We need to create following packages in the catkin workspace directory
- mobile_robot
- mobile_robot_base
- mobile_robot_description
- mobile_robot_simulation
- mobile_robot_work
We will start assuming you dont have any project yet in ROS
Go to your catkin workspace
mkdir catkin_ws
cd ~/catkin_ws/
Note :
command is for changing the directory(change/goto a folder).mkdir
command is for creating a new folder/directory, i.e.catkin_ws
Initialize the workspace
mkdir src
cd src
Create packages
catkin_create_pkg mobile_robot_base rospy rviz geometry_msgs std_msgs sensor_msgs
catkin_create_pkg mobile_robot_description tf xacro urdf joint_state_publisher robot_state_publisher
catkin_create_pkg mobile_robot_simulation gazebo_ros
Create root package
catkin_create_pkg mobile_robot mobile_robot_base mobile_robot_description mobile_robot_simulation
Compile for the first time
go back to catkin_ws
directory by running
cd ..
Now if you run pwd
in the terminal, you should get an output like,
Here, run the following,
source devel/setup.bash