diff --git a/docs/tooltip.md b/docs/tooltip.md
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+++ b/docs/tooltip.md
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+# Tooltip
+AdaptUI provides a Tooltip Component which can be used to provide a brief,
+informative message when a user interacts with an element.
+#### Simple Usage
+import { Tooltip, Button } from "@adaptui/react-native-tailwind"
+export default function App() {
+ return (
+ } />}
+ themeColor="success"
+ size="sm"
+ >
+ Progress on Top
+ }
+ content="2 out 3 tasks completed"
+ />
+ )
+This component uses component from
+## Props
+| Name | Description | Type | Default |
+| ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
+| placement | Tooltip placement | `top` `bottom` `left` `right` `top left` `top right` `bottom left` `bottom right` `right top` `right bottom` `left top` `left bottom` | `bottom` |
+| trigger | The trigger of the Tooltip | JSXELement | |
+| content | The content of the Tooltip | JSXELement or string | |
+| action | Action in which to show the Tooltip | JSXELement or string | |
+| mainOffset | Distance between popover and trigger's main axis | number | 0 |
+| crossOffset | Distance between popover and trigger's cross axis | number | 0 |
+| hasArrow | Whether popover should have an arrow | boolean | false |
+| shouldFlip | Whether the popover should flip if there's less space | boolean | true |
+| isTooltipOpen | Is the Tooltip Open for Controlled popovers | boolean | |
+| handleTooltipState | A callback to listen to change events also to set state for controlled popovers. | (isOpen: boolean) => void | |