jupyter |
jupytext |
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.md |
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Python 3 |
python |
python3 |
import os
import pickle
import copy
import random
import torch
from allennlp.common.params import Params
from allennlp.common.util import prepare_environment
from allennlp.data import Instance
from allennlp.data.dataset import Batch
from allennlp.data.fields import (ArrayField, LabelField, ListField,
MetadataField, TextField)
from allennlp.data.token_indexers import TokenIndexer
from allennlp.data.tokenizers.token import Token
from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive
from allennlp.nn import util as nn_util
import coherence
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import json
from collections import defaultdict
rs = np.random.RandomState(123)
archive = load_archive('./experiments/entity_grid_ranking/model.tar.gz', 0, overrides={})
config = archive.config
model = archive.model
data_dir = './data/writing-prompts'
grid_path = f'{data_dir}/entity_grids_with_embeds.pkl'
with open(grid_path, 'rb') as f:
grids, entities, embeds = pickle.load(f)
def shuffle_grid(grid):
new_grid = copy.deepcopy(grid)
for i in range(len(new_grid)):
return new_grid
d = ['-', 'S', 'O', 'X']
def get_score(grid, embed):
grid = [[d[col] for col in row] for row in grid.transpose()]
indexer = {'tokens': TokenIndexer.from_params(Params({
'type': 'single_id'
grid_field = [TextField([Token(s) for s in transitions], indexer)
for transitions in grid]
instances = [Instance({
'embeds': ArrayField(embed),
'grids': ListField(grid_field),
with torch.no_grad():
batch = Batch(instances)
padding_lengths = batch.get_padding_lengths()
tensor_dict = batch.as_tensor_dict(padding_lengths)
tensor_dict = nn_util.move_to_device(tensor_dict, 0)
probs = model.predict(**tensor_dict)
return torch.sigmoid(probs).item()
def randomize_grids(grid, p=0.2):
"""Randomly move cells around."""
grid = np.array(grid).copy().transpose()
# grids.shape == [batch_size, n_entities, n_sentences]
# Randomly select entities to switch
seeds = rs.rand(*grid.shape)
mask = (seeds < p)
entity_mask = mask & (grid >= 1) & (grid <= 3)
# Save list of empty locations
non_mask = (grid == 0)
# Turn all selected entities off
non_mask_locations = list(zip(*non_mask.nonzero()))
non_mask_indices = list(range(len(non_mask_locations)))
for i, j in list(zip(*entity_mask.nonzero())):
# Save the entity
role = grid[i, j]
# Turn entity off
grid[i, j] = 0
# Randomly select an empty location
if not non_mask_indices:
loc_index = non_mask_indices.pop()
x, y = non_mask_locations[loc_index]
# Move this entity to the new location
grid[x, y] = role
return grid.transpose()
def perturb_grid(grid, n):
"""Perturb a grid n times."""
grid = np.array(grid).copy().transpose()
# grids.shape == [batch_size, n_entities, n_sentences]
n_entities, n_sents = grid.shape
for _ in range(n):
# Select a random entity and turn it off
entity_idx = rs.choice(n_entities)
sent_indices = rs.permutation(n_sents)
for sent_idx in sent_indices:
role = grid[entity_idx, sent_idx]
if role == 0:
grid[entity_idx, sent_idx] = 0
return grid.transpose()
def add_to_grid(grid, n):
"""Perturb a grid n times."""
grid = np.array(grid).copy().transpose()
# grids.shape == [batch_size, n_entities, n_sentences]
n_entities, n_sents = grid.shape
for _ in range(n):
# Select a random entity and turn it off
entity_idx = rs.choice(n_entities)
sent_indices = rs.permutation(n_sents)
for sent_idx in sent_indices:
role = grid[entity_idx, sent_idx]
if role == 0:
grid[entity_idx, sent_idx] = rs.choice([1,2,3])
return grid.transpose()
def keep_first_sents(grid, embed, n=10):
"""Keep first n sentences."""
# Keep first n sentences
grid = grid.copy()[:n]
# Mask empty entities
ent_mask = grid.sum(axis=0) > 0
return grid[:, ent_mask], embed[ent_mask]
count = 0
scores_shortened = []
scores_real = []
scores_ent_1 = []
scores_ent_5 = []
scores_swap = []
scores_ent_m1 = []
scores_ent_m2 = []
scores_noisy_5 = []
scores_noisy_10 = []
scores_noisy_20 = []
scores_noisy_30 = []
scores_shuffled = []
for i, grid in tqdm(grids['valid'].items()):
entity_list = entities['valid'][i]
if i not in embeds['valid'] or grid.shape[1] < 2 or grid.shape[0] < 2:
embed = embeds['valid'][i]
# Real score
score = get_score(grid, embed)
# Keep first 10 sentences
new_grid, new_embed = keep_first_sents(grid, embed, n=10)
if len(new_embed) == 0:
score = get_score(new_grid, new_embed)
# Add a random entity
new_grid = add_to_grid(grid, 1)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Add a random entity
new_grid = add_to_grid(grid, 5)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Swap 2 sentences
new_grid = grid.copy()
x, y = rs.choice(len(new_grid), 2, replace=False)
new_grid[[x, y]] = new_grid[[y, x]]
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Turn off one random entry
new_grid = perturb_grid(grid, 1)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Turn off two random entries
new_grid = perturb_grid(grid, 2)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Swap entities with 5% prob
new_grid = randomize_grids(grid, p=0.05)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Swap entities with 10% prob
new_grid = randomize_grids(grid, p=0.1)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Swap entities with 20% prob
new_grid = randomize_grids(grid, p=0.2)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Swap entities with 30% prob
new_grid = randomize_grids(grid, p=0.3)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
# Randomly permute all sentences
new_grid = rs.permutation(grid)
score = get_score(new_grid, embed)
score_dict = {
'real': scores_real,
'ent_1': scores_ent_1,
'ent_5': scores_ent_5,
'swap': scores_swap,
'ent_m1': scores_ent_m1,
'ent_m2': scores_ent_m2,
'noisy_5': scores_noisy_5,
'noisy_10': scores_noisy_10,
'noisy_20': scores_noisy_20,
'noisy_30': scores_noisy_30,
'shuffled': scores_shuffled,
with open('ranking_loss_scores.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(score_dict, f)
rank_count = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(len(scores_real)):
if scores_real[i] > scores_shortened[i]:
rank_count['shortened'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_ent_1[i]:
rank_count['ent_1'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_ent_5[i]:
rank_count['ent_5'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_swap[i]:
rank_count['swap'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_ent_m1[i]:
rank_count['ent_m1'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_ent_m2[i]:
rank_count['ent_m2'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_noisy_5[i]:
rank_count['noisy_5'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_noisy_10[i]:
rank_count['noisy_10'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_noisy_20[i]:
rank_count['noisy_20'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_noisy_30[i]:
rank_count['noisy_30'] += 1
if scores_real[i] > scores_shuffled[i]:
rank_count['shuffled'] += 1
for k, v in rank_count.items():
rank_count[k] = v / len(scores_real)
raw_scores = {k: np.mean(v) for k, v in score_dict.items()}