Cloud account namespaces are used to identify:
AWS Cloud Accounts
Azure Subscriptions
GCP projects
Step 1 - To create a cloud account level namespace, navigate to the Namespace page under Network Security > Microseg.
Make sure that you are on the root (tenant level namespace)
Step 2 - Click on the "+" sign button to create a new cloud account level namespace.
Step 3 - Define the Namespace Name
Step 4 - Select the Implicit Default Action (we recommend you define it as allow initially as child namespaces will inherit this action)
Step 5 - Leave Organizational Tags and Additional Tag Prefixes as-is (unless explicitly instructed otherwise by a Prisma Cloud specialist)
Cloud Account Namespaces are automatically created for cloud accounts that were onboarded on Prisma Cloud. |
Group namespaces are used to specify:
VM or Server based applications
K8s/Openshift clusters
Step 1 - To create a group level namespace, navigate to the Namespace page under Network Security > Microseg.
Make sure that you are on the proper cloud-account namespace
Step 2 - Click on the "+" sign button to create a new group level namespace.
Step 3 - Define the Namespace Name
Step 4 - Select the Implicit Default Action (we recommend you define it as Inherit as it will receive the Implicit action from the parent namespace) or Allow if you want to make sure the namespace default action is permissive.
Step 5 - Leave Organizational Tags and Additional Tag Prefixes as-is (unless explicitly instructed otherwise by a Prisma Cloud specialist)