diff --git a/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp.fsproj b/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..657b8448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ Exe
+ net7.0
+ enable
+ enable
+ false
+ Always
diff --git a/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/Program.fs b/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/Program.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fec8936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/Program.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+namespace Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp
+open Akka.Cluster.Sharding
+open Akka.Util
+open Akka.Actor
+open Akka.Event
+open Akka.Persistence
+module Messages =
+ open System
+ []
+ type IWithUserId =
+ abstract member UserId : string
+ type UserDescriptor(UserId:string, UserName:string) =
+ interface IWithUserId with
+ member this.UserId = this.UserId
+ member this.UserId = UserId
+ member this.UserName = UserName
+ static member val Empty = new UserDescriptor(String.Empty, String.Empty) with get
+ type UserCreatedEvent(Descriptor:UserDescriptor, Timestamp:int64) =
+ member this.Timestamp = Timestamp
+ member this.Descriptor = Descriptor
+ member this.UserId = (Descriptor :> IWithUserId).UserId
+ interface IWithUserId with
+ member this.UserId = this.UserId
+ type FetchUsers () =
+ static member Instance = new FetchUsers();
+ member this.FetchUsers() = ()
+ type FetchUser (userId:string) =
+ interface IWithUserId with
+ member this.UserId = this.UserId
+ member this.UserId = userId
+ type CreateUser(Descriptor:UserDescriptor) =
+ interface IWithUserId with
+ member this.UserId = this.UserId
+ member this.Descriptor = Descriptor
+ member this.UserId = (Descriptor :> IWithUserId).UserId
+ type ResponseKind =
+ | Success
+ | Failure
+ | Unknown
+ type CommandResponse (ResponseKind:ResponseKind) =
+ member this.ResponseKind = ResponseKind
+module Actors =
+ open Messages
+ open System
+ open System.Collections.Generic
+ open System.Collections.Immutable
+ open Akka.Actor
+ open Akka.Persistence.Query
+ open Akka.Persistence.Query.Sql
+ open Akka.Streams
+ open Akka.Streams.Dsl
+ type UserActionsEntity (persistenceId:string) as this =
+ inherit ReceivePersistentActor ()
+ let mutable cs = UserDescriptor.Empty
+ let Context = ReceivePersistentActor.Context
+ let log = Context.GetLogger()
+ do
+ this.Recover (fun (c:UserCreatedEvent) ->
+ cs <- c.Descriptor
+ log.Info($"Recovered {c}", [||])
+ )
+ this.Command(fun (user:CreateUser) ->
+ let e = new UserCreatedEvent(user.Descriptor, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks)
+ this.Persist(e, fun evt ->
+ log.Info($"Persisted {evt}", [||])
+ cs <- evt.Descriptor;
+ if (not <| Context.Sender.IsNobody()) then
+ Context.Sender.Tell(new CommandResponse(ResponseKind.Success))
+ )
+ )
+ this.Command(fun user ->
+ log.Info($"Sender =>>> {Context.Sender.Path.Address}")
+ Context.Sender.Tell(cs)
+ )
+ member this.CurrentState
+ with get () = cs
+ and set (v) = cs <- v
+ override this.PersistenceId = persistenceId
+ static member Props(userId:string) =
+ Props.Create(fun _ -> new UserActionsEntity(userId))
+ type Indexer (userActionsShardRegion:IActorRef) as this =
+ inherit ReceiveActor ()
+ let Context = ReceiveActor.Context
+ let _log = Context.GetLogger()
+ let _userActionsShardRegion = userActionsShardRegion
+ let _users = new Dictionary()
+ do
+ this.Receive(fun (d:UserDescriptor) ->
+ _log.Info($"Found {d}", [||])
+ _users[(d :> IWithUserId).UserId] <- d
+ )
+ this.Receive(fun (f:FetchUsers) ->
+ Context.Sender.Tell(_users.Values.ToImmutableList())
+ )
+ this.Receive(fun s ->
+ _log.Info("Recorded completion of the stream")
+ )
+ this.Receive(fun (e:UserCreatedEvent) ->
+ //_log.Info($"UserCreatedEvent send FetchUser, {_userActionsShardRegion.Path.Address}")
+ let fc = new FetchUser((e :> IWithUserId).UserId)
+ let askResult =
+ _userActionsShardRegion.Ask(
+ fc, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)
+ )
+ askResult.PipeTo(Context.Self) |> ignore
+ )
+ override this.PreStart() =
+ this.FetchIds()
+ member this.FetchIds() =
+ let readJournal =
+ Context.System.ReadJournalFor(SqlReadJournal.Identifier)
+ let r =
+ Sink.ActorRef(Context.Self, "complete")
+ :> IGraph, Akka.NotUsed>
+ //let rOrig = Sink.ActorRef(Context.Self, "complete")
+ let srj0 =
+ readJournal.AllEvents()
+ .Where(fun e ->
+ match e.Event with
+ | :? UserCreatedEvent as uce ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false)
+ .Select(fun uc ->
+ uc.Event :?> UserCreatedEvent
+ )
+ .WithAttributes(ActorAttributes.CreateSupervisionStrategy(fun e -> Supervision.Directive.Restart))
+ srj0.RunWith(r, Context.Materializer()) |> ignore
+ //srj0.RunWith(rOrig, Context.Materializer()) |> ignore
+module CustomJournalIdDemo =
+ open Messages
+ open Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
+ open System
+ open System.Threading
+ open System.Threading.Tasks
+ open Akka.Hosting
+ open Actors
+ type UserMessageExtractor (maxNumberOfShards:int) =
+ inherit HashCodeMessageExtractor (maxNumberOfShards)
+ override this.EntityId(message : obj) =
+ match message with
+ | :? FetchUser as o ->
+ (o :> IWithUserId).UserId
+ | :? UserCreatedEvent as o ->
+ (o :> IWithUserId).UserId
+ | :? UserDescriptor as o ->
+ (o :> IWithUserId).UserId
+ | :? CreateUser as o ->
+ (o :> IWithUserId).UserId
+ | :? IWithUserId as userId ->
+ userId.UserId
+ | oo ->
+ null
+ new () = UserMessageExtractor(30)
+ type UserGenerator () =
+ static member FirstNames = [|
+ "Yoda"; "Obi-Wan"; "Darth Vader"; "Leia"; "Luke"; "R2D2"; "Han";
+ "Chewbacca"; "Jabba"; "Ardbeg"; "Lando"
+ |]
+ static member LastNames = [|
+ "Fat"; "Kenobi"; "Skywalker"; "Solo"; "Fett"; "Calrissian"
+ |]
+ static member PickRandom<'T>(items: 'T array) =
+ items[ThreadLocalRandom.Current.Next(items.Length)]
+ static member CreateRandom() : UserDescriptor =
+ let prf = UserGenerator.PickRandom(UserGenerator.FirstNames)
+ let prl = UserGenerator.PickRandom(UserGenerator.LastNames)
+ let userName = $"{prf} {prl} v{ThreadLocalRandom.Current.Next(0,100)}"
+ let userId = MurmurHash.StringHash(userName)
+ printfn "userId: %d" userId
+ new UserDescriptor(userId.ToString(), userName)
+ type TestDataPopulatorService (system:ActorSystem) =
+ let _system = system
+ let mutable _cancelable = Unchecked.defaultof
+ interface IHostedService with
+ override this.StartAsync(cancellationToken:CancellationToken) =
+ _cancelable <- _system.Scheduler.Advanced.ScheduleRepeatedlyCancelable(
+ TimeSpan.Zero
+ , TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)
+ , fun _ ->
+ let entityRegion = ActorRegistry.For(_system).Get()
+ let user = UserGenerator.CreateRandom()
+ printfn "entityRegion: %A" entityRegion.Path.Address
+ entityRegion.Tell(new CreateUser(user))
+ )
+ Task.CompletedTask
+ override this.StopAsync(cancellationToken:CancellationToken) =
+ _cancelable.Cancel()
+ Task.CompletedTask
+open Akka.Actor
+open Akka.Cluster.Hosting
+open Akka.Cluster.Sharding
+open Akka.Hosting
+open CustomJournalIdDemo
+open Actors
+open Messages
+open Akka.Persistence.SqlServer.Hosting
+open Akka.Remote.Hosting
+module Main =
+ open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
+ open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
+ open System
+ open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing
+ open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
+ open System.Threading.Tasks
+ open System.Collections.Generic
+ open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
+ type RootHandler = delegate of ActorRegistry -> Task>
+ type UserHandler = delegate of string * ActorRegistry -> Task
+ []
+ let main argv =
+ let builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(argv)
+ let akkaFun =
+ Action<_>(fun (configurationBuilder: AkkaConfigurationBuilder) ->
+ // Grab connection strings from appsettings.json
+ let localConn = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("sqlServerLocal");
+ let shardingConn = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("sqlServerSharding");
+ // Custom journal options with the id "sharding"
+ // The absolute id will be "akka.persistence.journal.sharding"
+ let shardingJournalOptions =
+ new SqlServerJournalOptions(
+ isDefaultPlugin = false
+ , Identifier = "sharding"
+ )
+ shardingJournalOptions.ConnectionString <- shardingConn
+ shardingJournalOptions.AutoInitialize <- true
+ //shardingJournalOptions.Serializer <- "hyperion"
+ // Custom snapshots options with the id "sharding"
+ // The absolute id will be "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.sharding"
+ let shardingSnapshotOptions =
+ new SqlServerSnapshotOptions(
+ isDefaultPlugin = false
+ , Identifier = "sharding"
+ )
+ shardingSnapshotOptions.ConnectionString <- shardingConn
+ shardingSnapshotOptions.AutoInitialize <- true
+ //shardingSnapshotOptions.Serializer <- "hyperion"
+ let co = new ClusterOptions()
+ co.Roles <- [| "myRole" |]
+ co.SeedNodes <- [| "akka.tcp://FAkkaHttp@localhost:8110" |]
+ let so = new ShardOptions ()
+ so.StateStoreMode <- StateStoreMode.Persistence
+ so.Role <- "myRole"
+ //so.JournalOptions <- shardingJournalOptions
+ //so.SnapshotOptions<- shardingSnapshotOptions
+ so.JournalPluginId <- shardingJournalOptions.PluginId
+ so.SnapshotPluginId <- shardingSnapshotOptions.PluginId
+ let actorsFun =
+ Action<_, _>(
+ fun (system:ActorSystem) (registry:IActorRegistry) ->
+ let userActionsShard = registry.Get()
+ let indexer = system.ActorOf(Props.Create(fun _ -> new Indexer(userActionsShard)), "index")
+ registry.TryRegister(indexer) |> ignore
+ )
+ let cb =
+ configurationBuilder
+ .WithRemoting("localhost", 8110)
+ .WithClustering(co)
+ .WithSqlServerPersistence(localConn) // Standard way to create a default persistence journal and snapshot
+ .WithSqlServerPersistence(shardingJournalOptions, shardingSnapshotOptions) // This is a custom persistence setup using the options instances we've set up earlier
+ .WithShardRegion(
+ "userActions", fun s -> UserActionsEntity.Props(s)
+ , new UserMessageExtractor()
+ , so)
+ .WithActors(actorsFun)
+ cb |> ignore
+ )
+ builder.Services
+ .AddAkka("FAkkaHttp", akkaFun)
+ .AddHostedService() |> ignore
+ let app = builder.Build()
+ let rootHandler =
+ RootHandler(fun (registry:ActorRegistry) ->
+ task {
+ let index = registry.Get()
+ let! ca =
+ index.Ask>(FetchUsers.Instance, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))
+ .ConfigureAwait(false)
+ return ca
+ })
+ let userHandler =
+ UserHandler(fun (userId:string) (registry:ActorRegistry) ->
+ task {
+ let index = registry.Get();
+ return! index.Ask(
+ (new FetchUser(userId))
+ , TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))
+ .ConfigureAwait(false)
+ })
+ app.MapGet("/", rootHandler) |> ignore
+ app.MapGet("/user/{userId}", userHandler) |> ignore
+ app.Run()
+ 0
+truncate table Akka.[dbo].[EventJournal]
+truncate table Akka.[dbo].[SnapshotStore]
+truncate table [AkkaSharding].[dbo].[EventJournal]
+truncate table [AkkaSharding].[dbo].[SnapshotStore]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/appsettings.json b/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/appsettings.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6914d388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Examples/Akka.Hosting.CustomJournalIdDemo.FSharp/appsettings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "Logging": {
+ "LogLevel": {
+ "Default": "Information",
+ "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
+ }
+ },
+ "ConnectionStrings": {
+ "sqlServerLocal": "Server=localhost,1533;Database=Akka;User Id=sa;Password=l0lTh1sIsOpenSource;",
+ "sqlServerSharding": "Server=localhost,1533;Database=AkkaSharding;User Id=sa;Password=l0lTh1sIsOpenSource;"
+ }