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39 lines (37 loc) · 1.85 KB

File metadata and controls

39 lines (37 loc) · 1.85 KB



  1. Display history with a function that can parse git log -p -- wiki/
  2. display when page was last edited
    • i. use git to list [["commit.committed_datetime","wiki_user","commit_hash","a_path"]]
    • ii. then use the commit_hash + a_path to view the change
  3. ability to rename a page
    • i. remember to rename all of the internal links grep '(*Terms)' wiki/*|grep -v 'http' as well
    • ii. can probably use git to do the rename!
  4. ability to delete a page
  5. emoji
    7.1. ~~ enable emoji ~~ [you can paste them in]
    7.2. enable emoji 😂
  6. anchors for footnotes
  7. disable the "[Update]" button until some changes have happened
  8. floating [edit] button so that it is always available on the left side of the screen
  9. ~now~ inserts datetime
  10. ~when~ inserts YYYY-Month-dd_HH:MM::SS
  11. ~who~ inserts users signature
  12. store local copy of page in local storage, so that if a race condition happens the changes aren't lost
  13. [Preview] button to view without saving
  14. re-enable Tab when edit box has focus
  15. Create [Ctrl+Enter] to submit
  16. Add "Toast" to indicate Update has happened
  17. image creation rate limit
  18. drag-n-drop image upload
  19. page creation / edit rate limit based on a dynamically generated trust level.
    • how old is the account
    • what is the distribution of [additions/modification/deletions] = changes,
    • how many changes have been undone
    • account type [anon, anon+known_ip, user, Curator, Editor, Admin, root, owner{BDFL}]
  20. Columized List .column-list { columns: 100px;}
  21. Use os.path.join('./static/img/', spath) in path_from_req
  22. {optional} per-user css (so that they can change the wiki to their taste)
  23. add id and class to every tag of the templates
  24. add login <= would no longer be simple
  25. do we use git to track file uploads?