��<script type="text/javascript"> function DynamicSetStyle(id, attr, val) { var element = document.getElementById(id); if (element) element.style[attr] = val; } </script> <fieldset id="fs1" style="margin: 10px; padding: 10px; width: 170px; text-align: center;" onmouseover="DynamicSetStyle('fs1','border-color','#3599ff')" onmouseout="DynamicSetStyle('fs1','border-color','')"> ERP <a href="http://xxx.xxx.com/erp" target="_blank">http://xxx.xxx.com/erp </a> </fieldset> e var Time = { today:  2009-3-82 , weather:  rain , show: function() { alert( Today is  + this.today); } }; function Person(name) { //^�Y�`^\'` this.name = name; //^�Y�`�e�l this.show = function() { alert( My name is  + this.name +  . ); } } //�m�RY�`^\'` ��N��/fN _4V Person.mouth = 1; //�m�RY�`�e�l ��T�T'Y�T Person.cry = function() { alert( Wa wa wa &  ); }; //O(uprototypesQ.�W[�m�R^�Y�`^\'` ��k*N�N�vYr�S�� NN7hY Person.prototype.teeth = 32; //^�Y�`�e�l�_{��Ǐ{|�v�[�Oeg��� var me = new Person( Zhangsan ); //O(u^�Y�`�e�l0^\'` me.show(); alert( I have  + me.teeth +  teeth. ); //O(uY�`�e�l0^\'` Person.cry(); alert( I have  + Person.mouth +  mouth. );