This pages describes how to use the AVM release.
To compile your DAapp source code into a deployable jar file, run the following command:
The generated jar will be located at the build
Once you get code is compiled, your can deploy it via:
java -jar avm.jar deploy [PATH_TO_THE_JAR]
To make a call to a deployed DApp, run:
java -jar avm.jar call [THE_DAPP_ADDRESS] -m [THE_METHOD_NAME] -a [THE_ARGUMENT_LIST]
The argument list has to be in the following format:
-I int
-J long
-S short
-C char
-F float
-D double
-B byte
-Z boolean
-A Address
For example, to call the transfer method, run:
java -jar avm.jar call 0x1122334455667788112233445566778811223344556677881122334455667788 \
-m transfer \
-a -A 0x1122334455667788112233445566778811223344556677881122334455667788 -J 100
The check the storage of a deployed DApp, run:
java -jar avm.jar explore [THE_DAPP_ADDRESS]