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File metadata and controls

41 lines (21 loc) · 2.35 KB


This is a simple tag and content-based image retrieval platform built atop Node.js. Express framework has been used for frontend.

XQuery based BaseX XML engine has been used for tag-based search. For CBIR, a 3D color histogram based technique and a Bag-of-Features descriptor model on SIFT features has been used. OpenCV library has been used.

By no means is this a flawless platform structure and does require some work. OpenCV code is fairly modularized and could be used independently for other projects. Suggestions are welcome.


  • Server directory contains code for the upload interface which allows users to upload their images one-by-one with their corresponding tags (location, style, theme etc.). Can be started by using node app or nodemon app. It currently listens on localhost:8080.

  • Client directory contains code for the search interface which allows users to search on the basis of tags or perform an image-based search. Can be started by using node app or nodemon app. It currently listens on localhost:8080. You should also start the BaseX server from another terminal by typing basexserver.

  • Database directory contains the the uploaded images and their thumbnails (auto-generated), the XML file for storing image tags, the XML file for storing color histograms, the YAML file for SIFT based BoF dictionary/vocabulary and the final SIFT based BoF descriptors for every image in YAML format.

  • SIFTExtraction contains code for extracting SIFT features and generating BoF descriptors.

  • ColorExtraction contains code for generating color histograms and color-based matching.


  • OpenCV 2.4.9 or greater Note: OpenCV 3 is currently not supported.

  • Imagemagick Can be installed using apt-get install libmagick++-dev or something similar.

  • Python 2.x

  • BaseX XML Database

  • CMake

  • Build essentials(g++, make etc.) Can be installed using apt-get install build-essential or something similar.

  • NodeJS and npm

  • Python packages(xmltodict, numpy, argparse and glob) Some are already installed with Python. Others can be installed using pip install.

  • Node packages Needed in the Server and Client apps. Listed in package.json files.

For a more detailed description of above directories, go through README for the specific directory.