Description: Return the result of evaluating a given boolean expression, represented as a string.
An expression can either be:
"t", evaluating to True; "f", evaluating to False; "!(expr)", evaluating to the logical NOT of the inner expression expr; "&(expr1,expr2,...)", evaluating to the logical AND of 2 or more inner expressions expr1, expr2, ...; "|(expr1,expr2,...)", evaluating to the logical OR of 2 or more inner expressions expr1, expr2, ...
Example 1:
Input: expression = "!(f)" Output: true
Example 2:
Input: expression = "|(f,t)" Output: true
Example 3:
Input: expression = "&(t,f)" Output: false
1 <= expression.length <= 2 * 10^4 expression[i] consists of characters in {'(', ')', '&', '|', '!', 't', 'f', ','}. expression is a valid expression representing a boolean, as given in the description.
题目描述: 给你一个以字符串形式表述的 布尔表达式(boolean) expression,返回该式的运算结果。
"t",运算结果为 True "f",运算结果为 False "!(expr)",运算过程为对内部表达式 expr 进行逻辑 非的运算(NOT) "&(expr1,expr2,...)",运算过程为对 2 个或以上内部表达式 expr1, expr2, ... 进行逻辑 与的运算(AND) "|(expr1,expr2,...)",运算过程为对 2 个或以上内部表达式 expr1, expr2, ... 进行逻辑 或的运算(OR)
示例 :
示例 1:
输入:expression = "!(f)" 输出:true
示例 2:
输入:expression = "|(f,t)" 输出:true
示例 3:
输入:expression = "&(t,f)" 输出:false
示例 4:
输入:expression = "|(&(t,f,t),!(t))" 输出:false
1 <= expression.length <= 20000 expression[i] 由 {'(', ')', '&', '|', '!', 't', 'f', ','} 中的字符组成。 expression 是以上述形式给出的有效表达式,表示一个布尔值。
- 栈 使用两个栈, 一个栈记录操作, 另一个栈记录操作数(true, false) 遍历 expression, 将操作数和操作压入栈直到遇到右括号 按照不同的操作给出当前操作的结果并存入操作数栈 最后得到的操作数栈顶即为结果 时间复杂度O(n), 空间复杂度O(n)
- 递归 每次遇到 '|' 或者 '&' 进入递归处理 其他正常遍历即可 时间复杂度O(n), 空间复杂度O(n)
代码: C++:
class Solution
bool parseBoolExpr(string expression)
const char *e = expression.c_str();
return parse(e, &e);
bool parse(const char *e, const char **p)
bool result;
*p = e + 1;
if (*e == '!')
result = !parse(*p + 1, p);
return result;
if (*e == 'f') return false;
if (*e == 't') return true;
result = (*e == '|' ? false : true);
if (*e == '|') result = parse(*p + 1, p) or result;
else result = parse(*p + 1, p) and result;
} while (**p != ')');
return result;
class Solution {
public boolean parseBoolExpr(String expression) {
Deque<Character> operands = new LinkedList<>(), operators = new LinkedList<>();
for (char c :expression.toCharArray()) {
if ('t' == c || 'f' == c || '(' == c) operands.push(c);
else if ('|' == c || '&' == c || '!' == c) operators.push(c);
else if (')' == c) {
char operator = operators.pop();
boolean result = '&' == operator;
while (!operands.isEmpty()) {
char operand = operands.pop();
if ('(' == operand) break;
else if ('&' == operator) result &= (operand == 't');
else if ('|' == operator) result |= (operand == 't');
else result = operand == 'f';
operands.push(result ? 't' : 'f');
return operands.pop() == 't';
class Solution:
def parseBoolExpr(self, expression: str) -> bool:
return eval(expression.replace('f', '0').replace('t', '1').replace('!', 'not |').replace('&(', 'all([').replace('|(', 'any([').replace(')', '])'))