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549 lines (443 loc) · 21.4 KB

File metadata and controls

549 lines (443 loc) · 21.4 KB

Date: 2014-02-04 10:51:07
Date modified: 2015-01-28 14:13:33
Author: James B. Ackman
Tags: analysis, wholeBrain, programming, matlab

wholeBrain workflow

Prep files

Fetch maps and average images

  • (1) Make space-delimited plain text list of file names 'files.txt' of the raw .tif movie filenames (1st column) and matching dummy .mat filenames (2nd column) and save in same directory as your raw movie tiff files and where your dummyAreas.mat files will be eventually located.

     131208_01.tif 131208_01_dummyAreas.mat
     131208_02.tif 131208_02_dummyAreas.mat	

Then run the following code block to generate time Color Map Projections, dF/F .avis, and AVG.jpg images for a folder full of experimental recordings:

%parpool('local',32); %only if using the parfor option
filelist = readtext('files.txt',' ');
nmov = size(filelist,1);
for f=1:nmov
    filename = filelist{f,1};
    tmp = dir([filename(1:length(filename)-4) '@00*.tif']);
    A = openMovie(filename);
    if ~isempty(tmp)
        for j = 1:numel(tmp)
            fn = tmp(j).name;
            B = openMovie(fn);
            A = cat(3, A, B);
            clear B

    %Make deltaF/F movie
    sz = size(A); szZ=sz(3);
    npix = prod(sz(1:2));
    A = reshape(A, npix, szZ); %reshape 3D array into space-time matrix
    Amean = mean(A,2); %avg at each pixel location in the image over time
    A = A ./ (Amean * ones(1,szZ)) - 1;   % F/F0 - 1 == ((F-F0)/F0);
    Amean = reshape(Amean,sz(1),sz(2));
    A = reshape(A, sz(1), sz(2), szZ);

    %Write average image
    fnm = [filename(1:length(filename)-4) '_AVG.tif'];
    [AmeanInd, cmap] = gray2ind(Amean,65536);
    imwrite(AmeanInd, fnm);
    %Write multiple time projection maps
    iter = round(frEnd/10);
    for j = 1:iter:frEnd
        if j == 1
            [maxProj, Iarr] = timeColorMapProj(A,j, min([j+iter-1 frEnd]), filename);
            [maxProj, ~] = timeColorMapProj(Iarr,j, min([j+iter-1 frEnd]), filename);
    clear Iarr
    [maxProj, Iarr] = timeColorMapProj(A,frStart, frEnd, filename);
    clear A
    %Iarr2montage(Iarr, frStart, frEnd, 10, filename);
    %Write avi movie
    Iarr2avi(Iarr, frStart, frEnd, filename)

Prepare dummy files

  • (2) Open the AVG .tif movie image (can be a tiff, jpg, png) (likely saved previously with a dFoF.avi for each raw .tif movie) and make brain hemisphere outlines (e.g. cortex.L, cortex.R, OB.L, OB.R, SC.L, SC.R) for each file and save the roi set as a .zip file from ImageJ (select all in ROI manager --> More --> Save). Can also use additional map images (timeColorMap Projections, domain frequency, duration, or diameter) to make outlines of functional brain region parcellations. The following macro code snippets can be copied and run from the ImageJ macro interpreter in Fiji to ease this process:

     //Flip ImageJ ROI horizontally
     //# Get max xcoord value for horizontal roi flip
     print ("\\Clear");
     v = x;
     for (i=0; i<v.length; i++) print(v[i]);  
     //Sort and print array, get max x value
     arr = x;
     sortedValues = Array.copy(arr);
     mx = sortedValues[0];
     print("sorted array:");
     v = sortedValues;
     for (i=0; i<v.length; i++) print(v[i]);  
     print("max value:");
     //#Make array with new flipped xcoord values:
     print("new values:")
     v = Array.copy(arr);
     for (i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
       dx = mx - v[i];
       v[i] = v[i] + 2*dx;  
     //#Make new selection based on the flipped coords: 
     makeSelection("polygon", v, y);
     //Move ImageJ ROI horizontally
     dx = 25; //no. of pixels to move ROI
     dy = 5;
     for (i=0; i<x.length; i++) {
       x[i] = x[i] + dx;
       y[i] = y[i] + dy;  
     makeSelection("polygon", x, y);
     //Scale ImageJ ROI
     factor = 1.97; //scaling factor
     //factor = getNumber("Factor", 0.5);
     dx = -640; //no. of pixels to move ROI
     dy = -540;
     for (i=0; i<x.length; i++) {
     	x[i] = (x[i] * factor) + dx;
     	y[i] = (y[i] * factor) + dy;
     makeSelection("polygon", x, y);
     //Scale all rois in ImageJ ROI Manager by a factor and shift x,y pixels
     factor = 2.00; //scaling factor
     dx = -640; //no. of pixels to move ROI
     dy = -540;
     for (j=0;j<roiManager("count");j++){ 
     	roiManager("select", j);
         for (i=0; i<x.length; i++) {
             x[i] = (x[i] * factor) + dx;
             y[i] = (y[i] * factor) + dy;
         makeSelection("polygon", x, y);
  • (3) Bootup local copy of matlab and cd into the directory containing the files. Setup dummyAreas.mat region data structure files and add ImageJ roi coordinate outlines for the brain areas. The following code block will loop through these steps based on the number of lines in 'files.txt'.

    • note 1: The movie's spatial resolution (µm/px), temporal resolution (frame period in seconds), and number of frames will be input at this stage, along with optional information.
    • note 2: A movie's average image will be asked for (e.g. one used earlier for hemisphere area outlines). This can be an 8bit or 16bit or RGB jpg, png, or tif image-- it is just stored within the data structure for illustration purposes.
    • note 3: Optional: Should pass filenames for additional tiff movie files if the movie consists of multiple 2GB tiff files. Should be passed to the 'extraFiles' variable in the interactive dialog box as a space-delimited character vector e.g. [email protected] [email protected]. The resulting 'region.extraFiles' variable will be used by wholeBrain_segmentation.m when reading in the movie data to concatenate the movie together:
    • Make dummyAreas.mat files:
     filelist = readtext('files.txt',' ');
     fnms = filelist(:,2);  %Second column is dummy region matfiles
     %To make dummyAreas files
     def1=[]; def2=[];
     for k = 1:numel(fnms)
     	fnm = fnms{k};
     		disp('dummy .mat file not found, making new region dummy file structure')
     		region.image = [];
     	disp(['Please input required exp params for ' fnm])
     	[region, def1] = dxInputParamsSetup(region, def1); %required line
     	%Load brain area rois
     	disp(['Please load file for ' fnm])
     	if length( < 2, region = myReadImageJROIregionAdd(region,'false');	end 
     	%Reorder area roi list of names and coordinates
     	strOrder = {'field' 'cortex.L' 'cortex.R' 'OB.L' 'OB.R' 'SC.L' 'SC.R' 'V1.L' 'V1.R' 'V2M.R' 'V2M.L' 'V2L.R' 'V2L.L' 'A1.L' 'A1.R' 'barrel.L' 'barrel.R' 'AS.L' 'AS.R' 'PPC.L' 'PPC.R' 'LS.L' 'LS.R' 'FL.L' 'FL.R' 'HL.L' 'HL.R' 'T.L' 'T.R' 'RSA.L' 'RSA.R' 'M1.L' 'M1.R' 'M2.L' 'M2.R'};
     	names2 =;
     	coords2 = region.coords;
     	for i = 1:length(strOrder)
     		if ~isempty(idx)
     			names2{j} ={idx};
     			coords2{j} = region.coords{idx};
     	%Add optional info to file, can comment out this line
     	disp(['Please input optional exp params for ' fnm])
     	%[region, def2] = dxInputParamsOpt(region, def2); %optional line
     	clear region 
  • (4) Optional: Domain tagging

    • Uses d2r.mat files from a previous batch run and domainTaggingGui
      • Option 1: If each recording is the same exact FOV, can do domainTagging for one with artifacts, and use borders for rest of movies in a for loop
      • Option 2: Or can do multiple movies and manually concatentate the borders together for a merged set of borders
    • (4a) Optional tagging for individual files:
     filelist = readtext('files.txt',' ');
     fnms = filelist(:,2);  %Second column is dummy region matfiles
     %====Domain Tagging 2014-01-24 15:34:35==============================
     %Do domain artifact detection tagging and duration plotting
     %Do batches of files that you may want to have the same xy positions on the blackout list
     % Option 1: If each recording is the same exact FOV, can do domainTagging for one with artifacts, and use borders for rest of movies in a for loop
     % Option 2: Or can do multiple movies and manually concatentate the borders together for a merged set of borders
     % 		* Could also implement an xy shift strategy for the border coords for movie to movie shifts in FOV, but probably safer to do over for each shift in movie FOV
     % For individual files:
     k = 1;  %Change no. to the fnms in list you want to use. 
     disp(['Please load the region d2r data file for ' fnms{k}])
     %load previous region data file with domains tagged or use domainTaggingGui to fetch data().frame() xy centroid locations for artifacts
     [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*d2r.mat'}, 'Choose region data file to open');
     f = fullfile(pathname,filename);
     domainTaggingGui(region,'pixelFreq') %Can change 2nd vargin to any of {'pixelFreq', 'domainFreq', 'domainDur', 'domainDiam', or 'domainAmpl'}
     load(fnms{k},'region')   %load new dummyAreas file
     if exist('taggedCentrBorders','var')
     	if isfield(region, 'taggedCentrBorders')
     		region.taggedCentrBorders = [region.taggedCentrBorders taggedCentrBorders];
     		region.taggedCentrBorders = taggedCentrBorders;
     	save(fnms{k},'region')  %save new dummyAreas file with the marked borders for tagging
    • (4b) Optional tagging for multiple files:
     % For a bunch of files:
     filelist = readtext('files.txt',' ');
     fnms = filelist(:,2);  %Second column is dummy region matfiles
     for k = 1:numel(fnms)
     %	for k = [1 6 7 8]
     %		clear data
     	disp(['Please load the region d2r data file for ' fnms{k}])
     	%load previous region data file with domains tagged or use domainTaggingGui to fetch data().frame() xy centroid locations for artifacts
     	[filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*d2r.mat'}, 'Choose region data file to open');
     	fnm = fullfile(pathname,filename);
     	h = gcf;
     %Optional, domainsPatchesPlot (doesn't work on hpc):  
     %	for plotType = [1 3 4 5];
     %		fnm2 = [fnm(1:end-4) 'domainPatchesPlot' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS') '.mat'];
     %		DomainPatchesPlot(, region.domainData.CC, region.domainData.STATS,plotType,[],1,region)
     %		print(gcf, '-dpng', [fnm2(1:end-4) '-' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS') '.png']);      
     %		print(gcf, '-depsc', [fnm2(1:end-4) '-' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS') '.eps']);
     %		end

Add additional signal information to dummy files

Optional-- add motor movement signals and stimulation/manipulation/state parameters.

For example if you have additional signals recorded in Spike2:

  • (5a) Run sigTOOL from matlab and use Batch Import in the sigTOOL gui to convert each Spike2.smr file into a .kcl data file for use with sigTOOL for simultaneously acquired signals like motorSignal from photodiode or electrophysiology signals.

    • Export motor signal from Spike2.smr file, make filtered signal for dummyfile, and detect motor active periods and save in dummyfile for each movie
    • Add other stimuli info to dummy file, using makeMotorStateStimParams.m and makeDrugStateStimParams.m
    • Save region fnm
  • (5b) Extract and add motor signal to dummyfile for each individual movie:

filelist motor movements and quiet and active states and add parameters to dummyfiles. This requires concatenation of all motor signals for an individual animal to calculate a global threshold, thus after the above : 
fnms = filelist(:,2);  %Second column is dummy region matfiles
k = 0;  %Initialization only. For using the following code on multiple files in a directory

%---START Add motor signal---
k = k+1;
for k = 1:length(fnms)
fnm = fnms{k};  %***change iterator to desired filename***

disp(['Please load the sigTOOL .kcl data file for ' fnm])
fhandle = mySTOpen([filelist{k,1}(1:end-4) '.kcl'])  %open each .kcl file, assuming same naming convention as your movie files
%fhandle = mySTOpen  %open each .kcl file manually
channels=myBatchFilter(fhandle,1,[], 1,8,'ellip', 'band') %bandpass1 - 20Hz. The motor signal is in this band, with a little bit of respiratory rate signal (but attenuated).

chanNum =numel(channels);
region = wholeBrain_motorSignal(fhandle, region, chanNum);
print(gcf,'-dpng',[fnm(1:end-4) 'motorSignal' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS') '.png'])            
print(gcf,'-depsc',[fnm(1:end-4) 'motorSignal' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS') '.eps']) 
close all
  • (5c) Add stimulation parameters or drug state information for an individual movie (can also use this or makeStimParams.m instead for adding other types of stimulation information):
%**Optional, if a drug movie
region = makeDrugStateStimParams(region, [1], [region.nframes], 'isoflurane') %where the frame indices inputs (second and third arguments) are drugOns and drugOffs
  • (5d) Detect motor movements and quiet and active states and add parameters to dummyfiles. This requires concatenation of all motor signals for an individual * animal to calculate a global threshold-- thus this is done after the above step 5b is finished for all movies/dummyfiles for an individual animal. Then format a new filename list in filesTmp.txt that has the dummyAreas file names in the first column and a third column being a grouping factor for the recordings of the animal (e.g. in case you have movies with different sampling rates) that indicates to groupMotorStates.m which signals to concatenate together.

Example file format:

/videos/150123/150123_09_dummyAreas.mat 150123_09.tif 20150123_1_10
/videos/150123/150123_11_dummyAreas.mat 150123_11.tif 20150123_1_10
/videos/150123/150123_12_dummyAreas.mat 150123_12.tif 20150123_1_5
/videos/150123/150123_13_dummyAreas.mat 150123_13.tif 20150123_1_5

Then run the following couple commands to first cat movie motor signals, compute a global signal stats, and save this info to each individual dummyfile. Then batchFetchMotorStats will add stimulus descriptors for movements onsets as well as different state information based on the movement rate from a rolling window, as well as fetch and save of motor measurements called 'dMotorStates.txt':

filelist = readtext('filesTmp.txt',' ');
groupMotorStates(filelist,0) %change last vargin input to 1 to make plots
batchFetchMotorStates(filelist,[],[],{'motor.onsets' '' 'motor.state.quiet'},0); %change last vargin input to 1 to make plots

Perform SVD

Optional, but recommended.

fnm = 'filename.tif'
load([f '_dummyAreas.mat'])

if isfield(region,'extraFiles')
    if ~isempty(region.extraFiles)
        extraFiles = region.extraFiles;
    extraFiles = [];
A = openMovie(fnm,extraFiles);
nPCs = 300;

sz = size(A); szZ=sz(3);
npix = prod(sz(1:2));
A = reshape(A, npix, szZ); %reshape 3D array into space-time matrix
Amean = mean(A,2); %avg at each pixel location in the image over time
A = A ./ (Amean * ones(1,szZ)) - 1;   % F/F0 - 1 == ((F-F0)/F0);
Amean = reshape(Amean,sz(1),sz(2));
A = reshape(A, sz(1), sz(2), szZ);

[mixedsig, mixedfilters, CovEvals, covtrace, movtm] = wholeBrainSVD(fnm, A, nPCs);

clear A

%---START interactive block---

figure; plot(CovEvals); ylabel('eigenvalue, \lambda^2'); xlabel('eigenvalue index (PC mode no.)'); zoom xon

figure; PlotPCspectrum(fnm, CovEvals, 1:250); zoom xon
%---END interactive block---

badPCs = [1:2];  %***change these values***
npix = prod(sz(1:2));
szXY = sz(1:2); szZ = size(mixedsig,2);
PCuse=setdiff([1:300],badPCs);  %***change these values***
mixedfilters2 = reshape(mixedfilters(:,:,PCuse),npix,length(PCuse));  
mov = mixedfilters2 * diag(CovEvals(PCuse).^(1/2)) * mixedsig(PCuse,:);  
mov = zscore(reshape(mov,npix*szZ,1));
mov = reshape(mov, szXY(1), szXY(2), szZ);  

%implay(mat2gray(mov,[-6 6]))

%can change these frames
figure; fr=1; imagesc(mov(:,:,fr),[-6 6]); title(['fr' num2str(fr)]); axis image; colorbar
figure; fr=10; imagesc(mov(:,:,fr),[-6 6]); title(['fr' num2str(fr)]); axis image; colorbar
figure; fr=391; imagesc(mov(:,:,fr),[-6 6]); title(['fr' num2str(fr)]); axis image; colorbar
figure; fr=3000; imagesc(mov(:,:,fr),[-6 6]); title(['fr' num2str(fr)]); axis image; colorbar
figure; fr=6000; imagesc(mov(:,:,fr),[-6 6]); title(['fr' num2str(fr)]); axis image; colorbar

%[A2, A, thresh, Amin, Amax] = wholeBrain_segmentation(fnm,mov,region,2,3,[2 3],1);

%Save the results in the following format
save([fnm(1:end-4) '_svd_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS') '.mat'], 'mixedfilters', 'mixedsig', 'CovEvals', 'badPCs', 'PCuse', 'Amean','movtm','covtrace')

Run batch analysis

  • (6) Sync dummy and data files to NAS data server from local computer and to matlab location for analysis (either local PC or HPC).

  • (7) Run the batch script. Perform within the folder containing the data files and 'files.txt':

     %delete(gcp('nocreate')) %Only needed if using parfor.
     %parpool('local',32); %Only needed if using parfor.
     diary on
     dirpath = '/path/to/myfolder/';
     handles.thresh=2;  %threshold in no. of std dev
     handles.sigma=3;  %3px gauss smooth;
     handles.makeMovies = 'all';
     handles.dirname = [datestr(now,'yyyy-mm-dd-HHMMSS') '_sigma' num2str(handles.sigma) '_thresh' num2str(handles.thresh)];
     diary off
  • Optional: Run the batch script for multiple experimental folders, using the 'files.txt' list inside each experiment folder:

     % Multiple directories
     %delete(gcp('nocreate')) %Only needed if using parfor. %Should be 'matlabpool close force local' for matlab versions earlier than 2014a
     %parpool(8)  %Only needed if using parfor. Change to n cpus. %Should be 'matlabpool open 8' for matlab versions earlier than 2014a
     dirpath = '/scratch2/netid/';
     dirnames = {'folder1/'  'folder2/'  'folder3/'};
     beginT = datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS');
     for i = 1:length(dirnames)
     currdir = fullfile(dirpath,dirnames{i});
     diary on
     diary off
     endT = datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS');
     disp(['Job start: ' beginT])
     disp(['Job end: ' endT])

Optional plots


  • These plots are produced automatically with wholeBrain_batch.m.
  • It is used by domainTagginGui for the default 'pixelFreq' activity map for marking domains.
  • To make brain activity maps for a single recording, do the following:
% load recording *.d2r.mat* file, `region`
mapType = 'domainFreq'; %where mapType can be any of {'pixelFreq','domainFreq','domainDur','domainDiam','domainAmpl'}
[A3proj,handles] = wholeBrainActivityMapFig(region1,[],2,1,0,[],[],mapType);
  • If you want to compare brain activity mapTypes for two separate recordings for any of mapType = {'pixelFreq','domainFreq','domainDur','domainDiam','domainAmpl'}, perform the following steps:
% load 1st recording *.d2r.mat* file, set as `region1 = region;`
% load 2nd recording *.d2r.mat* file, set at `region2 = region;`

handles.figHandle = figure;
handles.axesHandle = subplot(1,2,1);
handles.clims = [];

mapType = 'domainFreq';
[A3proj1,handles] = wholeBrainActivityMapFig(region1,[],2,1,0,[],handles,mapType);
handles.axesHandle = subplot(1,2,2);
[A3proj2,handles] = wholeBrainActivityMapFig(region2,[],2,1,0,[],handles,mapType);

fnm2 = ['ActivityMapFigRawProj-' mapType '_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd-HHMMSS') '.mat'];              
print(gcf, '-dpng', [fnm2(1:end-4) '.png']);                  
print(gcf, '-depsc', [fnm2(1:end-4) '.eps']);

plotWholeBrainDomainsTraces : gui for comparing and assessing detection and for viewing movie with motor traces

To run plotWholeBrainDomainsTraces simply type:


Example screenshots:

domainTaggingGui : gui for marking domains


domainTaggingGui(region) %will export region with STATS.descriptor for artifact domains tagging automatically

Outline of wholeBrain_batch

  • A, A2 = wholeBrainSegmentation

  • A3, CC, STATS, wholeBrain_detect

  • domains = DomainSegmentationAssigment(CC,STATS,'false')

  • region = domains2region(domains,CC,STATS,region, hemiindices)

  • wholeBrainActiveFraction

    • print activefraction traces
    • copy activefraction output
  • Fetch region.userdata.corr using corrcoef for network correlations

  • Fetch pearsons ML, AP correlations between hemispheres

  • Fetch pearsons, autocorr, xcorr motor signal correlations

  • plots

    • activeFraction
    • wholeBrainActivityMapFig
    • wholeBrain_actvFractionMotorPlot
    • corr matrix
  • datasets

    • batchFetchDomainProps
    • batchFetchLocationProps
    • batchFetchLocationPropsFreq
    • batchFetchCorrDat
    • batchFetchXcorr
    • batchFetchOptFlow
    • batch output for motor - cortical signal xcorr
    • batch output for ML, AP correlations