node -e "require('fs').writeFileSync('package.json', '{}')" npm list --depth 0. # npm i downdoc npm list --depth 0.
Currently, include directives are not processed. However, you can first run the document through Asciidoctor Reducer to fold in the content from any included files. If you then run downdoc on the output of that step, it will convert the entire document, includes and all.
-Ausführung im separaten Terminal mit Admin-Rechten
ruby -v gem install asciidoctor-reducer
asciidoctor-reducer -h asciidoctor-reducer -o Germo_Goertz_IT_profile_full.adoc Germo_Goertz_IT_profile.adoc npx downdoc Germo_Goertz_IT_profile_full.adoc
Germo_Goertz_IT_profile_full.adoc muss dann aber wieder gelöscht werden, sonst kommt es wegen :page-permalink: /goertz_profile_de/ zu Problemen, weil das dann in der Original-Datei und auch hier enthalten wäre.