Changed the behaviour of update
to accept a where
filter and only update passed in columns and relations. The previous behaviour of update
has moved to replace
From the docs:
__Selective updates__
The update method is ideal for updating specific columns and relationships across one or multiple rows. You must provide a where filter to specify which rows to target. If you include a fetching strategy, the affected rows and their related data will be returned; otherwise, no data is returned.
import map from './map';
const db = map.sqlite('demo.db');
async function update() {
const propsToBeModified = {
orderDate: new Date(),
customerId: 2,
lines: [
{ id: 1, product: 'Bicycle', amount: 250 }, //already existing line
{ id: 2, product: 'Small guitar', amount: 150 }, //already existing line
{ product: 'Piano', amount: 800 } //the new line to be inserted
const strategy = {customer: true, deliveryAddress: true, lines: true};
const orders = await db.order.update(propsToBeModified, { where: x => x.id.eq(1) }, strategy);
Replacing a row from JSON
The replace method is suitable when a complete overwrite is required from a JSON object - typically in a REST API. However, it's important to consider that this method replaces the entire row and it's children, which might not always be desirable in a multi-user environment.
import map from './map';
const db = map.sqlite('demo.db');
async function replace() {
const modified = {
id: 1,
orderDate: '2023-07-14T12:00:00',
customer: {
id: 2
deliveryAddress: {
name: 'Roger', //modified name
street: 'Node street 1',
postalCode: '7059',
postalPlace: 'Jakobsli',
countryCode: 'NO'
lines: [
{ id: 1, product: 'Bicycle', amount: 250 },
{ id: 2, product: 'Small guitar', amount: 150 },
{ product: 'Piano', amount: 800 } //the new line to be inserted
const order = await db.order.replace(modified, {customer: true, deliveryAddress: true, lines: true});