diff --git a/examples/with-keep-alive/README.md b/examples/with-keep-alive/README.md
index 55dab7d82d..deab322b7a 100644
--- a/examples/with-keep-alive/README.md
+++ b/examples/with-keep-alive/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# with-keep-alive
-Experimental keep-alive with React 18 ``.
+Experimental keep-alive with React 18 ``.
## How to debug
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ $ cd packages/runtime && yalc publish --push
Then, install the example dependencies.
-$ cd examples/with-keep-alive && yarn install
+$ cd examples/with-keep-alive
$ yalc add @ice/app @ice/runtime
+$ yarn install
$ npm run start
diff --git a/examples/with-keep-alive/package.json b/examples/with-keep-alive/package.json
index cceb02e949..6a4359d954 100644
--- a/examples/with-keep-alive/package.json
+++ b/examples/with-keep-alive/package.json
@@ -7,13 +7,15 @@
"build": "ice build"
"dependencies": {
- "@ice/runtime": "alpha",
- "react": "experimental",
- "react-dom": "experimental"
+ "react": "0.0.0-experimental-0cdfef19b-20231211",
+ "react-dom": "0.0.0-experimental-0cdfef19b-20231211"
"devDependencies": {
- "@ice/app": "alpha",
"@types/react": "^18.0.0",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.0.2"
+ },
+ "resolutions": {
+ "react": "0.0.0-experimental-0cdfef19b-20231211",
+ "react-dom": "0.0.0-experimental-0cdfef19b-20231211"
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 63a439e836..bb4c565f88 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@
"packageManager": "pnpm@8.9.2",
"pnpm": {
"patchedDependencies": {
- "unplugin@1.5.1": "patches/unplugin@1.5.1.patch"
+ "unplugin@1.5.1": "patches/unplugin@1.5.1.patch",
+ "@rspack/core@0.4.5": "patches/@rspack__core@0.4.5.patch"
diff --git a/packages/bundles/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/bundles/CHANGELOG.md
index 52154d331e..37cb262201 100644
--- a/packages/bundles/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/bundles/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# Changelog
+## 0.2.1
+### Patch Changes
+- 420fec85: fix: update binding version for packing error, resolve error when disable code splitting
## 0.2.0
### Minor Changes
diff --git a/packages/bundles/override/rspack/adapter.js b/packages/bundles/override/rspack/adapter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e378ec28f..0000000000
--- a/packages/bundles/override/rspack/adapter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
- return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.getRawChunkLoading = exports.getRawEntryRuntime = exports.toRawSplitChunksOptions = exports.getRawLibrary = exports.getRawOptions = void 0;
-const assert_1 = __importDefault(require("assert"));
-const Stats_1 = require("../Stats");
-const util_1 = require("../util");
-const identifier_1 = require("../util/identifier");
-const adapterRuleUse_1 = require("./adapterRuleUse");
-const Module_1 = require("../Module");
-const getRawOptions = (options, compiler, processResource) => {
- var _a, _b;
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(options.context) && !(0, util_1.isNil)(options.devtool) && !(0, util_1.isNil)(options.cache), "context, devtool, cache should not be nil after defaults");
- const devtool = options.devtool === false ? "" : options.devtool;
- const mode = options.mode;
- const experiments = getRawExperiments(options.experiments);
- return {
- // CUSTOM: add options of features.
- features: options.features,
- mode,
- target: getRawTarget(options.target),
- context: options.context,
- output: getRawOutput(options.output),
- resolve: getRawResolve(options.resolve),
- resolveLoader: getRawResolve(options.resolveLoader),
- module: getRawModule(options.module, {
- compiler,
- devtool,
- mode,
- context: options.context,
- experiments
- }),
- devtool,
- optimization: getRawOptimization(options.optimization),
- stats: getRawStats(options.stats),
- devServer: {
- hot: (_b = (_a = options.devServer) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hot) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false
- },
- snapshot: getRawSnapshotOptions(options.snapshot),
- cache: {
- type: options.cache ? "memory" : "disable",
- // TODO: implement below cache options
- maxGenerations: 0,
- maxAge: 0,
- profile: false,
- buildDependencies: [],
- cacheDirectory: "",
- cacheLocation: "",
- name: "",
- version: ""
- },
- experiments,
- node: getRawNode(options.node),
- profile: options.profile,
- // TODO: remove this
- builtins: options.builtins
- };
-exports.getRawOptions = getRawOptions;
-function getRawTarget(target) {
- if (!target) {
- return [];
- }
- if (typeof target === "string") {
- return [target];
- }
- return target;
-function getRawAlias(alias = {}) {
- const entires = Object.entries(alias).map(([key, value]) => {
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- return [key, value];
- }
- else {
- return [key, [value]];
- }
- });
- return Object.fromEntries(entires);
-function getRawResolveByDependency(byDependency) {
- if (byDependency === undefined)
- return byDependency;
- return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(byDependency).map(([k, v]) => [k, getRawResolve(v)]));
-function getRawResolve(resolve) {
- var _a, _b, _c;
- let references = (_a = resolve.tsConfig) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.references;
- let tsconfigConfigFile = (_b = resolve.tsConfigPath) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (_c = resolve.tsConfig) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.configFile;
- return {
- ...resolve,
- alias: getRawAlias(resolve.alias),
- fallback: getRawAlias(resolve.fallback),
- extensionAlias: getRawAlias(resolve.extensionAlias),
- tsconfig: tsconfigConfigFile
- ? {
- configFile: tsconfigConfigFile,
- referencesType: references == "auto" ? "auto" : references ? "manual" : "disabled",
- references: references == "auto" ? undefined : references
- }
- : undefined,
- byDependency: getRawResolveByDependency(resolve.byDependency)
- };
-function getRawCrossOriginLoading(crossOriginLoading) {
- if (typeof crossOriginLoading === "boolean") {
- return { type: "bool", boolPayload: crossOriginLoading };
- }
- return { type: "string", stringPayload: crossOriginLoading };
-function getRawOutput(output) {
- const chunkLoading = output.chunkLoading;
- const wasmLoading = output.wasmLoading;
- const workerChunkLoading = output.workerChunkLoading;
- const workerWasmLoading = output.workerWasmLoading;
- return {
- path: output.path,
- publicPath: output.publicPath,
- clean: output.clean,
- assetModuleFilename: output.assetModuleFilename,
- filename: output.filename,
- chunkFilename: output.chunkFilename,
- chunkLoading: getRawChunkLoading(chunkLoading),
- crossOriginLoading: getRawCrossOriginLoading(output.crossOriginLoading),
- cssFilename: output.cssFilename,
- cssChunkFilename: output.cssChunkFilename,
- hotUpdateChunkFilename: output.hotUpdateChunkFilename,
- hotUpdateMainFilename: output.hotUpdateMainFilename,
- hotUpdateGlobal: output.hotUpdateGlobal,
- uniqueName: output.uniqueName,
- chunkLoadingGlobal: output.chunkLoadingGlobal,
- enabledLibraryTypes: output.enabledLibraryTypes,
- library: output.library && getRawLibrary(output.library),
- strictModuleErrorHandling: output.strictModuleErrorHandling,
- globalObject: output.globalObject,
- importFunctionName: output.importFunctionName,
- iife: output.iife,
- module: output.module,
- wasmLoading: wasmLoading === false ? "false" : wasmLoading,
- enabledWasmLoadingTypes: output.enabledWasmLoadingTypes,
- enabledChunkLoadingTypes: output.enabledChunkLoadingTypes,
- webassemblyModuleFilename: output.webassemblyModuleFilename,
- trustedTypes: output.trustedTypes,
- sourceMapFilename: output.sourceMapFilename,
- hashFunction: output.hashFunction,
- hashDigest: output.hashDigest,
- hashDigestLength: output.hashDigestLength,
- hashSalt: output.hashSalt,
- asyncChunks: output.asyncChunks,
- workerChunkLoading: workerChunkLoading === false ? "false" : workerChunkLoading,
- workerWasmLoading: workerWasmLoading === false ? "false" : workerWasmLoading,
- workerPublicPath: output.workerPublicPath,
- scriptType: output.scriptType === false ? "false" : output.scriptType
- };
-function getRawLibrary(library) {
- const { type, name, export: libraryExport, umdNamedDefine, auxiliaryComment, amdContainer } = library;
- return {
- amdContainer,
- auxiliaryComment: typeof auxiliaryComment === "string"
- ? {
- commonjs: auxiliaryComment,
- commonjs2: auxiliaryComment,
- amd: auxiliaryComment,
- root: auxiliaryComment
- }
- : auxiliaryComment,
- libraryType: type,
- name: (0, util_1.isNil)(name) ? name : getRawLibraryName(name),
- export: Array.isArray(libraryExport) || libraryExport == null
- ? libraryExport
- : [libraryExport],
- umdNamedDefine
- };
-exports.getRawLibrary = getRawLibrary;
-function getRawLibraryName(name) {
- if (typeof name === "string") {
- return {
- type: "string",
- stringPayload: name
- };
- }
- if (Array.isArray(name)) {
- return {
- type: "array",
- arrayPayload: name
- };
- }
- if (typeof name === "object" && !Array.isArray(name)) {
- return {
- type: "umdObject",
- umdObjectPayload: {
- commonjs: name.commonjs,
- root: Array.isArray(name.root) || (0, util_1.isNil)(name.root)
- ? name.root
- : [name.root],
- amd: name.amd
- }
- };
- }
- throw new Error("unreachable");
-function getRawModule(module, options) {
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(module.defaultRules), "module.defaultRules should not be nil after defaults");
- // "..." in defaultRules will be flatten in `applyModuleDefaults`, and "..." in rules is empty, so it's safe to use `as RuleSetRule[]` at here
- const ruleSet = [
- { rules: module.defaultRules },
- { rules: module.rules }
- ];
- const rules = ruleSet.map((rule, index) => getRawModuleRule(rule, `ruleSet[${index}]`, options));
- return {
- rules,
- parser: getRawParserOptionsByModuleType(module.parser),
- generator: getRawGeneratorOptionsByModuleType(module.generator)
- };
-function tryMatch(payload, condition) {
- if (typeof condition === "string") {
- return payload.startsWith(condition);
- }
- if (condition instanceof RegExp) {
- return condition.test(payload);
- }
- if (typeof condition === "function") {
- return condition(payload);
- }
- if (Array.isArray(condition)) {
- return condition.some(c => tryMatch(payload, c));
- }
- if (condition && typeof condition === "object") {
- if (condition.and) {
- return condition.and.every(c => tryMatch(payload, c));
- }
- if (condition.or) {
- return condition.or.some(c => tryMatch(payload, c));
- }
- if (condition.not) {
- return condition.not.every(c => !tryMatch(payload, c));
- }
- }
- return false;
-const deprecatedRuleType = (type) => {
- type !== null && type !== void 0 ? type : (type = "javascript/auto");
- if (/ts|typescript|tsx|typescriptx|jsx|javascriptx/.test(type)) {
- (0, util_1.deprecatedWarn)(`'Rule.type: ${type}' has been deprecated, please migrate to builtin:swc-loader with type 'javascript/auto'`);
- }
-const getRawModuleRule = (rule, path, options) => {
- var _a, _b, _c;
- // Rule.loader is a shortcut to Rule.use: [ { loader } ].
- // See: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/module/#ruleloader
- if (rule.loader) {
- rule.use = [
- {
- loader: rule.loader,
- options: rule.options
- }
- ];
- }
- let funcUse;
- if (typeof rule.use === "function") {
- funcUse = (rawContext) => {
- const context = {
- ...rawContext,
- compiler: options.compiler
- };
- const uses = rule.use(context);
- return (0, adapterRuleUse_1.createRawModuleRuleUses)(uses !== null && uses !== void 0 ? uses : [], `${path}.use`, options);
- };
- }
- let rawModuleRule = {
- test: rule.test ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.test) : undefined,
- include: rule.include ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.include) : undefined,
- exclude: rule.exclude ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.exclude) : undefined,
- issuer: rule.issuer ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.issuer) : undefined,
- dependency: rule.dependency
- ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.dependency)
- : undefined,
- descriptionData: rule.descriptionData
- ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(rule.descriptionData).map(([k, v]) => [
- k,
- getRawRuleSetCondition(v)
- ]))
- : undefined,
- resource: rule.resource ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.resource) : undefined,
- resourceQuery: rule.resourceQuery
- ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.resourceQuery)
- : undefined,
- resourceFragment: rule.resourceFragment
- ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.resourceFragment)
- : undefined,
- scheme: rule.scheme ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.scheme) : undefined,
- mimetype: rule.mimetype ? getRawRuleSetCondition(rule.mimetype) : undefined,
- sideEffects: rule.sideEffects,
- use: typeof rule.use === "function"
- ? { type: "function", funcUse }
- : {
- type: "array",
- arrayUse: (0, adapterRuleUse_1.createRawModuleRuleUses)((_a = rule.use) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [], `${path}.use`, options)
- },
- type: rule.type,
- parser: rule.parser
- ? getRawParserOptions(rule.parser, (_b = rule.type) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "javascript/auto")
- : undefined,
- generator: rule.generator
- ? getRawGeneratorOptions(rule.generator, (_c = rule.type) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : "javascript/auto")
- : undefined,
- resolve: rule.resolve ? getRawResolve(rule.resolve) : undefined,
- oneOf: rule.oneOf
- ? rule.oneOf.map((rule, index) => getRawModuleRule(rule, `${path}.oneOf[${index}]`, options))
- : undefined,
- rules: rule.rules
- ? rule.rules.map((rule, index) => getRawModuleRule(rule, `${path}.rules[${index}]`, options))
- : undefined,
- enforce: rule.enforce
- };
- // Function calls may contain side-effects when interoperating with single-threaded environment.
- // In order to mitigate the issue, Rspack tries to merge these calls together.
- // See: https://github.com/web-infra-dev/rspack/issues/4003#issuecomment-1689662380
- if (typeof rule.test === "function" ||
- typeof rule.resource === "function" ||
- typeof rule.resourceQuery === "function" ||
- typeof rule.resourceFragment === "function") {
- delete rawModuleRule.test;
- delete rawModuleRule.resource;
- delete rawModuleRule.resourceQuery;
- delete rawModuleRule.resourceFragment;
- rawModuleRule.rspackResource = getRawRuleSetCondition(function (resourceQueryFragment) {
- const { path, query, fragment } = (0, identifier_1.parseResource)(resourceQueryFragment);
- if (rule.test && !tryMatch(path, rule.test)) {
- return false;
- }
- else if (rule.resource && !tryMatch(path, rule.resource)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (rule.resourceQuery && !tryMatch(query, rule.resourceQuery)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (rule.resourceFragment && !tryMatch(fragment, rule.resourceFragment)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- });
- }
- if (options.experiments.rspackFuture.disableTransformByDefault) {
- deprecatedRuleType(rule.type);
- }
- return rawModuleRule;
-function getRawRuleSetCondition(condition) {
- if (typeof condition === "string") {
- return {
- type: "string",
- stringMatcher: condition
- };
- }
- if (condition instanceof RegExp) {
- return {
- type: "regexp",
- regexpMatcher: {
- source: condition.source,
- flags: condition.flags
- }
- };
- }
- if (typeof condition === "function") {
- return {
- type: "function",
- funcMatcher: condition
- };
- }
- if (Array.isArray(condition)) {
- return {
- type: "array",
- arrayMatcher: condition.map(i => getRawRuleSetCondition(i))
- };
- }
- if (typeof condition === "object" && condition !== null) {
- return {
- type: "logical",
- logicalMatcher: [getRawRuleSetLogicalConditions(condition)]
- };
- }
- throw new Error("unreachable: condition should be one of string, RegExp, Array, Object");
-function getRawRuleSetLogicalConditions(logical) {
- return {
- and: logical.and
- ? logical.and.map(i => getRawRuleSetCondition(i))
- : undefined,
- or: logical.or ? logical.or.map(i => getRawRuleSetCondition(i)) : undefined,
- not: logical.not ? getRawRuleSetCondition(logical.not) : undefined
- };
-function getRawParserOptionsByModuleType(parser) {
- return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(parser).map(([k, v]) => [k, getRawParserOptions(v, k)]));
-function getRawGeneratorOptionsByModuleType(parser) {
- return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(parser).map(([k, v]) => [k, getRawGeneratorOptions(v, k)]));
-function getRawParserOptions(parser, type) {
- if (type === "asset") {
- return {
- type: "asset",
- asset: getRawAssetParserOptions(parser)
- };
- }
- else if (type === "javascript") {
- return {
- type: "javascript",
- javascript: getRawJavascriptParserOptions(parser)
- };
- }
- return {
- type: "unknown"
- };
-function getRawJavascriptParserOptions(parser) {
- var _a;
- return {
- dynamicImportMode: (_a = parser.dynamicImportMode) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "lazy"
- };
-function getRawAssetParserOptions(parser) {
- return {
- dataUrlCondition: parser.dataUrlCondition
- ? getRawAssetParserDataUrl(parser.dataUrlCondition)
- : undefined
- };
-function getRawAssetParserDataUrl(dataUrlCondition) {
- if (typeof dataUrlCondition === "object" && dataUrlCondition !== null) {
- return {
- type: "options",
- options: {
- maxSize: dataUrlCondition.maxSize
- }
- };
- }
- throw new Error(`unreachable: AssetParserDataUrl type should be one of "options", but got ${dataUrlCondition}`);
-function getRawGeneratorOptions(generator, type) {
- if (type === "asset") {
- return {
- type: "asset",
- asset: generator ? getRawAssetGeneratorOptions(generator) : undefined
- };
- }
- if (type === "asset/inline") {
- return {
- type: "asset/inline",
- assetInline: generator
- ? getRawAssetInlineGeneratorOptions(generator)
- : undefined
- };
- }
- if (type === "asset/resource") {
- return {
- type: "asset/resource",
- assetResource: generator
- ? getRawAssetResourceGeneratorOptions(generator)
- : undefined
- };
- }
- return {
- type: "unknown"
- };
-function getRawAssetGeneratorOptions(options) {
- return {
- ...getRawAssetInlineGeneratorOptions(options),
- ...getRawAssetResourceGeneratorOptions(options)
- };
-function getRawAssetInlineGeneratorOptions(options) {
- return {
- dataUrl: options.dataUrl
- ? getRawAssetGeneratorDaraUrl(options.dataUrl)
- : undefined
- };
-function getRawAssetResourceGeneratorOptions(options) {
- return {
- filename: options.filename,
- publicPath: options.publicPath
- };
-function getRawAssetGeneratorDaraUrl(dataUrl) {
- if (typeof dataUrl === "object" && dataUrl !== null) {
- return {
- type: "options",
- options: {
- encoding: dataUrl.encoding === false ? "false" : dataUrl.encoding,
- mimetype: dataUrl.mimetype
- }
- };
- }
- throw new Error(`unreachable: AssetGeneratorDataUrl type should be one of "options", but got ${dataUrl}`);
-function getRawOptimization(optimization) {
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.moduleIds) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.chunkIds) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.removeAvailableModules) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.removeEmptyChunks) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.sideEffects) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.realContentHash) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.providedExports) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.usedExports) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(optimization.innerGraph), "optimization.moduleIds, optimization.removeAvailableModules, optimization.removeEmptyChunks, optimization.sideEffects, optimization.realContentHash, optimization.providedExports, optimization.usedExports, optimization.innerGraph should not be nil after defaults");
- return {
- chunkIds: optimization.chunkIds,
- splitChunks: toRawSplitChunksOptions(optimization.splitChunks),
- moduleIds: optimization.moduleIds,
- removeAvailableModules: optimization.removeAvailableModules,
- removeEmptyChunks: optimization.removeEmptyChunks,
- sideEffects: String(optimization.sideEffects),
- realContentHash: optimization.realContentHash,
- usedExports: String(optimization.usedExports),
- providedExports: optimization.providedExports,
- innerGraph: optimization.innerGraph,
- mangleExports: String(optimization.mangleExports)
- };
-function toRawSplitChunksOptions(sc) {
- if (!sc) {
- return;
- }
- function getName(name) {
- if (typeof name === "function") {
- return (ctx) => {
- if (typeof ctx.module === "undefined") {
- return name(undefined);
- }
- else {
- return name(Module_1.Module.__from_binding(ctx.module));
- }
- };
- }
- else {
- return name;
- }
- }
- function getTest(test) {
- if (typeof test === "function") {
- return (ctx) => {
- if (typeof ctx.module === "undefined") {
- return test(undefined);
- }
- else {
- return test(Module_1.Module.__from_binding(ctx.module));
- }
- };
- }
- else {
- return test;
- }
- }
- const { name, cacheGroups = {}, ...passThrough } = sc;
- return {
- name: getName(name),
- cacheGroups: Object.entries(cacheGroups)
- .filter(([_key, group]) => group !== false)
- .map(([key, group]) => {
- group = group;
- const { test, name, ...passThrough } = group;
- const rawGroup = {
- key,
- test: getTest(test),
- name: getName(name),
- ...passThrough
- };
- return rawGroup;
- }),
- ...passThrough
- };
-exports.toRawSplitChunksOptions = toRawSplitChunksOptions;
-function getRawSnapshotOptions(snapshot) {
- const { resolve, module } = snapshot;
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(resolve) && !(0, util_1.isNil)(module));
- const { timestamp: resolveTimestamp, hash: resolveHash } = resolve;
- const { timestamp: moduleTimestamp, hash: moduleHash } = module;
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(resolveTimestamp) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(resolveHash) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(moduleTimestamp) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(moduleHash));
- return {
- resolve: {
- timestamp: resolveTimestamp,
- hash: resolveHash
- },
- module: {
- timestamp: moduleTimestamp,
- hash: moduleHash
- }
- };
-function getRawExperiments(experiments) {
- const { lazyCompilation, incrementalRebuild, asyncWebAssembly, newSplitChunks, topLevelAwait, css, rspackFuture } = experiments;
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(lazyCompilation) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(incrementalRebuild) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(asyncWebAssembly) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(newSplitChunks) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(topLevelAwait) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(css) &&
- !(0, util_1.isNil)(rspackFuture));
- return {
- lazyCompilation,
- incrementalRebuild: getRawIncrementalRebuild(incrementalRebuild),
- asyncWebAssembly,
- newSplitChunks,
- topLevelAwait,
- css,
- rspackFuture: getRawRspackFutureOptions(rspackFuture)
- };
-function getRawRspackFutureOptions(future) {
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(future.newResolver));
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(future.newTreeshaking));
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(future.disableTransformByDefault));
- return {
- newResolver: future.newResolver,
- newTreeshaking: future.newTreeshaking,
- disableTransformByDefault: future.disableTransformByDefault
- };
-function getRawIncrementalRebuild(inc) {
- if (inc === false) {
- return {
- make: false,
- emitAsset: false
- };
- }
- const { make, emitAsset } = inc;
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(make) && !(0, util_1.isNil)(emitAsset));
- return {
- make,
- emitAsset
- };
-function getRawNode(node) {
- if (node === false) {
- return undefined;
- }
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(node.__dirname) && !(0, util_1.isNil)(node.global) && !(0, util_1.isNil)(node.__filename));
- return {
- dirname: String(node.__dirname),
- filename: String(node.__filename),
- global: String(node.global)
- };
-function getRawStats(stats) {
- var _a;
- const statsOptions = (0, Stats_1.normalizeStatsPreset)(stats);
- return {
- colors: (_a = statsOptions.colors) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false
- };
-function getRawEntryRuntime(runtime) {
- return runtime === false ? undefined : runtime;
-exports.getRawEntryRuntime = getRawEntryRuntime;
-function getRawChunkLoading(chunkLoading) {
- return chunkLoading === false ? "false" : chunkLoading;
-exports.getRawChunkLoading = getRawChunkLoading;
diff --git a/packages/bundles/override/rspack/defaults.js b/packages/bundles/override/rspack/defaults.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 68db4c167b..0000000000
--- a/packages/bundles/override/rspack/defaults.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * The following code is modified based on
- * https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/4b4ca3b/lib/config/defaults.js
- *
- * MIT Licensed
- * Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
- * Copyright (c) JS Foundation and other contributors
- * https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/main/LICENSE
- */
-var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
- return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.applyRspackOptionsBaseDefaults = exports.applyRspackOptionsDefaults = void 0;
-const assert_1 = __importDefault(require("assert"));
-const fs_1 = __importDefault(require("fs"));
-const path_1 = __importDefault(require("path"));
-const util_1 = require("../util");
-const cleverMerge_1 = require("../util/cleverMerge");
-const target_1 = require("./target");
-const Template_1 = __importDefault(require("../Template"));
-const assertNotNil_1 = require("../util/assertNotNil");
-const ModuleTypeConstants_1 = require("../ModuleTypeConstants");
-const applyRspackOptionsDefaults = (options) => {
- var _a;
- F(options, "context", () => process.cwd());
- F(options, "target", () => {
- return (0, target_1.getDefaultTarget)(options.context);
- });
- const { mode, target } = options;
- (0, assert_1.default)(!(0, util_1.isNil)(target));
- let targetProperties = target === false
- ? false
- : typeof target === "string"
- ? (0, target_1.getTargetProperties)(target, options.context)
- : (0, target_1.getTargetsProperties)(target, options.context);
- const development = mode === "development";
- const production = mode === "production" || !mode;
- if (typeof options.entry !== "function") {
- for (const key of Object.keys(options.entry)) {
- F(options.entry[key], "import", () => ["./src"]);
- }
- }
- F(options, "devtool", () => false);
- D(options, "watch", false);
- D(options, "profile", false);
- const futureDefaults = (_a = options.experiments.futureDefaults) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;
- F(options, "cache", () => development);
- applyExperimentsDefaults(options.experiments, {
- cache: options.cache
- });
- // CUSTOM: add default rules for features options.
- if (options.features) {
- applyFeaturesDefaults(options.features);
- } else {
- D(options, 'features', {});
- }
- applySnapshotDefaults(options.snapshot, { production });
- applyModuleDefaults(options.module, {
- // syncWebAssembly: options.experiments.syncWebAssembly,
- asyncWebAssembly: options.experiments.asyncWebAssembly,
- disableTransformByDefault: options.experiments.rspackFuture.disableTransformByDefault,
- css: options.experiments.css
- });
- applyOutputDefaults(options.output, {
- context: options.context,
- targetProperties,
- isAffectedByBrowserslist: target === undefined ||
- (typeof target === "string" && target.startsWith("browserslist")) ||
- (Array.isArray(target) &&
- target.some(target => target.startsWith("browserslist"))),
- outputModule: options.experiments.outputModule,
- entry: options.entry,
- futureDefaults
- });
- applyExternalsPresetsDefaults(options.externalsPresets, {
- targetProperties
- });
- // @ts-expect-error
- F(options, "externalsType", () => {
- return options.output.library
- ? options.output.library.type
- : options.output.module
- ? "module"
- : "var";
- });
- applyNodeDefaults(options.node, { targetProperties });
- applyOptimizationDefaults(options.optimization, { production, development });
- options.resolve = (0, cleverMerge_1.cleverMerge)(getResolveDefaults({
- targetProperties,
- mode: options.mode
- }), options.resolve);
- options.resolveLoader = (0, cleverMerge_1.cleverMerge)(getResolveLoaderDefaults(), options.resolveLoader);
-exports.applyRspackOptionsDefaults = applyRspackOptionsDefaults;
-const applyRspackOptionsBaseDefaults = (options) => {
- F(options, "context", () => process.cwd());
- applyInfrastructureLoggingDefaults(options.infrastructureLogging);
-exports.applyRspackOptionsBaseDefaults = applyRspackOptionsBaseDefaults;
-const applyInfrastructureLoggingDefaults = (infrastructureLogging) => {
- F(infrastructureLogging, "stream", () => process.stderr);
- const tty = infrastructureLogging.stream.isTTY && process.env.TERM !== "dumb";
- D(infrastructureLogging, "level", "info");
- D(infrastructureLogging, "debug", false);
- D(infrastructureLogging, "colors", tty);
- D(infrastructureLogging, "appendOnly", !tty);
-const applyExperimentsDefaults = (experiments, { cache }) => {
- D(experiments, "lazyCompilation", false);
- D(experiments, "asyncWebAssembly", false);
- D(experiments, "newSplitChunks", true);
- D(experiments, "css", true); // we not align with webpack about the default value for better DX
- D(experiments, "topLevelAwait", true);
- D(experiments, "incrementalRebuild", {});
- if (typeof experiments.incrementalRebuild === "object") {
- D(experiments.incrementalRebuild, "make", true);
- D(experiments.incrementalRebuild, "emitAsset", true);
- }
- if (cache === false &&
- experiments.incrementalRebuild &&
- experiments.incrementalRebuild.make) {
- experiments.incrementalRebuild.make = false;
- // TODO: use logger to warn user enable cache for incrementalRebuild.make
- }
- D(experiments, "rspackFuture", {});
- if (typeof experiments.rspackFuture === "object") {
- D(experiments.rspackFuture, "newResolver", true);
- D(experiments.rspackFuture, "newTreeshaking", false);
- D(experiments.rspackFuture, "disableTransformByDefault", true);
- }
-const applyFeaturesDefaults = (features) => {
- D(features, 'split_chunks_strategy', {});
- if (typeof features.split_chunks_strategy === 'object') {
- D(features.split_chunks_strategy, 'name', '');
- D(features.split_chunks_strategy, 'topLevelFrameworks', []);
- }
-const applySnapshotDefaults = (snapshot, { production }) => {
- F(snapshot, "module", () => production
- ? { timestamp: true, hash: true }
- : { timestamp: true, hash: false });
- F(snapshot, "resolve", () => production
- ? { timestamp: true, hash: true }
- : { timestamp: true, hash: false });
-const applyJavascriptParserOptionsDefaults = (parserOptions) => {
- D(parserOptions, "dynamicImportMode", "lazy");
-const applyModuleDefaults = (module, { asyncWebAssembly, css, disableTransformByDefault }) => {
- (0, assertNotNil_1.assertNotNill)(module.parser);
- F(module.parser, ModuleTypeConstants_1.ASSET_MODULE_TYPE, () => ({}));
- (0, assertNotNil_1.assertNotNill)(module.parser.asset);
- F(module.parser.asset, "dataUrlCondition", () => ({}));
- if (typeof module.parser.asset.dataUrlCondition === "object") {
- D(module.parser.asset.dataUrlCondition, "maxSize", 8096);
- }
- F(module.parser, "javascript", () => ({}));
- (0, assertNotNil_1.assertNotNill)(module.parser.javascript);
- applyJavascriptParserOptionsDefaults(module.parser.javascript);
- A(module, "defaultRules", () => {
- const esm = {
- type: "javascript/esm",
- resolve: {
- byDependency: {
- esm: {
- fullySpecified: true
- }
- }
- }
- };
- const commonjs = {
- type: "javascript/dynamic"
- };
- const rules = [
- {
- mimetype: "application/node",
- type: "javascript/auto"
- },
- {
- test: /\.json$/i,
- type: "json"
- },
- {
- mimetype: "application/json",
- type: "json"
- },
- {
- test: /\.mjs$/i,
- ...esm
- },
- {
- test: /\.js$/i,
- descriptionData: {
- type: "module"
- },
- ...esm
- },
- {
- test: /\.cjs$/i,
- ...commonjs
- },
- {
- test: /\.js$/i,
- descriptionData: {
- type: "commonjs"
- },
- ...commonjs
- },
- {
- mimetype: {
- or: ["text/javascript", "application/javascript"]
- },
- ...esm
- }
- ];
- // TODO: remove in 0.5.0
- if (!disableTransformByDefault) {
- rules.push({
- test: /\.jsx$/i,
- type: "jsx"
- }, {
- test: /\.ts$/i,
- type: "ts"
- }, {
- test: /\.tsx$/i,
- type: "tsx"
- });
- }
- if (asyncWebAssembly) {
- const wasm = {
- type: "webassembly/async",
- rules: [
- {
- descriptionData: {
- type: "module"
- },
- resolve: {
- fullySpecified: true
- }
- }
- ]
- };
- rules.push({
- test: /\.wasm$/i,
- ...wasm
- });
- rules.push({
- mimetype: "application/wasm",
- ...wasm
- });
- }
- if (css) {
- const cssRule = {
- type: "css",
- resolve: {
- fullySpecified: true,
- preferRelative: true
- }
- };
- const cssModulesRule = {
- type: "css/module",
- resolve: {
- fullySpecified: true
- }
- };
- rules.push({
- test: /\.css$/i,
- oneOf: [
- {
- test: /\.module\.css$/i,
- ...cssModulesRule
- },
- {
- ...cssRule
- }
- ]
- });
- rules.push({
- mimetype: "text/css+module",
- ...cssModulesRule
- });
- rules.push({
- mimetype: "text/css",
- ...cssRule
- });
- }
- rules.push({
- dependency: "url",
- oneOf: [
- {
- scheme: /^data$/,
- type: "asset/inline"
- },
- {
- type: "asset/resource"
- }
- ]
- });
- return rules;
- });
-const applyOutputDefaults = (output, { context, outputModule, targetProperties: tp, isAffectedByBrowserslist, entry, futureDefaults }) => {
- const getLibraryName = (library) => {
- const libraryName = typeof library === "object" &&
- library &&
- !Array.isArray(library) &&
- "type" in library
- ? library.name
- : library;
- if (Array.isArray(libraryName)) {
- return libraryName.join(".");
- }
- else if (typeof libraryName === "object") {
- return getLibraryName(libraryName.root);
- }
- else if (typeof libraryName === "string") {
- return libraryName;
- }
- return "";
- };
- F(output, "uniqueName", () => {
- const libraryName = getLibraryName(output.library).replace(/^\[(\\*[\w:]+\\*)\](\.)|(\.)\[(\\*[\w:]+\\*)\](?=\.|$)|\[(\\*[\w:]+\\*)\]/g, (m, a, d1, d2, b, c) => {
- const content = a || b || c;
- return content.startsWith("\\") && content.endsWith("\\")
- ? `${d2 || ""}[${content.slice(1, -1)}]${d1 || ""}`
- : "";
- });
- if (libraryName)
- return libraryName;
- const pkgPath = path_1.default.resolve(context, "package.json");
- try {
- const packageInfo = JSON.parse(fs_1.default.readFileSync(pkgPath, "utf-8"));
- return packageInfo.name || "";
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (e.code !== "ENOENT") {
- e.message += `\nwhile determining default 'output.uniqueName' from 'name' in ${pkgPath}`;
- throw e;
- }
- return "";
- }
- });
- F(output, "chunkLoadingGlobal", () => Template_1.default.toIdentifier("webpackChunk" + Template_1.default.toIdentifier(output.uniqueName)));
- F(output, "module", () => !!outputModule);
- D(output, "filename", output.module ? "[name].mjs" : "[name].js");
- F(output, "iife", () => !output.module);
- F(output, "chunkFilename", () => {
- const filename = output.filename;
- if (typeof filename !== "function") {
- const hasName = filename.includes("[name]");
- const hasId = filename.includes("[id]");
- const hasChunkHash = filename.includes("[chunkhash]");
- const hasContentHash = filename.includes("[contenthash]");
- // Anything changing depending on chunk is fine
- if (hasChunkHash || hasContentHash || hasName || hasId)
- return filename;
- // Otherwise prefix "[id]." in front of the basename to make it changing
- return filename.replace(/(^|\/)([^/]*(?:\?|$))/, "$1[id].$2");
- }
- return "[id].js";
- });
- F(output, "cssFilename", () => {
- const filename = output.filename;
- if (typeof filename !== "function") {
- return filename.replace(/\.[mc]?js(\?|$)/, ".css$1");
- }
- return "[id].css";
- });
- F(output, "cssChunkFilename", () => {
- const chunkFilename = output.chunkFilename;
- if (typeof chunkFilename !== "function") {
- return chunkFilename.replace(/\.[mc]?js(\?|$)/, ".css$1");
- }
- return "[id].css";
- });
- D(output, "hotUpdateChunkFilename", `[id].[fullhash].hot-update.${output.module ? "mjs" : "js"}`);
- D(output, "hotUpdateMainFilename", "[runtime].[fullhash].hot-update.json");
- F(output, "hotUpdateGlobal", () => Template_1.default.toIdentifier("webpackHotUpdate" + Template_1.default.toIdentifier(output.uniqueName)));
- D(output, "assetModuleFilename", "[hash][ext][query]");
- D(output, "webassemblyModuleFilename", "[hash].module.wasm");
- F(output, "path", () => path_1.default.join(process.cwd(), "dist"));
- D(output, "publicPath", tp && (tp.document || tp.importScripts) ? "auto" : "");
- D(output, "hashFunction", futureDefaults ? "xxhash64" : "md4");
- D(output, "hashDigest", "hex");
- D(output, "hashDigestLength", futureDefaults ? 16 : 20);
- D(output, "strictModuleErrorHandling", false);
- if (output.library) {
- F(output.library, "type", () => (output.module ? "module" : "var"));
- }
- F(output, "chunkFormat", () => {
- if (tp) {
- const helpMessage = isAffectedByBrowserslist
- ? "Make sure that your 'browserslist' includes only platforms that support these features or select an appropriate 'target' to allow selecting a chunk format by default. Alternatively specify the 'output.chunkFormat' directly."
- : "Select an appropriate 'target' to allow selecting one by default, or specify the 'output.chunkFormat' directly.";
- if (output.module) {
- if (tp.dynamicImport)
- return "module";
- if (tp.document)
- return "array-push";
- throw new Error("For the selected environment is no default ESM chunk format available:\n" +
- "ESM exports can be chosen when 'import()' is available.\n" +
- "JSONP Array push can be chosen when 'document' is available.\n" +
- helpMessage);
- }
- else {
- if (tp.document)
- return "array-push";
- if (tp.require)
- return "commonjs";
- if (tp.nodeBuiltins)
- return "commonjs";
- if (tp.importScripts)
- return "array-push";
- throw new Error("For the selected environment is no default script chunk format available:\n" +
- "JSONP Array push can be chosen when 'document' or 'importScripts' is available.\n" +
- "CommonJs exports can be chosen when 'require' or node builtins are available.\n" +
- helpMessage);
- }
- }
- throw new Error("Chunk format can't be selected by default when no target is specified");
- });
- D(output, "asyncChunks", true);
- F(output, "chunkLoading", () => {
- if (tp) {
- switch (output.chunkFormat) {
- case "array-push":
- if (tp.document)
- return "jsonp";
- if (tp.importScripts)
- return "import-scripts";
- break;
- case "commonjs":
- if (tp.require)
- return "require";
- if (tp.nodeBuiltins)
- return "async-node";
- break;
- case "module":
- if (tp.dynamicImport)
- return "import";
- break;
- }
- if (tp.require === null ||
- tp.nodeBuiltins === null ||
- tp.document === null ||
- tp.importScripts === null) {
- return "universal";
- }
- }
- return false;
- });
- F(output, "workerChunkLoading", () => {
- if (tp) {
- switch (output.chunkFormat) {
- case "array-push":
- if (tp.importScriptsInWorker)
- return "import-scripts";
- break;
- case "commonjs":
- if (tp.require)
- return "require";
- if (tp.nodeBuiltins)
- return "async-node";
- break;
- case "module":
- if (tp.dynamicImportInWorker)
- return "import";
- break;
- }
- if (tp.require === null ||
- tp.nodeBuiltins === null ||
- tp.importScriptsInWorker === null) {
- return "universal";
- }
- }
- return false;
- });
- F(output, "wasmLoading", () => {
- if (tp) {
- if (tp.fetchWasm)
- return "fetch";
- if (tp.nodeBuiltins)
- return output.module ? "async-node-module" : "async-node";
- if (tp.nodeBuiltins === null || tp.fetchWasm === null) {
- return "universal";
- }
- }
- return false;
- });
- F(output, "workerWasmLoading", () => output.wasmLoading);
- F(output, "globalObject", () => {
- if (tp) {
- if (tp.global)
- return "global";
- if (tp.globalThis)
- return "globalThis";
- }
- return "self";
- });
- D(output, "importFunctionName", "import");
- F(output, "clean", () => !!output.clean);
- D(output, "crossOriginLoading", false);
- D(output, "workerPublicPath", "");
- F(output, "sourceMapFilename", () => {
- return "[file].map";
- });
- F(output, "scriptType", () => (output.module ? "module" : false));
- const { trustedTypes } = output;
- if (trustedTypes) {
- F(trustedTypes, "policyName", () => output.uniqueName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-#=_/@.%]+/g, "_") || "webpack");
- }
- const forEachEntry = (fn) => {
- for (const name of Object.keys(entry)) {
- fn(entry[name]);
- }
- };
- A(output, "enabledLibraryTypes", () => {
- const enabledLibraryTypes = [];
- if (output.library) {
- enabledLibraryTypes.push(output.library.type);
- }
- forEachEntry(desc => {
- if (desc.library) {
- enabledLibraryTypes.push(desc.library.type);
- }
- });
- return enabledLibraryTypes;
- });
- A(output, "enabledChunkLoadingTypes", () => {
- const enabledChunkLoadingTypes = new Set();
- if (output.chunkLoading) {
- enabledChunkLoadingTypes.add(output.chunkLoading);
- }
- if (output.workerChunkLoading) {
- enabledChunkLoadingTypes.add(output.workerChunkLoading);
- }
- forEachEntry(desc => {
- if (desc.chunkLoading) {
- enabledChunkLoadingTypes.add(desc.chunkLoading);
- }
- });
- return Array.from(enabledChunkLoadingTypes);
- });
- A(output, "enabledWasmLoadingTypes", () => {
- const enabledWasmLoadingTypes = new Set();
- if (output.wasmLoading) {
- enabledWasmLoadingTypes.add(output.wasmLoading);
- }
- if (output.workerWasmLoading) {
- enabledWasmLoadingTypes.add(output.workerWasmLoading);
- }
- // forEachEntry(desc => {
- // if (desc.wasmLoading) {
- // enabledWasmLoadingTypes.add(desc.wasmLoading);
- // }
- // });
- return Array.from(enabledWasmLoadingTypes);
- });
-const applyExternalsPresetsDefaults = (externalsPresets, { targetProperties }) => {
- D(externalsPresets, "web", targetProperties && targetProperties.web);
- D(externalsPresets, "node", targetProperties && targetProperties.node);
- D(externalsPresets, "electron", targetProperties && targetProperties.electron);
- D(externalsPresets, "electronMain", targetProperties &&
- targetProperties.electron &&
- targetProperties.electronMain);
- D(externalsPresets, "electronPreload", targetProperties &&
- targetProperties.electron &&
- targetProperties.electronPreload);
- D(externalsPresets, "electronRenderer", targetProperties &&
- targetProperties.electron &&
- targetProperties.electronRenderer);
-const applyNodeDefaults = (node, { targetProperties }) => {
- if (node === false)
- return;
- F(node, "global", () => {
- if (targetProperties && targetProperties.global)
- return false;
- return "warn";
- });
- F(node, "__dirname", () => {
- if (targetProperties && targetProperties.node)
- return "eval-only";
- return "warn-mock";
- });
- F(node, "__filename", () => {
- if (targetProperties && targetProperties.node)
- return "eval-only";
- return "warn-mock";
- });
-const applyOptimizationDefaults = (optimization, { production, development }) => {
- D(optimization, "removeAvailableModules", true);
- D(optimization, "removeEmptyChunks", true);
- D(optimization, "mergeDuplicateChunks", true);
- F(optimization, "moduleIds", () => {
- if (production)
- return "deterministic";
- return "named";
- });
- F(optimization, "chunkIds", () => "named");
- F(optimization, "sideEffects", () => (production ? true : "flag"));
- D(optimization, "mangleExports", production);
- D(optimization, "providedExports", true);
- D(optimization, "usedExports", production);
- D(optimization, "innerGraph", production);
- D(optimization, "runtimeChunk", false);
- D(optimization, "realContentHash", production);
- D(optimization, "minimize", production);
- A(optimization, "minimizer", () => [
- // TODO: enable this when drop support for builtins options
- // new SwcJsMinimizerPlugin(),
- // new SwcCssMinimizerPlugin()
- ]);
- F(optimization, "nodeEnv", () => {
- if (production)
- return "production";
- if (development)
- return "development";
- return false;
- });
- const { splitChunks } = optimization;
- if (splitChunks) {
- // A(splitChunks, "defaultSizeTypes", () =>
- // css ? ["javascript", "css", "unknown"] : ["javascript", "unknown"]
- // );
- D(splitChunks, "hidePathInfo", production);
- D(splitChunks, "chunks", "async");
- // D(splitChunks, "usedExports", optimization.usedExports === true);
- D(splitChunks, "minChunks", 1);
- F(splitChunks, "minSize", () => (production ? 20000 : 10000));
- // F(splitChunks, "minRemainingSize", () => (development ? 0 : undefined));
- // F(splitChunks, "enforceSizeThreshold", () => (production ? 50000 : 30000));
- F(splitChunks, "maxAsyncRequests", () => (production ? 30 : Infinity));
- F(splitChunks, "maxInitialRequests", () => (production ? 30 : Infinity));
- D(splitChunks, "automaticNameDelimiter", "-");
- const { cacheGroups } = splitChunks;
- if (cacheGroups) {
- F(cacheGroups, "default", () => ({
- idHint: "",
- reuseExistingChunk: true,
- minChunks: 2,
- priority: -20
- }));
- F(cacheGroups, "defaultVendors", () => ({
- idHint: "vendors",
- reuseExistingChunk: true,
- test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/i,
- priority: -10
- }));
- }
- }
-const getResolveLoaderDefaults = () => {
- const resolveOptions = {
- conditionNames: ["loader", "require", "node"],
- exportsFields: ["exports"],
- mainFields: ["loader", "main"],
- extensions: [".js"],
- mainFiles: ["index"]
- };
- return resolveOptions;
-const getResolveDefaults = ({ targetProperties, mode }) => {
- const conditions = ["webpack"];
- conditions.push(mode === "development" ? "development" : "production");
- if (targetProperties) {
- if (targetProperties.webworker)
- conditions.push("worker");
- if (targetProperties.node)
- conditions.push("node");
- if (targetProperties.web)
- conditions.push("browser");
- if (targetProperties.electron)
- conditions.push("electron");
- if (targetProperties.nwjs)
- conditions.push("nwjs");
- }
- const jsExtensions = [".js", ".json", ".wasm", ".tsx", ".ts", ".jsx"];
- const tp = targetProperties;
- const browserField = tp && tp.web && (!tp.node || (tp.electron && tp.electronRenderer));
- const cjsDeps = () => ({
- browserField,
- mainFields: browserField ? ["browser", "module", "..."] : ["module", "..."],
- conditionNames: ["require", "module", "..."],
- extensions: [...jsExtensions]
- });
- const esmDeps = () => ({
- browserField,
- mainFields: browserField ? ["browser", "module", "..."] : ["module", "..."],
- conditionNames: ["import", "module", "..."],
- extensions: [...jsExtensions]
- });
- const resolveOptions = {
- modules: ["node_modules"],
- conditionNames: conditions,
- mainFiles: ["index"],
- extensions: [],
- browserField,
- mainFields: ["main"].filter(Boolean),
- exportsFields: ["exports"],
- byDependency: {
- wasm: esmDeps(),
- esm: esmDeps(),
- url: {
- preferRelative: true
- },
- worker: {
- ...esmDeps(),
- preferRelative: true
- },
- commonjs: cjsDeps(),
- // amd: cjsDeps(),
- // for backward-compat: loadModule
- // loader: cjsDeps(),
- // for backward-compat: Custom Dependency and getResolve without dependencyType
- unknown: cjsDeps()
- }
- };
- return resolveOptions;
-const D = (obj, prop, value) => {
- if (obj[prop] === undefined) {
- obj[prop] = value;
- }
-const F = (obj, prop, factory) => {
- if (obj[prop] === undefined) {
- obj[prop] = factory();
- }
-const A = (obj, prop, factory) => {
- const value = obj[prop];
- if (value === undefined) {
- obj[prop] = factory();
- }
- else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- let newArray = undefined;
- for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
- const item = value[i];
- if (item === "...") {
- if (newArray === undefined) {
- newArray = value.slice(0, i);
- // @ts-expect-error
- obj[prop] = newArray;
- }
- const items = factory();
- if (items !== undefined) {
- for (const item of items) {
- newArray.push(item);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (newArray !== undefined) {
- newArray.push(item);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/packages/bundles/override/rspack/normalization.js b/packages/bundles/override/rspack/normalization.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 942bfc8684..0000000000
--- a/packages/bundles/override/rspack/normalization.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * The following code is modified based on
- * https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/4b4ca3b/lib/config/normalization.js
- *
- * MIT Licensed
- * Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
- * Copyright (c) JS Foundation and other contributors
- * https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/main/LICENSE
- */
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.getNormalizedRspackOptions = void 0;
-const util_1 = require("../util");
-const getNormalizedRspackOptions = (config) => {
- return {
- features: config.features,
- ignoreWarnings: config.ignoreWarnings !== undefined
- ? config.ignoreWarnings.map(ignore => {
- if (typeof ignore === "function") {
- return ignore;
- }
- else {
- return (warning) => {
- return ignore.test(warning.message);
- };
- }
- })
- : undefined,
- name: config.name,
- dependencies: config.dependencies,
- context: config.context,
- mode: config.mode,
- entry: config.entry === undefined
- ? { main: {} }
- : getNormalizedEntryStatic(config.entry),
- output: nestedConfig(config.output, output => {
- var _a;
- const { library } = output;
- const libraryAsName = library;
- const libraryBase = typeof library === "object" &&
- library &&
- !Array.isArray(library) &&
- "type" in library
- ? library
- : libraryAsName || output.libraryTarget
- ? {
- name: libraryAsName
- }
- : undefined;
- // DEPRECATE: remove this in after version
- {
- const ext = "[ext]";
- const filenames = [
- "filename",
- "chunkFilename",
- "cssFilename",
- "cssChunkFilename"
- ];
- const checkFilename = (prop) => {
- const oldFilename = output[prop];
- if (typeof oldFilename === "string" && oldFilename.endsWith(ext)) {
- const newFilename = oldFilename.slice(0, -ext.length) +
- (prop.includes("css") ? ".css" : ".js");
- (0, util_1.deprecatedWarn)(`Deprecated: output.${prop} ends with [ext] is now deprecated, please use ${newFilename} instead.`);
- output[prop] = newFilename;
- }
- };
- filenames.forEach(checkFilename);
- }
- return {
- path: output.path,
- publicPath: output.publicPath,
- filename: output.filename,
- clean: output.clean,
- chunkFormat: output.chunkFormat,
- chunkLoading: output.chunkLoading,
- chunkFilename: output.chunkFilename,
- crossOriginLoading: output.crossOriginLoading,
- cssFilename: output.cssFilename,
- cssChunkFilename: output.cssChunkFilename,
- hotUpdateMainFilename: output.hotUpdateMainFilename,
- hotUpdateChunkFilename: output.hotUpdateChunkFilename,
- hotUpdateGlobal: output.hotUpdateGlobal,
- assetModuleFilename: output.assetModuleFilename,
- wasmLoading: output.wasmLoading,
- enabledChunkLoadingTypes: output.enabledChunkLoadingTypes
- ? [...output.enabledChunkLoadingTypes]
- : ["..."],
- enabledWasmLoadingTypes: output.enabledWasmLoadingTypes
- ? [...output.enabledWasmLoadingTypes]
- : ["..."],
- webassemblyModuleFilename: output.webassemblyModuleFilename,
- uniqueName: output.uniqueName,
- chunkLoadingGlobal: output.chunkLoadingGlobal,
- enabledLibraryTypes: output.enabledLibraryTypes
- ? [...output.enabledLibraryTypes]
- : ["..."],
- globalObject: output.globalObject,
- importFunctionName: output.importFunctionName,
- iife: output.iife,
- module: output.module,
- sourceMapFilename: output.sourceMapFilename,
- library: libraryBase && {
- type: output.libraryTarget !== undefined
- ? output.libraryTarget
- : libraryBase.type,
- auxiliaryComment: output.auxiliaryComment !== undefined
- ? output.auxiliaryComment
- : libraryBase.auxiliaryComment,
- amdContainer: output.amdContainer !== undefined
- ? output.amdContainer
- : libraryBase.amdContainer,
- export: output.libraryExport !== undefined
- ? output.libraryExport
- : libraryBase.export,
- name: libraryBase.name,
- umdNamedDefine: output.umdNamedDefine !== undefined
- ? output.umdNamedDefine
- : libraryBase.umdNamedDefine
- },
- strictModuleErrorHandling: (_a = output.strictModuleErrorHandling) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : output.strictModuleExceptionHandling,
- trustedTypes: optionalNestedConfig(output.trustedTypes, trustedTypes => {
- if (trustedTypes === true)
- return {};
- if (typeof trustedTypes === "string")
- return { policyName: trustedTypes };
- return { ...trustedTypes };
- }),
- hashDigest: output.hashDigest,
- hashDigestLength: output.hashDigestLength,
- hashFunction: output.hashFunction,
- hashSalt: output.hashSalt,
- asyncChunks: output.asyncChunks,
- workerChunkLoading: output.workerChunkLoading,
- workerWasmLoading: output.workerWasmLoading,
- workerPublicPath: output.workerPublicPath,
- scriptType: output.scriptType
- };
- }),
- resolve: nestedConfig(config.resolve, resolve => ({
- ...resolve
- })),
- resolveLoader: nestedConfig(config.resolveLoader, resolve => ({
- ...resolve
- })),
- module: nestedConfig(config.module, module => ({
- parser: keyedNestedConfig(module.parser, cloneObject, {}),
- generator: keyedNestedConfig(module.generator, cloneObject, {}),
- defaultRules: optionalNestedArray(module.defaultRules, r => [...r]),
- rules: nestedArray(module.rules, r => [...r])
- })),
- target: config.target,
- externals: config.externals,
- externalsType: config.externalsType,
- externalsPresets: cloneObject(config.externalsPresets),
- infrastructureLogging: cloneObject(config.infrastructureLogging),
- devtool: config.devtool,
- node: nestedConfig(config.node, node => node && {
- ...node
- }),
- snapshot: nestedConfig(config.snapshot, snapshot => ({
- resolve: optionalNestedConfig(snapshot.resolve, resolve => ({
- timestamp: resolve.timestamp,
- hash: resolve.hash
- })),
- module: optionalNestedConfig(snapshot.module, module => ({
- timestamp: module.timestamp,
- hash: module.hash
- }))
- })),
- cache: optionalNestedConfig(config.cache, cache => cache),
- stats: nestedConfig(config.stats, stats => {
- if (stats === false) {
- return {
- preset: "none"
- };
- }
- if (stats === true) {
- return {
- preset: "normal"
- };
- }
- if (typeof stats === "string") {
- return {
- preset: stats
- };
- }
- return {
- ...stats
- };
- }),
- optimization: nestedConfig(config.optimization, optimization => {
- return {
- ...optimization,
- runtimeChunk: getNormalizedOptimizationRuntimeChunk(optimization.runtimeChunk),
- splitChunks: nestedConfig(optimization.splitChunks, splitChunks => splitChunks && {
- ...splitChunks,
- cacheGroups: cloneObject(splitChunks.cacheGroups)
- })
- };
- }),
- plugins: nestedArray(config.plugins, p => [...p]),
- experiments: nestedConfig(config.experiments, experiments => ({
- ...experiments,
- incrementalRebuild: optionalNestedConfig(experiments.incrementalRebuild, options => (options === true ? {} : options))
- })),
- watch: config.watch,
- watchOptions: cloneObject(config.watchOptions),
- devServer: config.devServer,
- profile: config.profile,
- builtins: nestedConfig(config.builtins, builtins => ({
- ...builtins
- }))
- };
-exports.getNormalizedRspackOptions = getNormalizedRspackOptions;
-const getNormalizedEntryStatic = (entry) => {
- if (typeof entry === "string") {
- return {
- main: {
- import: [entry]
- }
- };
- }
- if (Array.isArray(entry)) {
- return {
- main: {
- import: entry
- }
- };
- }
- const result = {};
- for (const key of Object.keys(entry)) {
- const value = entry[key];
- if (typeof value === "string") {
- result[key] = {
- import: [value]
- };
- }
- else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- result[key] = {
- import: value
- };
- }
- else {
- result[key] = {
- import: Array.isArray(value.import) ? value.import : [value.import],
- runtime: value.runtime,
- publicPath: value.publicPath,
- baseUri: value.baseUri,
- chunkLoading: value.chunkLoading,
- asyncChunks: value.asyncChunks,
- filename: value.filename,
- library: value.library
- };
- }
- }
- return result;
-const getNormalizedOptimizationRuntimeChunk = (runtimeChunk) => {
- if (runtimeChunk === undefined)
- return undefined;
- if (runtimeChunk === false)
- return false;
- if (runtimeChunk === "single") {
- return {
- name: () => "runtime"
- };
- }
- if (runtimeChunk === true || runtimeChunk === "multiple") {
- return {
- name: (entrypoint) => `runtime~${entrypoint.name}`
- };
- }
- const { name } = runtimeChunk;
- const opts = {
- name: typeof name === "function" ? name : () => name
- };
- return opts;
-const nestedConfig = (value, fn) => value === undefined ? fn({}) : fn(value);
-const optionalNestedConfig = (value, fn) => (value === undefined ? undefined : fn(value));
-const nestedArray = (value, fn) => Array.isArray(value) ? fn(value) : fn([]);
-const optionalNestedArray = (value, fn) => (Array.isArray(value) ? fn(value) : undefined);
-const cloneObject = (value) => ({ ...value });
-const keyedNestedConfig = (value, fn, customKeys) => {
- const result = value === undefined
- ? {}
- : Object.keys(value).reduce((obj, key) => ((obj[key] = (customKeys && key in customKeys ? customKeys[key] : fn)(value[key])),
- obj), {});
- if (customKeys) {
- for (const key of Object.keys(customKeys)) {
- if (!(key in result)) {
- result[key] = customKeys[key]({});
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
diff --git a/packages/bundles/override/rspack/zod.js b/packages/bundles/override/rspack/zod.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0364b4c919..0000000000
--- a/packages/bundles/override/rspack/zod.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.rspackOptions = exports.externalsType = void 0;
-const zod_1 = require("zod");
-const util_1 = require("../util");
-const Module_1 = require("../Module");
-//#region Name
-const name = zod_1.z.string();
-//#region Dependencies
-const dependencies = zod_1.z.array(name);
-//#region Context
-const context = zod_1.z.string();
-//#region Mode
-const mode = zod_1.z.enum(["development", "production", "none"]);
-//#region Entry
-const rawPublicPath = zod_1.z.string();
-const publicPath = zod_1.z.literal("auto").or(rawPublicPath);
-const baseUri = zod_1.z.string();
-const chunkLoadingType = zod_1.z
- .enum(["jsonp", "import-scripts", "require", "async-node", "import"])
- .or(zod_1.z.string());
-const chunkLoading = zod_1.z.literal(false).or(chunkLoadingType);
-const asyncChunks = zod_1.z.boolean();
-const wasmLoadingType = zod_1.z
- .enum(["fetch-streaming", "fetch", "async-node"])
- .or(zod_1.z.string());
-const wasmLoading = zod_1.z.literal(false).or(wasmLoadingType);
-const scriptType = zod_1.z.enum(["text/javascript", "module"]).or(zod_1.z.literal(false));
-const libraryCustomUmdObject = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- amd: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- commonjs: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- root: zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string())).optional()
-const libraryName = zod_1.z
- .string()
- .or(zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()))
- .or(libraryCustomUmdObject);
-const libraryCustomUmdCommentObject = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- amd: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- commonjs: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- commonjs2: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- root: zod_1.z.string().optional()
-const amdContainer = zod_1.z.string();
-const auxiliaryComment = zod_1.z.string().or(libraryCustomUmdCommentObject);
-const libraryExport = zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()));
-const libraryType = zod_1.z
- .enum([
- "var",
- "module",
- "assign",
- "assign-properties",
- "this",
- "window",
- "self",
- "global",
- "commonjs",
- "commonjs2",
- "commonjs-module",
- "commonjs-static",
- "amd",
- "amd-require",
- "umd",
- "umd2",
- "jsonp",
- "system"
- .or(zod_1.z.string());
-const umdNamedDefine = zod_1.z.boolean();
-const libraryOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- amdContainer: amdContainer.optional(),
- auxiliaryComment: auxiliaryComment.optional(),
- export: libraryExport.optional(),
- name: libraryName.optional(),
- type: libraryType,
- umdNamedDefine: umdNamedDefine.optional()
-const library = libraryName.or(libraryOptions).optional();
-const filenameTemplate = zod_1.z.string();
-const filename = filenameTemplate;
-const entryFilename = filenameTemplate;
-const entryRuntime = zod_1.z.literal(false).or(zod_1.z.string());
-const entryItem = zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()));
-const entryDescription = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- import: entryItem,
- runtime: entryRuntime.optional(),
- publicPath: publicPath.optional(),
- baseUri: baseUri.optional(),
- chunkLoading: chunkLoading.optional(),
- asyncChunks: asyncChunks.optional(),
- wasmLoading: wasmLoading.optional(),
- filename: entryFilename.optional(),
- library: libraryOptions.optional()
-const entryUnnamed = entryItem;
-const entryObject = zod_1.z.record(entryItem.or(entryDescription));
-const entryStatic = entryObject.or(entryUnnamed);
-const entry = entryStatic;
-//#region Output
-const path = zod_1.z.string();
-const assetModuleFilename = zod_1.z.string();
-const webassemblyModuleFilename = zod_1.z.string();
-const chunkFilename = filenameTemplate;
-const crossOriginLoading = zod_1.z
- .literal(false)
- .or(zod_1.z.enum(["anonymous", "use-credentials"]));
-const cssFilename = filenameTemplate;
-const cssChunkFilename = filenameTemplate;
-const hotUpdateChunkFilename = filenameTemplate;
-const hotUpdateMainFilename = filenameTemplate;
-const hotUpdateGlobal = zod_1.z.string();
-const uniqueName = zod_1.z.string();
-const chunkLoadingGlobal = zod_1.z.string();
-const enabledLibraryTypes = zod_1.z.array(libraryType);
-const clean = zod_1.z.boolean();
-const outputModule = zod_1.z.boolean();
-const strictModuleExceptionHandling = zod_1.z.boolean();
-const strictModuleErrorHandling = zod_1.z.boolean();
-const globalObject = zod_1.z.string();
-const enabledWasmLoadingTypes = zod_1.z.array(wasmLoadingType);
-const importFunctionName = zod_1.z.string();
-const iife = zod_1.z.boolean();
-const enabledChunkLoadingTypes = zod_1.z.array(chunkLoadingType);
-const chunkFormat = zod_1.z.literal(false).or(zod_1.z.string());
-const workerPublicPath = zod_1.z.string();
-const trustedTypes = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- policyName: zod_1.z.string().optional()
-const hashDigest = zod_1.z.string();
-const hashDigestLength = zod_1.z.number();
-const hashFunction = zod_1.z.string();
-const hashSalt = zod_1.z.string();
-const sourceMapFilename = zod_1.z.string();
-const output = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- path: path.optional(),
- clean: clean.optional(),
- publicPath: publicPath.optional(),
- filename: filename.optional(),
- chunkFilename: chunkFilename.optional(),
- crossOriginLoading: crossOriginLoading.optional(),
- cssFilename: cssFilename.optional(),
- cssChunkFilename: cssChunkFilename.optional(),
- hotUpdateMainFilename: hotUpdateMainFilename.optional(),
- hotUpdateChunkFilename: hotUpdateChunkFilename.optional(),
- hotUpdateGlobal: hotUpdateGlobal.optional(),
- assetModuleFilename: assetModuleFilename.optional(),
- uniqueName: uniqueName.optional(),
- chunkLoadingGlobal: chunkLoadingGlobal.optional(),
- enabledLibraryTypes: enabledLibraryTypes.optional(),
- library: library.optional(),
- libraryExport: libraryExport.optional(),
- libraryTarget: libraryType.optional(),
- umdNamedDefine: umdNamedDefine.optional(),
- amdContainer: amdContainer.optional(),
- auxiliaryComment: auxiliaryComment.optional(),
- module: outputModule.optional(),
- strictModuleExceptionHandling: strictModuleExceptionHandling.optional(),
- strictModuleErrorHandling: strictModuleErrorHandling.optional(),
- globalObject: globalObject.optional(),
- importFunctionName: importFunctionName.optional(),
- iife: iife.optional(),
- wasmLoading: wasmLoading.optional(),
- enabledWasmLoadingTypes: enabledWasmLoadingTypes.optional(),
- webassemblyModuleFilename: webassemblyModuleFilename.optional(),
- chunkFormat: chunkFormat.optional(),
- chunkLoading: chunkLoading.optional(),
- enabledChunkLoadingTypes: enabledChunkLoadingTypes.optional(),
- trustedTypes: zod_1.z.literal(true).or(zod_1.z.string()).or(trustedTypes).optional(),
- sourceMapFilename: sourceMapFilename.optional(),
- hashDigest: hashDigest.optional(),
- hashDigestLength: hashDigestLength.optional(),
- hashFunction: hashFunction.optional(),
- hashSalt: hashSalt.optional(),
- asyncChunks: asyncChunks.optional(),
- workerChunkLoading: chunkLoading.optional(),
- workerWasmLoading: wasmLoading.optional(),
- workerPublicPath: workerPublicPath.optional(),
- scriptType: scriptType.optional()
-//#region Resolve
-const resolveAlias = zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z
- .literal(false)
- .or(zod_1.z.string())
- .or(zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.literal(false)))));
-const resolveTsconfig = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- configFile: zod_1.z.string(),
- references: zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()).or(zod_1.z.literal("auto")).optional()
-const baseResolveOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- alias: resolveAlias.optional(),
- /**
- * This is `aliasField: ["browser"]` in webpack, because no one
- * uses aliasField other than "browser". ---@bvanjoi
- */
- browserField: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- conditionNames: zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()).optional(),
- extensions: zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()).optional(),
- fallback: resolveAlias.optional(),
- mainFields: zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()).optional(),
- mainFiles: zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()).optional(),
- modules: zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()).optional(),
- preferRelative: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- tsConfigPath: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- tsConfig: resolveTsconfig.optional(),
- fullySpecified: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- exportsFields: zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()).optional(),
- extensionAlias: zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.string()))).optional()
-const resolveOptions = baseResolveOptions.extend({
- byDependency: zod_1.z.lazy(() => zod_1.z.record(resolveOptions)).optional()
-const resolve = resolveOptions;
-//#region Module
-const baseRuleSetCondition = zod_1.z
- .instanceof(RegExp)
- .or(zod_1.z.string())
- .or(zod_1.z.function().args(zod_1.z.string()).returns(zod_1.z.boolean()));
-const ruleSetCondition = baseRuleSetCondition
- .or(zod_1.z.lazy(() => ruleSetConditions))
- .or(zod_1.z.lazy(() => ruleSetLogicalConditions));
-const ruleSetConditions = zod_1.z.lazy(() => zod_1.z.array(ruleSetCondition));
-const ruleSetLogicalConditions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- and: ruleSetConditions.optional(),
- or: ruleSetConditions.optional(),
- not: ruleSetConditions.optional()
-const ruleSetLoader = zod_1.z.string();
-const ruleSetLoaderOptions = zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.any()));
-const ruleSetLoaderWithOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- ident: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- loader: ruleSetLoader,
- options: ruleSetLoaderOptions.optional()
-const ruleSetUseItem = ruleSetLoader.or(ruleSetLoaderWithOptions);
-const ruleSetUse = ruleSetUseItem
- .or(ruleSetUseItem.array())
- .or(zod_1.z.function().args(zod_1.z.custom()).returns(ruleSetUseItem.array()));
-const baseRuleSetRule = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- test: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- exclude: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- include: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- issuer: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- dependency: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- resource: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- resourceFragment: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- resourceQuery: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- scheme: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- mimetype: ruleSetCondition.optional(),
- descriptionData: zod_1.z.record(ruleSetCondition).optional(),
- type: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- loader: ruleSetLoader.optional(),
- options: ruleSetLoaderOptions.optional(),
- use: ruleSetUse.optional(),
- parser: zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.any()).optional(),
- generator: zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.any()).optional(),
- resolve: resolveOptions.optional(),
- sideEffects: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- enforce: zod_1.z.literal("pre").or(zod_1.z.literal("post")).optional()
-const ruleSetRule = baseRuleSetRule.extend({
- oneOf: zod_1.z.lazy(() => ruleSetRule.array()).optional(),
- rules: zod_1.z.lazy(() => ruleSetRule.array()).optional()
-const ruleSetRules = zod_1.z.array(zod_1.z.literal("...").or(ruleSetRule));
-const assetParserDataUrlOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- maxSize: zod_1.z.number().optional()
-const assetParserDataUrl = assetParserDataUrlOptions;
-const assetParserOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- dataUrlCondition: assetParserDataUrl.optional()
-//TODO: "weak", "lazy-once"
-const dynamicImportMode = zod_1.z.enum(["eager", "lazy"]);
-const javascriptParserOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- dynamicImportMode: dynamicImportMode.optional()
-const parserOptionsByModuleTypeKnown = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- asset: assetParserOptions.optional(),
- javascript: javascriptParserOptions.optional()
-const parserOptionsByModuleTypeUnknown = zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.any()));
-const parserOptionsByModuleType = parserOptionsByModuleTypeKnown.or(parserOptionsByModuleTypeUnknown);
-const assetGeneratorDataUrlOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- encoding: zod_1.z.literal(false).or(zod_1.z.literal("base64")).optional(),
- mimetype: zod_1.z.string().optional()
-const assetGeneratorDataUrl = assetGeneratorDataUrlOptions;
-const assetInlineGeneratorOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- dataUrl: assetGeneratorDataUrl.optional()
-const assetResourceGeneratorOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- filename: filenameTemplate.optional(),
- publicPath: publicPath.optional()
-const assetGeneratorOptions = assetInlineGeneratorOptions.merge(assetResourceGeneratorOptions);
-const generatorOptionsByModuleTypeKnown = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- asset: assetGeneratorOptions.optional(),
- "asset/inline": assetInlineGeneratorOptions.optional(),
- "asset/resource": assetResourceGeneratorOptions.optional()
-const generatorOptionsByModuleTypeUnknown = zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.any()));
-const generatorOptionsByModuleType = generatorOptionsByModuleTypeKnown.or(generatorOptionsByModuleTypeUnknown);
-const moduleOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- defaultRules: ruleSetRules.optional(),
- rules: ruleSetRules.optional(),
- parser: parserOptionsByModuleType.optional(),
- generator: generatorOptionsByModuleType.optional()
-//#region Target
-const allowTarget = zod_1.z
- .enum([
- "web",
- "webworker",
- "es3",
- "es5",
- "es2015",
- "es2016",
- "es2017",
- "es2018",
- "es2019",
- "es2020",
- "es2021",
- "es2022",
- "browserslist"
- .or(zod_1.z.literal("node"))
- .or(zod_1.z.literal("async-node"))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^node\d+$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^async-node\d+$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^node\d+\.\d+$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^async-node\d+\.\d+$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.literal("electron-main"))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^electron\d+-main$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^electron\d+\.\d+-main$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.literal("electron-renderer"))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^electron\d+-renderer$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^electron\d+\.\d+-renderer$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.literal("electron-preload"))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^electron\d+-preload$/.test(value)))
- .or(zod_1.z.custom(value => typeof value === "string" && /^electron\d+\.\d+-preload$/.test(value)));
-const target = zod_1.z.literal(false).or(allowTarget).or(allowTarget.array());
-//#region ExternalsType
-exports.externalsType = zod_1.z.enum([
- "var",
- "module",
- "assign",
- "this",
- "window",
- "self",
- "global",
- "commonjs",
- "commonjs2",
- "commonjs-module",
- "commonjs-static",
- "amd",
- "amd-require",
- "umd",
- "umd2",
- "jsonp",
- "system",
- "promise",
- "import",
- "script",
- "node-commonjs"
-//#region Externals
-const externalItemValue = zod_1.z
- .string()
- .or(zod_1.z.boolean())
- .or(zod_1.z.string().array().min(1))
- .or(zod_1.z.record(zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.string().array())));
-const externalItemObjectUnknown = zod_1.z.record(externalItemValue);
-const externalItemFunctionData = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- context: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- dependencyType: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- request: zod_1.z.string().optional()
-const externalItem = zod_1.z
- .string()
- .or(zod_1.z.instanceof(RegExp))
- .or(externalItemObjectUnknown)
- .or(zod_1.z
- .function()
- .args(externalItemFunctionData, zod_1.z
- .function()
- .args(zod_1.z.instanceof(Error).optional(), externalItemValue.optional(), exports.externalsType.optional())
- .returns(zod_1.z.void())))
- .or(zod_1.z
- .function()
- .args(externalItemFunctionData)
- .returns(zod_1.z.promise(externalItemValue)));
-const externals = externalItem.array().or(externalItem);
-//#region ExternalsPresets
-const externalsPresets = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- node: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- web: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- webAsync: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- electron: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- electronMain: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- electronPreload: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- electronRenderer: zod_1.z.boolean().optional()
-//#region InfrastructureLogging
-const filterItemTypes = zod_1.z
- .instanceof(RegExp)
- .or(zod_1.z.string())
- .or(zod_1.z.function().args(zod_1.z.string()).returns(zod_1.z.boolean()));
-const filterTypes = filterItemTypes.array().or(filterItemTypes);
-const infrastructureLogging = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- appendOnly: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- colors: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- console: zod_1.z.custom().optional(),
- debug: zod_1.z.boolean().or(filterTypes).optional(),
- level: zod_1.z.enum(["none", "error", "warn", "info", "log", "verbose"]).optional(),
- stream: zod_1.z.custom().optional()
-//#region DevTool
-const devTool = zod_1.z
- .literal(false)
- .or(zod_1.z.enum([
- "cheap-source-map",
- "cheap-module-source-map",
- "source-map",
- "inline-cheap-source-map",
- "inline-cheap-module-source-map",
- "inline-source-map",
- "inline-nosources-cheap-module-source-map",
- "inline-nosources-source-map",
- "nosources-cheap-source-map",
- "nosources-cheap-module-source-map",
- "nosources-source-map",
- "hidden-nosources-cheap-source-map",
- "hidden-nosources-cheap-module-source-map",
- "hidden-nosources-source-map",
- "hidden-cheap-source-map",
- "hidden-cheap-module-source-map",
- "hidden-source-map",
- "eval-cheap-source-map",
- "eval-cheap-module-source-map",
- "eval-source-map",
- "eval-nosources-cheap-source-map",
- "eval-nosources-cheap-module-source-map",
- "eval-nosources-source-map"
-//#region Node
-const nodeOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- __dirname: zod_1.z
- .boolean()
- .or(zod_1.z.enum(["warn-mock", "mock", "eval-only"]))
- .optional(),
- __filename: zod_1.z
- .boolean()
- .or(zod_1.z.enum(["warn-mock", "mock", "eval-only"]))
- .optional(),
- global: zod_1.z.boolean().or(zod_1.z.literal("warn")).optional()
-const node = zod_1.z.literal(false).or(nodeOptions);
-//#region Snapshot
-const snapshotOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- module: zod_1.z
- .strictObject({
- hash: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- timestamp: zod_1.z.boolean().optional()
- })
- .optional(),
- resolve: zod_1.z
- .strictObject({
- hash: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- timestamp: zod_1.z.boolean().optional()
- })
- .optional()
-//#region Cache
-const cacheOptions = zod_1.z.boolean();
-//#region Stats
-const statsOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- all: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- preset: zod_1.z
- .enum(["normal", "none", "verbose", "errors-only", "errors-warnings"])
- .optional(),
- assets: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- chunks: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- modules: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- entrypoints: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- chunkGroups: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- warnings: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- warningsCount: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- errors: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- errorsCount: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- colors: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- hash: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- version: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- reasons: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- publicPath: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- outputPath: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- chunkModules: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- chunkRelations: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- ids: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- timings: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- builtAt: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- moduleAssets: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- modulesSpace: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- nestedModules: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- source: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- logging: zod_1.z
- .enum(["none", "error", "warn", "info", "log", "verbose"])
- .or(zod_1.z.boolean())
- .optional(),
- loggingDebug: zod_1.z.boolean().or(filterTypes).optional(),
- loggingTrace: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- runtimeModules: zod_1.z.boolean().optional()
-const statsValue = zod_1.z
- .enum(["none", "errors-only", "errors-warnings", "normal", "verbose"])
- .or(zod_1.z.boolean())
- .or(statsOptions);
-const plugin = zod_1.z.union([
- zod_1.z.custom(),
- zod_1.z.custom()
-const plugins = plugin.array();
-//#region Optimization
-const optimizationRuntimeChunk = zod_1.z
- .enum(["single", "multiple"])
- .or(zod_1.z.boolean())
- .or(zod_1.z.strictObject({
- name: zod_1.z
- .string()
- .or(zod_1.z.function().returns(zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.undefined())))
- .optional()
-const optimizationSplitChunksNameFunction = zod_1.z.function().args(zod_1.z.instanceof(Module_1.Module).optional()
-// FIXME: z.array(z.instanceof(Chunk)).optional(), z.string()
-// FIXME: Chunk[], cacheChunkKey
-const optimizationSplitChunksName = zod_1.z
- .string()
- .or(zod_1.z.literal(false))
- .or(optimizationSplitChunksNameFunction);
-const optimizationSplitChunksChunks = zod_1.z
- .enum(["initial", "async", "all"])
- .or(zod_1.z.instanceof(RegExp));
-const optimizationSplitChunksSizes = zod_1.z.number();
-const sharedOptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup = {
- chunks: optimizationSplitChunksChunks.optional(),
- minChunks: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- name: optimizationSplitChunksName.optional(),
- minSize: optimizationSplitChunksSizes.optional(),
- maxSize: optimizationSplitChunksSizes.optional(),
- maxAsyncSize: optimizationSplitChunksSizes.optional(),
- maxInitialSize: optimizationSplitChunksSizes.optional(),
- automaticNameDelimiter: zod_1.z.string().optional()
-const optimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- test: zod_1.z
- .string()
- .or(zod_1.z.instanceof(RegExp))
- .or(zod_1.z
- .function()
- .args(zod_1.z.instanceof(Module_1.Module) /** FIXME: lack of CacheGroupContext */))
- .optional(),
- priority: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- enforce: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- filename: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- reuseExistingChunk: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- type: zod_1.z.string().or(zod_1.z.instanceof(RegExp)).optional(),
- idHint: zod_1.z.string().optional(),
- ...sharedOptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup
-const optimizationSplitChunksOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- cacheGroups: zod_1.z
- .record(zod_1.z.literal(false).or(optimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup))
- .optional(),
- maxAsyncRequests: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- maxInitialRequests: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- fallbackCacheGroup: zod_1.z
- .strictObject({
- chunks: optimizationSplitChunksChunks.optional(),
- minSize: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- maxSize: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- maxAsyncSize: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- maxInitialSize: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- automaticNameDelimiter: zod_1.z.string().optional()
- })
- .optional(),
- hidePathInfo: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- ...sharedOptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup
-const optimization = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- moduleIds: zod_1.z.enum(["named", "deterministic"]).optional(),
- chunkIds: zod_1.z.enum(["named", "deterministic"]).optional(),
- minimize: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- minimizer: zod_1.z.literal("...").or(plugin).array().optional(),
- mergeDuplicateChunks: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- splitChunks: zod_1.z.literal(false).or(optimizationSplitChunksOptions).optional(),
- runtimeChunk: optimizationRuntimeChunk.optional(),
- removeAvailableModules: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- removeEmptyChunks: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- realContentHash: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- sideEffects: zod_1.z.enum(["flag"]).or(zod_1.z.boolean()).optional(),
- providedExports: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- innerGraph: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- usedExports: zod_1.z.enum(["global"]).or(zod_1.z.boolean()).optional(),
- mangleExports: zod_1.z.enum(["size", "deterministic"]).or(zod_1.z.boolean()).optional(),
- nodeEnv: zod_1.z.union([zod_1.z.string(), zod_1.z.literal(false)]).optional()
-//#region Experiments
-const incrementalRebuildOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- make: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- emitAsset: zod_1.z.boolean().optional()
-const rspackFutureOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- newResolver: zod_1.z
- .boolean()
- .optional()
- .refine(val => {
- if (val === false) {
- (0, util_1.deprecatedWarn)(`'experiments.rspackFuture.newResolver = ${JSON.stringify(val)}' has been deprecated, and will be drop support in 0.5.0, please switch 'experiments.rspackFuture.newResolver = true' to use new resolver, See the discussion ${(0, util_1.termlink)("here", "https://github.com/web-infra-dev/rspack/issues/4825")}`);
- }
- return true;
- }),
- newTreeshaking: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- disableTransformByDefault: zod_1.z.boolean().optional()
-const experiments = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- lazyCompilation: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- incrementalRebuild: zod_1.z
- .boolean()
- .or(incrementalRebuildOptions)
- .optional()
- .refine(val => {
- if (val !== undefined) {
- (0, util_1.deprecatedWarn)(`'experiments.incrementalRebuild' has been deprecated, and will be drop support in 0.5.0. See the discussion ${(0, util_1.termlink)("here", "https://github.com/web-infra-dev/rspack/issues/4708")}`);
- }
- return true;
- }),
- asyncWebAssembly: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- outputModule: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- topLevelAwait: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- newSplitChunks: zod_1.z
- .boolean()
- .optional()
- .refine(val => {
- if (val === false) {
- (0, util_1.deprecatedWarn)(`'experiments.newSplitChunks = ${JSON.stringify(val)}' has been deprecated, please switch to 'experiments.newSplitChunks = true' to use webpack's behavior.
- See the discussion ${(0, util_1.termlink)("here", "https://github.com/web-infra-dev/rspack/discussions/4168")}`);
- }
- return true;
- }),
- css: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- futureDefaults: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- rspackFuture: rspackFutureOptions.optional()
-//#region Watch
-const watch = zod_1.z.boolean();
-//#region WatchOptions
-const watchOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- aggregateTimeout: zod_1.z.number().optional(),
- followSymlinks: zod_1.z.boolean().optional(),
- ignored: zod_1.z
- .string()
- .array()
- .or(zod_1.z.instanceof(RegExp))
- .or(zod_1.z.string())
- .optional(),
- poll: zod_1.z.number().or(zod_1.z.boolean()).optional(),
- stdin: zod_1.z.boolean().optional()
-const devServer = zod_1.z.custom();
-//#region IgnoreWarnings
-const ignoreWarnings = zod_1.z
- .instanceof(RegExp)
- .or(zod_1.z
- .function()
- .args(zod_1.z.instanceof(Error), zod_1.z.custom())
- .returns(zod_1.z.boolean()))
- .array();
-//#region Profile
-const profile = zod_1.z.boolean();
-//#region Builtins (deprecated)
-const builtins = zod_1.z.custom();
-const features = zod_1.z.custom();
-// #endregion
-exports.rspackOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
- name: name.optional(),
- dependencies: dependencies.optional(),
- entry: entry.optional(),
- output: output.optional(),
- target: target.optional(),
- mode: mode.optional(),
- experiments: experiments.optional(),
- externals: externals.optional(),
- externalsType: exports.externalsType.optional(),
- externalsPresets: externalsPresets.optional(),
- infrastructureLogging: infrastructureLogging.optional(),
- cache: cacheOptions.optional(),
- context: context.optional(),
- devtool: devTool.optional(),
- node: node.optional(),
- ignoreWarnings: ignoreWarnings.optional(),
- watchOptions: watchOptions.optional(),
- watch: watch.optional(),
- stats: statsValue.optional(),
- snapshot: snapshotOptions.optional(),
- optimization: optimization.optional(),
- resolve: resolve.optional(),
- resolveLoader: resolve.optional(),
- plugins: plugins.optional(),
- devServer: devServer.optional(),
- builtins: builtins.optional(),
- module: moduleOptions.optional(),
- profile: profile.optional(),
- features: features.optional(),
diff --git a/packages/bundles/package.json b/packages/bundles/package.json
index 014a665484..72d04deff7 100644
--- a/packages/bundles/package.json
+++ b/packages/bundles/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@ice/bundles",
- "version": "0.2.0",
+ "version": "0.2.1",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "ICE",
"description": "Basic dependencies for ice.",
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
"zod": "^3.22.3",
"zod-validation-error": "1.2.0",
"terminal-link": "^2.1.1",
- "@ice/pack-binding": "0.0.4",
+ "@ice/pack-binding": "0.0.6",
"mime-types": "2.1.35"
"devDependencies": {
"@rspack/plugin-react-refresh": "0.4.3",
- "@rspack/dev-server": "0.4.3",
- "@rspack/core": "0.4.3",
+ "@rspack/dev-server": "0.4.5",
+ "@rspack/core": "0.4.5",
"@types/less": "^3.0.3",
"@types/lodash": "^4.14.181",
"@types/webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^4.4.1",
diff --git a/packages/bundles/scripts/tasks.ts b/packages/bundles/scripts/tasks.ts
index 5555d665db..f3f89b2ba5 100644
--- a/packages/bundles/scripts/tasks.ts
+++ b/packages/bundles/scripts/tasks.ts
@@ -231,10 +231,6 @@ const tasks = [
// filter out js files and replace with compiled files.
const filePaths = globbySync(['**/*'], { cwd: pkgPath, ignore: ['node_modules'] });
const filesAddOverwrite = [
- 'dist/config/adapter.js',
- 'dist/config/defaults.js',
- 'dist/config/zod.js',
- 'dist/config/normalization.js',
filePaths.forEach((filePath) => {
diff --git a/packages/ice/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/ice/CHANGELOG.md
index 749e2a2ba2..c70bfeb151 100644
--- a/packages/ice/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/ice/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
# Changelog
+## 3.4.1
+### Patch Changes
+- ebc8ae08: fix: add assets plugin to deal with thrid-party dependencies import assets direactly
+- 420fec85: fix: update binding version for packing error, resolve error when disable code splitting
+- Updated dependencies [23811c82]
+- Updated dependencies [420fec85]
+ - @ice/runtime@1.3.4
+ - @ice/rspack-config@1.1.1
+ - @ice/bundles@0.2.1
+ - @ice/shared-config@1.2.1
+ - @ice/webpack-config@1.1.8
## 3.4.0
### Minor Changes
diff --git a/packages/ice/bin/ice-cli.mjs b/packages/ice/bin/ice-cli.mjs
index a098feeeac..72b3c1ede2 100755
--- a/packages/ice/bin/ice-cli.mjs
+++ b/packages/ice/bin/ice-cli.mjs
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
import path from 'path';
+import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import semver from 'semver';
import fse from 'fs-extra';
-import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { program, Option } from 'commander';
import yargsParser from 'yargs-parser';
import createService from '../esm/createService.js';
@@ -32,10 +32,14 @@ const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
.action(async ({ rootDir, ...commandArgs }, ctx) => {
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
- const service = await createService({ rootDir, command: 'build', commandArgs: {
- ...parseUnknownOptions(ctx.args),
- ...commandArgs,
- } });
+ const service = await createService({
+ rootDir,
+ command: 'build',
+ commandArgs: {
+ ...parseUnknownOptions(ctx.args),
+ ...commandArgs,
+ },
+ });
service.run().catch((error) => {
console.log(chalk.red('Build Error'), error);
// Set exit code to 1 to exit process with failure code, otherwise CI may regard build as success.
@@ -63,10 +67,14 @@ const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
.action(async ({ rootDir, ...commandArgs }, ctx) => {
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';
- const service = await createService({ rootDir, command: 'start', commandArgs: {
- ...parseUnknownOptions(ctx.args),
- ...commandArgs
- } });
+ const service = await createService({
+ rootDir,
+ command: 'start',
+ commandArgs: {
+ ...parseUnknownOptions(ctx.args),
+ ...commandArgs,
+ },
+ });
@@ -105,13 +113,13 @@ function parseUnknownOptions(args) {
// For ice.js <3.0.3, using --platform to set build target.
function renamePlatformToTarget(commandArgs) {
// Rename `platform` to `target`.
- if (commandArgs.hasOwnProperty('platform')) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(commandArgs, 'platform')) {
commandArgs.target = commandArgs.platform;
delete commandArgs.platform;
-function checkNodeVersion (requireNodeVersion, frameworkName = 'ice') {
+function checkNodeVersion(requireNodeVersion, frameworkName = 'ice') {
if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, requireNodeVersion)) {
console.log(chalk.red(` You are using Node ${process.version}`));
diff --git a/packages/ice/package.json b/packages/ice/package.json
index f4cc6c3bb6..9bc89a8907 100644
--- a/packages/ice/package.json
+++ b/packages/ice/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@ice/app",
- "version": "3.4.0",
+ "version": "3.4.1",
"description": "provide scripts and configuration used by web framework ice",
"type": "module",
"main": "./esm/index.js",
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@
"bugs": "https://github.com/alibaba/ice/issues",
"homepage": "https://v3.ice.work",
"dependencies": {
- "@ice/bundles": "0.2.0",
+ "@ice/bundles": "0.2.1",
"@ice/route-manifest": "1.2.2",
- "@ice/runtime": "^1.3.3",
- "@ice/shared-config": "1.2.0",
- "@ice/webpack-config": "1.1.7",
- "@ice/rspack-config": "1.1.0",
+ "@ice/runtime": "^1.3.4",
+ "@ice/shared-config": "1.2.1",
+ "@ice/webpack-config": "1.1.8",
+ "@ice/rspack-config": "1.1.1",
"@swc/helpers": "0.5.1",
"@types/express": "^4.17.14",
"address": "^1.1.2",
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
"unplugin": "^1.5.1",
"webpack": "^5.88.0",
"webpack-dev-server": "4.15.0",
- "@rspack/core": "0.4.3",
+ "@rspack/core": "0.4.5",
"@rspack/dev-server": "0.4.3"
"peerDependencies": {
diff --git a/packages/ice/src/config.ts b/packages/ice/src/config.ts
index ee9ec028e5..eebd72bfcd 100644
--- a/packages/ice/src/config.ts
+++ b/packages/ice/src/config.ts
@@ -241,20 +241,24 @@ const userConfig = [
name: 'compileDependencies',
validation: 'array|boolean',
- getDefaultValue: () => (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? false : [/node_modules\/*/]),
- setConfig: (config: Config, customValue: UserConfig['compileDependencies']) => {
- let compileRegex: RegExp | false;
+ getDefaultValue: () => (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development'),
+ setConfig: (config: Config, customValue: UserConfig['compileDependencies'], context: UserConfigContext) => {
+ const speedupMode = context.commandArgs.speedup;
+ let compileRegex: RegExp | string | false;
if (customValue === true) {
- compileRegex = /node_modules\/*/;
+ compileRegex = speedupMode ? 'node_modules' : /node_modules\/*/;
} else if (customValue && customValue.length > 0) {
compileRegex = new RegExp(
.map((dep: string | RegExp) => {
if (dep instanceof RegExp) {
+ if (speedupMode) {
+ throw new Error('speedup mode does not support config compileDependencies as RegExp');
+ }
return dep.source;
} else if (typeof dep === 'string') {
// add default prefix of node_modules
- const matchStr = `node_modules/?.+${dep}/`;
+ const matchStr = speedupMode ? dep : `node_modules/?.+${dep}/`;
return matchStr;
return false;
diff --git a/packages/ice/src/service/ServerRunner.ts b/packages/ice/src/service/ServerRunner.ts
index b873458a2f..40f64fe1bc 100644
--- a/packages/ice/src/service/ServerRunner.ts
+++ b/packages/ice/src/service/ServerRunner.ts
@@ -128,6 +128,11 @@ class ServerRunner extends Runner {
+ plugins: [
+ createAssetsPlugin(() => {
+ return this.compilationInfo;
+ }, rootDir),
+ ],
const esbuildPlugins = [
diff --git a/packages/ice/src/service/serverCompiler.ts b/packages/ice/src/service/serverCompiler.ts
index fe6c667176..b5ef06a3c4 100644
--- a/packages/ice/src/service/serverCompiler.ts
+++ b/packages/ice/src/service/serverCompiler.ts
@@ -145,8 +145,18 @@ export function createServerCompiler(options: Options) {
}, 'esbuild', { isServer });
const define = getRuntimeDefination(task.config?.define || {}, runtimeDefineVars, transformEnv);
if (preBundle) {
+ const plugins = [
+ // Add assets plugin for pre-bundle in case of third-party library requires assets.
+ compilationInfo && createAssetsPlugin(compilationInfo, rootDir),
+ ];
+ if (enableSyntaxFeatures) {
+ plugins.push(
+ transformPipePlugin({
+ plugins: transformPlugins,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
preBundleDepsMetadata = await createPreBundleDepsMetadata({
@@ -156,11 +166,7 @@ export function createServerCompiler(options: Options) {
external: Object.keys(externals),
// Pass transformPlugins only if syntaxFeatures is enabled
- plugins: enableSyntaxFeatures ? [
- transformPipePlugin({
- plugins: transformPlugins,
- }),
- ] : [],
+ plugins,
diff --git a/packages/plugin-i18n/package.json b/packages/plugin-i18n/package.json
index b2b2b4c53b..1838df87c8 100644
--- a/packages/plugin-i18n/package.json
+++ b/packages/plugin-i18n/package.json
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"webpack-dev-server": "4.15.0"
"peerDependencies": {
- "@ice/app": "^3.4.0",
- "@ice/runtime": "^1.3.3"
+ "@ice/app": "^3.4.1",
+ "@ice/runtime": "^1.3.4"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
diff --git a/packages/rspack-config/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/rspack-config/CHANGELOG.md
index ec9b29d085..4590e4cd5c 100644
--- a/packages/rspack-config/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/rspack-config/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
# @ice/rspack-config
+## 1.1.1
+### Patch Changes
+- 420fec85: fix: update binding version for packing error, resolve error when disable code splitting
+- Updated dependencies [420fec85]
+ - @ice/bundles@0.2.1
+ - @ice/shared-config@1.2.1
## 1.1.0
### Minor Changes
diff --git a/packages/rspack-config/package.json b/packages/rspack-config/package.json
index 2854fa8057..1011bc3d09 100644
--- a/packages/rspack-config/package.json
+++ b/packages/rspack-config/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@ice/rspack-config",
- "version": "1.1.0",
+ "version": "1.1.1",
"repository": "alibaba/ice",
"bugs": "https://github.com/alibaba/ice/issues",
"homepage": "https://v3.ice.work",
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
"dependencies": {
- "@ice/bundles": "0.2.0",
- "@ice/shared-config": "1.2.0"
+ "@ice/bundles": "0.2.1",
+ "@ice/shared-config": "1.2.1"
"devDependencies": {
- "@rspack/core": "0.4.3"
+ "@rspack/core": "0.4.5"
"scripts": {
"watch": "tsc -w --sourceMap",
diff --git a/packages/rspack-config/src/index.ts b/packages/rspack-config/src/index.ts
index 451c918166..57b54046e3 100644
--- a/packages/rspack-config/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/rspack-config/src/index.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import * as path from 'path';
import { createRequire } from 'module';
-import { compilationPlugin, compileExcludes, getDefineVars, getCompilerPlugins, getJsxTransformOptions, getAliasWithRoot } from '@ice/shared-config';
+import { getDefineVars, getCompilerPlugins, getJsxTransformOptions, getAliasWithRoot, skipCompilePackages } from '@ice/shared-config';
import type { Config, ModifyWebpackConfig } from '@ice/shared-config/types';
import type { Configuration, rspack as Rspack } from '@rspack/core';
import lodash from '@ice/bundles/compiled/lodash/index.js';
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ const getConfig: GetConfig = async (options) => {
- getRoutesFile,
} = options;
@@ -52,9 +51,7 @@ const getConfig: GetConfig = async (options) => {
publicPath = '/',
- cacheDir,
outputDir = 'build',
- sourceMap,
externals = {},
alias = {},
@@ -75,19 +72,6 @@ const getConfig: GetConfig = async (options) => {
const isDev = mode === 'development';
const absoluteOutputDir = path.isAbsolute(outputDir) ? outputDir : path.join(rootDir, outputDir);
const hashKey = hash === true ? 'hash:8' : (hash || '');
- const compilation = compilationPlugin({
- rootDir,
- cacheDir,
- sourceMap,
- fastRefresh: false,
- mode,
- compileIncludes,
- compileExcludes,
- swcOptions,
- polyfill,
- enableEnv: true,
- getRoutesFile,
- });
const { rspack: { DefinePlugin, ProvidePlugin, SwcJsMinimizerRspackPlugin } } = await import('@ice/bundles/esm/rspack.js');
const cssFilename = `css/${hashKey ? `[name]-[${hashKey}].css` : '[name].css'}`;
@@ -128,6 +112,19 @@ const getConfig: GetConfig = async (options) => {
? splitChunks
: getSplitChunks(rootDir, splitChunks);
+ // Get built-in exclude packages.
+ const compileExclude = skipCompilePackages.map((pkg) => {
+ return `node_modules[\\/](${pkg}[\\/]|_${pkg.replace('/', '_')}@[^/]+[\\/])`;
+ });
+ let excludeRule: string;
+ if (!compileIncludes || compileIncludes?.length === 0) {
+ excludeRule = 'node_modules';
+ } else if (!compileIncludes?.includes('node_modules') && compileIncludes?.length > 0) {
+ excludeRule = `node_modules[\\/](?!${compileIncludes.map((pkg: string) => {
+ return `${pkg}[\\/]|_${pkg.replace('/', '_')}@[^/]+[\\/]`;
+ }).join('|')}).*`;
+ }
const config: Configuration = {
entry: {
main: [path.join(rootDir, runtimeTmpDir, 'entry.client.tsx')],
@@ -148,8 +145,8 @@ const getConfig: GetConfig = async (options) => {
module: {
rules: [
- // TODO: use regexp to improve performance.
- test: compilation.transformInclude,
+ test: /\.(jsx?|tsx?|mjs)$/,
+ ...(excludeRule ? { exclude: new RegExp(excludeRule) } : {}),
use: {
loader: 'builtin:compilation-loader',
options: {
@@ -158,6 +155,10 @@ const getConfig: GetConfig = async (options) => {
removeExport: swcOptions.removeExportExprs,
keepExport: swcOptions.keepExports,
+ compileRules: {
+ // "bundles/compiled" is the path when using @ice/bundles.
+ exclude: [...compileExclude, 'bundles/compiled'],
+ },
@@ -204,6 +205,8 @@ const getConfig: GetConfig = async (options) => {
experiments: {
rspackFuture: {
disableTransformByDefault: true,
+ // This configuration is make the same behaior with webpack 5.
+ disableApplyEntryLazily: true,
stats: 'none',
diff --git a/packages/rspack-config/src/splitChunks.ts b/packages/rspack-config/src/splitChunks.ts
index 5224596212..b186bfb769 100644
--- a/packages/rspack-config/src/splitChunks.ts
+++ b/packages/rspack-config/src/splitChunks.ts
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ export const getVendorStrategy = (options: Configuration['splitChunks']) => {
const getSplitChunks = (_: string, strategy: string | boolean) => {
if (strategy === false) {
- return { minChunks: Infinity, cacheGroups: { default: false } };
+ // Empty splitChunks configuration if strategy is false.
+ return {};
} else if (typeof strategy === 'string' && ['page-vendors', 'vendors'].includes(strategy)) {
const splitChunksOptions = strategy === 'page-vendors' ? { chunks: 'all' } : {};
return getVendorStrategy(splitChunksOptions);
diff --git a/packages/runtime/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/runtime/CHANGELOG.md
index b558ca8d13..596f2d5abf 100644
--- a/packages/runtime/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/runtime/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# @ice/runtime
+## 1.3.4
+### Patch Changes
+- 23811c82: fix: `unstable_OffScreen` to `unstable_Activity`. For https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/27640
## 1.3.3
### Patch Changes
diff --git a/packages/runtime/package.json b/packages/runtime/package.json
index f777e59f08..6f15eff9cd 100644
--- a/packages/runtime/package.json
+++ b/packages/runtime/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@ice/runtime",
- "version": "1.3.3",
+ "version": "1.3.4",
"description": "Runtime module for ice.js",
"type": "module",
"types": "./esm/index.d.ts",
diff --git a/packages/runtime/src/KeepAliveOutlet.tsx b/packages/runtime/src/KeepAliveOutlet.tsx
index f8a7a43eea..a69a7081f4 100644
--- a/packages/runtime/src/KeepAliveOutlet.tsx
+++ b/packages/runtime/src/KeepAliveOutlet.tsx
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useOutlet, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
// @ts-ignore
-const Offscreen = React.unstable_Offscreen;
+const Activity = React.unstable_Activity;
// ref: https://leomyili.github.io/react-stillness-component/docs/examples/react-router/v6
export default function KeepAliveOutlet() {
- if (!Offscreen) {
+ if (!Activity) {
throw new Error('`` now requires react experimental version. Please install it first.');
const [outlets, setOutlets] = useState([]);
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ export default function KeepAliveOutlet() {
outlets.map((o) => {
return (
diff --git a/packages/shared-config/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/shared-config/CHANGELOG.md
index 2a916f5b98..43cd45837e 100644
--- a/packages/shared-config/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/shared-config/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# @ice/shared-config
+## 1.2.1
+### Patch Changes
+- Updated dependencies [420fec85]
+ - @ice/bundles@0.2.1
## 1.2.0
### Minor Changes
diff --git a/packages/shared-config/package.json b/packages/shared-config/package.json
index 88949bbc5b..aa16706703 100644
--- a/packages/shared-config/package.json
+++ b/packages/shared-config/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@ice/shared-config",
- "version": "1.2.0",
+ "version": "1.2.1",
"repository": "alibaba/ice",
"bugs": "https://github.com/alibaba/ice/issues",
"homepage": "https://v3.ice.work",
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"dependencies": {
- "@ice/bundles": "0.2.0",
+ "@ice/bundles": "0.2.1",
"@rollup/pluginutils": "^4.2.0",
"browserslist": "^4.22.1",
"consola": "^2.15.3",
diff --git a/packages/webpack-config/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/webpack-config/CHANGELOG.md
index 2525e98d2c..61e698bf09 100644
--- a/packages/webpack-config/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/webpack-config/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
# Changelog
+## 1.1.8
+### Patch Changes
+- Updated dependencies [420fec85]
+ - @ice/bundles@0.2.1
+ - @ice/shared-config@1.2.1
## 1.1.7
### Patch Changes
diff --git a/packages/webpack-config/package.json b/packages/webpack-config/package.json
index 4e0d0a8abf..ae73e3f960 100644
--- a/packages/webpack-config/package.json
+++ b/packages/webpack-config/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@ice/webpack-config",
- "version": "1.1.7",
+ "version": "1.1.8",
"repository": "alibaba/ice",
"bugs": "https://github.com/alibaba/ice/issues",
"homepage": "https://v3.ice.work",
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
"dependencies": {
- "@ice/shared-config": "1.2.0",
- "@ice/bundles": "0.2.0",
+ "@ice/shared-config": "1.2.1",
+ "@ice/bundles": "0.2.1",
"fast-glob": "^3.2.11",
"process": "^0.11.10"
diff --git a/patches/@rspack__core@0.4.5.patch b/patches/@rspack__core@0.4.5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..666be14d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/@rspack__core@0.4.5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+diff --git a/dist/config/adapter.js b/dist/config/adapter.js
+index ea1d21db02d413de0d25367c646cd9773fb41223..42aed198ffb18752a7a245e1f8a0f2bf845b80d5 100644
+--- a/dist/config/adapter.js
++++ b/dist/config/adapter.js
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ const getRawOptions = (options, compiler, processResource) => {
+ const mode = options.mode;
+ const experiments = getRawExperiments(options.experiments);
+ return {
++ features: options.features,
+ mode,
+ target: getRawTarget(options.target),
+ context: options.context,
+diff --git a/dist/config/defaults.js b/dist/config/defaults.js
+index b413bb21a053a161a64056664354a50ee6429283..9983bc69e39d031ca49fa04bcad0aea093e4b996 100644
+--- a/dist/config/defaults.js
++++ b/dist/config/defaults.js
+@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ const applyRspackOptionsDefaults = (options) => {
+ applyExperimentsDefaults(options.experiments, {
+ cache: options.cache
+ });
++ if (options.features) {
++ applyFeaturesDefaults(options.features);
++ } else {
++ D(options, 'features', {});
++ }
+ applySnapshotDefaults(options.snapshot, { production });
+ applyModuleDefaults(options.module, {
+ // syncWebAssembly: options.experiments.syncWebAssembly,
+@@ -129,6 +134,13 @@ const applyExperimentsDefaults = (experiments, { cache }) => {
+ D(experiments.rspackFuture, "disableApplyEntryLazily", false);
+ }
+ };
++const applyFeaturesDefaults = (features) => {
++ D(features, 'split_chunks_strategy', {});
++ if (typeof features.split_chunks_strategy === 'object') {
++ D(features.split_chunks_strategy, 'name', '');
++ D(features.split_chunks_strategy, 'topLevelFrameworks', []);
++ }
+ const applySnapshotDefaults = (snapshot, { production }) => {
+ F(snapshot, "module", () => production
+ ? { timestamp: true, hash: true }
+diff --git a/dist/config/normalization.js b/dist/config/normalization.js
+index 7769ba679c50a63a60961cfe87f5b7b950593e85..d159573dacd63aec503be254366eea94cdddf826 100644
+--- a/dist/config/normalization.js
++++ b/dist/config/normalization.js
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ exports.getNormalizedRspackOptions = void 0;
+ const util_1 = require("../util");
+ const getNormalizedRspackOptions = (config) => {
+ return {
++ features: config.features,
+ ignoreWarnings: config.ignoreWarnings !== undefined
+ ? config.ignoreWarnings.map(ignore => {
+ if (typeof ignore === "function") {
+diff --git a/dist/config/zod.js b/dist/config/zod.js
+index 9efb9502f22278229c9c5798b7ae5eee2dbd0915..348b9528161995d65d462279f74960d1b00e195f 100644
+--- a/dist/config/zod.js
++++ b/dist/config/zod.js
+@@ -759,6 +759,7 @@ exports.rspackOptions = zod_1.z.strictObject({
+ builtins: builtins.optional(),
+ module: moduleOptions.optional(),
+ profile: profile.optional(),
+- bail: bail.optional()
++ bail: bail.optional(),
++ features: zod_1.z.custom().optional(),
+ });
+ //# sourceMappingURL=zod.js.map
diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml
index d477baff7d..18732317d3 100644
--- a/pnpm-lock.yaml
+++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ settings:
excludeLinksFromLockfile: false
+ '@rspack/core@0.4.5':
+ hash: vl6m5tsr4v2bh4wx2ltp22ktf4
+ path: patches/@rspack__core@0.4.5.patch
hash: eanypstkeladyqkfllfbryx6lu
path: patches/unplugin@1.5.1.patch
@@ -1273,8 +1276,8 @@ importers:
specifier: 0.0.6
version: 0.0.6
- specifier: 0.0.4
- version: 0.0.4
+ specifier: 0.0.6
+ version: 0.0.6
specifier: 0.2.0
version: 0.2.0
@@ -1370,11 +1373,11 @@ importers:
specifier: 0.5.10
version: 0.5.10(react-refresh@0.14.0)(webpack-dev-server@4.15.0)(webpack@5.88.2)
- specifier: 0.4.3
- version: 0.4.3
+ specifier: 0.4.5
+ version: 0.4.5(patch_hash=vl6m5tsr4v2bh4wx2ltp22ktf4)
- specifier: 0.4.3
- version: 0.4.3(@rspack/core@0.4.3)(@swc/core@1.3.80)(esbuild@0.17.16)(react-refresh@0.14.0)
+ specifier: 0.4.5
+ version: 0.4.5(@rspack/core@0.4.5)(@swc/core@1.3.80)(esbuild@0.17.16)(react-refresh@0.14.0)
specifier: 0.4.3
version: 0.4.3(react-refresh@0.14.0)
@@ -1597,22 +1600,22 @@ importers:
- specifier: 0.2.0
+ specifier: 0.2.1
version: link:../bundles
specifier: 1.2.2
version: link:../route-manifest
- specifier: 1.1.0
+ specifier: 1.1.1
version: link:../rspack-config
- specifier: ^1.3.3
+ specifier: ^1.3.4
version: link:../runtime
- specifier: 1.2.0
+ specifier: 1.2.1
version: link:../shared-config
- specifier: 1.1.7
+ specifier: 1.1.8
version: link:../webpack-config
specifier: 0.5.1
@@ -1697,11 +1700,11 @@ importers:
version: 21.1.1
- specifier: 0.4.3
- version: 0.4.3
+ specifier: 0.4.5
+ version: 0.4.5(patch_hash=vl6m5tsr4v2bh4wx2ltp22ktf4)
specifier: 0.4.3
- version: 0.4.3(@rspack/core@0.4.3)(@types/express@4.17.17)(esbuild@0.17.16)
+ version: 0.4.3(@rspack/core@0.4.5)(@types/express@4.17.17)(esbuild@0.17.16)
specifier: ^7.6.4
version: 7.6.4
@@ -2291,15 +2294,15 @@ importers:
- specifier: 0.2.0
+ specifier: 0.2.1
version: link:../bundles
- specifier: 1.2.0
+ specifier: 1.2.1
version: link:../shared-config
- specifier: 0.4.3
- version: 0.4.3
+ specifier: 0.4.5
+ version: 0.4.5(patch_hash=vl6m5tsr4v2bh4wx2ltp22ktf4)
@@ -2365,7 +2368,7 @@ importers:
- specifier: 0.2.0
+ specifier: 0.2.1
version: link:../bundles
specifier: ^4.2.0
@@ -2408,10 +2411,10 @@ importers:
- specifier: 0.2.0
+ specifier: 0.2.1
version: link:../bundles
- specifier: 1.2.0
+ specifier: 1.2.1
version: link:../shared-config
specifier: ^3.2.11
@@ -6655,8 +6658,8 @@ packages:
'@ice/css-modules-hash-win32-x64-msvc': 0.0.6
dev: false
- /@ice/pack-binding-darwin-arm64@0.0.4:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-OtzGietfQqrE24l+fq4Zt3azY/ZN9GYMfqtFIPmD4OhHdZdBsMj15ycQAu8U35kVI3nRiirYaXkRpysE5Gq98Q==}
+ /@ice/pack-binding-darwin-arm64@0.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-vJNdd1rvAA+3l2wlZvZKoOaz+ti7RG4MaHM/T+fEgt9lDpxhY3X+/4MNKdJnzMGsBsX5vMjvifRXS4UFFSg5oQ==}
engines: {node: '>= 10'}
cpu: [arm64]
os: [darwin]
@@ -6664,16 +6667,16 @@ packages:
dev: false
optional: true
- /@ice/pack-binding-darwin-universal@0.0.4:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-M6Hf6YyEIEQ6h6ZyX7XsKafnmnch+o4yb4pgRjZFFvdwqToeNj8jHnPSQdnlWXE9vbdGmhAZopJvNPnljDNRmg==}
+ /@ice/pack-binding-darwin-universal@0.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y/eDuy667DvUAWl9hpg4D8YCFogW6eCCdOIEMVhxHQOBCMa9QbXCg6TKsI+xKfudUCNCsqg+dQTdRUMCazNjxQ==}
engines: {node: '>= 10'}
os: [darwin]
requiresBuild: true
dev: false
optional: true
- /@ice/pack-binding-darwin-x64@0.0.4:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-CrnjirRVTng69R5/xgLLETxkH3Vp5wbTWY5BRxQZf3Cd5lIOfsQao4R1Z7tYn5eJ5Huqp20C7ZB/r4By1EgcSg==}
+ /@ice/pack-binding-darwin-x64@0.0.6:
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engines: {node: '>= 10'}
cpu: [x64]
os: [darwin]
@@ -6681,8 +6684,8 @@ packages:
dev: false
optional: true
- /@ice/pack-binding-linux-x64-gnu@0.0.4:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-WghzIXix7a1k+z3gPqbIf3S/I9PZXMgFiIvQ409IB8VFwI3pzY3OLqlRISkXZMWIB4u0J1qU+h4Ka/V11HLmzA==}
+ /@ice/pack-binding-linux-x64-gnu@0.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ol6E62HxLhCPAeTJ7e6vaC1UsKJNt5mCngQVlUAut5QIFccQw6m+ZFGHu/OZfvmtTYwCo4d3m8OlBoTvIyIY5w==}
engines: {node: '>= 10'}
cpu: [x64]
os: [linux]
@@ -6690,8 +6693,8 @@ packages:
dev: false
optional: true
- /@ice/pack-binding-linux-x64-musl@0.0.4:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-8hkrcS1uicN3JLKS15ODmFxiveSLnHGt2bWjoXTEUmQDxjPZXyevS9oys/WvO8a2Cew5UadI/lgzFGmYZbm9mQ==}
+ /@ice/pack-binding-linux-x64-musl@0.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-koCI4HhBJk/MhMdeAJiMMza1Y0+HRexl2YsAsgZZLTAuOPhPCqFrofiIAJ1hBJhQpwWdK4Dfi13szeoWp2HIlA==}
engines: {node: '>= 10'}
cpu: [x64]
os: [linux]
@@ -6699,8 +6702,8 @@ packages:
dev: false
optional: true
- /@ice/pack-binding-win32-arm64-msvc@0.0.4:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-lIl+h3jUHp8DXxPy0U+abM6+uWeIshUNNebBpRUpUqO3TtUcbgfwFU4HkAeQv/ef/xAUY/XzRvotJgtt4SZjPQ==}
+ /@ice/pack-binding-win32-arm64-msvc@0.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-4xyVffE2wzI1TAaJhXj3SYGEgPSlg5qwDJxu+8S77sMrFmqGFOkTbo3Jg/wI1FUFsvWCEJZz4ly4AY4CF7dxhA==}
engines: {node: '>= 10'}
cpu: [arm64]
os: [win32]
@@ -6708,8 +6711,8 @@ packages:
dev: false
optional: true
- /@ice/pack-binding-win32-x64-msvc@0.0.4:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-4N9dMY1bD4k7uTABHKgb0ylZeo6grJU3QHXxBxJMwHyXtGsC6mKzsVWyuTr8rOPm+nEGyy699Zv53YWNLdv8dw==}
+ /@ice/pack-binding-win32-x64-msvc@0.0.6:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-7rJF5RMzg2vdyBoSAS9nBSGKHUqWB9S5TN4oAqssrTWbBeCT5Sf8GHUfwzRKBc0a/3muSUPzRxOIKh6yCT859g==}
engines: {node: '>= 10'}
cpu: [x64]
os: [win32]
@@ -6717,17 +6720,17 @@ packages:
dev: false
optional: true
- /@ice/pack-binding@0.0.4:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-JKt4IcsqdIF2TuWFHh99fdQWoC55z+WgID9Psa+8fYexVAsArpQhXkxAGweiw6ilFTOFqUcRBwQG91oJxGZ3eQ==}
+ /@ice/pack-binding@0.0.6:
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engines: {node: '>= 10'}
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- '@ice/pack-binding-linux-x64-musl': 0.0.4
- '@ice/pack-binding-win32-arm64-msvc': 0.0.4
- '@ice/pack-binding-win32-x64-msvc': 0.0.4
+ '@ice/pack-binding-darwin-arm64': 0.0.6
+ '@ice/pack-binding-darwin-universal': 0.0.6
+ '@ice/pack-binding-darwin-x64': 0.0.6
+ '@ice/pack-binding-linux-x64-gnu': 0.0.6
+ '@ice/pack-binding-linux-x64-musl': 0.0.6
+ '@ice/pack-binding-win32-arm64-msvc': 0.0.6
+ '@ice/pack-binding-win32-x64-msvc': 0.0.6
dev: false
@@ -7401,6 +7404,30 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-H1rQc1ZOHANWBvPcW+JpGwr+juXSxM8Q8YCkm3GhZd8REu1fHR3z99CErO1p9pkcfcxZnMdIZdIsXkOHY0NilA==}
+ /@module-federation/runtime-tools@0.0.0-next-20231225095220:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-Rn4ntKEWR5FdT3IA2gd5vw71GhXiYbNev2F54iBiWHsF0z+J41lHQhNDXDAoTeNmJs64e9dsPhBM2U0VZKo8uA==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@module-federation/runtime': 0.0.0-next-20231225095220
+ '@module-federation/webpack-bundler-runtime': 0.0.0-next-20231225095220
+ dev: true
+ /@module-federation/runtime@0.0.0-next-20231225095220:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-tsST3igVpXKclGpqq2NNm1wzROks29PGte7GCgSPhoaFVNg076Nl8XzFNPGflCF6g/z13oFw/vahYpBAHkEZgQ==}
+ dependencies:
+ '@module-federation/sdk': 0.0.0-next-20231225095220
+ dev: true
+ /@module-federation/sdk@0.0.0-next-20231225095220:
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+ dev: true
+ /@module-federation/webpack-bundler-runtime@0.0.0-next-20231225095220:
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+ dependencies:
+ '@module-federation/runtime': 0.0.0-next-20231225095220
+ '@module-federation/sdk': 0.0.0-next-20231225095220
+ dev: true
resolution: {integrity: sha512-54/JRvkLIzzDWshCWfuhadfrfZVPiElY8Fcgmg1HroEly/EDSszzhBAsarCux+D/kOslTRquNzuyGSmUSTTHGg==}
@@ -7925,102 +7952,102 @@ packages:
estree-walker: 2.0.2
picomatch: 2.3.1
- /@rspack/binding-darwin-arm64@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-H/MW5oWawFY45OM+ePRELBueDlAusAMTaztn54AB1CRXyhLteyeX9luQv6+Fe1TDHeDfv27NL+eNTfO0+YJeZg==}
+ /@rspack/binding-darwin-arm64@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-H7RaSPN9VEzZf4URZpVV0Is4I1mgOHCzYVxDUZ/9G5vMkTW5baktCxFwbmBPYKcZ8Zoj/hy/DE8fmt1L200NmQ==}
cpu: [arm64]
os: [darwin]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding-darwin-x64@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-m/XiTWbsrJ45sFTD+I3P9V7OT9sNx4+RW6PbS28n9yvPflrx5TX6r9WjFnFD6RJcPnt81hvO6oOE3LDO5LPvAw==}
+ /@rspack/binding-darwin-x64@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-K5HgE4nHwVWizCr2pBLA8N3LXfn1lQCSV5sR+6xQQrVdvRJ5zBhPMwjPOzP+AdmGhrD14zz1j9mktzCvA7FUtg==}
cpu: [x64]
os: [darwin]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding-linux-arm64-gnu@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-t7wbd5NbZ5H3LeiUGZey0CKJdJWluu/iqdecnoPDEbXRdF7caev9OAJuQ9fKEsK4uQHQLvQ0/pjFDyDbJbPG5w==}
+ /@rspack/binding-linux-arm64-gnu@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-JvESc3imqKbqwal5WesxlV3ix8eIO/07XCj+pkaZWaf4nj/ui02NGtLaeLVxwc1fxHekdLc+ROQrxpdOLhQ1jw==}
cpu: [arm64]
os: [linux]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding-linux-arm64-musl@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-VlqXmsgft9LeYxWm8bZB16f/SZE7xLaHgDwFR6KCFLhubPRnF7gvxLf/y8FAtZzV+9XDi7mhfLWHMyJJDqwFBQ==}
+ /@rspack/binding-linux-arm64-musl@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-ziYGYEoLsPEyC0pEAj5clU8XOFr3+r7IExm9/sq2gp+M1as/yTzouEuzO3D8kI0xVfub1WmiEktTBlgjS13CSA==}
cpu: [arm64]
os: [linux]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding-linux-x64-gnu@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-7eGymsvYsHz/P1mvUo1O+UJqrFzlMXY41599UWRiX4M3tX/pvDtLvxxjZ3JHVvNzEaBCiQ5xyRzqhhRDzcj4ww==}
+ /@rspack/binding-linux-x64-gnu@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-9cXOIswpSZYhEXeuIWdsQNrgpjHTD4I3v0NPm75cL6cdBtJMHOa/qejO5mdTLzoDdE7waGZAb4uSMfrJOEkwqQ==}
cpu: [x64]
os: [linux]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding-linux-x64-musl@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-16PptmbtvpGHtEfbLoQjWjhBXOykdQRHXxn3RUTpkEXFbmhLnvnXbfmfSRoBuVNR+j0BqCrGiwweO43VBceJPg==}
+ /@rspack/binding-linux-x64-musl@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-wClTj9mbVKprHIWsLEVJg+ZXT5slF93JsyAALIhAFkNMmn5z0B2NPD7+Oaii62edKMk2nS3dpoHu1JCLDmP0cw==}
cpu: [x64]
os: [linux]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding-win32-arm64-msvc@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-q9Vsn9Glj6m24UQfXpxcirk5S8r1RmAShXxjF+yRrKqpOtq1IodLWWRZ85kQfJyfk9deAfVkpiqHdsoK54uqQQ==}
+ /@rspack/binding-win32-arm64-msvc@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-8LNITZqPMKO69nc8hwdcweBXcAS4yAL5W/kZ6zKeb6Ly+X5SBZk7l0WPL7lPMib/vHFkjJjp1buGhzymLU0bzA==}
cpu: [arm64]
os: [win32]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding-win32-ia32-msvc@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-jY6RiFwKQQjX3QR28K7boydBIhWKgAcGlDR+p4KnDSciF0H19ImT9QAf31Wcj2+XjN0wRev58cHRI2tgRw2+cw==}
+ /@rspack/binding-win32-ia32-msvc@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-dndiXygG1ZmSO3unuZ9Mc+7IvqBtFqwvjFZGKUdIcufFr2CjZDL/KR1zJGTmFIzwHKMV2hEH4cZpa2TwisXvGQ==}
cpu: [ia32]
os: [win32]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding-win32-x64-msvc@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-tZySo3ZZptxjuR0DDYQWQATUf5ApdDH7lQBezum/q5kzKVFFHN963JnInPHEO1wUtNXaTWXcx31habZTBrse/A==}
+ /@rspack/binding-win32-x64-msvc@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-SEu8+pQsnGP7A0/XX5vawsccR825UCOzK5phJ8INSC7Mse8FKzkZpv2Af3PsHl2+N17M0PRgBxTghXR35PXkiw==}
cpu: [x64]
os: [win32]
requiresBuild: true
dev: true
optional: true
- /@rspack/binding@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-cw7Sca7YL9FeSTWdYahxr6HgWXnboOgPiM5SJai2Nfj6c/PWJV+ntBZbIW0LRY1fFDL7dYz3GUCXj4Dv3QYc8A==}
+ /@rspack/binding@0.4.5:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-XmSlt9ucpfebhkWI4guPEym0F+8JZGr8UyBVAtHN2/7SQRI8TL8G1BUQGVgmc7+UKA5RM1Qfps1QmtHYzjARBQ==}
- '@rspack/binding-darwin-arm64': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/binding-darwin-x64': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/binding-linux-arm64-gnu': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/binding-linux-arm64-musl': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/binding-linux-x64-gnu': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/binding-linux-x64-musl': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/binding-win32-arm64-msvc': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/binding-win32-ia32-msvc': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/binding-win32-x64-msvc': 0.4.3
- dev: true
- /@rspack/core@0.4.3:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-YKzOOt6v6vZZH15+HdwWbd7DdXdXIJLlYQdQ6jgrAK7/X+5qg99MUgsfra3k+MXXX0vWROOy8mM6/dBaaDb7tg==}
+ '@rspack/binding-darwin-arm64': 0.4.5
+ '@rspack/binding-darwin-x64': 0.4.5
+ '@rspack/binding-linux-arm64-gnu': 0.4.5
+ '@rspack/binding-linux-arm64-musl': 0.4.5
+ '@rspack/binding-linux-x64-gnu': 0.4.5
+ '@rspack/binding-linux-x64-musl': 0.4.5
+ '@rspack/binding-win32-arm64-msvc': 0.4.5
+ '@rspack/binding-win32-ia32-msvc': 0.4.5
+ '@rspack/binding-win32-x64-msvc': 0.4.5
+ dev: true
+ /@rspack/core@0.4.5(patch_hash=vl6m5tsr4v2bh4wx2ltp22ktf4):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-X29fvCqTJH9OYN5pqa2lYP9hBLGICGVugtpTIAyLtMxC7gqvjvZkG/qisaVsjPyg4p2eB0NvmosnHkRv0GJ4sg==}
engines: {node: '>=16.0.0'}
- '@rspack/binding': 0.4.3
+ '@module-federation/runtime-tools': 0.0.0-next-20231225095220
+ '@rspack/binding': 0.4.5
'@swc/helpers': 0.5.1
browserslist: 4.22.1
compare-versions: 6.0.0-rc.1
enhanced-resolve: 5.12.0
- fast-querystring: 1.1.2
graceful-fs: 4.2.10
json-parse-even-better-errors: 3.0.0
neo-async: 2.6.2
@@ -8032,20 +8059,21 @@ packages:
zod: 3.22.3
zod-validation-error: 1.3.1(zod@3.22.3)
dev: true
+ patched: true
- /@rspack/dev-server@0.4.3(@rspack/core@0.4.3)(@swc/core@1.3.80)(esbuild@0.17.16)(react-refresh@0.14.0):
+ /@rspack/dev-server@0.4.3(@rspack/core@0.4.5)(@types/express@4.17.17)(esbuild@0.17.16):
resolution: {integrity: sha512-qbggWEySoWdCrbWxqV+HX7nXgyT6qE3DqGtdYKzX9RLPp+RilXtnPlXtwY1AXNh8e0gYe1dMpvTcHYxeSglZSg==}
'@rspack/core': '*'
- '@rspack/core': 0.4.3
+ '@rspack/core': 0.4.5(patch_hash=vl6m5tsr4v2bh4wx2ltp22ktf4)
'@rspack/plugin-react-refresh': 0.4.3(react-refresh@0.14.0)
chokidar: 3.5.3
connect-history-api-fallback: 2.0.0
express: 4.18.1
http-proxy-middleware: 2.0.6(@types/express@4.17.17)
mime-types: 2.1.35
- webpack: 5.76.0(@swc/core@1.3.80)(esbuild@0.17.16)
+ webpack: 5.76.0(esbuild@0.17.16)
webpack-dev-middleware: 6.0.2(webpack@5.76.0)
webpack-dev-server: 4.13.1(webpack@5.76.0)
ws: 8.8.1
@@ -8062,19 +8090,19 @@ packages:
- webpack-cli
dev: true
- /@rspack/dev-server@0.4.3(@rspack/core@0.4.3)(@types/express@4.17.17)(esbuild@0.17.16):
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-qbggWEySoWdCrbWxqV+HX7nXgyT6qE3DqGtdYKzX9RLPp+RilXtnPlXtwY1AXNh8e0gYe1dMpvTcHYxeSglZSg==}
+ /@rspack/dev-server@0.4.5(@rspack/core@0.4.5)(@swc/core@1.3.80)(esbuild@0.17.16)(react-refresh@0.14.0):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-g9FxWfII5gr/Z6Tav235RMYeqbJiTS89dBmD+CE5xedJ1EmOiAV5jlDQnpaTpecwwjjDV8Bq+rk7wtOOHzstSg==}
'@rspack/core': '*'
- '@rspack/core': 0.4.3
- '@rspack/plugin-react-refresh': 0.4.3(react-refresh@0.14.0)
+ '@rspack/core': 0.4.5(patch_hash=vl6m5tsr4v2bh4wx2ltp22ktf4)
+ '@rspack/plugin-react-refresh': 0.4.5(react-refresh@0.14.0)
chokidar: 3.5.3
connect-history-api-fallback: 2.0.0
express: 4.18.1
http-proxy-middleware: 2.0.6(@types/express@4.17.17)
mime-types: 2.1.35
- webpack: 5.76.0(esbuild@0.17.16)
+ webpack: 5.76.0(@swc/core@1.3.80)(esbuild@0.17.16)
webpack-dev-middleware: 6.0.2(webpack@5.76.0)
webpack-dev-server: 4.13.1(webpack@5.76.0)
ws: 8.8.1
@@ -8102,6 +8130,17 @@ packages:
react-refresh: 0.14.0
dev: true
+ /@rspack/plugin-react-refresh@0.4.5(react-refresh@0.14.0):
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-VGauW5J2r8zX+y2DlX1oPHPlruEHM9O+8faLfWWOJF0Gylra+WGD9STWbR+XcYJsCnDzbTzIL5gOq4cQbINcYg==}
+ peerDependencies:
+ react-refresh: '>=0.10.0 <1.0.0'
+ peerDependenciesMeta:
+ react-refresh:
+ optional: true
+ dependencies:
+ react-refresh: 0.14.0
+ dev: true
resolution: {integrity: sha512-7vwq+rOHVWjyXxVlR76Agnvhy8I9rpzjosTESvmhNeXOXdZZB15Fl+TI9x1SiHZH5Jv2wTGduSxFDIaq0m3DUw==}
@@ -13968,6 +14007,7 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-WKgKWg5eUxvRZGwW8FvfbaH7AXSh2cL+3j5fMGzUMCxWBJ3dV3a7Wz8y2f/uQ0e3B6WmodD3oS54jTQ9HVTIIg==}
+ dev: false
resolution: {integrity: sha512-f3qQ9oQy9j2AhBe/H9VC91wLmKBCCU/gDOnKNAYG5hswO7BLKj09Hc5HYNz9cGI++xlpDCIgDaitVs03ATR84Q==}
@@ -14012,6 +14052,7 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-g6KuKWmFXc0fID8WWH0jit4g0AGBoJhCkJMb1RmbsSEUNvQ+ZC8D6CUZ+GtF8nMzSPXnhiePyyqqipzNNEnHjg==}
fast-decode-uri-component: 1.0.1
+ dev: false
resolution: {integrity: sha512-5jOCVXADYNuRkKFzNJ0dCCewsZiYo0dz8QNYljkOpFC6r2U4OBmKtvm/Tsuh4w1YYdDqDb31a8TVhBJ2OJKdqQ==}
diff --git a/website/docs/guide/advanced/keep-alive.md b/website/docs/guide/advanced/keep-alive.md
index adca65784c..65c08257db 100644
--- a/website/docs/guide/advanced/keep-alive.md
+++ b/website/docs/guide/advanced/keep-alive.md
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ export default function Layout() {
## 缓存其他组件
-除了缓存路由组件,还可以直接使用 React 18 提供的实验特性 `` 组件,进一步缓存更细粒度的组件。
+除了缓存路由组件,还可以直接使用 React 18 提供的实验特性 `` 组件,进一步缓存更细粒度的组件。
import React from 'react';
// @ts-ignore
-const Offscreen = React.unstable_Offscreen;
+const Activity = React.unstable_Activity;
export default function Home() {
const [auth, setAuth] = React.useState('admin');
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ export default function Home() {
Admin Name:
User Name: