Extensions for BlishHUD
Preferred way to use is as a git submodule to avoid dependency conflicts with other modules.
As a git submodule files under ./Resources/*
will have to be
included in your project with their Build Action set to Embedded Resource (see below).
If you locate your submodules outside of your project directory you can include this project by manually adding the following ItemGroup to your *.csproj and adjusting as needed.
<Compile Include="..\submodules\bhud-extended\**\*.cs" Link="_Submodules\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)"/>
<EmbeddedResource Include="..\submodules\bhud-extended\**\Properties\*.resx" Link="_Submodules\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)">
<!--Required to make the ResourceManager find translations -->
<!-- Exclude AssemblyInfo.cs of submodule projects to avoid duplication error (Compile Error CS0579) -->
<Compile Remove="..\submodules\**\AssemblyInfo.cs" />