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Incognia API Common Lisp Client

tests workflow

Common Lisp lightweight client library for Incognia APIs.


Incognia API Common Lisp client is available on Quicklisp.

(ql:quickload :cl-incognia)




Before calling the API methods, you need to configure your Incognia credentials:

(incognia:configure :client-id "your-client-id"
                    :client-secret "your-client-secret")

Incognia API

The implementation is based on the Incognia API Reference.


Authentication is done transparently so you don't need to worry about it.

Registering Signup

This method registers a new signup for the given installation (:installation-id), returning a risk assessment and supporting evidence (see Response Structure):

(incognia:register-signup :installation-id "your-installation-id"
                          :address (incognia:make-address :line "340 Avenue, CA")

Getting a Signup

This method allows you to query the latest assessment for a given signup event, identified by its :signup-id (see Response Structure).

(incognia:get-signup-assessment :signup-id "your-signup-id")

Registering Login

This method registers a new login for the given installation (:installation-id) and user account (:account-id), returning a risk assessment and the supporting evidence (see Response Structure).

(incognia:register-login :installation-id "your-installation-id"
                         :account-id "your-account-id")

Registering Payment

This method registers a new payment for the given installation (:installation-id) and user account (:account-id), returning a risk assessment and the supporting evidence (see Response Structure).

(incognia:register-payment :installation-id "your-installation-id"
                           :account-id "your-account-id"
                           :addresses (list
                                      (incognia:make-address :line "340 Avenue, CA" :type :|home|)
                                      (incognia:make-address :line "500 Street, CA" :type :|billing|)))

Sending Feedback

This method registers a feedback event for the given installation (:installation-id) related to a signup, login or payment (see Response Structure).

(incognia:send-feedback :installation-id "your-installation-id"
                        :event :|verified|
                        :account-id "your-account-id"
                        :timestamp (get-universal-time))

Response Structure

With the exception of Sending Feedback method that returns an empty body (nil), Incognia API response is composed by:

  • id (resource id, ex., login id)
  • request-id
  • risk_assessment (low_risk, high_risk or unknow_risk)
  • evidence
(:|id| "<resource-id>"
 :|request-id| "<request-id>"
 :|risk_assessment| "low_risk"
 :|evidence|  (:|account_integrity| (:|recent_high_risk_assessment| NIL)
               :|last_location_ts| "2021-05-24T14:05:58.557Z"
               :|distance_to_trusted_location| 50.0744
               :|device_behavior_reputation| "unknown"
               :|device_fraud_reputation| "allowed"
               :|device_integrity| (:|from_official_store| T :|gps_spoofing| NIL :|emulator| NIL :|probable_root| NIL)
               :|location_services| (:|location_sensors_enabled| NIL :|location_permission_enabled| NIL)
               :|known_account| T
               :|device_model| "iphone-8")

Handling Unexpected HTTP Status Code

cl-incognia signals a condition http-request-error when the server returned 4XX or 5XX status code.

(handler-case (incognia:register-login :installation-id "your-installation-id"
                                       :account-id "your-account-id")
  (incognia:http-request-error (e)
    (format *error-output* "Incognia server returned https status code: ~D" (incognia:response-status e))))

How to Contribute

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section.

What is Incognia?

Incognia is a location identity platform for mobile apps that enables:

  • Real-time address verification for onboarding
  • Frictionless authentication
  • Real-time transaction verification

Create a Free Incognia Account

  1. Go to Incognia and click on "Sign Up For Free"
  2. Create an Account
  3. You're ready to integrate Incognia SDK and use Incognia APIs


License: MIT