Increase the memory available to the GPU from 128 to 256 on the pi configuration>>performance [memory]
Tip: If you want a continuous camera preview it is unfortunately not exitable. To exit camera preview use Ctrl+Alt+t
to get a new active terminal (hidden behind the preview, which you can then blindly type pkill python3
or similar to kill the preview)
grab a preview without recording, also configure the different effects modes and exposure modes
raspistill --imxfx colourswap -t 60000 --rotation 270
raspistill --imxfx none --exposure nightpreview -t 60000 --rotation 270
raspistill -o Desktop/image.jpg
raspivid -o Desktop/video.h264
Set resolution max (2592x1944) . Note framerate of 15 caveat...
Consistent exposure image sequence (esp. for timeseries)
Low lighting settings (needs tweaking)
Various methods for image series capture
avconv -r 10 -i image%04d.jpg -r 10 -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -g 15 timelapse.mp4
this uses zero prefix padded numbers.
To create a timelapse with non-zero prefix padded numbered files i.e. 1,2,3...300 rather than 0001,0002,...300.respectively image%00d.jpg rather than obased image%03d.jpg)
avconv -r 10 -i cat-spy_%00d.jpg -r 10 -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -g 15 timelapse.mp4
Using Python PIL (pillow) package to generate a Composite Image
PIL Image class provides two options here (see above link) blend() and alpha_composite() see here:
Using ImageMagick
- Composite Func
- Blend Func
raw video format player playing on pi3 .h256 raw video (on pi4 the vlc works but not pi3) see using omxplayer
omxplayer video.h256
convert to mpg
ffmpeg -r 30 -i video.h264 -c:v copy video.mp4