EOS acess at CERN service site (fireworks.cern.ch)
CERN service can access any CMS public file on path /eos/cms/store/.
Data at CERNBox area must be shared with cms-vis-access
egroup to be visible to web service. Steps are explaind more in the detail in UserShare.md
Below is an example of directory /eos/user/a/amraktad/Fireworks-Test/
shared for the event display service.
Collection controlls are accessible in the left most part of the browser window.
Editing Physics Collection filters and display properties The collection dialog can be accessed by clicking the edit button on the list-tree browser entry corresponding to the desired collection.
Items in the collection can be edited as well. For the moment it is possible to manually set color, visibility, and examine the collection filter status for this item.
Selecting and adding new physics collections Like in the original Fireworks original Fireworks, it is possible to select EDM collections and to add them into graphical or table views. The dialog contains general search filed on the top that matches text anywhere in the table (module label, type, process name, or visualization purpose). Sorting on any column can be activated by clicking on the column heading.
In the table view any loaded physics collection can be chosen from the drop-down menu in the table view header.
The edit button gives access to a dialog for adding a new table column. The column expression entry has a tab-complete functionality that lists public member function for the physics item class. At the moment, the list does not contain functions from the base-classfrom baseclasses. Note, just like in the collection controller, the physics item that is to be evaluated is passed into the expression as variable 'i' and functions can be accessed by thei.functionName()
Event filtering window is activated by the 'Filter Dialog' button below Run/Lumi/Event entries.
Event filtering is a powerful tool for selecting interesting events based on a complex selection anything that you can use as selection in a Draw command in FWLite/Root will work. You may also filter on HLT triggers. When event-filtering is enabled, all event navigation is restricted to events that passed the selection.
Each filter expression is interpreted by Root's !TTree::Draw(), and only events for which the expression is true are displayed. For convenience, collections are referred by names as displayed in Summary view (the list on the left side of the view). E.g. $Jets
references reco::Jet
collection which has been added to Fireworks. The TTree::Draw() support @
notation to access the collection object. This is useful when filter events by collection size.
$Electrons.pt() > 10
Select events where there is at least one electron in the Electrons collection ("gsfElectrons" by default) with pT at least 10GeV.
$Jets[0].pt()>50 && $Jets[1].pt()>20
Request the leading jet in the Jets collection to have at least 50GeV and the second leading jet to have at least 20GeV.
Note: Not all collections are sorted, for example, Muons are not!
[email protected]() == 4
Request 4 muons.
$HCal.obj.hadEnergy() > 3
add .obj in expression because CaloTower is a collection of collection. Tou may look the structure in TBrowser.
The Common Prefrences are avaialable avaialble though the main toolbar 'Edit' button.
In common preferences it is possible to control the global energy scale mode and parameters:
Fixed mode: scale defined with [GeV] [m] conversion. Automatic mode: scale is different on each event, so that objects fill up the specified height. Combined mode: scaling is fixed as long it does not exceed given height, auto-scale is applied after that.
Example of two RhoPhi views in the same event with fixed type scales: 10Gev/M (left) and 60 Gev/M scale.
At the moment only white GUI theme is avaialble. One can change only GL viwer background color throught the the prefrence dialog. Options to set geomtery colors will be added later.
Similar to legacy Fireworks one can save configuration and set in the startup time. The configuration is saved to user's configuration directory at the time of running evet display application.
Use only file name when set the configration in the service page.For example file is saved to fireworks.cern.ch/config/<user>/test.fwc
. When setting the confiration file at the startuop enter nly file name e.g. test.fwc
in the text entry.