The Most Traveled People extreme travel club's iOS app.
- Xcode 11.3 or later
- iOS 11.0 or later
- Bundler for Ruby dependency management
- CocoaPods for code dependency management
- Codebeat for automated code review
- Codecov for test coverage statistics
- Fastlane for release management
- Firebase for analytics and crash reports
- Github Actions for CI testing
- Gitter for chat
- Jazzy for generating documentation
- LicensePlist for generating acknowledgements
- Mint for tool dependency management
- SwiftLint for opinionated coding style enforcement
- SwiftMockGeneratorForXcode for generating mocks
- Alamofire and AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator for HTTP networking
- Anchorage for fluent layout declarations
- Connectivity for network state manaagement
- Facebook SDK for Facebook support
- JWTDecode for JSON Web Token management
- Karte for launching directions
- KRProgressHUD for progress management
- Moya for network endpoint abstraction
- Nuke for networked image loading
- Parchment for view paging
- R.swift for typed resource identifiers
- Realm for data management
- Siren for update notifications
- SwiftEntryKit for notification management
- SwiftyBeaver for logging
- Install Ruby + Bundler + Mint as system tools, Homebrew is a good start
bundle install
to install the versioned tools inGemfile
mint bootstrap
to install the versioned tools inMintfile
- Build the app with the 'MTP' target.
Read the docs. Generated with jazzy. Hosted by GitHub Pages.
Generate for local branch with bundle exec jazzy
and open with open ./docs/index.html
Open an issue if there's something in particular you'd like to see here.
The MIT License. See the file for details.
Copyright ©2018-2020 Trollwerks Inc.