This simple Windows desktop application allows users to create symbolic links easily using a graphical user interface. Symbolic links are a powerful feature in Windows that allow a file or directory to be referenced from another location in the file system.
Source Path: Enter the source path in the "Source Path" text box.
Destination Path: Enter the destination path in the "Destination Path" text box.
Link Type: Check the "Directory" checkbox if you want to create a symbolic link to a directory.
Create Link: Click the "Create Link" button to generate and execute the
The application utilizes the Process.Start
method to execute the mklink
command in the background. It captures the exit code of the process to determine the success or failure of the command.
Operating System: Windows (Symbolic links are a feature specific to Windows)
.NET Framework: The application is built using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and requires the .NET Framework.