From 4f6da4f9c6ac919d8824ba8b142f167544d45065 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adrian Serrano <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 20:58:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] CEF CheckPoint: adjust fields for forward compatibility

This PR makes some changes to CEF module's custom mappings for Check Point
devices to ensure compatibility with the upcoming checkpoint module.

Check Point has its custom log format, for which a new module is being
prepared. The idea behind this new module as well as CEF custom mappings for
Check Point (this PR), is to use ECS whenever possible and map the rest
under checkpoint.* using the original field name from Check Point.

In the original PR for CEF, a few mistakes had been done in field names and
types. Also taking the opportunity to change some ECS mappings.

Related #16907 #17682
 filebeat/docs/fields.asciidoc                 | 55 ++++++--------
 filebeat/docs/modules/cef.asciidoc            | 16 ++---
 .../filebeat/module/cef/_meta/docs.asciidoc   | 16 ++---
 x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/fields.go          |  2 +-
 .../filebeat/module/cef/log/_meta/fields.yml  | 72 ++++++++++++++-----
 .../module/cef/log/ingest/cp-pipeline.yml     | 36 ++++++----
 .../cef/log/test/checkpoint.log-expected.json |  4 +-
 7 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/filebeat/docs/fields.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/fields.asciidoc
index fa7bdb0aab24..6c0fac860bf5 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/fields.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/fields.asciidoc
@@ -4895,7 +4895,7 @@ type: keyword
 Confidence level determined.
-type: keyword
+type: integer
@@ -4989,15 +4989,6 @@ type: long
-File hash (SHA1 or MD5).
-type: keyword
@@ -5052,6 +5043,15 @@ type: keyword
+Malware family.
+type: keyword
@@ -5066,7 +5066,7 @@ type: ip
 Protection performance impact.
-type: keyword
+type: integer
@@ -5124,16 +5124,25 @@ type: keyword
-Malware status.
+Spyware name.
 type: keyword
+Spyware status.
+type: keyword
 The expiration date of the subscription.
@@ -5196,24 +5205,6 @@ type: keyword
-Malware name.
-type: keyword
-Malware family.
-type: keyword
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/modules/cef.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/modules/cef.asciidoc
index bb5b77dee42e..38ac4e4cd5b0 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/modules/cef.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/modules/cef.asciidoc
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:
 | deviceInboundInterface     | -                           | | -                       |
 | deviceOutboundInterface    | -                           | | -                        |
 | externalId                 | -                           | -                        | checkpoint.uuid                |
-| fileHash                   | -                           | file.hash.{md5,sha1}     | checkpoint.file_hash           |
+| fileHash                   | -                           | file.hash.{md5,sha1}     | -                              |
 | reason                     | -                           | -                        | checkpoint.termination_reason  |
-| checkrequestCookies        | -                           | -                        | checkpoint.cookie              |
+| requestCookies             | -                           | -                        | checkpoint.cookie              |
 | sourceNtDomain             | -                           |        | -                              |
 | Signature                  | -                           |         | -                              |
 | Recipient                  | -                           |   | -                              |
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:
 | deviceCustomFloatingPoint1 | update version              | observer.version         | -                              |
 | deviceCustomIPv6Address2   | source ipv6 address         | source.ip                | -                              |
 | deviceCustomIPv6Address3   | destination ipv6 address    | destination.ip           | -                              |
-.3+| deviceCustomNumber1     | elapsed time in seconds     | host.uptime              | -                              |
+.3+| deviceCustomNumber1     | elapsed time in seconds     | event.duration           | -                              |
                              | email recipients number     | -                        | checkpoint.email_recipients_num |
                              | payload                     | network.bytes            | -                              |
 .2+| deviceCustomNumber2     | icmp type                   | -                        | checkpoint.icmp_type           |
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:
                              | update status               | -                        | checkpoint.update_status       |
                              | peer gateway                | -                        | checkpoint.peer_gateway        |
                              | categories                  | rule.category            | -                              |
-.4+| deviceCustomString6     | application name            |             | -                              |
+.4+| deviceCustomString6     | application name            | network.application      | -                              |
                              | virus name                  | -                        | checkpoint.virus_name          |
-                             | malware name                | -                        | checkpoint.malware_name        |
+                             | malware name                | -                        | checkpoint.spyware_name        |
                              | malware family              | -                        | checkpoint.malware_family      |
 .5+| deviceCustomString3     | user group                  |               | -                              |
                              | incident extension          | -                        | checkpoint.incident_extension  |
@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@ Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:
                              | vlan id                     |          | -                              |
                              | authentication method       | -                        | checkpoint.auth_method         |
                              | email session id            | -                        | checkpoint.email_session_id    |
-| deviceCustomDate2          | subscription expiration     | -                        | checkpoint.subscription_expiration |
+| deviceCustomDate2          | subscription expiration     | -                        | checkpoint.subs_exp            |
 | deviceFlexNumber1          | confidence                  | -                        | checkpoint.confidence_level    |
 .2+| deviceFlexNumber2       | performance impact          | -                        | checkpoint.performance_impact  |
                              | destination phone number    | -                        | checkpoint.dst_phone_number    |
 | flexString1                | application signature id    | -                        | checkpoint.app_sig_id          |
-.2+| flexString2             | malware action              | event.action             | -                              |
+.2+| flexString2             | malware action              | rule.description         | -                              |
                              | attack information          | event.action             | -                              |
 | rule_uid                   | -                           | rule.uuid                | -                              |
-| ifname                     | -                           | | -                              |
+| ifname                     | -                           | | -                       |
 | inzone                     | -                           |    | -                              |
 | outzone                    | -                           |     | -                              |
 | product                    | -                           | observer.product         | -                              |
diff --git a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/_meta/docs.asciidoc b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/_meta/docs.asciidoc
index d3f97e011dd9..00d2ab1e7914 100644
--- a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/_meta/docs.asciidoc
+++ b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/_meta/docs.asciidoc
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:
 | deviceInboundInterface     | -                           | | -                       |
 | deviceOutboundInterface    | -                           | | -                        |
 | externalId                 | -                           | -                        | checkpoint.uuid                |
-| fileHash                   | -                           | file.hash.{md5,sha1}     | checkpoint.file_hash           |
+| fileHash                   | -                           | file.hash.{md5,sha1}     | -                              |
 | reason                     | -                           | -                        | checkpoint.termination_reason  |
-| checkrequestCookies        | -                           | -                        | checkpoint.cookie              |
+| requestCookies             | -                           | -                        | checkpoint.cookie              |
 | sourceNtDomain             | -                           |        | -                              |
 | Signature                  | -                           |         | -                              |
 | Recipient                  | -                           |   | -                              |
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:
 | deviceCustomFloatingPoint1 | update version              | observer.version         | -                              |
 | deviceCustomIPv6Address2   | source ipv6 address         | source.ip                | -                              |
 | deviceCustomIPv6Address3   | destination ipv6 address    | destination.ip           | -                              |
-.3+| deviceCustomNumber1     | elapsed time in seconds     | host.uptime              | -                              |
+.3+| deviceCustomNumber1     | elapsed time in seconds     | event.duration           | -                              |
                              | email recipients number     | -                        | checkpoint.email_recipients_num |
                              | payload                     | network.bytes            | -                              |
 .2+| deviceCustomNumber2     | icmp type                   | -                        | checkpoint.icmp_type           |
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:
                              | update status               | -                        | checkpoint.update_status       |
                              | peer gateway                | -                        | checkpoint.peer_gateway        |
                              | categories                  | rule.category            | -                              |
-.4+| deviceCustomString6     | application name            |             | -                              |
+.4+| deviceCustomString6     | application name            | network.application      | -                              |
                              | virus name                  | -                        | checkpoint.virus_name          |
-                             | malware name                | -                        | checkpoint.malware_name        |
+                             | malware name                | -                        | checkpoint.spyware_name        |
                              | malware family              | -                        | checkpoint.malware_family      |
 .5+| deviceCustomString3     | user group                  |               | -                              |
                              | incident extension          | -                        | checkpoint.incident_extension  |
@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ Check Point CEF extensions are mapped as follows:
                              | vlan id                     |          | -                              |
                              | authentication method       | -                        | checkpoint.auth_method         |
                              | email session id            | -                        | checkpoint.email_session_id    |
-| deviceCustomDate2          | subscription expiration     | -                        | checkpoint.subscription_expiration |
+| deviceCustomDate2          | subscription expiration     | -                        | checkpoint.subs_exp            |
 | deviceFlexNumber1          | confidence                  | -                        | checkpoint.confidence_level    |
 .2+| deviceFlexNumber2       | performance impact          | -                        | checkpoint.performance_impact  |
                              | destination phone number    | -                        | checkpoint.dst_phone_number    |
 | flexString1                | application signature id    | -                        | checkpoint.app_sig_id          |
-.2+| flexString2             | malware action              | event.action             | -                              |
+.2+| flexString2             | malware action              | rule.description         | -                              |
                              | attack information          | event.action             | -                              |
 | rule_uid                   | -                           | rule.uuid                | -                              |
-| ifname                     | -                           | | -                              |
+| ifname                     | -                           | | -                       |
 | inzone                     | -                           |    | -                              |
 | outzone                    | -                           |     | -                              |
 | product                    | -                           | observer.product         | -                              |
diff --git a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/fields.go b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/fields.go
index 217d805818d1..5e33a41c840d 100644
--- a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/fields.go
+++ b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/fields.go
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ func init() {
 // AssetCef returns asset data.
 // This is the base64 encoded gzipped contents of module/cef.
 func AssetCef() string {
-	return "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"
+	return "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"
diff --git a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/_meta/fields.yml b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/_meta/fields.yml
index 40f6cdb4bfb9..264e15e12edf 100644
--- a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/_meta/fields.yml
+++ b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/_meta/fields.yml
@@ -18,170 +18,208 @@
     - name: app_risk
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Application risk.
     - name: app_severity
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Application threat severity.
     - name: app_sig_id
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: The signature ID which the application was detected by.
     - name: auth_method
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Password authentication protocol used.
     - name: category
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Category.
     - name: confidence_level
-      type: keyword
+      type: integer
+      overwrite: true
       description: Confidence level determined.
     - name: connectivity_state
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Connectivity state.
     - name: cookie
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: IKE cookie.
     - name: dst_phone_number
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Destination IP-Phone.
     - name: email_control
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Engine name.
     - name: email_id
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Internal email ID.
     - name: email_recipients_num
       type: long
+      overwrite: true
       description: Number of recipients.
     - name: email_session_id
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Internal email session ID.
     - name: email_spool_id
+      overwrite: true
       type: keyword
       description: Internal email spool ID.
     - name: email_subject
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Email subject.
     - name: event_count
       type: long
+      overwrite: true
       description: Number of events associated with the log.
-    - name: file_hash
-      type: keyword
-      description: File hash (SHA1 or MD5).
     - name: frequency
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Scan frequency.
     - name: icmp_type
       type: long
+      overwrite: true
       description: ICMP type.
     - name: icmp_code
       type: long
+      overwrite: true
       description: ICMP code.
     - name: identity_type
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Identity type.
     - name: incident_extension
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Format of original data.
     - name: integrity_av_invoke_type
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Scan invoke type.
+    - name: malware_family
+      type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
+      description: Malware family.
     - name: peer_gateway
       type: ip
+      overwrite: true
       description: Main IP of the peer Security Gateway.
     - name: performance_impact
-      type: keyword
+      type: integer
+      overwrite: true
       description: Protection performance impact.
     - name: protection_id
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Protection malware ID.
     - name: protection_name
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Specific signature name of the attack.
     - name: protection_type
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Type of protection used to detect the attack.
     - name: scan_result
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Scan result.
     - name: sensor_mode
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Sensor mode.
     - name: severity
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Threat severity.
-    - name: malware_status
+    - name: spyware_name
       type: keyword
-      description: Malware status.
+      overwrite: true
+      description: Spyware name.
-    - name: subscription_expiration
+    - name: spyware_status
+      type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
+      description: Spyware status.
+    - name: subs_exp
       type: date
+      overwrite: true
       description: The expiration date of the subscription.
     - name: tcp_flags
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: TCP packet flags.
     - name: termination_reason
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Termination reason.
     - name: update_status
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Update status.
     - name: user_status
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: User response.
     - name: uuid
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: External ID.
     - name: virus_name
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: Virus name.
-    - name: malware_name
-      type: keyword
-      description: Malware name.
-    - name: malware_family
-      type: keyword
-      description: Malware family.
     - name: voip_log_type
       type: keyword
+      overwrite: true
       description: VoIP log types.
 - name: cef.extensions
diff --git a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/ingest/cp-pipeline.yml b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/ingest/cp-pipeline.yml
index f3f38355ed91..eea2f8fd5926 100644
--- a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/ingest/cp-pipeline.yml
+++ b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/ingest/cp-pipeline.yml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ processors:
           - name: deviceExternalId
             to: observer.type
-            # Product Family
+            # Product Family (override deviceExternalId if present).
           - name: deviceFacility
             to: observer.type
@@ -104,6 +104,10 @@ processors:
             to: checkpoint.termination_reason
           # Possibly an IKE cookie
+          - name: requestCookies
+            to: checkpoint.cookie
+          # Probably a typo in CP's CEF docs
           - name: checkrequestCookies
             to: checkpoint.cookie
@@ -136,7 +140,7 @@ processors:
           - name: deviceCustomNumber1
               payload: network.bytes
-              elapsed time in seconds: host.uptime
+              elapsed time in seconds: event.duration
               email recipients number: checkpoint.email_recipients_num
           - name: deviceCustomNumber2
@@ -172,9 +176,9 @@ processors:
           - name: deviceCustomString6
-              application name:
+              application name: network.application
               virus name: checkpoint.virus_name
-              malware name: checkpoint.malware_name
+              malware name: checkpoint.spyware_name
               malware family: checkpoint.malware_family
           - name: deviceCustomString3
@@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ processors:
           - name: deviceCustomDate2
-              subscription expiration: checkpoint.subscription_expiration
+              subscription expiration: checkpoint.subs_exp
           - name: deviceFlexNumber1
@@ -225,7 +229,7 @@ processors:
           - name: flexString2
-              malware action: event.action
+              malware action: rule.description
               attack information: event.action
           - name: rule_uid
@@ -295,15 +299,19 @@ processors:
             field: event.duration
             ignore_missing: true
-  # checkpoint.file_hash can be either MD5 or SHA1.
-  - set:
-      field: file.hash.md5
-      value: '{{checkpoint.file_hash}}'
+  # checkpoint.file_hash can be either MD5, SHA1 or SHA256.
+  - rename:
+      field: checkpoint.file_hash
+      target_field: file.hash.md5
       if: 'ctx.checkpoint?.file_hash != null && ctx.checkpoint.file_hash.length()==32'
-  - set:
-      field: file.hash.sha1
-      value: '{{checkpoint.file_hash}}'
+  - rename:
+      field: checkpoint.file_hash
+      target_field: file.hash.sha1
       if: 'ctx.checkpoint?.file_hash != null && ctx.checkpoint.file_hash.length()==40'
+  - rename:
+      field: checkpoint.file_hash
+      target_field: file.hash.sha256
+      if: 'ctx.checkpoint?.file_hash != null && ctx.checkpoint.file_hash.length()==64'
   # Event kind is 'event' by default. 'alert' when a risk score and rule info
   # is present.
@@ -324,7 +332,7 @@ processors:
   - set:
       field: event.category
       value: malware
-      if: 'ctx.checkpoint?.protection_id != null || ctx.checkpoint?.malware_name != null || ctx.checkpoint?.malware_family != null || ctx.checkpoint?.spyware_status != null'
+      if: 'ctx.checkpoint?.protection_id != null || ctx.checkpoint?.spyware_name != null || ctx.checkpoint?.malware_family != null || ctx.checkpoint?.spyware_status != null'
   - set:
       field: event.category
       value: intrusion_detection
diff --git a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/test/checkpoint.log-expected.json b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/test/checkpoint.log-expected.json
index 0cc100922d00..1dce9c9aae7c 100644
--- a/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/test/checkpoint.log-expected.json
+++ b/x-pack/filebeat/module/cef/log/test/checkpoint.log-expected.json
@@ -116,8 +116,7 @@
         "cef.severity": "Unknown",
         "cef.version": "0",
         "checkpoint.email_control": "SMTP Policy Restrictions",
-        "checkpoint.file_hash": "55f4a511e6f630a6b1319505414f114e7bcaf13d",
-        "checkpoint.subscription_expiration": "2020-04-11T10:42:13.000Z",
+        "checkpoint.subs_exp": "2020-04-11T10:42:13.000Z",
         "destination.port": 25,
         "event.action": "Bypass",
         "event.code": "Log",
@@ -165,7 +164,6 @@
         "cef.version": "0",
         "checkpoint.app_risk": "High",
         "checkpoint.event_count": "12",
-        "checkpoint.file_hash": "580a783c1cb2b20613323f715d231a69",
         "checkpoint.severity": "Very-High",
         "destination.ip": "::1",
         "event.action": "Drop",