Version history of the "DevExpress.Blazor" NuGet package is listed below.
Drop-down width modes for Combobox columns:
- Content or editor width
- Content width
- Editor width
Data editors based on the standard HTML input element now apply popular event handlers to the input element directly. For a complete list of data editors and supported event handlers, refer to the following help topic: HTML Attributes and Events.
You can now use the mouse wheel to change an editor’s value.
The new DxChartToooltip.Position property specifies whether the component displays tooltips inside or outside the series.
Use the new DxSchedulerDataStorage.RecurrenceSettings property to define common settings for all recurrent appointments displayed in the Scheduler.
CodeRush now includes templates that allow you to quickly create popular DevExpress components for Blazor in Visual Studio. For more information, refer to the following help topic: Templates for DevExpress Components.
See our Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in v20.2.6.
T971305 - Charts - The DxChartTooltip.Enabled property should be set to true to display tooltips with templates.
Our new Menu component for Blazor includes the following features:
- Horizontal/vertical orientation
- Display modes (Auto, Desktop, and Mobile)
- Adaptive layout
- Templates for menu items, item text, and item submenu
Grid lines visibility. To add vertical grid lines or hide both vertical and horizontal grid lines to/from the Chart component, use the axis’s Visible property.
Handle the new StartDateChanged event to synchronize the range of visible dates in the Scheduler with external components or labels.
See our Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in v20.2.5.
T958401 - Popup - The CloseButtonClick event changed the delegate type from Action to EventCallback
You can now create named areas, assign them to layout items, and place these areas in grid rows to create responsive layouts. (Documentation | Demo)
The new InputCssClass property allows you to apply predefined or custom CSS classes to the input element of the ComboBox, Date Edit, Spin Edit, Text Box, and Time Edit.
The new TextAreaCssClass property allows you to apply a predefined or custom CSS class to the Memo’s text area.
Use the WeekNumberRule property to specify the first week of the year in the calendar.
Handle the new FileUploadStart event to add authentication information to upload requests, cancel an upload based on a condition or change the upload URL.
The DevExpress Template Gallery now allows you to create a Blazor application that targets .NET 5.0.
See our Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in v20.2.4.
In this version, we added support for .NET 5.0 Release Candidate 2.
You can now use the DevExpress .NET Product Installer to install DevExpress Blazor components.(Documentation)
The DevExpress Template Gallery now includes Blazor project templates. (Documentation)
The new Grid Layout for Blazor allows you to arrange UI elements on a page. The component is based on a CSS Grid Layout: layout items are organized into rows and columns.
The new Stack Layout for Blazor allows you to stack UI elements vertically or horizontally.
The new Layout Breakpoint component for Blazor allows you to adapt a page layout to different screen sizes. For example, you can use breakpoints to create responsive DxGridLayout, DxStackLayout, or any other components.
The new Time Edit component for Blazor has the following features:
- DateTime / TimeSpan binding
- Integrated drop-down Time Picker
- 12 / 24 Hour Format support
- Min / Max Time support
- Read-Only and Disabled States
- Null Text
- Clear Button
The Data Grid can now compute summaries across all data rows or individual groups. Predefined aggregate functions include:
- Sum
- Min
- Max
- Avg
- Count
Users can now resize grid columns. To enable this feature, use the ColumnResizeMode property.
You can now use the new FixedStyle property to anchor columns to the left or rightmost edge of the grid. These fixed columns are never scrolled horizontally.
Our new AppointmentFormLayout and AppointmentCompactFormLayout properties allow you to create a custom appointment form.
With this release, you can associate Scheduler appointments with resources (such as employees, locations, and so on). Then, you can use the new GroupType property to group appointments by resources or dates. The Scheduler also ships with a Resource Navigator that allows you to filter resource groups.
The new TimeSectionVisible property allows you to display time values in the Date Edit component.
Users can now long click or long key press to modify the Spin Edit value. In the ComboBox and TagBox components, users can use a long key press to navigate through items.
See our Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in v20.2.
See our Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in v20.1.11.
See our Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in v20.1.10.
In this version, we resolved the following issue:
- T951686 - .NET 5.0: The "Microsoft.WebTools.Shared.Exceptions.WebToolsException: Build failed." error occurs while publishing a project with v20.1.8
In this version, we added support for .NET 5.0.
See our Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in v20.1.8.
In this version, we added support for .NET Core 3.1.8.
You can now create Blazor Server and WebAssembly apps based on DevExpress project templates that include:
- References to the DevExpress Blazor NuGet package and DevExpress resources
- The DevExpress Blazing Berry theme
- Sidebar navigation based on the TreeView component
- The Data Grid component
You can customize text displayed in the pop-up Edit Form's header. (Documentation)
- Date Edit
- The new CustomDisabledDate event allows you to disable selection of specific dates in the component’s calendar. (Documentation | Demo)
- You can now specify a custom null value for the Date Edit. This value is applied to the editor each time a user clears the Date Edit's content. (Documentation)
- Calendar - The new VisibleDateChanged event allows you to handle changes to the month and year in the component.
- ComboBox, TagBox, ListBox - You can now specify custom column captions for multi-column editors. (Documentation | Demo)
- Disabled state. The new Enabled property allows you to disable a data editor. The disabled editor does not respond to user interactions and users cannot change the editor's value/state.
- Disabled state for DevExpress editors in Form Layout items. (Documentation)
- Read-only mode for DevExpress editors in Form Layout items. (Documentation)
You can now control whether the Toolbar automatically closes the sub-menu after a user clicks this menu’s item. (Documentation)
See our Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in v20.1.7
In this version, we added support for .NET Core 3.1.7 and Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.1.
The new Memo component for Blazor has the following features:
- Data binding
- Custom size
- Resize modes
- Clear button
- Read-only state
You can now edit row values in a pop-up Edit Form. (Demo | Documentation)
Appointment Templates - Use templates to customize appointment appearance (Demo | Documentation)
Custom Fields - Add custom data to Scheduler’s appointments, labels, and statuses (Documentation)
New API properties that allow you to assign CSS classes to appointment labels and statuses (Documentation)
ComboBox, TagBox, ListBox - Support for multiple columns (Demo | Documentation)
ComboBox, TagBox, ListBox - Binding to a data object field (Demo)
Calendar enhancements
- Validation support
- Nullable DateTime support
- Binding to a single date (Documentation)
CheckBox, ComboBox, DateEdit, SpinEdit, TagBox - New InputId property
You can now assign CSS classes to layout items and to captions of items, tab pages, and groups.
Changed the delegate type from Action to EventCallback in multiple components.
Refer to Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in 20.1.6.
- API members from the majority of base classes have been moved to descendant classes
- Specific events have changed their delegate type from Action to EventCallback
- Calendar - The DateExpression property has been replaced with the SelectedDateExpression and SelectedDatesExpression properties
- Calendar - The DxCalendar class and specific API members have become generic-typed
- The ComboBox, List Box, and TagBox components' API and declaration have been changed
- Data Grid field-related properties have been renamed
- Form Layout - The DxFormLayoutItem.CaptionFor property value is no longer assigned to the ID property of editors in the template
- Pivot Grid - The PivotGridSummaryType.NotSet enumeration value has been removed and the SummaryType default value has been changed to Sum
- The DxDataGridColumn.AllowSort and DxDataGridColumn.EditorVisible property's value type has been changed from DefaultBoolean to nullable Boolean
In this version, we added support for .NET Core 3.1.5.
- The ability to hide the Filter Row's editors for individual columns (Documentation)
- New ComboBox column features:
- Filter modes (Documentation)
- Virtual render mode (Documentation)
- ComboBox, TagBox - Drop-down window’s width modes (Demo | Documentation)
- Calendar, Date Edit - Min/max dates (Demo | Documentation - MinDate | Documentation - MaxDate)
- Toolbar - Display a drop-down menu in a modal dialog (Demo | Documentation)
- Upload
- A response message received from the server (Documentation)
- A file's last modified date (Documentation)
Refer to Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in 20.1.5.
- Data Grid - The filter row has become hidden by default
- ComboBox and TagBox - The default width of the drop-down lists has been changed
- Date Edit - The first day of a week has become culture-dependent
In this version, we added support for the .NET Core 3.1.4 and the Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Release.
With our 20.1.4 release, we added Blazor Reporting components with the following features:
Document Viewer
- Preview and print documents
- Export to different formats (PDF, XLS, XLSX, RTF, DOCX, MHT, HTML, TXT, CSV, Image)
- Navigation via buttons and bookmarks
- Search support
- Multi-page mode
- Full screen mode
Report Designer
- Support for different report types (Table Report, Master-Detail Report, * * * Invoice Report, Vertical Report, and so on)
- Bind to data (SQL, JSON and Object data sources)
- 20+ report controls, including Charts and Pivot Tables
- Report Wizard
- Data Source Wizard and Query Builder
- Built-in Document Viewer
- Data shaping and analytics
- Parameters support
- Data navigation
- Appearance customization
Demo - Document Viewer | Demo - Report Designer | Documentation
* Important Note: Though DevExpress Reports supports Blazor, it is not included in our Blazor UI component distribution. To use DevExpress Reports in your Blazor project or to replicate the functionality described below, you must purchase a DevExpress Subscription (Reporting Subscription, ASP.NET Subscription, DXperience, or Universal). For more information on what is included in our product subscriptions, refer to the product matrix.
The new Toolbar component for Blazor has the following features:
- Various button types
- Drop-down items
- Checked/unchecked items
- Radio groups
- Link items
- Button render and style customization
- Adaptive mode
The new Context Menu component for Blazor with the following features:
- Data binding
- Unbound mode
- Item groups
- Item appearance customization
The majority of DevExpress Blazor components now support three size modes defined in your Bootstrap theme: small, medium, and large. You can apply a size mode to an individual component (for example, a data editor or pager), all compatible components in a container (for example, Data Grid or Form Layout), or for the entire application. (Documentation)
- Column chooser (Demo | Documentation)
- Header template (Demo | Documentation)
- Axis data type customization (Documentation)
- The VisibleChanged event for chart series (Documentation)
- Ability to hide overlapped point labels (Demo | Documentation)
- Display format (Demo | Documentation)
- CheckBox - Alignment (Demo | Documentation)
- Spin Edit
- Touch device usability enhancements (Documentation)
- Custom increment values (Demo | Documentation)
- Update the value when the input changes (Demo | Documentation)
- Support for HTML attributes (Documentation)
- Text Box
- Update the value when the input changes (Demo | Documentation)
- Support for HTML attributes (Documentation)
- ComboBox, Date Edit, TagBox
- Support for HTML attributes (Documentation)
- Drop-down window direction (Documentation)
Refer to Version History for a complete list of issues resolved in 20.1.4.
- The default size of some components has been changed
- Data Grid - Format-related properties of the Spin Edit and Date Edit columns have been renamed
- Date Edit - The default date format has become culture-dependent
- TreeView
- Form Layout - The ValueEditingContext class has been renamed to ValueEditContext
In this version, we added support for the .NET Core 3.1.2 update.
Our new Upload component for Blazor includes the following features:
- Chunk upload for large files
- Upload multiple files at once
- Drag-and-drop area for uploaded files
- File extension and size validation
- Instant upload
- Upload on a button click
- Chart – Rotation (Demo | Documentation)
- Calendar - Navigation through months, years, decades, and centuries (Demo | Documentation)
- Data Grid
- NullReferenceException occurs when DxCheckBox changes the ShowFilterRow property value
- NullReferenceException occurs if the grid is empty and DxDataGridComboBoxColumn is used with a hidden filter row
- Virtual scrolling does not work if the grid is bound to data via the CustomData property
- ComboBox does not keep the selected item while Grid records are edited if a ComboBox column is bound to a collection of custom objects
- Drop-down editors in the Popup component are not displayed over the Popup's boundaries and cause scroll bars to appear instead.
- Data Grid – For combo box columns bound to a collection of custom objects, the RowUpdating(Async) and RowInserting(Async) event handlers now accept the entire selected item instead of the selected item's value
- Upload - Changes in the UploadMode enumeration, AcceptedFileTypes property, and upload events (compared to v19.2.4-Preview)
Our new Upload component for Blazor includes the following features:
- Chunk upload for large files
- Upload multiple files at once
- Drag-and-drop area for uploaded files
- File extension and size validation
- Instant upload
- Upload on a button click
Please also explore new features and breaking changes introduced in 19.2.1 Beta and 19.2.2 Beta versions.
We created a new “Blazing Berry” theme for applications that are built using Bootstrap v4. This theme is now the default theme for our online demos.
In this version, we added two new components to our DevExpress UI for Blazor:
- Button
- TagBox
- Data Grid
- Page size selector
- The ability to limit the number of visible numeric buttons in a pager
- Row preview section
- New row initialization
- Reload data in code
- Chart - The ability to specify an axis type
- Spin Edit - Hide spin buttons
- Pager - The ability to limit the number of visible numeric buttons
- Popup
- Footer template
- Change the header's visibility in code
- Change the component’s visibility in code
- A scrollbar in the pop-up window’s content.
In this version, we support .NET Core 3.1.1 that contains security and reliability fixes.
We polished features delivered in 19.2.1 Beta.
- Data Grid - The OptimizedMultipleSelectionChanged event has become asynchronous
- Data Grid - The StartRowEdit, CancelRowEdit and SetDataRowSelectedByKey methods have become asynchronous
- Localization
- Data Grid
- Asynchronous data binding
- Binding to custom data sources
- A CheckBox column
- The Go to Page input box to jump to the corresponding page
- Scheduler - New events to handle CRUD operations (add, update, and remove appointments)
- Date Edit, Spin Edit, and Text Box - NullText support
- Pager - The Go to Page input box to jump to the corresponding page
- Data Grid
- Incorrect styles are applied to multiple selected data rows
- The grid jumps in virtual scrolling mode
- The clear button for the filter row editors is shown at an incorrect position if the horizontal scrollbar is shown
- ComboBox - The "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'accessor')" exception is thrown if the ListRenderMode property is set to Virtual
- Date Edit
- Dates BC (before Christ) lead to an exception
- The Clear button is displayed when the component is bound to a non-nullable data type
- Clicking the "Today" button leads to the "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'accessor')" error
- Spin Edit - Negative numbers lead to an exception when the component is bound to an unsigned numeric type
- List Box - Items have an unnecessary border if the render mode is set to "Virtual" and checkboxes are shown
- Location of DevExpress resources has been changed
- Client-side Blazor applications now require calling the AddDevExpressBlazor method
- DevExpress Blazor components no longer support .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 3.0
- Data Grid
- Checkbox - Numeric values other than 0 and 1 are now interpreted as an indeterminate state
- Pager - The default navigation mode has been changed
In this version, we added support for the release of .Net Core 3.1.
We added the following features to the new Blazor CheckBox component:
- Bind to any data type
- Toggle switch mode
- Support for the indeterminate state
- Customizable appearance
- Data Grid
- Handle a row click
- Cell and row HTML decoration
- Ctrl+click to clear a column’s sort order
- TreeView – Load child nodes on demand
- Date Edit – Support for null values
- The Clear button was added to the Text Box, Spin Edit, Date Edit, and ComboBox
- Data Grid
- Users cannot edit grid rows if a data source is IQueryable
- Selection doesn't work correctly when the AutoMapper is used
- The RowInserting and RowUpdating events are raised if the "Close" button is clicked in a popup edit form
- Charts - The "System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')" error occurs if data is provided to charts too late
- Date Edit
- The September 1, 2019 day cell is not displayed in the September month if the FirstDayOfWeek property is set to Monday
- Scroll speed depends on the browser when the component is in ScrollPicker mode
- Form Layout - Focus an editor on a label click
- Data Grid - Save and restore the layout
- Date Edit - ScrollPicker mode
- Support tickets
- Data Grid bugs
- GroupIndex is not taken into account when the SortOrder property value is specified in the markup
- The pager does not work properly when a user groups grid data and it changes the number of data pages
- Column widths are calculated incorrectly when grid data is grouped and the navigation mode is set to VirtualScrolling
- The component does not switch to a previous page if a user deletes the last row on the last page
Data Grid
- API for managing the index of the current page (PageIndex and PageIndexChanged)
- API for getting the current page count (PageCount and PageCountChanged)
- Templates
- Customizing the way how end-users can expand/collapse nodes
- Detecting whether the event triggering was caused by an API method call or not.
- Finding all nodes that satisfy the specified condition (predicate).
- Getting the node's parent node information.
- Support for .NET Core 3.0 Release
- Date Edit - Clicking a date does not work properly in Data Grid's Edit Form
- Date Edit - The component does not prevent an internal calendar from changing a selected day in read-only mode
- Data Grid - A click on a grid header with Ctrl pressed opens a new tab in Firefox
- Data Grid - Grouping data by a ComboBox column outputs a column value to a group row instead of text
- Data Grid - Expanding a DateTime group does not display data rows
- Data Grid - A format string applied to a Spin Edit column does not affect a corresponding cell in a group row
- List Box - The component does not allow selecting a range of items with Shift pressed if the ShowCheckboxes property is set to true
- Calendar
- List Box
- Popup
- Data Grid
- Bind to ExpandoObjects instances
- Bind to complex data objects
- Filter Row enhancements
- Charts - New series types: Financial, Range, Pie, and Donut
- ComboBoxDataLoadMode {Default, VirtualScrolling} renamed to ListRenderMode {Entire, Virtual}
- DxComboBox.DataLoadMode renamed to DxComboBox.ListRenderMode
- Support for .NET Core 3.0 Release Candidate 1
Form Layout
- Build group layouts for different screen resolutions. Use the DxFormLayoutGroup class' ColSpanXX properties to specify the width of layout groups for different screens.
- Build tabbed layouts for different screen resolutions. Use the DxFormLayoutTabPages class' ColSpanXX properties to specify the width of layout tabs for different screens.
- Support for NET Core 3.0 Preview 9
- Data Grid
- Multiple selection
- Specify a column's position in code
- Drag and drop column headers
- Grouping
- Master-Detail view
- Scheduler - Appointment editing
- Text Box - Password mode
- All Data Editors - Read-only mode
- DxDataGrid.AllowDataRowSelection became obsolete, use DxDataGrid.SelectionMode = “DataGridSelectionMode” instead.
- DxDataGrid.SelectedDataRow renamed to DxDataGrid.SingleSelectedDataRow.
- DxDataGrid.SelectedDataRowChanged renamed to DxDataGrid.SingleSelectedDataRowChanged.
We included the following features in the new Blazor Chart component:
- Area, Bar, Line, and Bubble series types
- Dynamic series creation
- Tooltip and legend customization
- Multiple axes
- Pivot Grid data visualization
- Support for .Net Core 3.0 Preview 8
- Data Grid
- Enable/disable sorting within the entire grid (API)
- Control an individual column’s sorting (enable/disable sorting, set up a column sort order and position among sorted columns)
- Multiple column sorting
- Cell text alignment
- Customize command buttons and control their visibility
The new Scheduler component supports the following features:
- Three built-in views: Day, Work Week and Week
- Data binding
- Recurring appointments
- Support for .Net Core 3.0 Preview 7
- Data Grid
- Toggle column visibility
- Horizontal scrolling
- Vertical scrolling
- TreeView - Data binding
- Form Layout - Toggle item visibility
- ComboBoxDataLoadMode.Defaul renamed to ComboBoxDataLoadMode.Default.
- Pivot Grid-related enumerations moved from the DevExpress.Blazor.PivotGrid namespace to the DevExpress.Blazor namespace.
- The SortOrder enumeration renamed to PivotGridSortOrder, and its members (Asc and Desc) renamed to Ascending and Descending, respectively.
- Data Grid - Virtual scroll
- ComboBox - Virtual scroll
- Data Grid
- AllowRowSelection renamed to AllowDataRowSelection
- SelectedDataItem renamed to SelectedDataRow
- SelectedItemChanged renamed to SelectedDataRowChanged
- TreeView
- ExpandedChanging divided into two events: BeforeCollapse and BeforeExpand
- ExpandedChanged divided into two events: AfterCollapse and AfterExpand
- TreeView
- ComboBox
- Filter data
- Allow user input
- Keyboard support
- .Net Core 3.0 Preview 6 support
- Data Grid
- A row cannot be selected on iOS.
- The NullReferenceException occurs when a user edits a new row with a null row editor value.
- ComboBox - A drop-down item cannot be selected on iOS.
- Form Layout - The NullReferenceException occurs when the component is bound to a Model with null property values.
Data Grid
- Cascading combo boxes in the cell's Edit Template
- Edit Form with custom templates
- Edit Form validation
- Support for Blazor Validation in the Form Layout component and date editors
- Support for NullText in the ComboBox component
- Theme switcher for demos
- Fix Blazor (client-side) support
- .Net Core 3.0 Preview 5 support
- New Form Layout Component.
- New Tabs Component.
- Use a new Form Layout component as the Data Grid's edit form.
- .Net Core 3.0 Preview 4 support.
- Follow Microsoft's renaming from "Razor Components" to "Blazor".
- Update DevExtreme.AspNet.Data to version 2.2.0 to improve the overall performance.
- Add the Bootstrap hover and select effects to the ComboBox' drop-down list items.
- The down arrow image is not properly aligned within the ComboBox' drop-down button.
- Arrow images within the Date Edit calendar's month/year navigation buttons do not have the same height.
- A New command button does not always work properly in the Data Grid.
Initial version contains:
- Data Grid
- Pivot Grid
- Data Editors (ComboBox, Date Edit, Spin Edit, Text Box)
- Pager