diff --git a/e2e/e2e.sh b/e2e/e2e.sh
index 3c86c540b7..fc37f09dff 100755
--- a/e2e/e2e.sh
+++ b/e2e/e2e.sh
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ if [ ${REBUILD_THE_INDEX} == "YES" ] || ! [ -f "${INDEX}.vocabulary" ]; then
-# Launch the Server using the freshly baked index. Can't simply use a subshell here because
-# then we can't easily get the SERVER_PID out of that subshell
+# Launch the Server using the freshly baked index. Can't simply use a subshell
+# here because then we can't easily get the SERVER_PID out of that subshell
 pushd "$BINARY_DIR"
 echo "Launching server from path $(pwd)"
 ./ServerMain -i "$INDEX" -p 9099 -m 1 -t &> server_log.txt &
diff --git a/src/ServerMain.cpp b/src/ServerMain.cpp
index b1816a160d..a717e67c0b 100644
--- a/src/ServerMain.cpp
+++ b/src/ServerMain.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   // filled / set depending on the options.
   using ad_utility::NonNegative;
-  string indexBasename;
+  std::string indexBasename;
+  std::string accessToken;
   bool text = false;
   int port;
   NonNegative numSimultaneousQueries = 1;
@@ -62,6 +63,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
       "The basename of the index files (required).");
   add("port,p", po::value<int>(&port)->required(),
       "The port on which HTTP requests are served (required).");
+  add("access-token,a", po::value<std::string>(&accessToken)->default_value(""),
+      "Access token for restricted API calls (default: no access).");
       "The number of queries that can be processed simultaneously.");
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   try {
     Server server(port, static_cast<int>(numSimultaneousQueries),
-                  memoryMaxSizeGb);
+                  memoryMaxSizeGb, std::move(accessToken));
     server.run(indexBasename, text, !noPatterns, !noPatternTrick,
   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
diff --git a/src/engine/Operation.cpp b/src/engine/Operation.cpp
index 84ae835d98..dca61f0e90 100644
--- a/src/engine/Operation.cpp
+++ b/src/engine/Operation.cpp
@@ -56,9 +56,8 @@ void Operation::recursivelySetTimeoutTimer(
-// Get the result for the subtree rooted at this element.
-// Use existing results if they are already available, otherwise
-// trigger computation.
+// Get the result for the subtree rooted at this element. Use existing results
+// if they are already available, otherwise trigger computation.
 shared_ptr<const ResultTable> Operation::getResult(bool isRoot) {
   ad_utility::Timer timer;
@@ -114,30 +113,34 @@ shared_ptr<const ResultTable> Operation::getResult(bool isRoot) {
     createRuntimeInformation(result, timer.msecs());
+    auto resultNumRows = result._resultPointer->_resultTable->size();
+    auto resultNumCols = result._resultPointer->_resultTable->width();
+    LOG(DEBUG) << "Computed result of size " << resultNumRows << " x "
+               << resultNumCols << std::endl;
     return result._resultPointer->_resultTable;
   } catch (const ad_semsearch::AbortException& e) {
     // A child Operation was aborted, do not print the information again.
   } catch (const ad_utility::WaitedForResultWhichThenFailedException& e) {
+    // Here and in the following, show the detailed information (it's the
+    // runtime info) only in the DEBUG log. Note that the exception will be
+    // caught by the `processQuery` method, where the error message will be
+    // printed *and* included in an error response sent to the client.
     LOG(ERROR) << "Waited for a result from another thread which then failed"
                << endl;
-    LOG(ERROR) << asString();
+    LOG(DEBUG) << asString();
     throw ad_semsearch::AbortException(e);
   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
     // We are in the innermost level of the exception, so print
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Aborted Operation:" << endl;
-    LOG(ERROR) << asString() << endl;
-    LOG(ERROR) << e.what() << endl;
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Aborted Operation" << endl;
+    LOG(DEBUG) << asString() << endl;
     // Rethrow as QUERY_ABORTED allowing us to print the Operation
     // only at innermost failure of a recursive call
     throw ad_semsearch::AbortException(e);
   } catch (...) {
     // We are in the innermost level of the exception, so print
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Aborted Operation:" << endl;
-    LOG(ERROR) << asString() << endl;
-        << "Unexpected exception that is not a subclass of std::exception"
-        << endl;
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Aborted Operation" << endl;
+    LOG(DEBUG) << asString() << endl;
     // Rethrow as QUERY_ABORTED allowing us to print the Operation
     // only at innermost failure of a recursive call
     throw ad_semsearch::AbortException(
diff --git a/src/engine/QueryExecutionTree.cpp b/src/engine/QueryExecutionTree.cpp
index 44b127a122..cc083077cd 100644
--- a/src/engine/QueryExecutionTree.cpp
+++ b/src/engine/QueryExecutionTree.cpp
@@ -401,7 +401,9 @@ ad_utility::streams::stream_generator QueryExecutionTree::generateResults(
   // This call triggers the possibly expensive computation of the query result
   // unless the result is already cached.
   shared_ptr<const ResultTable> resultTable = getResult();
-  LOG(DEBUG) << "Resolving strings for finished binary result...\n";
+  resultTable->logResultSize();
+  LOG(DEBUG) << "Converting result IDs to their corresponding strings ..."
+             << std::endl;
   auto selectedColumnIndices = selectedVariablesToColumnIndices(
       selectedVarsOrAsterisk, *resultTable, true);
@@ -518,8 +520,10 @@ QueryExecutionTree::generateRdfGraph(
 // _____________________________________________________________________________
 ad_utility::streams::stream_generator QueryExecutionTree::writeRdfGraphTurtle(
     const ad_utility::sparql_types::Triples& constructTriples, size_t limit,
-    size_t offset, std::shared_ptr<const ResultTable> res) const {
-  auto generator = generateRdfGraph(constructTriples, limit, offset, res);
+    size_t offset, std::shared_ptr<const ResultTable> resultTable) const {
+  resultTable->logResultSize();
+  auto generator =
+      generateRdfGraph(constructTriples, limit, offset, resultTable);
   for (const auto& triple : generator) {
     co_yield triple._subject;
     co_yield ' ';
@@ -535,7 +539,7 @@ template <QueryExecutionTree::ExportSubFormat format>
     const ad_utility::sparql_types::Triples& constructTriples, size_t limit,
-    size_t offset, std::shared_ptr<const ResultTable> res) const {
+    size_t offset, std::shared_ptr<const ResultTable> resultTable) const {
   static_assert(format == ExportSubFormat::BINARY ||
                 format == ExportSubFormat::CSV ||
                 format == ExportSubFormat::TSV);
@@ -543,11 +547,13 @@ QueryExecutionTree::writeRdfGraphSeparatedValues(
     throw std::runtime_error{
         "Binary export is not supported for CONSTRUCT queries"};
+  resultTable->logResultSize();
   constexpr auto& escapeFunction = format == ExportSubFormat::TSV
                                        ? RdfEscaping::escapeForTsv
                                        : RdfEscaping::escapeForCsv;
   constexpr char sep = format == ExportSubFormat::TSV ? '\t' : ',';
-  auto generator = generateRdfGraph(constructTriples, limit, offset, res);
+  auto generator =
+      generateRdfGraph(constructTriples, limit, offset, resultTable);
   for (auto& triple : generator) {
     co_yield escapeFunction(std::move(triple._subject));
     co_yield sep;
diff --git a/src/engine/QueryExecutionTree.h b/src/engine/QueryExecutionTree.h
index 722624f229..a86eb06e14 100644
--- a/src/engine/QueryExecutionTree.h
+++ b/src/engine/QueryExecutionTree.h
@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@
 using std::shared_ptr;
 using std::string;
-// A query execution tree.
-// Processed bottom up, this gives an ordering to the operations
-// needed to solve a query.
+// A query execution tree. Processed bottom up, which gives an ordering to the
+// operations needed to solve a query.
 class QueryExecutionTree {
   explicit QueryExecutionTree(QueryExecutionContext* const qec);
diff --git a/src/engine/ResultTable.h b/src/engine/ResultTable.h
index 6971ddf7c2..0e4c29026e 100644
--- a/src/engine/ResultTable.h
+++ b/src/engine/ResultTable.h
@@ -74,6 +74,15 @@ class ResultTable {
   size_t size() const;
   size_t width() const { return _idTable.cols(); }
+  // Log to INFO the size of this result.
+  //
+  // NOTE: Due to the current sub-optimal design of `Server::processQuery`, we
+  // need the same message in multiple places and so instead of duplicating the
+  // message, we should have a method for it.
+  void logResultSize() const {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Result has size " << size() << " x " << width() << std::endl;
+  }
   void clear();
   string asDebugString() const;
@@ -86,4 +95,4 @@ class ResultTable {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/engine/Server.cpp b/src/engine/Server.cpp
index ae88bcf447..abd773f361 100644
--- a/src/engine/Server.cpp
+++ b/src/engine/Server.cpp
@@ -36,19 +36,47 @@ void Server::initialize(const string& indexBaseName, bool useText,
   // Set flag.
   _initialized = true;
-  LOG(INFO) << "The server is ready, listening for requests on port " << _port
-            << " ..." << std::endl;
+  LOG(INFO) << "Access token for restricted API calls is \"" << accessToken_
+            << "\"" << std::endl;
+  LOG(INFO) << "The server is ready, listening for requests on port "
+            << std::to_string(_port) << " ..." << std::endl;
 // _____________________________________________________________________________
 void Server::run(const string& indexBaseName, bool useText, bool usePatterns,
                  bool usePatternTrick, bool loadAllPermutations) {
-  // First set up the HTTP server, so that it binds to the socket, and
-  // the "socket already in use" error appears quickly.
+  using namespace ad_utility::httpUtils;
+  // Function that handles a request asynchronously, will be passed as argument
+  // to `HttpServer` below.
   auto httpSessionHandler =
       [this](auto request, auto&& send) -> boost::asio::awaitable<void> {
-    co_await process(std::move(request), send);
+    // Version of send with maximally permissive CORS header (that allows the
+    // client that receives the response to do with it what it wants).
+    auto sendWithCors = [&send](auto response) -> boost::asio::awaitable<void> {
+      response.set(http::field::access_control_allow_origin, "*");
+      co_return co_await send(std::move(response));
+    };
+    // Process the request using the `process` method and if it throws an
+    // exception, log the error message and send a HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
+    // response with that message. Note that the C++ standard forbids co_await
+    // in the catch block, hence the workaround with the `exceptionErrorMsg`.
+    std::optional<std::string> exceptionErrorMsg;
+    try {
+      co_await process(std::move(request), sendWithCors);
+    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
+      exceptionErrorMsg = e.what();
+    }
+    if (exceptionErrorMsg) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << exceptionErrorMsg.value() << std::endl;
+      auto badRequestResponse = createBadRequestResponse(
+          absl::StrCat(exceptionErrorMsg.value(), "\n"), request);
+      co_await sendWithCors(std::move(badRequestResponse));
+    }
+  // First set up the HTTP server, so that it binds to the socket, and
+  // the "socket already in use" error appears quickly.
   auto httpServer = HttpServer{static_cast<unsigned short>(_port), "",
                                _numThreads, std::move(httpSessionHandler)};
@@ -60,65 +88,134 @@ void Server::run(const string& indexBaseName, bool useText, bool usePatterns,
+// _____________________________________________________________________________
+ad_utility::UrlParser::UrlPathAndParameters Server::getUrlPathAndParameters(
+    const ad_utility::httpUtils::HttpRequest auto& request) {
+  if (request.method() == http::verb::get) {
+    // For a GET request, `request.target()` yields the part after the domain,
+    // which is a concatenation of the path and the query string (the query
+    // string starting with "?").
+    return ad_utility::UrlParser::parseGetRequestTarget(request.target());
+  }
+  if (request.method() == http::verb::post) {
+    // For a POST request, the content type *must* be either
+    // "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "application/sparql-query". In
+    // the first case, the body of the POST request contains a URL-encoded
+    // query (just like in the part of a GET request after the "?"). In the
+    // second case, the body of the POST request contains *only* the SPARQL
+    // query, but not URL-encoded, and no other URL parameters. See Sections
+    // 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 of the SPARQL 1.1 standard:
+    // https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-sparql11-protocol-20130321
+    std::string_view contentType = request.base()[http::field::content_type];
+    LOG(DEBUG) << "Content-type: \"" << contentType << "\"" << std::endl;
+    static constexpr std::string_view contentTypeUrlEncoded =
+        "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+    static constexpr std::string_view contentTypeSparqlQuery =
+        "application/sparql-query";
+    // In either of the two cases explained above, we convert the data to a
+    // format as if it came from a GET request. The second argument to
+    // `parseGetRequestTarget` says whether the function should apply URL
+    // decoding.
+    if (contentType == contentTypeUrlEncoded) {
+      return ad_utility::UrlParser::parseGetRequestTarget(
+          absl::StrCat(request.target(), "?", request.body()), true);
+    }
+    if (contentType == contentTypeSparqlQuery) {
+      return ad_utility::UrlParser::parseGetRequestTarget(
+          absl::StrCat(request.target(), "?query=", request.body()), false);
+    }
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        absl::StrCat("POST request with content type \"", contentType,
+                     "\" not supported (must be \"", contentTypeUrlEncoded,
+                     "\" or \"", contentTypeSparqlQuery, "\")"));
+  }
+  std::ostringstream requestMethodName;
+  requestMethodName << request.method();
+  throw std::runtime_error(
+      absl::StrCat("Request method \"", requestMethodName.str(),
+                   "\" not supported (has to be GET or POST)"));
 // _____________________________________________________________________________
 Awaitable<void> Server::process(
     const ad_utility::httpUtils::HttpRequest auto& request, auto&& send) {
   using namespace ad_utility::httpUtils;
+  // Log some basic information about the request. Start with an empty line so
+  // that in a low-traffic scenario (or when the query processing is very fast),
+  // we have one visual block per request in the log.
+  std::string_view contentType = request.base()[http::field::content_type];
+  LOG(INFO) << std::endl;
+  LOG(INFO) << "Request received via " << request.method()
+            << (contentType.empty()
+                    ? absl::StrCat(", no content type specified")
+                    : absl::StrCat(", content type \"", contentType, "\""))
+            << std::endl;
+  // Start timing.
   ad_utility::Timer requestTimer;
-  auto filenameAndParams = ad_utility::UrlParser::parseTarget(request.target());
-  const auto& params = filenameAndParams._parameters;
+  // Parse the path and the URL parameters from the given request. Works for GET
+  // requests as well as the two kinds of POST requests allowed by the SPARQL
+  // standard, see method `getUrlPathAndParameters`.
+  const auto urlPathAndParameters = getUrlPathAndParameters(request);
+  const auto& parameters = urlPathAndParameters._parameters;
-  // Lambda for sending a response asynchronously. Will be called with `co_await
-  // sendWithCors(...)`, see below.
-  auto sendWithCors = [&send](auto response) -> boost::asio::awaitable<void> {
-    response.set(http::field::access_control_allow_origin, "*");
-    co_return co_await send(std::move(response));
-  };
-  // Lambda that checks if a URL parameter with the given specification exists
-  // and we are allowed to perform the associated action.
-  //
-  // 1. If value is `std::nullopt`, check if the given key exists, and if yes,
-  // return the corresponding value, and `std::nullopt` otherwise.
-  //
-  // 2. If value is not `std::nullopt`, check if the given key-value pair
-  // exists, and if yes, return the value (not really needed, but just so that
-  // the interface is the same as in the first case), and `std::nullopt`
-  // otherwise.
+  // Lambda for checking if a URL parameter exists in the request and if we are
+  // allowed to access it. If yes, return the value, otherwise return
+  // `std::nullopt`.
-  // 3. If one of the two above would have returned a value, but the third
-  // argument is false, print a log message that the access to this URL
-  // parameter is denied and return `std::nullopt`.
-  auto checkParam =
-      [&params](const std::string key, std::optional<std::string> value,
-                bool accessAllowed = true) -> std::optional<std::string> {
-    // If key not found, always return std::nullopt.
-    if (!params.contains(key)) {
+  // If `value` is `std::nullopt`, only check if the key exists.  We need this
+  // because we have parameters like "cmd=stats", where a fixed combination of
+  // the key and value determines the kind of action, as well as parameters
+  // like "index-decription=...", where the key determines the kind of action.
+  auto checkParameter =
+      [&parameters](const std::string key, std::optional<std::string> value,
+                    bool accessAllowed = true) -> std::optional<std::string> {
+    // If the key is not found, always return std::nullopt.
+    if (!parameters.contains(key)) {
       return std::nullopt;
     // If value is given, but not equal to param value, return std::nullopt. If
     // no value is given, set it to param value.
     if (value == std::nullopt) {
-      value = params.at(key);
-    } else if (value != params.at(key)) {
+      value = parameters.at(key);
+    } else if (value != parameters.at(key)) {
       return std::nullopt;
-    // At this point, we have a value. Either return it or say access denied.
+    // Now that we have the value, check if there is a problem with the access.
+    // If yes, we abort the query processing at this point.
     if (accessAllowed == false) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Access to \"" << key << "=" << value.value()
-                << "\" is denied, this URL parameter is ignored" << std::endl;
-      return std::nullopt;
-    } else {
-      return value;
+      throw std::runtime_error(absl::StrCat("Access to \"", key, "=",
+                                            value.value(), "\" denied",
+                                            " (requires a valid access token)",
+                                            ", processing of request aborted"));
+    return value;
-  auto accessToken = checkParam("access-token", std::nullopt);
-  auto accessTokenOk = accessToken == "1622";
-  if (accessToken && !accessTokenOk) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Access token \"access-token=" << accessToken.value() << "\""
-              << " provided, but not correct" << std::endl;
+  // Check the access token. If an access token is provided and the check fails,
+  // throw an exception and do not process any part of the query (even if the
+  // processing would have been allowed without access token).
+  auto accessToken = checkParameter("access-token", std::nullopt);
+  bool accessTokenOk = false;
+  if (accessToken) {
+    auto accessTokenProvidedMsg = absl::StrCat(
+        "Access token \"access-token=", accessToken.value(), "\" provided");
+    auto requestIgnoredMsg = ", request is ignored";
+    if (accessToken_.empty()) {
+      throw std::runtime_error(absl::StrCat(
+          accessTokenProvidedMsg,
+          " but server was started without --access-token", requestIgnoredMsg));
+    } else if (accessToken != accessToken_) {
+      throw std::runtime_error(absl::StrCat(
+          accessTokenProvidedMsg, " but not correct", requestIgnoredMsg));
+    } else {
+      LOG(DEBUG) << accessTokenProvidedMsg << " and correct" << std::endl;
+      accessTokenOk = true;
+    }
   // Process all URL parameters known to QLever. If there is more than one,
@@ -131,29 +228,45 @@ Awaitable<void> Server::process(
   std::optional<http::response<http::string_body>> response;
   // Execute commands (URL parameter with key "cmd").
-  if (checkParam("cmd", "stats")) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Processing command \"stats\"" << std::endl;
+  auto logCommand = [](std::optional<std::string>& cmd, std::string actionMsg) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Processing command \"" << cmd.value() << "\""
+              << ": " << actionMsg << std::endl;
+  };
+  if (auto cmd = checkParameter("cmd", "stats")) {
+    logCommand(cmd, "get index statistics");
     response = createJsonResponse(composeStatsJson(), request);
-  } else if (checkParam("cmd", "cache-stats")) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Processing command \"cache-stats\"" << std::endl;
+  } else if (auto cmd = checkParameter("cmd", "cache-stats")) {
+    logCommand(cmd, "get cache statistics");
     response = createJsonResponse(composeCacheStatsJson(), request);
-  } else if (checkParam("cmd", "clear-cache")) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Clearing the cache, unpinned elements only" << std::endl;
+  } else if (auto cmd = checkParameter("cmd", "clear-cache")) {
+    logCommand(cmd, "clear the cache (unpinned elements only)");
     response = createJsonResponse(composeCacheStatsJson(), request);
-  } else if (checkParam("cmd", "clear-cache-complete", accessTokenOk)) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Clearing the cache completely, including unpinned elements"
-              << std::endl;
+  } else if (auto cmd =
+                 checkParameter("cmd", "clear-cache-complete", accessTokenOk)) {
+    logCommand(cmd, "clear cache completely (including unpinned elements)");
     response = createJsonResponse(composeCacheStatsJson(), request);
-  } else if (checkParam("cmd", "get-settings")) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Getting server settings" << std::endl;
+  } else if (auto cmd = checkParameter("cmd", "get-settings")) {
+    logCommand(cmd, "get server settings");
     response = createJsonResponse(RuntimeParameters().toMap(), request);
+  // Ping with or without messsage.
+  if (urlPathAndParameters._path == "/ping") {
+    if (auto msg = checkParameter("msg", std::nullopt)) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Alive check with message \"" << msg.value() << "\""
+                << std::endl;
+    } else {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Alive check without message" << std::endl;
+    }
+    response = createOkResponse("This QLever server is up and running\n",
+                                request, ad_utility::MediaType::textPlain);
+  }
   // Set description of KB index.
   if (auto description =
-          checkParam("index-description", std::nullopt, accessTokenOk)) {
+          checkParameter("index-description", std::nullopt, accessTokenOk)) {
     LOG(INFO) << "Setting index description to: \"" << description.value()
               << "\"" << std::endl;
@@ -162,7 +275,7 @@ Awaitable<void> Server::process(
   // Set description of text index.
   if (auto description =
-          checkParam("text-description", std::nullopt, accessTokenOk)) {
+          checkParameter("text-description", std::nullopt, accessTokenOk)) {
     LOG(INFO) << "Setting text description to: \"" << description.value()
               << "\"" << std::endl;
@@ -171,7 +284,7 @@ Awaitable<void> Server::process(
   // Set one or several of the runtime parameters.
   for (auto key : RuntimeParameters().getKeys()) {
-    if (auto value = checkParam(key, std::nullopt, accessTokenOk)) {
+    if (auto value = checkParameter(key, std::nullopt, accessTokenOk)) {
       LOG(INFO) << "Setting runtime parameter \"" << key << "\""
                 << " to value \"" << value.value() << "\"" << std::endl;
       RuntimeParameters().set(key, value.value());
@@ -180,26 +293,32 @@ Awaitable<void> Server::process(
   // If "query" parameter is given, process query.
-  if (auto query = checkParam("query", std::nullopt)) {
-    if (!query.value().empty()) {
-      co_return co_await processQuery(params, requestTimer, std::move(request),
-                                      sendWithCors);
-    } else {
-      response = createBadRequestResponse(
-          "Parameter \"query\" must not have an empty value", request);
+  if (auto query = checkParameter("query", std::nullopt)) {
+    if (query.value().empty()) {
+      throw std::runtime_error(
+          "Parameter \"query\" must not have an empty value");
+    co_return co_await processQuery(parameters, requestTimer,
+                                    std::move(request), send);
-  // If there was no non-empty "query", but any of the above produced a
-  // `response`, send that now.
+  // If there was no "query", but any of the URL parameters processed before
+  // produced a `response`, send that now. Note that if multiple URL parameters
+  // were processed, only the `response` from the last one is sent.
   if (response.has_value()) {
-    co_return co_await sendWithCors(std::move(response.value()));
+    co_return co_await send(std::move(response.value()));
-  // At this point, none of the URL parameters was recognized by QLever. We
-  // then consider the URL parameter string as a path name and try to serve the
-  // corresponding file (though we only allow a very restricted whitelist, see
-  // below).
+  // At this point, if there is a "?" in the query string, it means that there
+  // are URL parameters which QLever does not know or did not process.
+  if (request.target().find("?") != std::string::npos) {
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        "Request with URL parameters, but none of them could be processed");
+  }
+  // At this point, we only have a path and no URL paraeters. We then interpret
+  // the request as a request for a file. However, only files from a very
+  // restricted whitelist (see below) will actually be served.
   // NOTE 1: `makeFileServer` returns a function.  The first argument is the
   // document root, the second one is the whitelist.
@@ -213,6 +332,8 @@ Awaitable<void> Server::process(
   // is not found, a corresponding response is returned to the requestion
   // client, but the log says nothing about it. The place to change this would
   // be in `src/util/HttpServer/HttpUtils.h`.
+  LOG(INFO) << "Treating request target \"" << request.target() << "\""
+            << " as a request for a file with that name" << std::endl;
   auto serveFileRequest = makeFileServer(
       ad_utility::HashSet<std::string>{"index.html", "script.js", "style.css"})(
@@ -227,6 +348,7 @@ Awaitable<json> Server::composeResponseQleverJson(
   auto compute = [&, maxSend] {
     shared_ptr<const ResultTable> resultTable = qet.getResult();
+    resultTable->logResultSize();
     off_t compResultUsecs = requestTimer.usecs();
     size_t resultSize = resultTable->size();
@@ -282,6 +404,7 @@ Awaitable<json> Server::composeResponseSparqlJson(
   auto compute = [&, maxSend] {
     shared_ptr<const ResultTable> resultTable = qet.getResult();
+    resultTable->logResultSize();
     nlohmann::json j;
     size_t limit = std::min(query._limitOffset._limit, maxSend);
@@ -329,8 +452,9 @@ ad_utility::streams::stream_generator Server::composeTurtleResponse(
 // _____________________________________________________________________________
-json Server::composeExceptionJson(const string& query, const std::exception& e,
-                                  ad_utility::Timer& requestTimer) {
+json Server::composeErrorResponseJson(const string& query,
+                                      const std::string& errorMsg,
+                                      ad_utility::Timer& requestTimer) {
   json j;
@@ -339,7 +463,7 @@ json Server::composeExceptionJson(const string& query, const std::exception& e,
   j["resultsize"] = 0;
   j["time"]["total"] = requestTimer.msecs();
   j["time"]["computeResult"] = requestTimer.msecs();
-  j["exception"] = e.what();
+  j["exception"] = errorMsg;
   return j;
@@ -393,8 +517,11 @@ boost::asio::awaitable<void> Server::processQuery(
     co_return co_await send(std::move(response));
-  std::optional<json> errorResponse;
+  // Put the whole query processing in a try-catch block. If any exception
+  // occurs, log the error message and send a JSON response with all the details
+  // to the client. Note that the C++ standard forbids co_await in the catch
+  // block, hence the workaround with the optional `exceptionErrorMsg`.
+  std::optional<std::string> exceptionErrorMsg;
   try {
     ad_utility::SharedConcurrentTimeoutTimer timeoutTimer =
@@ -413,36 +540,26 @@ boost::asio::awaitable<void> Server::processQuery(
                                              : MAX_NOF_ROWS_IN_RESULT;
     const bool pinSubtrees = containsParam("pinsubtrees", "true");
     const bool pinResult = containsParam("pinresult", "true");
-    LOG(INFO) << "Query" << ((pinSubtrees) ? " (Cache pinned)" : "")
-              << ((pinResult) ? " (Result pinned)" : "") << ":\n"
+    LOG(INFO) << "Processing the following SPARQL query:"
+              << (pinResult ? " [pin result]" : "")
+              << (pinSubtrees ? " [pin subresults]" : "") << "\n"
               << query << std::endl;
     ParsedQuery pq = SparqlParser(query).parse();
-    QueryExecutionContext qec(_index, _engine, &_cache, _allocator,
-                              _sortPerformanceEstimator, pinSubtrees,
-                              pinResult);
-    // start the shared timeout timer here to also include
-    // the query planning
-    timeoutTimer->wlock()->start();
-    QueryPlanner qp(&qec);
-    qp.setEnablePatternTrick(_enablePatternTrick);
-    QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq);
-    qet.isRoot() = true;  // allow pinning of the final result
-    qet.recursivelySetTimeoutTimer(timeoutTimer);
-    LOG(TRACE) << qet.asString() << std::endl;
+    // The following code block determines the media type to be used for the
+    // result. The media type is either determined by the "Accept:" header of
+    // the request or by the URL parameter "action=..." (for TSV and CSV export,
+    // for QLever-historical reasons).
     using ad_utility::MediaType;
-    // Determine the result media type.
-    // TODO<joka921> qleverJson should not be the default as soon
-    // as the UI explicitly requests it.
-    // TODO<joka921> Add sparqlJson as soon as it is supported.
+    // The first media type in this list is the default, if no other type is
+    // specified in the request. It's "application/sparql-results+json", as
+    // required by the SPARQL standard.
     const auto supportedMediaTypes = []() {
       static const std::vector<MediaType> mediaTypes{
-          ad_utility::MediaType::qleverJson,
+          ad_utility::MediaType::qleverJson,
@@ -484,8 +601,35 @@ boost::asio::awaitable<void> Server::processQuery(
+    LOG(INFO) << "Requested media type of result is \""
+              << ad_utility::toString(mediaType.value()) << "\"" << std::endl;
+    // Do the query planning. This creates a `QueryExecutionTree`, which will
+    // then be used to process the query. Start the shared `timeoutTimer` here
+    // to also include the query planning.
+    //
+    // NOTE: This should come after determining the media type. Otherwise it
+    // might happen that the query planner runs for a while (recall that it many
+    // do index scans) and then we get an error message afterwards that a
+    // certain media type is not supported.
+    timeoutTimer->wlock()->start();
+    QueryExecutionContext qec(_index, _engine, &_cache, _allocator,
+                              _sortPerformanceEstimator, pinSubtrees,
+                              pinResult);
+    QueryPlanner qp(&qec);
+    qp.setEnablePatternTrick(_enablePatternTrick);
+    QueryExecutionTree qet = qp.createExecutionTree(pq);
+    qet.isRoot() = true;  // allow pinning of the final result
+    qet.recursivelySetTimeoutTimer(timeoutTimer);
+    requestTimer.stop();
+    LOG(INFO) << "Query planning done in " << requestTimer.msecs() << " ms"
+              << " (can include index scans)" << std::endl;
+    requestTimer.cont();
+    LOG(TRACE) << qet.asString() << std::endl;
+    // This actually processes the query and sends the result in the requested
+    // format.
     switch (mediaType.value()) {
       case ad_utility::MediaType::csv: {
         auto responseGenerator = co_await composeResponseSepValues<
@@ -538,19 +682,28 @@ boost::asio::awaitable<void> Server::processQuery(
     // Print the runtime info. This needs to be done after the query
     // was computed.
-    // TODO<joka921> Also log the processing time and an identifier of the
-    // query.
-    LOG(INFO) << "Done processing query" << std::endl;
-    LOG(DEBUG) << "\nRuntime Info:\n"
+    // Log that we are done with the query and how long it took.
+    //
+    // NOTE: We need to explicitly stop the `requestTimer` here because in the
+    // sending code above, it is done only in some cases and not in others (in
+    // particular, not for TSV and CSV because for those, the result does not
+    // contain timing information).
+    //
+    // TODO<joka921> Also log an identifier of the query.
+    requestTimer.stop();
+    LOG(INFO) << "Done processing query and sending result"
+              << ", total time was " << requestTimer.msecs() << " ms"
+              << std::endl;
+    LOG(DEBUG) << "Runtime Info:\n"
                << qet.getRootOperation()->getRuntimeInfo().toString()
                << std::endl;
-  } catch (const ad_semsearch::Exception& e) {
-    errorResponse = composeExceptionJson(query, e, requestTimer);
   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
-    errorResponse = composeExceptionJson(query, e, requestTimer);
+    exceptionErrorMsg = e.what();
-  if (errorResponse.has_value()) {
-    co_return co_await sendJson(errorResponse.value(),
-                                http::status::bad_request);
+  if (exceptionErrorMsg) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << exceptionErrorMsg.value() << std::endl;
+    auto errorResponseJson = composeErrorResponseJson(
+        query, exceptionErrorMsg.value(), requestTimer);
+    co_return co_await sendJson(errorResponseJson, http::status::bad_request);
diff --git a/src/engine/Server.h b/src/engine/Server.h
index 4445426eda..61cde9012e 100644
--- a/src/engine/Server.h
+++ b/src/engine/Server.h
@@ -30,9 +30,11 @@ using ad_utility::Socket;
 //! The HTTP Server used.
 class Server {
-  explicit Server(const int port, const int numThreads, size_t maxMemGB)
+  explicit Server(const int port, const int numThreads, size_t maxMemGB,
+                  std::string accessToken)
       : _numThreads(numThreads),
+        accessToken_(accessToken),
                        maxMemGB * (1ull << 30u)),
                    [this](size_t numBytesToAllocate) {
@@ -90,6 +92,7 @@ class Server {
   const int _numThreads;
   int _port;
+  std::string accessToken_;
   QueryResultCache _cache;
   ad_utility::AllocatorWithLimit<Id> _allocator;
   SortPerformanceEstimator _sortPerformanceEstimator;
@@ -106,14 +109,19 @@ class Server {
   template <typename T>
   using Awaitable = boost::asio::awaitable<T>;
+  /// Parse the path and URL parameters from the given request. Supports both
+  /// GET and POST request according to the SPARQL 1.1 standard.
+  ad_utility::UrlParser::UrlPathAndParameters getUrlPathAndParameters(
+      const ad_utility::httpUtils::HttpRequest auto& request);
   /// Handle a single HTTP request. Check whether a file request or a query was
   /// sent, and dispatch to functions handling these cases. This function
   /// requires the constraints for the `HttpHandler` in `HttpServer.h`.
   /// \param req The HTTP request.
   /// \param send The action that sends a http:response. (see the
   ///             `HttpServer.h` for documentation).
-  Awaitable<void> process(const ad_utility::httpUtils::HttpRequest auto& req,
-                          auto&& send);
+  Awaitable<void> process(
+      const ad_utility::httpUtils::HttpRequest auto& request, auto&& send);
   /// Handle a http request that asks for the processing of a query.
   /// \param params The key-value-pairs  sent in the HTTP GET request. When this
@@ -141,8 +149,9 @@ class Server {
   Awaitable<ad_utility::streams::stream_generator> composeResponseSepValues(
       const ParsedQuery& query, const QueryExecutionTree& qet) const;
-  static json composeExceptionJson(const string& query, const std::exception& e,
-                                   ad_utility::Timer& requestTimer);
+  static json composeErrorResponseJson(const string& query,
+                                       const std::string& errorMsg,
+                                       ad_utility::Timer& requestTimer);
   static ad_utility::streams::stream_generator composeTurtleResponse(
       const ParsedQuery& query, const QueryExecutionTree& qet);
diff --git a/src/util/HttpServer/HttpServer.h b/src/util/HttpServer/HttpServer.h
index 85c6d27c59..4eec41049a 100644
--- a/src/util/HttpServer/HttpServer.h
+++ b/src/util/HttpServer/HttpServer.h
@@ -21,20 +21,24 @@ using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;  // from <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
  * \brief A Simple HttpServer, based on Boost::Beast. Its can be configured via
- * the mandatory HttpHandler parameter. \tparam HttpHandler A callable type that
- * takes two parameters, a `http::request<...>` , and a `sendAction` and returns
- * an awaitable<void> type. sendAction always is a callable that takes a
- * http::message, and returns an awaitable<void>; The behavior is then as
- * follows: as soon as the Server receives a http request, co_await
- * _httpHandler(move(request), sendAction) is called. (_httpHandler is a member
- * of type HttpHandler). The expected behavior of this call is that _httpHandler
- * takes the request, computes the corresponding `response`, and calls co_await
- * sendAction(response). The `sendAction` is needed because the `response` might
- * different types (in beast, a http::message is templated on the body type).
- *  For this reason, this approach is more flexible, than having _httpHandler
- * simply return the response. A very basic HttpHandler, which simply serves
- * files from a directory, can be obtained via
- * `ad_utility::httpUtils::makeFileServer()`.
+ * the mandatory HttpHandler parameter.
+ *
+ * \tparam HttpHandler A callable type that takes two parameters, a
+ * `http::request<...>` , and a `sendAction` and returns an awaitable<void>
+ * type. sendAction always is a callable that takes a http::message, and returns
+ * an awaitable<void>.
+ *
+ * The behavior is then as follows: as soon as the server receives a HTTP
+ * request, co_await _httpHandler(move(request), sendAction) is called.
+ * (_httpHandler is a member of type HttpHandler). The expected behavior of this
+ * call is that _httpHandler takes the request, computes the corresponding
+ * `response`, and calls co_await sendAction(response). The `sendAction` is
+ * needed because the `response` can have different types (in beast, a
+ * http::message is templated on the body type). For this reason, this approach
+ * is more flexible, than having _httpHandler simply return the response.
+ *
+ * A very basic HttpHandler, which simply serves files from a directory, can be
+ * obtained via `ad_utility::httpUtils::makeFileServer()`.
 template <typename HttpHandler>
 class HttpServer {
diff --git a/src/util/HttpServer/HttpUtils.h b/src/util/HttpServer/HttpUtils.h
index 584d181f67..7f20f2c36d 100644
--- a/src/util/HttpServer/HttpUtils.h
+++ b/src/util/HttpServer/HttpUtils.h
@@ -134,11 +134,10 @@ static auto createJsonResponse(const json& j, const auto& request,
 /// Create a HttpResponse with status 404 Not Found. The string body will be a
 /// default message including the name of the file that was not found, which can
 /// be read from the request directly.
-static auto createNotFoundResponse(const HttpRequest auto& request) {
-  return createHttpResponseFromString("Resource \"" +
-                                          std::string(request.target()) +
-                                          "\" was not found on this server",
-                                      http::status::not_found, request);
+static auto createNotFoundResponse(const std::string& errorMsg,
+                                   const HttpRequest auto& request) {
+  return createHttpResponseFromString(errorMsg, http::status::not_found,
+                                      request);
 /// Create a HttpResponse with status 400 Bad Request.
@@ -206,27 +205,25 @@ boost::asio::awaitable<void> makeFileServerImpl(
   // Make sure we can handle the method
   if (request.method() != http::verb::get &&
       request.method() != http::verb::head) {
-    co_await send(createBadRequestResponse(
-        "Unknown HTTP-method, only GET and HEAD requests are supported",
-        request));
-    co_return;
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        "When serving files, only GET and HEAD requests are supported");
   // Decode the path and check that it is absolute and contains no "..".
   auto urlPath =
   if (!urlPath.has_value()) {
-    co_await send(createBadRequestResponse(
-        "Invalid url path \"" + std::string{request.target()} + '"', request));
-    co_return;
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        absl::StrCat("Invalid URL path \"", request.target(), "\""));
   // Check if the target is in the whitelist. The `target()` starts with a
   // slash, entries in the whitelist don't.
+  auto urlPathWithFirstCharRemoved = urlPath.value().substr(1);
   if (whitelist.has_value() &&
-      !whitelist.value().contains(urlPath.value().substr(1))) {
-    co_await send(createNotFoundResponse(request));
-    co_return;
+      !whitelist.value().contains(urlPathWithFirstCharRemoved)) {
+    throw std::runtime_error(absl::StrCat(
+        "Resource \"", urlPathWithFirstCharRemoved, "\" not in whitelist"));
   // Build the path to the requested file on the file system.
@@ -240,12 +237,15 @@ boost::asio::awaitable<void> makeFileServerImpl(
   // Handle the case where the file doesn't exist.
   if (errorCode == beast::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) {
-    co_await send(createNotFoundResponse(request));
-    co_return;
+    std::string errorMsg =
+        absl::StrCat("Resource \"", request.target(), "\" not found");
+    LOG(ERROR) << errorMsg << std::endl;
+    co_return co_await send(createNotFoundResponse(errorMsg, request));
   // Handle an unknown error.
   if (errorCode) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << errorCode.message() << std::endl;
     co_return co_await send(
         createServerErrorResponse(errorCode.message(), request));
diff --git a/src/util/HttpServer/UrlParser.cpp b/src/util/HttpServer/UrlParser.cpp
index 598b1cbe82..b290046b8c 100644
--- a/src/util/HttpServer/UrlParser.cpp
+++ b/src/util/HttpServer/UrlParser.cpp
@@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
-//  Copyright 2021, University of Freiburg,
-//  Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures.
-//  Author: Johannes Kalmbach <kalmbach@cs.uni-freiburg.de>
+// Copyright 2022, University of Freiburg,
+// Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures.
+// Authors: Johannes Kalmbach <kalmbach@cs.uni-freiburg.de>
+//          Hannah Bast <bast@cs.uni-freiburg.de>
 #include "UrlParser.h"
 #include "../Exception.h"
 using namespace ad_utility;
-using std::string;
 // _____________________________________________________________________________
-string UrlParser::applyPercentDecoding(std::string_view url) {
-  string decoded;
+std::string UrlParser::applyPercentDecoding(std::string_view url,
+                                            bool urlDecode) {
+  // If not decoding wanted, just convert to `std::string`.
+  if (urlDecode == false) {
+    return std::string{url};
+  }
+  // Otherwise resolve all %XX.
+  std::string decoded;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < url.size(); ++i) {
     if (url[i] == '+') {
       decoded += ' ';
@@ -45,27 +50,42 @@ string UrlParser::applyPercentDecoding(std::string_view url) {
 // ___________________________________________________________________________
-UrlParser::UrlTarget UrlParser::parseTarget(std::string_view target) {
-  static constexpr auto npos = std::string_view::npos;
-  UrlTarget result;
+UrlParser::UrlPathAndParameters UrlParser::parseGetRequestTarget(
+    std::string_view target, bool urlDecode) {
+  UrlPathAndParameters result;
-  target = target.substr(0, target.find('#'));
+  // Remove everything after # (including it). Does nothing if there is no #.
+  // Don't do this is `urlDecode == false` because in that case, the given
+  // string contains an unencode SPARQL query, which frequently contains a # as
+  // a regular character.
+  if (urlDecode == true) {
+    target = target.substr(0, target.find('#'));
+  }
+  // Set `_path` and remove it from `target`. If there is no query string (part
+  // starting with "?"), we are done at this point.
   size_t index = target.find('?');
-  result._target = target.substr(0, index);
-  if (index == npos) {
+  result._path = target.substr(0, index);
+  if (index == std::string::npos) {
     return result;
   target.remove_prefix(index + 1);
+  // Parse the query string and store the result in a hash map. Throw an error
+  // if the same key appears twice in the query string. Note that this excludes
+  // having two "cmd=..." parameters, although that would be meaningful (though
+  // not necessary) to support.
   while (true) {
     auto next = target.find('&');
-    auto paramAndValue = parseSingleKeyValuePair(target.substr(0, next));
+    auto paramAndValue =
+        parseSingleKeyValuePair(target.substr(0, next), urlDecode);
     auto [iterator, isNewElement] =
     if (!isNewElement) {
                "Duplicate HTTP parameter: " + iterator->first);
-    if (next == npos) {
+    if (next == std::string::npos) {
     target.remove_prefix(next + 1);
@@ -75,14 +95,14 @@ UrlParser::UrlTarget UrlParser::parseTarget(std::string_view target) {
 // ____________________________________________________________________________
 std::pair<std::string, std::string> UrlParser::parseSingleKeyValuePair(
-    std::string_view input) {
+    std::string_view input, bool urlDecode) {
   size_t posOfEq = input.find('=');
   if (posOfEq == std::string_view::npos) {
              "Parameter without \"=\" in HTTP Request. " + std::string{input});
-  std::string param{applyPercentDecoding(input.substr(0, posOfEq))};
-  std::string value{applyPercentDecoding(input.substr(posOfEq + 1))};
+  std::string param{applyPercentDecoding(input.substr(0, posOfEq), urlDecode)};
+  std::string value{applyPercentDecoding(input.substr(posOfEq + 1), urlDecode)};
   return {std::move(param), std::move(value)};
@@ -90,7 +110,7 @@ std::pair<std::string, std::string> UrlParser::parseSingleKeyValuePair(
 std::optional<std::string> UrlParser::getDecodedPathAndCheck(
     std::string_view target) noexcept {
   try {
-    auto filename = parseTarget(target)._target;
+    auto filename = parseGetRequestTarget(target)._path;
     AD_CHECK(filename.find("..") == string::npos);
     return filename;
diff --git a/src/util/HttpServer/UrlParser.h b/src/util/HttpServer/UrlParser.h
index a83636d100..e602d50759 100644
--- a/src/util/HttpServer/UrlParser.h
+++ b/src/util/HttpServer/UrlParser.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-//  Copyright 2021, University of Freiburg,
-//  Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures.
-//  Author: Johannes Kalmbach <kalmbach@cs.uni-freiburg.de>
+// Copyright 2022, University of Freiburg,
+// Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures.
+// Authors: Johannes Kalmbach <kalmbach@cs.uni-freiburg.de>
+//          Hannah Bast <bast@cs.uni-freiburg.de>
@@ -21,17 +22,26 @@ namespace ad_utility {
 class UrlParser {
-  struct UrlTarget {
-    std::string _target;
+  /// Representation of the "path" and "query" of a URL. For a GET request, the
+  /// "path" is the part before the "?" (or everything if there is no "?"), and
+  /// the "query" is the part after the "?" (empty if there is no "?"). The
+  /// key-value pairs of the "query" are stored in a hash map.
+  struct UrlPathAndParameters {
+    std::string _path;
     ad_utility::HashMap<std::string, std::string> _parameters;
-  // ___________________________________________________________________________
-  static std::string applyPercentDecoding(std::string_view url);
+  // URL-decode the given (part of a) URL. If the second argument is false, do
+  // nothing except converting the given `std::string_view` to `std::string`.
+  static std::string applyPercentDecoding(std::string_view url,
+                                          bool urlDecode = true);
-  /// Parse the `target` part of an HTTP GET Request,
-  /// for example, `/api.html?someKey=some+val%0Fue`.
-  static UrlTarget parseTarget(std::string_view target);
+  /// Parse the `target` part of an HTTP GET Request, for example,
+  /// `/api.html?someKey=some+val%0Fue`. The second argument specifies whether
+  /// the key-value pairs of the query string should be URL-decoded (default:
+  /// yes).
+  static UrlPathAndParameters parseGetRequestTarget(std::string_view target,
+                                                    bool urlDecode = true);
   ///  From the `target` part of an HTTP GET request, only extract the path,
   ///  with percent decoding applied. E.g. `/target.html?key=value` will become
@@ -43,8 +53,11 @@ class UrlParser {
       std::string_view target) noexcept;
+  // Helper function that parses a single key-value pair from a URL query
+  // string. The second argument specifies whether the key and value should be
+  // URL-decoded (default: yes).
   static std::pair<std::string, std::string> parseSingleKeyValuePair(
-      std::string_view input);
+      std::string_view input, bool urlDecode = true);
 }  // namespace ad_utility
diff --git a/src/util/Timer.h b/src/util/Timer.h
index 381be5d6eb..4ed65135e5 100644
--- a/src/util/Timer.h
+++ b/src/util/Timer.h
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ class Timer {
   inline void setMsecs(off_t msecs) { _usecs = msecs * (off_t)(1000); }
   inline void setSecs(off_t secs) { _usecs = secs * (off_t)(1000000); }
-  //! Time at last stop (initially zero)
-  off_t value() const { return _usecs; }            /* in microseconds */
-  off_t usecs() const { return _usecs; }            /* in microseconds */
-  off_t msecs() const { return _usecs / 1000; }     /* in milliseconds */
-  float secs() const { return _usecs / 1000000.0; } /* in seconds */
+  //! Time at last stop (initially zero).
+  off_t value() const { return _usecs; }
+  off_t usecs() const { return _usecs; }
+  off_t msecs() const { return (_usecs + 500) / 1000; }
+  float secs() const { return _usecs / 1000000.0; }
   // is the timer currently running
   bool isRunning() const { return _running; }