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Json Parsing

Elm Version: 0.17.0

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This tutorial covers:

  • How to parse a simple Json document
  • How to create an Elm Json Decoder
  • How to chain Decoders
  • How to handle parsing errors

In other languages such as Javascript, parsing a Json document is pretty easy:

var mydoc = JSON.parse(jsonString);

However, if we did this in Elm, we would lose the benefits of type safety. In order to parse a Json file in a type safe way, Elm provides the Json.Decode module which is part of the core library. Let's use this to decode a simple Json string into an Elm model.

Here's a simple Json document with fields of various different types:

  "name": "Jim",
  "age": 65,
  "height": 1.87,
  "address": {
    "line1": "123 Columbia Lane"
  "children": ["Jane", "Jill"],
  "registered": true,
  "party": "Republican"

Let's build an Elm model to represent this structure:

type alias Voter =
  { name : String
  , age : Int
  , height : Float
  , address : Address
  , children : List String
  , registered : Bool
  , party : Party

type Party = Republican | Democrat

type alias Address =
  { line1 : String

Creating a Decoder

Before we even touch the input Json string above, we first need to create a Decoder Voter. Decoder Voters are things that will convert Json data into a Voter or fail. You cannot create one from scratch though -- you build it up out of simple Decoders provided by the standard library. Fortunately, the Json.Decoder module exposes a Decoder for all the Json primitive types such as string, int and quite a few ways to combine them.

Let's look at our first Decoder function:

import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, (:=), object7, int, string, float, bool, list)

voterDecoder : Decoder Voter
voterDecoder =
  object7 Voter
    ("name" := string)
    ("age" := int)
    ("height" := float)
    ("address" := addressDecoder)
    ("children" := (list string))
    ("registered" := bool)
    ("party" := partyDecoder)

There's quite a lot going on here, so let's break it down. First of all, we know we want to decode a Json object with 7 fields (name, age, height etc). The Decoder module provides a function object7 which takes a constructor followed by 7 arguments. To this we are passing a constructor function for our Voter type followed by 7 other Decoders one representing each of the fields in our object.

A Decoder that looks like this ("name" := string) means, take the field "name" of the current Json object and decode it using the string Decoder. See the documentation for the := function. Similarly, the other field decoders are created by referencing already existing primitive decoders (float, boolean, list), or by calling a custom Decoder.

Here is our Address Decoder:

addressDecoder : Decoder Address
addressDecoder =
  object1 Address ("line1" := string)

This is quite a straightforward Decoder, we expect the value to be decoded to be an object with a single field so we call object1 with a constructor for our Address type, and another Decoder to decode the expected "line1" field.

Decoding a union type

Our next Decoder looks like this:

import Json.Decode exposing (andThen, succeed, fail)

partyDecoder : Decoder Party
partyDecoder =
  string `andThen` partyFromString

partyFromString : String -> Decoder Party
partyFromString party =
  case (toLower party) of
    "republican" ->
      succeed Republican
    "democrat" ->
      succeed Democrat
    _ ->
      fail (party ++ " is not a recognized party")

We expect the "party" field to be a string with one of two possible values. We use the same field extractor function from before (:=) but this time we chain it with another decoder that can convert the string into a valid value of type Party. Note how we use the succeed and fail functions which allow use to signal a successful or fails parse of the input value. This error will be propgated

Alternatively, if we did not want to handle an unknown party as an error, we could just define it as another valid option. All we then need to do, is pass a function to to tell it how to construct a Party from a String:

import Json.Decode exposing (map)

type Party = Republican | Democrat | Other

partyDecoder : Decoder Party
partyDecoder =
  map partyFromString ("party" := string)

partyFromString : String -> Party
partyFromString party =
  case (toLower party) of
    "republican" ->
    "democrat" ->
    _ ->

Actually parsing the Json

Finally, let's actually parse some Json using our new shiny Decoder:

import Json.Decode exposing (decodeString)

viewVoter : Voter -> Html msg
viewVoter = ... --elided for brevity

viewParseResult : Result String Voter -> Html a
viewParseResult voterParseResult =
  case voterParseResult of
    Ok voter -> viewVoter voter
    Err error -> div [ ] [ text error ]

main : Html msg
main = viewParseResult (decodeString voterDecoder voterJson)

The function decodeString takes a Decoder, some Json as a String and returns a Result. A lot can go wrong when parsing Json, so it makes sense that Elm is returning us a value that can represent either success or failure. Any errors related to either badly formatted Json, or an unexpected Json document will be reported as an Err error. Let's try it out:

Try it online here

Parsing the Json shown at the start of the tutorial:

Changing the "age" field from and Int to a String:

Renaming one of the fields:

Triggering our custom error handling:

Further reading

This has given you an overview of parsing simple Json documents with Elm. You are probably thinking what a whole lot of effort to do something so simple and it's true it is certainly more work to write a Decoder than it might be in another language. However this is the trade off we make for the benefits of type safety.

I highly recommend continuing to read the Json.Decode API docs to get an idea for build more complex Json parsers.

Decoding JSON Structures with Elm is a tutorial that goes into more detail and also introduces the elm-json-extra library.

Json-to-Elm is a tool that automatically produces your Encoder/Decoder Elm code for you given a sample Json file. This is a good place to start but does not support union types.