next releases.
  • The current version only provides Delta Lake's transactional guarantees for tables stored on HDFS and Microsoft Azure Storage.

Java API docs

See the Java API docs here.


You can add the Flink/Delta Connector library as a dependency using your favorite build tool. Please note that it expects the following packages to be provided:

  • delta-standalone
  • flink-parquet
  • flink-table-common
  • hadoop-client

Please see the following build files for more details.


Scala 2.12:




Please replace the versions of the dependencies with the ones you are using.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "" %% "flink-connector" % "0.2.1-SNAPSHOT",
  "" %% "delta-standalone" % "0.2.1-SNAPSHOT",  
  "org.apache.flink" %% "flink-parquet" % flinkVersion,
  "org.apache.flink" % "flink-table-common" % flinkVersion,
  "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-client" % hadoopVersion)


The project is compiled using SBT.

Environment requirements

  • JDK 8 or above.
  • Scala 2.11 or 2.12.

Build commands

  • To compile the project, run build/sbt flinkConnector/compile
  • To test the project, run build/sbt flinkConnector/test
  • To publish the JAR, run build/sbt flinkConnector/publishM2


1. Sink creation for non-partitioned tables

In this example we show how to create a DeltaSink and plug it to an existing org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream.

package com.example;

import org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.RowType;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;

public class DeltaSinkExample {

    public DataStream<RowData> createDeltaSink(DataStream<RowData> stream,
                                               String deltaTablePath,
                                               RowType rowType) {
        DeltaSink<RowData> deltaSink = DeltaSink
                new Path(deltaTablePath),
                new Configuration(),
        return stream;

2. Sink creation for partitioned tables

In this example we show how to create a DeltaSink for to write data to a partitioned table using one partitioning column surname.

package com.example;

import org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.RowType;

public class DeltaSinkExample {

  public static final RowType ROW_TYPE = new RowType(Arrays.asList(
          new RowType.RowField("name", new VarCharType(VarCharType.MAX_LENGTH)),
          new RowType.RowField("surname", new VarCharType(VarCharType.MAX_LENGTH)),
          new RowType.RowField("age", new IntType())

  public DataStream<RowData> createDeltaSink(DataStream<RowData> stream,
                                             String deltaTablePath) {
    String[] partitionCols = {"surname"};
    DeltaSink<RowData> deltaSink = DeltaSink
                new Path(deltaTablePath),
                new Configuration(),
    return stream;

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can I use this connector to read data from a Delta table?

No, currently we are supporting only writing to a Delta table. A DeltaSource API with the support for reading data from Delta tables will be added in future releases.

Can I use this connector to append data to a Delta table?

Yes, you can use this connector to append data to either an existing or a new Delta table (if there is no existing Delta log in a given path then it will be created by the connector).

Can I use this connector with other modes (overwrite, upsert etc.) ?

No, currently only append is supported. Other modes may be added in future releases.

Do I need to specify the partition columns when creating a Delta table?

If you'd like your data to be partitioned, then you should. If you are using the DataStream API, then you can provide the partition columns using the RowDataDeltaSinkBuilder.withPartitionColumns(List<String> partitionCols) API.

Why do I need to specify the table schema? Shouldn’t it exist in the underlying Delta table metadata or be extracted from the stream's metadata?

Unfortunately we cannot extract schema information from a generic DataStream, and it is also required for interacting with the Delta log. The sink must be aware of both Delta table's schema and the structure of the events in the stream in order not to violate the integrity of the table.

What if I change the underlying Delta table schema ?

Next commit (after mentioned schema change) performed from the DeltaSink to the Delta log will fail unless you will set shouldTryUpdateSchema param to true. In such case Delta Standalone will try to merge both schemas and check for their compatibility. If this check fails (e.g. the change consisted of removing a column) the commit to the Delta Log will fail, which will cause failure of the Flink job.

Local Development & Testing

  • Before local debugging of flink-connector tests in IntelliJ, run all flink-connectors tests using SBT. It will generate object under your target directory that is providing the connector with correct version of the connector.