Evolution: Extensible CRUD component for VueJS --> ExpressJS full-stack app development cookbook and recipes --> common components for multiple apps --> automated QA, test, CI/CD with Cloud container deployment
- keep technical debt in view - Rule #1 - Do Not Let Technical Debt Build Up
- keep in mind https://12factor.net/
- Logging (Use APM instead?) - use console.log & morgan
- scalable in terms of application use cases & traffic load
- aim For simplicity, maintainability, testability, take note of size & speed
- avoid / move away from using bundlers such as Webpack, keep tooling minimal
- automated ci/cd, testing, software quality gate, devopsec, cloud, container orchestration
- modularity - reduce exposure to rewrite due to code obsolecense
- code reuse - reduce writing same code for each new application, keep code & dependencies updated
- balance dependencies use and native code
- vee-validate from version 2 to 3 broke many things, might as well stick with HTML5 validation
- momentjs is too big, date-fns from version 1 to 2 broke things, use native JS Date Object, Intl.DateTimeFormat, etc. instead
- nuxt-auth could not handle 2FA or refresh token so cannot be used
- limit number of languages (e.g. use JS for everything)
- Intl, Fetch, Date, Canvas, WebGL
- Backend
- Kafka backend/kafka.md
- MicroServices backend/micro-services.md
- TCP backend/tcp.md
- Mongo DB backend/mongodb/home.md
- Deployment And Scaling
- Deployment deployment/home.md
- Deployment Container deployment/deployment-container.md
- Deployment VM deployment/deployment-vm.md
- Deployment Secretsdeployment/secrets.md
- Home gcp/home.md
- Git | - git related git.md | - git merge from upstream git.md | - github related github.md
- SQA Tools sqa/sqa-tools.md
- SQA NodeJS sqa/sqa-nodejs.md
- Team Guidance sqa/team-guidance.md
- Web
- Authentication web/authentication.md
- Custom Elements web/custom-element.md
- Fetch API web/fetch.md
- GraphQL web/graphql.md
- JS web/js.md
- Performance web/performance.md
- Logging web/logging.md
- Github github.md
- NodeJS nodejs.md
- NPM npm.md
- Dev Tooling & Setup devtools.md