Clarifying questions
- What types of harmful content are we aiming to detect? (e.g., hate speech, explicit images, cyberbullying)?
- What are the potential sources of harmful content? (e.g., social media, user-generated content platforms)
- Are there specific legal or ethical considerations for content moderation
- What is the expected volume of content to be analyzed daily?
- What are supported languages?
- Are there human annotators available for labeling?
- Is there a feature for users to report harmful content? (click, text, etc).
- Is explainablity important here?
Integrity deals with:
- Harmful content (focus here)
- Harmful act/actors
Goal: monitor posts, detect harmful content, and demote/remove
Examples harmful content categories: violence, nudity, hate speech
ML objective: predict if a post is harmful
- Input: Post (MM: text, image, video)
- Output: P(harmful) or P(violent), P(nude), P(hate), etc
ML Category: Multimodal (Multi-label) classification
Data: 500M posts / day (about 10K annotated)
Latency: can vary for different categories
Able to explain the reason to the users (category)
support different languages? Yes
- Offline
- F1 score, PR-AUC, ROC-AUC
- Online
- prevalence (percentage of harmful posts didn't prevent over all posts), harmful impressions, percentage of valid (reversed) appeals, proactive rate (ratio of system detected over system + user detected)
- Multimodal input (text, image, video, etc):
- Multimodal fusion techniques
- Early Fusion: modalities combined first, then make a single prediction
- Late Fusion: process modalities independently, fuse predictions
- cons: separate training data for modalities, comb of individually safe content might be harmful
- Multimodal fusion techniques
- Multi-Label/Multi-Task classification
- Single binary classifier (P(harmful))
- easy, not explainable
- One binary classifier per harm category (p(violence), p(nude), p(hate))
- multiple models, trained and maintained separately, expensive
- Single multi-label classifier
- complicated task to learn
- Multi-task classifier: learn multi tasks simultanously
- single shared layers (learns similarities between tasks) -> transformed features
- task specific layers: classification heads
- pros: single model, shared layers prevent redundancy, train data for each task can be used for others as well (limited data)
- Single binary classifier (P(harmful))
- Main actors for which data is available:
- Users
- user_id, age, gender, location, contact
- Items(Posts)
- post_id, author_id, text context, images, videos, links, timestamp
- User-post interactions
- user_id, post_id, interaction_type, value, timestamp
- Users
Features: Post Content (text, image, video) + Post Interactions (text + structured) + Author info + Context
- Posts
- Text:
- Preprocessing (normalization + tokenization)
- Encoding (Vectorization):
- Statistical (BoW, TF-IDF)
- ML based encoders (BERT)
- We chose pre-trained ML based encoders (need semantics of the text)
- We chose Multilingual Distilled (smaller, faster) version of BERT (need context), DistilmBERT
- Images/ Videos:
- Preprocessing: decoding, resize, scaling, normalization
- Feature extraction: pre-trained feature extractors
- Images:
- CLIP's visual encoder
- Videos:
- VideoMoCo
- Images:
- Text:
- Post interactions:
- No. of likes, comments, shares, reports (scale)
- Comments (text): similar to the post text (aggregate embeddings over comments)
- Users:
- Only use post author's info
- demographics (age, gender, location)
- account features (No. of followers /following, account age)
- violation history (No of violations, No of user reports, profane words rate)
- Only use post author's info
- Context:
- Time of day, device
- Model selection
- NN: we use NN as it's commonly used for multi-task learning
- HP tuniing:
- No of hidden layers, neurons in layers, act. fcns, learning rate, etc
- grid search commonly used
- Dataset:
- Natural labeling (user reports) - speed
- Hand labeling (human contractors) - accuracy
- we use natural labeling for train set (speed) and manual for eval set (accuracy)
- loss function:
- L = L1 + L2 + L3 ... for each task
- each task is a binary classific so e.g. CE for each task
- Challenge for MM training:
- overfitting (when one modality e.g. image dominates training)
- gradient blending and focal loss
- overfitting (when one modality e.g. image dominates training)
- 3 main components:
- Harmful content detection service
- Demoting service (prob of harm with low confidence)
- violation service (prob of harm with high confidence)
- biases by human labeling
- use temporal information (e.g. sequence of actions)
- detect fake accounts
- architecture improvement: linear transformers