local maid64 = require "maid64" function love.load() --optional settings for window love.window.setMode(640, 640, {resizable=true, vsync=false, minwidth=200, minheight=200}) --initilizing maid64 for use and set to 64x64 mode --can take 2 parameters x and y if needed for example maid64.setup(64,32) maid64.setup(64) -- create test sprite maid = maid64.newImage("maid64.png") rotate = 0 end function love.update(dt) rotate = rotate + dt end function love.draw() maid64.start()--starts the maid64 process --draw images here love.graphics.draw(maid,32,32,rotate,1,1,32,32) --can also draw shapes and get mouse position love.graphics.circle("fill", maid64.mouse.getX(), maid64.mouse.getY(), 2) maid64.finish()--finishes the maid64 process end function love.resize(w, h) -- this is used to resize the screen correctly maid64.resize(w, h) end