Update xacro file
Now we will add a link and the gazebo plugin for 3D depth sensor. Add the following just after the joint of kinect baselink
and before the comment of <!-- gazebo -->
<!-- =================== Gazebo - Kinect ==================== -->
<link name="gz_kinect_link">
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
<sphere radius="0.05"/>
<material name="kinect">
<color rgba="1 0.9 0.9 1"/>
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
<sphere radius="0.05"/>
<xacro:default_inertial mass="0.2"/>
<joint name="kinect_link_gz_kinect_link" type="fixed">
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 -${pi/2}"/>
<parent link="kinect_link"/>
<child link="gz_kinect_link"/>
<gazebo reference="gz_kinect_link">
<sensor type="depth" name="kinect">
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<plugin name="camera_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_openni_kinect.so">
<!-- <baseline>0.2</baseline> -->
Another small change would be to increase the mass of base_link
as it is not staying well on ground,
<xacro:default_inertial mass="20"/>
Update DiffDriveController
Now update the file mobile_robot_simulation/config/diffdrive.yaml
Change the max_velocity
and max_acceleration
parameters as follows
has_velocity_limits : true
max_velocity : 5.0 # m/s
has_acceleration_limits: true
max_acceleration : 1.0 # m/s^2
has_velocity_limits : true
max_velocity : 8.0 # rad/s
has_acceleration_limits: true
max_acceleration : 2.0 # rad/s^2
Lastly add the following in mobile_robot_simulation/launch/state_publisher.launch
with the <launch />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="kinect_tf_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 3.1459 1.57 /kinect_link /gz_kinect_link 4"/>
Now you can check everything by running,
roslaunch mobile_robot robot.launch
And in another terminal
roslaunch mobile_robot teleop.launch
Put some obstacles before the bot in gazebo and then control the robot using arrow keys in the teleop terminal.