This library analyzes JavaScript code and returns all the public interfaces exposed at runtime. Works on node and in the browser.
See live demo at:
See applications at:
Node: npm install public.js
Browser: bower install public.js
Let's say there's a library in use on a site, but there are no tests written against, no documentation, and limited time/budget to fully analyze the code. However, some refactoring is required and you want to ensure that the changes cause as few regressions as possible.
With the library file, a list of the dependencies, and public.js you can develop scaffold for unit tests, barebones documentation, and even quickly analyze the code for errors accessing object properties.
It's as easy as:
var output = publicjs.getPublic(<source code of library>,{
dependencies: [<array of dependency source code>],
tree: true
The value of output will be a parse tree, similar to the sample below. This tree can be applied against a template to generate tests or documentation.
Sample parse tree:
{ name: 'pattern1', type: 'function', parameters: [{ name: 'param' }] },
{ name: 'pattern1Variable', type: 'string', value: 'testable' }
See grunt-public-js for sample implementations of the following applications:
Automated unit test scaffolding - The tree returned by public.js could be parsed and used to automatically create unit test cases based on the publicly exposed functions.
Code security - Add public.js to your build process to ensure that only the functionality that should be exposed publicly by your code is, and that private functions are not accessible.
Code documentation - The interface tree could be parsed to automatically generate documentation for public methods.