diff --git a/aiida/backends/djsite/db/migrations/0048_computer_name_to_label.py b/aiida/backends/djsite/db/migrations/0048_computer_name_to_label.py
index fb64ffa167..2a65aa3a91 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/djsite/db/migrations/0048_computer_name_to_label.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/djsite/db/migrations/0048_computer_name_to_label.py
@@ -30,5 +30,13 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+        migrations.RunSQL(
+            'ALTER INDEX db_dbcomputer_name_key rename TO db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_uniq',
+            'ALTER INDEX db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_uniq rename TO db_dbcomputer_name_key',
+        ),
+        migrations.RunSQL(
+            'ALTER INDEX db_dbcomputer_name_f1800b1a_like rename TO db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_like',
+            'ALTER INDEX db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_like rename TO db_dbcomputer_name_f1800b1a_like',
+        ),
         upgrade_schema_version(REVISION, DOWN_REVISION),
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/manager.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/manager.py
index f6932092aa..a49cd014ac 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/manager.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/manager.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class SqlaBackendManager(BackendManager):
-    def alembic_config():
+    def alembic_config(start_transaction=True):
         """Context manager to return an instance of an Alembic configuration.
         The current database connection is added in the `attributes` property, through which it can then also be
@@ -41,7 +41,16 @@ def alembic_config():
         from . import ENGINE
-        with ENGINE.begin() as connection:
+        # Certain migrations, such as altering tables, require that there is no existing transactions
+        # locking the tables.
+        # Presently, ``SqlaSettingsManager.get`` has been found to leave idle transactions,
+        # and so we need to ensure that they are closed.
+        transaction = get_scoped_session().get_transaction()
+        if transaction:
+            transaction.close()
+        engine_context = ENGINE.begin if start_transaction else ENGINE.connect
+        with engine_context() as connection:
             dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
             config = Config()
             config.set_main_option('script_location', os.path.join(dir_path, ALEMBIC_REL_PATH))
@@ -142,7 +151,7 @@ def migrate_up(self, version: str):
         :param version: string with schema version to migrate to
-        with self.alembic_config() as config:
+        with self.alembic_config(start_transaction=False) as config:
             upgrade(config, version)
     def migrate_down(self, version: str):
@@ -150,7 +159,7 @@ def migrate_down(self, version: str):
         :param version: string with schema version to migrate to
-        with self.alembic_config() as config:
+        with self.alembic_config(start_transaction=False) as config:
             downgrade(config, version)
     def _migrate_database_version(self):
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b16_django_parity_1.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b16_django_parity_1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97c50d7f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b16_django_parity_1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
+# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
+#                                                                         #
+# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/aiidateam/aiida-core #
+# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
+# For further information please visit http://www.aiida.net               #
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-member
+"""Parity with Django backend (rev: 0048),
+part 1: Ensure fields to make non-nullable are not currently null
+Revision ID: 1de112340b16
+Revises: 34a831f4286d
+Create Date: 2021-08-24 18:52:45.882712
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB, UUID
+from aiida.common import timezone
+from aiida.common.utils import get_new_uuid
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '1de112340b16'
+down_revision = '34a831f4286d'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+def upgrade():  # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
+    """Convert null values to default values.
+    This migration is performed in preparation for the next migration,
+    which will make these fields non-nullable.
+    Note, it is technically possible that the following foreign keys could also be null
+    (due to no explicit nullable=False):
+    `db_dbauthinfo.aiidauser_id`, `db_dbauthinfo.dbcomputer_id`,
+    `db_dbcomment.dbnode_id`, `db_dbcomment.user_id`,
+    `db_dbgroup.user_id`, `db_dbgroup_dbnode.dbgroup_id`, `db_dbgroup_dbnode.dbnode_id`,
+    `db_dblink.input_id`, `db_dblink.output_id`
+    However, there is no default value for these fields, and the Python API does not allow them to be set to `None`,
+    so it would be extremely unlikely for this to be the case.
+    Also, `db_dbnode.node_type` and `db_dblink.type` should not be null but, since this would critically corrupt
+    the provence graph if we were to set this to an empty string, we leave this to fail the non-null migration.
+    If a user runs into this exception, they will contact us and we can come up with a custom fix for the database.
+    """
+    db_dbauthinfo = sa.sql.table(
+        'db_dbauthinfo',
+        sa.Column('enabled', sa.Boolean),
+        sa.Column('auth_params', JSONB),
+        sa.Column('metadata', JSONB),
+    )
+    op.execute(db_dbauthinfo.update().where(db_dbauthinfo.c.enabled.is_(None)).values(enabled=True))
+    op.execute(db_dbauthinfo.update().where(db_dbauthinfo.c.auth_params.is_(None)).values(auth_params={}))
+    op.execute(db_dbauthinfo.update().where(db_dbauthinfo.c.metadata.is_(None)).values(metadata={}))
+    op.execute(db_dbauthinfo.update().where(db_dbauthinfo.c.auth_params == JSONB.NULL).values(auth_params={}))
+    op.execute(db_dbauthinfo.update().where(db_dbauthinfo.c.metadata == JSONB.NULL).values(metadata={}))
+    db_dbcomment = sa.sql.table(
+        'db_dbcomment',
+        sa.Column('content', sa.Text),
+        sa.Column('ctime', sa.DateTime(timezone=True)),
+        sa.Column('mtime', sa.DateTime(timezone=True)),
+        sa.Column('uuid', UUID(as_uuid=True)),
+    )
+    op.execute(db_dbcomment.update().where(db_dbcomment.c.content.is_(None)).values(content=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomment.update().where(db_dbcomment.c.mtime.is_(None)).values(mtime=timezone.now()))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomment.update().where(db_dbcomment.c.ctime.is_(None)).values(ctime=timezone.now()))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomment.update().where(db_dbcomment.c.uuid.is_(None)).values(uuid=get_new_uuid()))
+    db_dbcomputer = sa.sql.table(
+        'db_dbcomputer',
+        sa.Column('description', sa.Text),
+        sa.Column('hostname', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('metadata', JSONB),
+        sa.Column('scheduler_type', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('transport_type', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('uuid', UUID(as_uuid=True)),
+    )
+    op.execute(db_dbcomputer.update().where(db_dbcomputer.c.description.is_(None)).values(description=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomputer.update().where(db_dbcomputer.c.hostname.is_(None)).values(hostname=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomputer.update().where(db_dbcomputer.c.metadata.is_(None)).values(metadata={}))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomputer.update().where(db_dbcomputer.c.metadata == JSONB.NULL).values(metadata={}))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomputer.update().where(db_dbcomputer.c.scheduler_type.is_(None)).values(scheduler_type=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomputer.update().where(db_dbcomputer.c.transport_type.is_(None)).values(transport_type=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbcomputer.update().where(db_dbcomputer.c.uuid.is_(None)).values(uuid=get_new_uuid()))
+    db_dbgroup = sa.sql.table(
+        'db_dbgroup',
+        sa.Column('description', sa.Text),
+        sa.Column('label', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('time', sa.DateTime(timezone=True)),
+        sa.Column('type_string', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('uuid', UUID(as_uuid=True)),
+    )
+    op.execute(db_dbgroup.update().where(db_dbgroup.c.description.is_(None)).values(description=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbgroup.update().where(db_dbgroup.c.label.is_(None)).values(label=get_new_uuid()))
+    op.execute(db_dbgroup.update().where(db_dbgroup.c.time.is_(None)).values(time=timezone.now()))
+    op.execute(db_dbgroup.update().where(db_dbgroup.c.type_string.is_(None)).values(type_string='core'))
+    op.execute(db_dbgroup.update().where(db_dbgroup.c.uuid.is_(None)).values(uuid=get_new_uuid()))
+    db_dblog = sa.sql.table(
+        'db_dblog',
+        sa.Column('levelname', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('loggername', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('message', sa.Text),
+        sa.Column('metadata', JSONB),
+        sa.Column('time', sa.DateTime(timezone=True)),
+        sa.Column('uuid', UUID(as_uuid=True)),
+    )
+    op.execute(db_dblog.update().where(db_dblog.c.levelname.is_(None)).values(levelname=''))
+    op.execute(db_dblog.update().values(levelname=db_dblog.c.levelname.cast(sa.String(50))))
+    op.execute(db_dblog.update().where(db_dblog.c.loggername.is_(None)).values(loggername=''))
+    op.execute(db_dblog.update().where(db_dblog.c.message.is_(None)).values(message=''))
+    op.execute(db_dblog.update().where(db_dblog.c.metadata.is_(None)).values(metadata={}))
+    op.execute(db_dblog.update().where(db_dblog.c.metadata == JSONB.NULL).values(metadata={}))
+    op.execute(db_dblog.update().where(db_dblog.c.time.is_(None)).values(time=timezone.now()))
+    op.execute(db_dblog.update().where(db_dblog.c.uuid.is_(None)).values(uuid=get_new_uuid()))
+    db_dbnode = sa.sql.table(
+        'db_dbnode',
+        sa.Column('ctime', sa.DateTime(timezone=True)),
+        sa.Column('description', sa.Text),
+        sa.Column('label', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('mtime', sa.DateTime(timezone=True)),
+        sa.Column('node_type', sa.String(255)),
+        sa.Column('uuid', UUID(as_uuid=True)),
+    )
+    op.execute(db_dbnode.update().where(db_dbnode.c.ctime.is_(None)).values(ctime=timezone.now()))
+    op.execute(db_dbnode.update().where(db_dbnode.c.description.is_(None)).values(description=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbnode.update().where(db_dbnode.c.label.is_(None)).values(label=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbnode.update().where(db_dbnode.c.mtime.is_(None)).values(mtime=timezone.now()))
+    op.execute(db_dbnode.update().where(db_dbnode.c.uuid.is_(None)).values(uuid=get_new_uuid()))
+    db_dbsetting = sa.sql.table(
+        'db_dbsetting',
+        sa.Column('time', sa.DateTime(timezone=True)),
+    )
+    op.execute(db_dbsetting.update().where(db_dbsetting.c.time.is_(None)).values(time=timezone.now()))
+    db_dbuser = sa.sql.table(
+        'db_dbuser',
+        sa.Column('email', sa.String(254)),
+        sa.Column('first_name', sa.String(254)),
+        sa.Column('last_name', sa.String(254)),
+        sa.Column('institution', sa.String(254)),
+    )
+    op.execute(db_dbuser.update().where(db_dbuser.c.email.is_(None)).values(email=get_new_uuid()))
+    op.execute(db_dbuser.update().where(db_dbuser.c.first_name.is_(None)).values(first_name=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbuser.update().where(db_dbuser.c.last_name.is_(None)).values(last_name=''))
+    op.execute(db_dbuser.update().where(db_dbuser.c.institution.is_(None)).values(institution=''))
+def downgrade():
+    """Downgrade database schema."""
+    # No need to convert the values back to null
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b17_django_parity_2.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b17_django_parity_2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84c1da2286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b17_django_parity_2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
+# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
+#                                                                         #
+# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/aiidateam/aiida-core #
+# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
+# For further information please visit http://www.aiida.net               #
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-member
+"""Parity with Django backend (rev: 0048),
+part 2: Alter columns to be non-nullable and change type of some columns.
+Revision ID: 1de112340b17
+Revises: 1de112340b16
+Create Date: 2021-08-25 04:28:52.102767
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB, UUID
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '1de112340b17'
+down_revision = '1de112340b16'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+def upgrade():
+    """Upgrade database schema."""
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'aiidauser_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'dbcomputer_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'metadata', existing_type=JSONB, nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'auth_params', existing_type=JSONB, nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'enabled', existing_type=sa.BOOLEAN(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'dbnode_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'user_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'content', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'ctime', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'mtime', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'description', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'hostname', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'metadata', existing_type=JSONB, nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'scheduler_type', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'transport_type', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'user_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'description', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'label', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'time', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'type_string', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup_dbnodes', 'dbnode_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup_dbnodes', 'dbgroup_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblink', 'type', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblink', 'input_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblink', 'output_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'levelname', existing_type=sa.String(255), type_=sa.String(50), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'loggername', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'message', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'time', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'metadata', existing_type=JSONB, nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'ctime', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'description', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'label', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'mtime', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'node_type', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbsetting', 'time', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbsetting', 'key', existing_type=sa.String(255), type_=sa.String(1024), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbsetting', 'description', existing_type=sa.String(255), type_=sa.Text(), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbuser', 'email', existing_type=sa.String(254), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbuser', 'first_name', existing_type=sa.String(254), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbuser', 'last_name', existing_type=sa.String(254), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbuser', 'institution', existing_type=sa.String(254), nullable=False)
+def downgrade():
+    """Downgrade database schema."""
+    op.alter_column('db_dbuser', 'institution', existing_type=sa.String(254), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbuser', 'last_name', existing_type=sa.String(254), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbuser', 'first_name', existing_type=sa.String(254), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbuser', 'email', existing_type=sa.String(254), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbsetting', 'time', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbsetting', 'key', existing_type=sa.String(1024), type_=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbsetting', 'description', existing_type=sa.Text(), type_=sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'ctime', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'description', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'label', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'mtime', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'node_type', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbnode', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'metadata', existing_type=JSONB, nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'message', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'levelname', existing_type=sa.String(50), type_=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'loggername', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'time', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblink', 'output_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblink', 'input_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dblink', 'type', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup_dbnodes', 'dbgroup_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup_dbnodes', 'dbnode_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'user_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'description', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'time', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'type_string', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'label', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbgroup', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'metadata', existing_type=JSONB, nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'transport_type', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'scheduler_type', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'description', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'hostname', existing_type=sa.String(255), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomputer', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'user_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'dbnode_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'content', existing_type=sa.TEXT(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'ctime', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'mtime', existing_type=sa.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbcomment', 'uuid', existing_type=UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'dbcomputer_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'aiidauser_id', existing_type=sa.INTEGER(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'enabled', existing_type=sa.BOOLEAN(), nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'auth_params', existing_type=JSONB, nullable=True)
+    op.alter_column('db_dbauthinfo', 'metadata', existing_type=JSONB, nullable=True)
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b18_django_parity_3.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b18_django_parity_3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6caf6531f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1de112340b18_django_parity_3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
+# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
+#                                                                         #
+# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/aiidateam/aiida-core #
+# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
+# For further information please visit http://www.aiida.net               #
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-member
+"""Parity with Django backend (rev: 0048),
+part 3: Add PostgreSQL-specific indexes
+Revision ID: 1de112340b18
+Revises: 1de112340b17
+Create Date: 2021-08-25 04:28:52.102767
+from alembic import op
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '1de112340b18'
+down_revision = '1de112340b17'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+# table name, column name, index name
+    ('db_dbauthinfo', ('aiidauser_id',), False, 'db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_0684fdfb'),
+    ('db_dbauthinfo', ('dbcomputer_id',), False, 'db_dbauthinfo_dbcomputer_id_424f7ac4'),
+    ('db_dbcomment', ('dbnode_id',), False, 'db_dbcomment_dbnode_id_3b812b6b'),
+    ('db_dbcomment', ('user_id',), False, 'db_dbcomment_user_id_8ed5e360'),
+    ('db_dbgroup', ('user_id',), False, 'db_dbgroup_user_id_100f8a51'),
+    ('db_dblog', ('dbnode_id',), False, 'db_dblog_dbnode_id_da34b732'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('ctime',), False, 'db_dbnode_ctime_71626ef5'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('mtime',), False, 'db_dbnode_mtime_0554ea3d'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('dbcomputer_id',), False, 'db_dbnode_dbcomputer_id_315372a3'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('user_id',), False, 'db_dbnode_user_id_12e7aeaf'),
+# table name, column name, index name
+    ('db_dbcomputer', 'label', 'db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_like'),
+    ('db_dbgroup', 'label', 'db_dbgroup_name_66c75272_like'),
+    ('db_dbgroup', 'type_string', 'db_dbgroup_type_23b2a748_like'),
+    ('db_dblink', 'label', 'db_dblink_label_f1343cfb_like'),
+    ('db_dblink', 'type', 'db_dblink_type_229f212b_like'),
+    ('db_dblog', 'levelname', 'db_dblog_levelname_ad5dc346_like'),
+    ('db_dblog', 'loggername', 'db_dblog_loggername_00b5ba16_like'),
+    ('db_dbnode', 'label', 'db_dbnode_label_6469539e_like'),
+    ('db_dbnode', 'node_type', 'db_dbnode_type_a8ce9753_like'),
+    ('db_dbnode', 'process_type', 'db_dbnode_process_type_df7298d0_like'),
+    ('db_dbsetting', 'key', 'db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_like'),
+    ('db_dbuser', 'email', 'db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_like'),
+# table name, column names, constraint name
+    ('db_dbauthinfo', ('aiidauser_id', 'dbcomputer_id'), 'db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_dbcomputer_id_key'),
+    ('db_dbcomment', ('uuid',), 'db_dbcomment_uuid_key'),
+    ('db_dbcomputer', ('label',), 'db_dbcomputer_label_key'),
+    ('db_dbcomputer', ('uuid',), 'db_dbcomputer_uuid_key'),
+    ('db_dbgroup', ('label', 'type_string'), 'db_dbgroup_label_type_string_key'),
+    ('db_dbgroup_dbnodes', ('dbgroup_id', 'dbnode_id'), 'db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_dbnode_id_key'),
+    ('db_dbgroup', ('uuid',), 'db_dbgroup_uuid_key'),
+    ('db_dblog', ('uuid',), 'db_dblog_uuid_key'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('uuid',), 'db_dbnode_uuid_key'),
+    ('db_dbsetting', ('key',), 'db_dbsetting_key_key'),
+# table name, column names, constraint name
+    ('db_dbauthinfo', ('aiidauser_id', 'dbcomputer_id'), 'db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_dbcomputer_id_777cdaa8_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbcomment', ('uuid',), 'db_dbcomment_uuid_49bac08c_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbcomputer', ('label',), 'db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbcomputer', ('uuid',), 'db_dbcomputer_uuid_f35defa6_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbgroup', ('label', 'type_string'), 'db_dbgroup_name_type_12656f33_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbgroup', ('uuid',), 'db_dbgroup_uuid_af896177_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbgroup_dbnodes', ('dbgroup_id', 'dbnode_id'), 'db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_dbnode_id_eee23cce_uniq'),
+    ('db_dblog', ('uuid',), 'db_dblog_uuid_9cf77df3_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('uuid',), 'db_dbnode_uuid_62e0bf98_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbuser', ('email',), 'db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_uniq'),
+    ('db_dbsetting', ('key',), 'db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_uniq'),
+# table name, column names, unique, old name, new name
+    ('db_dbgroup', ('label',), False, 'ix_db_dbgroup_label', 'db_dbgroup_name_66c75272'),
+    ('db_dbgroup', ('type_string',), False, 'ix_db_dbgroup_type_string', 'db_dbgroup_type_23b2a748'),
+    (
+        'db_dbgroup_dbnodes', ('dbgroup_id',), False, 'db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_idx',
+        'db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_9d3a0f9d'
+    ),
+    (
+        'db_dbgroup_dbnodes', ('dbnode_id',), False, 'db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbnode_id_idx',
+        'db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbnode_id_118b9439'
+    ),
+    ('db_dblink', ('input_id',), False, 'ix_db_dblink_input_id', 'db_dblink_input_id_9245bd73'),
+    ('db_dblink', ('label',), False, 'ix_db_dblink_label', 'db_dblink_label_f1343cfb'),
+    ('db_dblink', ('output_id',), False, 'ix_db_dblink_output_id', 'db_dblink_output_id_c0167528'),
+    ('db_dblink', ('type',), False, 'ix_db_dblink_type', 'db_dblink_type_229f212b'),
+    ('db_dblog', ('levelname',), False, 'ix_db_dblog_levelname', 'db_dblog_levelname_ad5dc346'),
+    ('db_dblog', ('loggername',), False, 'ix_db_dblog_loggername', 'db_dblog_loggername_00b5ba16'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('label',), False, 'ix_db_dbnode_label', 'db_dbnode_label_6469539e'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('node_type',), False, 'ix_db_dbnode_node_type', 'db_dbnode_type_a8ce9753'),
+    ('db_dbnode', ('process_type',), False, 'ix_db_dbnode_process_type', 'db_dbnode_process_type_df7298d0'),
+# table name, column names, unique, name
+    ('db_dbsetting', ('key',), True, 'ix_db_dbsetting_key'),
+    ('db_dbuser', ('email',), True, 'ix_db_dbuser_email'),
+def upgrade():
+    """Add indexes."""
+    # drop unique constraints
+    for tbl_name, _, con_name in DROP_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS:
+        op.drop_constraint(
+            con_name,
+            tbl_name,
+        )
+    # drop indexes
+    for tbl_name, _, _, con_name in DROP_INDEXES:
+        op.drop_index(
+            con_name,
+            table_name=tbl_name,
+        )
+    # Add missing standard indexes
+    for tbl_name, col_names, unique, key_name in MISSING_STANDARD_INDEXES:
+        op.create_index(
+            key_name,
+            table_name=tbl_name,
+            columns=col_names,
+            unique=unique,
+        )
+    # Add missing PostgreSQL-specific indexes for strings
+    # these improve perform for filtering on string regexes
+    for tbl_name, col_name, key_name in MISSING_VARCHAR_INDEXES:
+        op.create_index(
+            key_name,
+            tbl_name,
+            [col_name],
+            unique=False,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={col_name: 'varchar_pattern_ops'},
+        )
+    # rename indexes
+    for tbl_name, columns, unique, old_col_name, new_col_name in RENAMED_INDEXES:
+        op.drop_index(
+            old_col_name,
+            table_name=tbl_name,
+        )
+        op.create_index(
+            new_col_name,
+            tbl_name,
+            columns,
+            unique=unique,
+        )
+    # add unique constraints
+    for tbl_name, columns, con_name in ADD_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS:
+        op.create_unique_constraint(
+            con_name,
+            tbl_name,
+            columns,
+        )
+def downgrade():
+    """Remove indexes."""
+    # drop unique constraints
+    for tbl_name, _, con_name in ADD_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS:
+        op.drop_constraint(
+            con_name,
+            tbl_name,
+        )
+    # Drop missing standard indexes
+    for tbl_name, _, _, key_name in MISSING_STANDARD_INDEXES:
+        op.drop_index(
+            key_name,
+            table_name=tbl_name,
+        )
+    # Drop missing postgresql-specific indexes
+    for tbl_name, col_name, key_name in MISSING_VARCHAR_INDEXES:
+        op.drop_index(
+            key_name,
+            table_name=tbl_name,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={col_name: 'varchar_pattern_ops'},
+        )
+    # drop renamed indexes
+    for tbl_name, _, _, _, new_col_name in RENAMED_INDEXES:
+        op.drop_index(
+            new_col_name,
+            table_name=tbl_name,
+        )
+    # add renamed indexes
+    for tbl_name, columns, unique, old_col_name, _ in RENAMED_INDEXES:
+        op.create_index(
+            old_col_name,
+            tbl_name,
+            columns,
+            unique=unique,
+        )
+    # add indexes
+    for tbl_name, columns, unique, con_name in DROP_INDEXES:
+        op.create_index(
+            con_name,
+            tbl_name,
+            columns,
+            unique=unique,
+        )
+    # add unique constraints
+    for tbl_name, columns, con_name in DROP_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS:
+        op.create_unique_constraint(
+            con_name,
+            tbl_name,
+            columns,
+        )
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1feaea71bd5a_migrate_repository.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1feaea71bd5a_migrate_repository.py
index cc33aac2ca..d7cdfb10fe 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1feaea71bd5a_migrate_repository.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/1feaea71bd5a_migrate_repository.py
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ def upgrade():
     container_id = backend.get_repository().uuid
     statement = text(
-        INSERT INTO db_dbsetting (key, val, description)
-        VALUES ('repository|uuid', to_json('{container_id}'::text), 'Repository UUID')
+        INSERT INTO db_dbsetting (key, val, description, time)
+        VALUES ('repository|uuid', to_json('{container_id}'::text), 'Repository UUID', NOW())
         ON CONFLICT (key) DO NOTHING;
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/7536a82b2cc4_add_node_repository_metadata.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/7536a82b2cc4_add_node_repository_metadata.py
index 0a2d9148ea..a9dcc55679 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/7536a82b2cc4_add_node_repository_metadata.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/migrations/versions/7536a82b2cc4_add_node_repository_metadata.py
@@ -30,10 +30,7 @@ def upgrade():
     """Migrations for the upgrade."""
     # We add the column with a `server_default` because otherwise the migration would fail since existing rows will not
     # have a value and violate the not-nullable clause.
-    op.add_column(
-        'db_dbnode',
-        sa.Column('repository_metadata', postgresql.JSONB(astext_type=sa.Text()), nullable=False, server_default='{}')
-    )
+    op.add_column('db_dbnode', sa.Column('repository_metadata', postgresql.JSONB(astext_type=sa.Text()), nullable=True))
 def downgrade():
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/authinfo.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/authinfo.py
index 3aba011b8b..b8c7944235 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/authinfo.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/authinfo.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
 from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
 from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, UniqueConstraint
+from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index
 from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean, Integer
 from .base import Base
@@ -31,21 +32,32 @@ class DbAuthInfo(Base):
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
     aiidauser_id = Column(
-        Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbuser.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED')
+        Integer,
+        ForeignKey('db_dbuser.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'),
+        nullable=False,
     dbcomputer_id = Column(
-        Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbcomputer.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED')
+        Integer,
+        ForeignKey('db_dbcomputer.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'),
+        nullable=False
     aiidauser = relationship('DbUser', backref='authinfos')
     dbcomputer = relationship('DbComputer', backref='authinfos')
-    _metadata = Column('metadata', JSONB)
-    auth_params = Column(JSONB)
+    _metadata = Column('metadata', JSONB, default=dict, nullable=False)
+    auth_params = Column(JSONB, default=dict, nullable=False)
-    enabled = Column(Boolean, default=True)
+    enabled = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False)
-    __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('aiidauser_id', 'dbcomputer_id'),)
+    __table_args__ = (
+        # constraint/index names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        UniqueConstraint(
+            'aiidauser_id', 'dbcomputer_id', name='db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_dbcomputer_id_777cdaa8_uniq'
+        ),
+        Index('db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_0684fdfb', aiidauser_id),
+        Index('db_dbauthinfo_dbcomputer_id_424f7ac4', dbcomputer_id),
+    )
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         self._metadata = {}
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/comment.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/comment.py
index 6fd1fa1642..fe555c5315 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/comment.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/comment.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
 from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
 from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
+from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index, UniqueConstraint
 from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime, Integer, Text
 from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
@@ -28,18 +29,29 @@ class DbComment(Base):
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, unique=True)
-    dbnode_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'))
+    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, nullable=False)
+    dbnode_id = Column(
+        Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), nullable=False
+    )
-    ctime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now)
-    mtime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, onupdate=timezone.now)
+    ctime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, nullable=False)
+    mtime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, onupdate=timezone.now, nullable=False)
-    user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbuser.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'))
-    content = Column(Text, nullable=True)
+    user_id = Column(
+        Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbuser.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), nullable=False
+    )
+    content = Column(Text, default='', nullable=False)
     dbnode = relationship('DbNode', backref='dbcomments')
     user = relationship('DbUser')
+    __table_args__ = (
+        # index/constraint names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        UniqueConstraint(uuid, name='db_dbcomment_uuid_49bac08c_uniq'),
+        Index('db_dbcomment_dbnode_id_3b812b6b', dbnode_id),
+        Index('db_dbcomment_user_id_8ed5e360', user_id),
+    )
     def __str__(self):
         return 'DbComment for [{} {}] on {}'.format(
             self.dbnode.get_simple_name(), self.dbnode.id,
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/computer.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/computer.py
index e7ad7ea328..6a2d65eba0 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/computer.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/computer.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 """Module to manage computers for the SQLA backend."""
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB, UUID
 from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
+from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index, UniqueConstraint
 from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Text
 from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
@@ -31,13 +32,25 @@ class DbComputer(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'db_dbcomputer'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, unique=True)
-    label = Column(String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)
-    hostname = Column(String(255))
-    description = Column(Text, nullable=True)
-    scheduler_type = Column(String(255))
-    transport_type = Column(String(255))
-    _metadata = Column('metadata', JSONB)
+    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, nullable=False)
+    label = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
+    hostname = Column(String(255), default='', nullable=False)
+    description = Column(Text, default='', nullable=False)
+    scheduler_type = Column(String(255), default='', nullable=False)
+    transport_type = Column(String(255), default='', nullable=False)
+    _metadata = Column('metadata', JSONB, default=dict, nullable=False)
+    __table_args__ = (
+        # index names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        UniqueConstraint(uuid, name='db_dbcomputer_uuid_f35defa6_uniq'),
+        UniqueConstraint(label, name='db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_uniq'),
+        Index(
+            'db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_like',
+            label,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'label': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+    )
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Provide _metadata and description attributes to the class."""
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/group.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/group.py
index 6a97c0f8f5..8c50d49744 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/group.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/group.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB, UUID
 from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship
-from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, Index, Table, UniqueConstraint
+from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, Index, UniqueConstraint
 from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime, Integer, String, Text
 from aiida.common import timezone
@@ -21,20 +21,23 @@
 from .base import Base
-table_groups_nodes = Table(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    'db_dbgroup_dbnodes',
-    Base.metadata,
-    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
-    Column('dbnode_id', Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED')),
-    Column('dbgroup_id', Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbgroup.id', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED')),
-    UniqueConstraint('dbgroup_id', 'dbnode_id', name='db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_dbnode_id_key'),
 class DbGroupNode(Base):
     """Database model to store group-to-nodes relations."""
-    __tablename__ = table_groups_nodes.name
-    __table__ = table_groups_nodes
+    __tablename__ = 'db_dbgroup_dbnodes'
+    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+    dbnode_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), nullable=False)
+    dbgroup_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbgroup.id', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), nullable=False)
+    __table_args__ = (
+        UniqueConstraint('dbgroup_id', 'dbnode_id', name='db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_dbnode_id_eee23cce_uniq'),
+        Index('db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_9d3a0f9d', dbgroup_id),
+        Index('db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbnode_id_118b9439', dbnode_id),
+    )
+table_groups_nodes = DbGroupNode.__table__
 class DbGroup(Base):
@@ -50,25 +53,45 @@ class DbGroup(Base):
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, unique=True)
-    label = Column(String(255), index=True)
+    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, nullable=False)
+    label = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
-    type_string = Column(String(255), default='', index=True)
+    type_string = Column(String(255), default='', nullable=False)
-    time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now)
-    description = Column(Text, nullable=True)
+    time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, nullable=False)
+    description = Column(Text, default='', nullable=False)
     extras = Column(JSONB, default=dict, nullable=False)
-    user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbuser.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'))
+    user_id = Column(
+        Integer,
+        ForeignKey('db_dbuser.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'),
+        nullable=False,
+    )
     user = relationship('DbUser', backref=backref('dbgroups', cascade='merge'))
     dbnodes = relationship('DbNode', secondary=table_groups_nodes, backref='dbgroups', lazy='dynamic')
-    __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('label', 'type_string'),)
-    Index('db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbnode_id_idx', table_groups_nodes.c.dbnode_id)
-    Index('db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_idx', table_groups_nodes.c.dbgroup_id)
+    __table_args__ = (
+        # index/constrinat names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        UniqueConstraint('label', 'type_string', name='db_dbgroup_name_type_12656f33_uniq'),
+        UniqueConstraint(uuid, name='db_dbgroup_uuid_af896177_uniq'),
+        Index('db_dbgroup_name_66c75272', label),
+        Index('db_dbgroup_type_23b2a748', type_string),
+        Index('db_dbgroup_user_id_100f8a51', user_id),
+        Index(
+            'db_dbgroup_name_66c75272_like',
+            label,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'label': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+        Index(
+            'db_dbgroup_type_23b2a748_like',
+            type_string,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'type_string': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+    )
     def pk(self):
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/log.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/log.py
index 502f578d5d..e60b52fa99 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/log.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/log.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB, UUID
 from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship
 from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
+from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index, UniqueConstraint
 from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime, Integer, String, Text
 from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
@@ -26,18 +27,38 @@ class DbLog(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'db_dblog'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, unique=True)
-    time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now)
-    loggername = Column(String(255), index=True, doc='What process recorded the message')
-    levelname = Column(String(255), index=True, doc='How critical the message is')
+    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, nullable=False)
+    time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, nullable=False)
+    loggername = Column(String(255), nullable=False, doc='What process recorded the message')
+    levelname = Column(String(50), nullable=False, doc='How critical the message is')
     dbnode_id = Column(
         Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False
-    message = Column(Text(), nullable=True)
-    _metadata = Column('metadata', JSONB)
+    message = Column(Text(), default='', nullable=False)
+    _metadata = Column('metadata', JSONB, default=dict, nullable=False)
     dbnode = relationship('DbNode', backref=backref('dblogs', passive_deletes='all', cascade='merge'))
+    __table_args__ = (
+        # index/constrain names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        UniqueConstraint(uuid, name='db_dblog_uuid_9cf77df3_uniq'),
+        Index('db_dblog_loggername_00b5ba16', loggername),
+        Index('db_dblog_levelname_ad5dc346', levelname),
+        Index('db_dblog_dbnode_id_da34b732', dbnode_id),
+        Index(
+            'db_dblog_loggername_00b5ba16_like',
+            loggername,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'loggername': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+        Index(
+            'db_dblog_levelname_ad5dc346_like',
+            levelname,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'levelname': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+    )
     def __str__(self):
         return f'DbLog: {self.levelname} for node {self.dbnode.id}: {self.message}'
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/node.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/node.py
index 7535927692..410acefa52 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/node.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/node.py
@@ -10,13 +10,14 @@
 # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
 """Module to manage nodes for the SQLA backend."""
-from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
+from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, text
 # Specific to PGSQL. If needed to be agnostic
 # http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/core/custom_types.html?highlight=guid#backend-agnostic-guid-type
 # Or maybe rely on sqlalchemy-utils UUID type
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB, UUID
 from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship
 from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
+from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index, UniqueConstraint
 from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime, Integer, String, Text
 from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
@@ -43,18 +44,16 @@ class DbNode(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'db_dbnode'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, unique=True)
-    node_type = Column(String(255), index=True)
-    process_type = Column(String(255), index=True)
-    label = Column(
-        String(255), index=True, nullable=True, default=''
-    )  # Does it make sense to be nullable and have a default?
-    description = Column(Text(), nullable=True, default='')
-    ctime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now)
-    mtime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, onupdate=timezone.now)
+    uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=get_new_uuid, nullable=False)
+    node_type = Column(String(255), default='', nullable=False)
+    process_type = Column(String(255))
+    label = Column(String(255), nullable=False, default='')
+    description = Column(Text(), nullable=False, default='')
+    ctime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, nullable=False)
+    mtime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, onupdate=timezone.now, nullable=False)
     attributes = Column(JSONB)
     extras = Column(JSONB)
-    repository_metadata = Column(JSONB, nullable=False, default=dict, server_default='{}')
+    repository_metadata = Column(JSONB, nullable=True, default=dict)
     dbcomputer_id = Column(
@@ -94,6 +93,36 @@ class DbNode(Base):
+    __table_args__ = (
+        # index/constraint names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        UniqueConstraint(uuid, name='db_dbnode_uuid_62e0bf98_uniq'),
+        Index('db_dbnode_label_6469539e', label),
+        Index('db_dbnode_type_a8ce9753', node_type),
+        Index('db_dbnode_process_type_df7298d0', process_type),
+        Index('db_dbnode_ctime_71626ef5', ctime),
+        Index('db_dbnode_mtime_0554ea3d', mtime),
+        Index('db_dbnode_dbcomputer_id_315372a3', dbcomputer_id),
+        Index('db_dbnode_user_id_12e7aeaf', user_id),
+        Index(
+            'db_dbnode_label_6469539e_like',
+            label,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'label': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+        Index(
+            'db_dbnode_type_a8ce9753_like',
+            node_type,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'node_type': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+        Index(
+            'db_dbnode_process_type_df7298d0_like',
+            process_type,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'process_type': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+    )
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Add three additional attributes to the base class: mtime, attributes and extras."""
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -171,17 +200,17 @@ class DbLink(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'db_dblink'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    input_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), index=True)
+    input_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), nullable=False)
     output_id = Column(
-        Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), index=True
+        Integer, ForeignKey('db_dbnode.id', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially='DEFERRED'), nullable=False
     # https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/errors.html#relationship-x-will-copy-column-q-to-column-p-which-conflicts-with-relationship-s-y
     input = relationship('DbNode', primaryjoin='DbLink.input_id == DbNode.id', overlaps='inputs_q,outputs_q')
     output = relationship('DbNode', primaryjoin='DbLink.output_id == DbNode.id', overlaps='inputs_q,outputs_q')
-    label = Column(String(255), index=True, nullable=False)
-    type = Column(String(255), index=True)
+    label = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
+    type = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
     # A calculation can have both a 'return' and a 'create' link to
     # a single data output node, which would violate the unique constraint
@@ -192,6 +221,23 @@ class DbLink(Base):
         # I cannot add twice the same link
         # I want unique labels among all inputs of a node
         # UniqueConstraint('output_id', 'label'),
+        # index names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        Index('db_dblink_input_id_9245bd73', input_id),
+        Index('db_dblink_output_id_c0167528', output_id),
+        Index('db_dblink_label_f1343cfb', label),
+        Index('db_dblink_type_229f212b', type),
+        Index(
+            'db_dblink_label_f1343cfb_like',
+            label,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'label': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+        Index(
+            'db_dblink_type_229f212b_like',
+            type,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'type': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
     def __str__(self):
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/settings.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/settings.py
index 2b6e98b22c..349d69f532 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/settings.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/settings.py
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
 from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified
 from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint
-from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime, Integer, String
+from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index
+from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime, Integer, String, Text
 from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa
 from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
@@ -24,15 +25,26 @@
 class DbSetting(Base):
     """Database model to store global settings."""
     __tablename__ = 'db_dbsetting'
-    __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('key'),)
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    key = Column(String(255), index=True, nullable=False)
+    key = Column(String(1024), nullable=False)
     val = Column(JSONB, default={})
     # I also add a description field for the variables
-    description = Column(String(255), default='', nullable=False)
-    time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=UTC, onupdate=timezone.now)
+    description = Column(Text, default='', nullable=False)
+    time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=timezone.now, onupdate=timezone.now, nullable=False)
+    __table_args__ = (
+        # index/constraint names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        UniqueConstraint(key, name='db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_uniq'),
+        Index(
+            'db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_like',
+            key,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'key': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+    )
     def __str__(self):
         return f"'{self.key}'={self.getvalue()}"
diff --git a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/user.py b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/user.py
index c651ebf94d..f16037d2c2 100644
--- a/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/user.py
+++ b/aiida/backends/sqlalchemy/models/user.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 """Module to manage users for the SQLA backend."""
 from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
+from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index, UniqueConstraint
 from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String
 from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
@@ -24,10 +25,21 @@ class DbUser(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'db_dbuser'
     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    email = Column(String(254), unique=True, index=True)
-    first_name = Column(String(254), nullable=True)
-    last_name = Column(String(254), nullable=True)
-    institution = Column(String(254), nullable=True)
+    email = Column(String(254), nullable=False)
+    first_name = Column(String(254), default='', nullable=False)
+    last_name = Column(String(254), default='', nullable=False)
+    institution = Column(String(254), default='', nullable=False)
+    __table_args__ = (
+        # index/constraint names mirror django's auto-generated ones
+        UniqueConstraint(email, name='db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_uniq'),
+        Index(
+            'db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_like',
+            email,
+            postgresql_using='btree',
+            postgresql_ops={'email': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}
+        ),
+    )
     def __init__(self, email, first_name='', last_name='', institution='', **kwargs):
         """Set additional class attributes with respect to the base class."""
diff --git a/aiida/orm/implementation/django/nodes.py b/aiida/orm/implementation/django/nodes.py
index 1b2d180b6c..44c1adc66e 100644
--- a/aiida/orm/implementation/django/nodes.py
+++ b/aiida/orm/implementation/django/nodes.py
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def description(self, value):
     def repository_metadata(self):
-        return self._dbmodel.repository_metadata
+        return self._dbmodel.repository_metadata or {}
     def repository_metadata(self, value):
diff --git a/aiida/orm/implementation/sqlalchemy/nodes.py b/aiida/orm/implementation/sqlalchemy/nodes.py
index 1060b24be1..cb5936ebbc 100644
--- a/aiida/orm/implementation/sqlalchemy/nodes.py
+++ b/aiida/orm/implementation/sqlalchemy/nodes.py
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ def description(self, value):
     def repository_metadata(self):
-        return self._dbmodel.repository_metadata
+        return self._dbmodel.repository_metadata or {}
     def repository_metadata(self, value):
diff --git a/tests/backends/__init__.py b/tests/backends/__init__.py
index 2776a55f97..606024c337 100644
--- a/tests/backends/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/backends/__init__.py
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
 # For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
 # For further information please visit http://www.aiida.net               #
+"""Tests for the backends."""
diff --git a/tests/backends/aiida_sqlalchemy/migrations/test_11_v2_repository.py b/tests/backends/aiida_sqlalchemy/migrations/test_11_v2_repository.py
index 0feb1106f2..d2ae9a1cc4 100644
--- a/tests/backends/aiida_sqlalchemy/migrations/test_11_v2_repository.py
+++ b/tests/backends/aiida_sqlalchemy/migrations/test_11_v2_repository.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def test_node_repository_metadata(perform_migrations: Migrator):
     with perform_migrations.session() as session:
         node = session.query(DbNode).filter(DbNode.id == node_id).one()
         assert hasattr(node, 'repository_metadata')
-        assert node.repository_metadata == {}
+        assert node.repository_metadata is None
 def test_entry_point_core_prefix(perform_migrations: Migrator):
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ def test_repository_migration(perform_migrations: Migrator):  # pylint: disable=
-        assert node_03.repository_metadata == {}
+        assert node_03.repository_metadata is None
         assert node_05.repository_metadata == {
             'o': {
                 'input.txt': {
diff --git a/tests/backends/aiida_sqlalchemy/migrations/test_12_sqla_django_parity.py b/tests/backends/aiida_sqlalchemy/migrations/test_12_sqla_django_parity.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08da595f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/backends/aiida_sqlalchemy/migrations/test_12_sqla_django_parity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
+# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
+#                                                                         #
+# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/aiidateam/aiida-core #
+# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
+# For further information please visit http://www.aiida.net               #
+"""Tests for migrations to bring parity between SQLAlchemy and Django."""
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-locals,too-many-statements
+from .conftest import Migrator
+def test_non_nullable(perform_migrations: Migrator):
+    """Test making columns non-nullable."""
+    # starting revision
+    perform_migrations.migrate_down('34a831f4286d')
+    # setup the database
+    DbAuthInfo = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbauthinfo')
+    DbComment = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbcomment')
+    DbComputer = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbcomputer')
+    DbGroup = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbgroup')
+    Dblog = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dblog')
+    DbNode = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbnode')
+    DbSetting = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbsetting')
+    DbUser = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbuser')
+    with perform_migrations.session() as session:
+        setting = DbSetting(key='test_key', val='test_value', description='', time=None)
+        session.add(setting)
+        user = DbUser(email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, institution=None)
+        session.add(user)
+        computer = DbComputer(
+            label='computer',
+            hostname=None,
+            description=None,
+            metadata=None,
+            scheduler_type=None,
+            transport_type=None,
+        )
+        session.add(computer)
+        session.commit()
+        setting_id = setting.id
+        user_id = user.id
+        computer_id = computer.id
+        group = DbGroup(label=None, description=None, time=None, type_string=None, extras={}, user_id=user_id)
+        session.add(group)
+        session.commit()
+        group_id = group.id
+        authinfo = DbAuthInfo(
+            aiidauser_id=user_id, dbcomputer_id=computer_id, enabled=None, auth_params=None, metadata=None
+        )
+        session.add(authinfo)
+        session.commit()
+        authinfo_id = authinfo.id
+        node = DbNode(
+            user_id=user_id,
+            ctime=None,
+            mtime=None,
+            description=None,
+            label=None,
+            node_type='',
+            uuid=None,
+            attributes={},
+            extras={}
+        )
+        session.add(node)
+        session.commit()
+        node_id = node.id
+        comment = DbComment(dbnode_id=node_id, user_id=user_id, content=None, ctime=None, mtime=None, uuid=None)
+        session.add(comment)
+        session.commit()
+        comment_id = comment.id
+        log = Dblog(dbnode_id=node_id, levelname='x' * 100)
+        session.add(log)
+        session.commit()
+        log_id = log.id
+    # migrate up
+    perform_migrations.migrate_up('1de112340b18')
+    # perform some checks
+    DbAuthInfo = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbauthinfo')
+    DbComment = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbcomment')
+    DbComputer = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbcomputer')
+    DbGroup = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbgroup')
+    Dblog = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dblog')
+    DbNode = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbnode')
+    DbSetting = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbsetting')
+    DbUser = perform_migrations.get_current_table('db_dbuser')
+    with perform_migrations.session() as session:
+        setting = session.query(DbSetting).filter(DbSetting.id == setting_id).one()
+        assert setting.time is not None
+        user = session.query(DbUser).filter(DbUser.id == user_id).one()
+        assert user.email is not None
+        assert user.first_name is not None
+        assert user.last_name is not None
+        assert user.institution is not None
+        computer = session.query(DbComputer).filter(DbComputer.id == computer_id).one()
+        assert computer.hostname is not None
+        assert computer.description is not None
+        assert computer.metadata is not None
+        assert computer.scheduler_type is not None
+        assert computer.transport_type is not None
+        assert computer.uuid is not None
+        group = session.query(DbGroup).filter(DbGroup.id == group_id).one()
+        assert group.label is not None
+        assert group.description is not None
+        assert group.time is not None
+        assert group.type_string is not None
+        assert group.uuid is not None
+        authinfo = session.query(DbAuthInfo).filter(DbAuthInfo.id == authinfo_id).one()
+        assert authinfo.enabled is not None
+        assert authinfo.auth_params is not None
+        assert authinfo.metadata is not None
+        node = session.query(DbNode).filter(DbNode.id == node_id).one()
+        assert node.ctime is not None
+        assert node.mtime is not None
+        assert node.description is not None
+        assert node.label is not None
+        assert node.node_type is not None
+        assert node.uuid is not None
+        comment = session.query(DbComment).filter(DbComment.id == comment_id).one()
+        assert comment.content is not None
+        assert comment.ctime is not None
+        assert comment.mtime is not None
+        assert comment.uuid is not None
+        log = session.query(Dblog).filter(Dblog.id == log_id).one()
+        assert log.uuid is not None
+        assert log.time is not None
+        assert log.loggername is not None
+        assert log.levelname == 'x' * 50
+        assert log.message is not None
+        assert log.metadata is not None
diff --git a/tests/backends/test_schema_parity.py b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17ddf964a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
+# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
+#                                                                         #
+# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/aiidateam/aiida-core #
+# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
+# For further information please visit http://www.aiida.net               #
+"""Check the schema parity between Django and SQLAlchemy."""
+def test_columns(backend, data_regression):
+    """Test parity of table columns."""
+    data = {}
+    for tbl_name, col_name, data_type, is_nullable, column_default, char_max_length in get_table_fields(backend):
+        data.setdefault(tbl_name, {})[col_name] = {
+            'data_type': data_type,
+            'is_nullable': is_nullable,
+            'default': column_default,
+        }
+        if char_max_length:
+            data[tbl_name][col_name]['max_length'] = char_max_length
+    data_regression.check(data)
+def test_primary_keys(backend, data_regression):
+    """Test parity of primary key constraints."""
+    data = {}
+    for tbl_name, name, col_names in sorted(get_constraints(backend, 'p')):
+        data.setdefault(tbl_name, {})[name] = col_names
+    data_regression.check(data)
+def test_unique_constraints(backend, data_regression):
+    """Test parity of unique constraints."""
+    data = {}
+    for tbl_name, name, col_names in sorted(get_constraints(backend, 'u')):
+        data.setdefault(tbl_name, {})[name] = sorted(col_names)
+    data_regression.check(data)
+def test_indexes(backend, data_regression):
+    """Test parity of indexes."""
+    data = {}
+    for tbl_name, name, definition in sorted(get_indexes(backend)):
+        data.setdefault(tbl_name, {})[name] = definition
+    data_regression.check(data)
+def get_table_fields(backend):
+    """Get the fields of all AiiDA tables."""
+    # see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/infoschema-columns.html
+    rows = backend.execute_raw(
+        'SELECT table_name,column_name,data_type,is_nullable,column_default,character_maximum_length '
+        'FROM information_schema.columns '
+        "WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name LIKE 'db_%';"
+    )
+    rows = [list(row) for row in rows]
+    for row in rows:
+        row[3] = row[3].upper() == 'YES'
+    return rows
+def get_constraints(backend, ctype):
+    """Get the constraints of all AiiDA tables, for a particular constraint type."""
+    # see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/catalog-pg-constraint.html
+    rows = backend.execute_raw(
+        'SELECT tbl.relname,c.conname,ARRAY_AGG(a.attname) FROM pg_constraint AS c '
+        'INNER JOIN pg_class AS tbl ON tbl.oid = c.conrelid '
+        'INNER JOIN pg_attribute AS a ON a.attrelid = c.conrelid AND a.attnum = ANY(c.conkey) '
+        f"WHERE c.contype='{ctype}' AND tbl.relname LIKE 'db_%' "
+        'GROUP BY tbl.relname,c.conname;'
+    )
+    rows = [list(row) for row in rows]
+    return rows
+def get_indexes(backend):
+    """Get the indexes of all AiiDA tables."""
+    # see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/view-pg-indexes.html
+    rows = backend.execute_raw(
+        'SELECT tablename,indexname,indexdef FROM pg_indexes '
+        "WHERE tablename LIKE 'db_%' "
+        'ORDER BY tablename,indexname;'
+    )
+    rows = [list(row) for row in rows]
+    return rows
diff --git a/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_columns.yml b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_columns.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..836cc8dad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_columns.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+  aiidauser_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  auth_params:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  dbcomputer_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  enabled:
+    data_type: boolean
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dbauthinfo_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  metadata:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  content:
+    data_type: text
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  ctime:
+    data_type: timestamp with time zone
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  dbnode_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dbcomment_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  mtime:
+    data_type: timestamp with time zone
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  user_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  uuid:
+    data_type: uuid
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  description:
+    data_type: text
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  hostname:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dbcomputer_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  label:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  metadata:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  scheduler_type:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  transport_type:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  uuid:
+    data_type: uuid
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  description:
+    data_type: text
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  extras:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dbgroup_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  label:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  time:
+    data_type: timestamp with time zone
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  type_string:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  user_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  uuid:
+    data_type: uuid
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  dbgroup_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  dbnode_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dbgroup_dbnodes_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dblink_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  input_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  label:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  output_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  type:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  dbnode_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dblog_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  levelname:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 50
+  loggername:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  message:
+    data_type: text
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  metadata:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  time:
+    data_type: timestamp with time zone
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  uuid:
+    data_type: uuid
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  attributes:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: true
+  ctime:
+    data_type: timestamp with time zone
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  dbcomputer_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: true
+  description:
+    data_type: text
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  extras:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: true
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dbnode_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  label:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  mtime:
+    data_type: timestamp with time zone
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  node_type:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 255
+  process_type:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: true
+    max_length: 255
+  repository_metadata:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: true
+  user_id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  uuid:
+    data_type: uuid
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  description:
+    data_type: text
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dbsetting_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  key:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 1024
+  time:
+    data_type: timestamp with time zone
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+  val:
+    data_type: jsonb
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: true
+  email:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 254
+  first_name:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 254
+  id:
+    data_type: integer
+    default: nextval('db_dbuser_id_seq'::regclass)
+    is_nullable: false
+  institution:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 254
+  last_name:
+    data_type: character varying
+    default: null
+    is_nullable: false
+    max_length: 254
diff --git a/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_indexes.yml b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_indexes.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afd288ce8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_indexes.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+  db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_0684fdfb: CREATE INDEX db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_0684fdfb
+    ON public.db_dbauthinfo USING btree (aiidauser_id)
+  db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_dbcomputer_id_777cdaa8_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_dbcomputer_id_777cdaa8_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbauthinfo USING btree (aiidauser_id, dbcomputer_id)
+  db_dbauthinfo_dbcomputer_id_424f7ac4: CREATE INDEX db_dbauthinfo_dbcomputer_id_424f7ac4
+    ON public.db_dbauthinfo USING btree (dbcomputer_id)
+  db_dbauthinfo_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbauthinfo_pkey ON public.db_dbauthinfo
+    USING btree (id)
+  db_dbcomment_dbnode_id_3b812b6b: CREATE INDEX db_dbcomment_dbnode_id_3b812b6b ON
+    public.db_dbcomment USING btree (dbnode_id)
+  db_dbcomment_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbcomment_pkey ON public.db_dbcomment
+    USING btree (id)
+  db_dbcomment_user_id_8ed5e360: CREATE INDEX db_dbcomment_user_id_8ed5e360 ON public.db_dbcomment
+    USING btree (user_id)
+  db_dbcomment_uuid_49bac08c_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbcomment_uuid_49bac08c_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbcomment USING btree (uuid)
+  db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_like: CREATE INDEX db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_like
+    ON public.db_dbcomputer USING btree (label varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbcomputer USING btree (label)
+  db_dbcomputer_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbcomputer_pkey ON public.db_dbcomputer
+    USING btree (id)
+  db_dbcomputer_uuid_f35defa6_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbcomputer_uuid_f35defa6_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbcomputer USING btree (uuid)
+  db_dbgroup_name_66c75272: CREATE INDEX db_dbgroup_name_66c75272 ON public.db_dbgroup
+    USING btree (label)
+  db_dbgroup_name_66c75272_like: CREATE INDEX db_dbgroup_name_66c75272_like ON public.db_dbgroup
+    USING btree (label varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dbgroup_name_type_12656f33_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbgroup_name_type_12656f33_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbgroup USING btree (label, type_string)
+  db_dbgroup_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbgroup_pkey ON public.db_dbgroup USING
+    btree (id)
+  db_dbgroup_type_23b2a748: CREATE INDEX db_dbgroup_type_23b2a748 ON public.db_dbgroup
+    USING btree (type_string)
+  db_dbgroup_type_23b2a748_like: CREATE INDEX db_dbgroup_type_23b2a748_like ON public.db_dbgroup
+    USING btree (type_string varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dbgroup_user_id_100f8a51: CREATE INDEX db_dbgroup_user_id_100f8a51 ON public.db_dbgroup
+    USING btree (user_id)
+  db_dbgroup_uuid_af896177_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbgroup_uuid_af896177_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbgroup USING btree (uuid)
+  db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_9d3a0f9d: CREATE INDEX db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_9d3a0f9d
+    ON public.db_dbgroup_dbnodes USING btree (dbgroup_id)
+  db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_dbnode_id_eee23cce_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_dbnode_id_eee23cce_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbgroup_dbnodes USING btree (dbgroup_id, dbnode_id)
+  db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbnode_id_118b9439: CREATE INDEX db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbnode_id_118b9439
+    ON public.db_dbgroup_dbnodes USING btree (dbnode_id)
+  db_dbgroup_dbnodes_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbgroup_dbnodes_pkey ON public.db_dbgroup_dbnodes
+    USING btree (id)
+  db_dblink_input_id_9245bd73: CREATE INDEX db_dblink_input_id_9245bd73 ON public.db_dblink
+    USING btree (input_id)
+  db_dblink_label_f1343cfb: CREATE INDEX db_dblink_label_f1343cfb ON public.db_dblink
+    USING btree (label)
+  db_dblink_label_f1343cfb_like: CREATE INDEX db_dblink_label_f1343cfb_like ON public.db_dblink
+    USING btree (label varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dblink_output_id_c0167528: CREATE INDEX db_dblink_output_id_c0167528 ON public.db_dblink
+    USING btree (output_id)
+  db_dblink_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dblink_pkey ON public.db_dblink USING btree
+    (id)
+  db_dblink_type_229f212b: CREATE INDEX db_dblink_type_229f212b ON public.db_dblink
+    USING btree (type)
+  db_dblink_type_229f212b_like: CREATE INDEX db_dblink_type_229f212b_like ON public.db_dblink
+    USING btree (type varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dblog_dbnode_id_da34b732: CREATE INDEX db_dblog_dbnode_id_da34b732 ON public.db_dblog
+    USING btree (dbnode_id)
+  db_dblog_levelname_ad5dc346: CREATE INDEX db_dblog_levelname_ad5dc346 ON public.db_dblog
+    USING btree (levelname)
+  db_dblog_levelname_ad5dc346_like: CREATE INDEX db_dblog_levelname_ad5dc346_like
+    ON public.db_dblog USING btree (levelname varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dblog_loggername_00b5ba16: CREATE INDEX db_dblog_loggername_00b5ba16 ON public.db_dblog
+    USING btree (loggername)
+  db_dblog_loggername_00b5ba16_like: CREATE INDEX db_dblog_loggername_00b5ba16_like
+    ON public.db_dblog USING btree (loggername varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dblog_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dblog_pkey ON public.db_dblog USING btree
+    (id)
+  db_dblog_uuid_9cf77df3_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dblog_uuid_9cf77df3_uniq ON
+    public.db_dblog USING btree (uuid)
+  db_dbnode_ctime_71626ef5: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_ctime_71626ef5 ON public.db_dbnode
+    USING btree (ctime)
+  db_dbnode_dbcomputer_id_315372a3: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_dbcomputer_id_315372a3
+    ON public.db_dbnode USING btree (dbcomputer_id)
+  db_dbnode_label_6469539e: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_label_6469539e ON public.db_dbnode
+    USING btree (label)
+  db_dbnode_label_6469539e_like: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_label_6469539e_like ON public.db_dbnode
+    USING btree (label varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dbnode_mtime_0554ea3d: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_mtime_0554ea3d ON public.db_dbnode
+    USING btree (mtime)
+  db_dbnode_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbnode_pkey ON public.db_dbnode USING btree
+    (id)
+  db_dbnode_process_type_df7298d0: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_process_type_df7298d0 ON
+    public.db_dbnode USING btree (process_type)
+  db_dbnode_process_type_df7298d0_like: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_process_type_df7298d0_like
+    ON public.db_dbnode USING btree (process_type varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dbnode_type_a8ce9753: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_type_a8ce9753 ON public.db_dbnode
+    USING btree (node_type)
+  db_dbnode_type_a8ce9753_like: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_type_a8ce9753_like ON public.db_dbnode
+    USING btree (node_type varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dbnode_user_id_12e7aeaf: CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_user_id_12e7aeaf ON public.db_dbnode
+    USING btree (user_id)
+  db_dbnode_uuid_62e0bf98_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbnode_uuid_62e0bf98_uniq ON
+    public.db_dbnode USING btree (uuid)
+  db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_like: CREATE INDEX db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_like ON public.db_dbsetting
+    USING btree (key varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbsetting USING btree (key)
+  db_dbsetting_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbsetting_pkey ON public.db_dbsetting
+    USING btree (id)
+  db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_like: CREATE INDEX db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_like ON public.db_dbuser
+    USING btree (email varchar_pattern_ops)
+  db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_uniq: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_uniq
+    ON public.db_dbuser USING btree (email)
+  db_dbuser_pkey: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX db_dbuser_pkey ON public.db_dbuser USING btree
+    (id)
diff --git a/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_primary_keys.yml b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_primary_keys.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b7aa52d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_primary_keys.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+  db_dbauthinfo_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dbcomment_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dbcomputer_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dbgroup_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dbgroup_dbnodes_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dblink_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dblog_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dbnode_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dbsetting_pkey:
+  - id
+  db_dbuser_pkey:
+  - id
diff --git a/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_unique_constraints.yml b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_unique_constraints.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4662b8a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/backends/test_schema_parity/test_unique_constraints.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+  db_dbauthinfo_aiidauser_id_dbcomputer_id_777cdaa8_uniq:
+  - aiidauser_id
+  - dbcomputer_id
+  db_dbcomment_uuid_49bac08c_uniq:
+  - uuid
+  db_dbcomputer_label_bc480bab_uniq:
+  - label
+  db_dbcomputer_uuid_f35defa6_uniq:
+  - uuid
+  db_dbgroup_name_type_12656f33_uniq:
+  - label
+  - type_string
+  db_dbgroup_uuid_af896177_uniq:
+  - uuid
+  db_dbgroup_dbnodes_dbgroup_id_dbnode_id_eee23cce_uniq:
+  - dbgroup_id
+  - dbnode_id
+  db_dblog_uuid_9cf77df3_uniq:
+  - uuid
+  db_dbnode_uuid_62e0bf98_uniq:
+  - uuid
+  db_dbsetting_key_1b84beb4_uniq:
+  - key
+  db_dbuser_email_30150b7e_uniq:
+  - email