For links go to
Quick Setup (Using a Virtual Machine)
- Install and set up git
- Install VirtualBox & VirtualBox Extension Pack
- Install Vagrant
git clone --recursive
- Run the Vagrant RIOT Setup
Recommended Setup (Without Using a VM)
Install and set up git
Install the build-essential packet (make, gcc etc.). This varies based on the operating system in use.
Install Native dependencies
Install OpenOCD
Install GCC Arm Embedded Toolchain
On OS X: install Tuntap for OS X
additional tweaks necessary to work with the targeted hardware (ATSAMR21)
with IPv6 support (if necessary)sudo apt-get install netcat-openbsd
git clone --recursive
- Task 1: Starting the RIOT
- Task 2: Custom shell handlers
- Task 3: Multithreading
- Task 4: Timers
- Task 5: Using network devices
- Task 6: Sending and receiving UDP packets
- Task 7: The GNRC network stack
This work and all its related code and documents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License