Projects developed at 1337 Khouribga programming school.
Start date: 01/Nov/2021 - The 4th promo!
42cursus comprises two groups of projects: the first one being known as "inner circle" and the second one, "outer treks" - due to the Holy Graph layout (see image below).
The inner circle is the basic curriculum, with all projects being mandatory to attain level 7 - which is the minimum level required for activities such as internships and interchange.
The outer treks is a collection of diverse project trails in subjects ranging from operational systems to web development which allows cadets to specialize on whatever subject they prefer.
The table below presents the cursus curriculum in the chronological order in which it was (or is to be) completed by me - projects order and corresponding attained level may vary among students.
00 | Libft | C - Libraries | 462 XP | level 1 - 6% | |
01 | get_next_line | C - Static variables | 882 XP | level 1 - 57% | |
02 | ft_printf | C - Variadic functions | 882 XP | level 1 - 98% | |
03 | born2beroot | Sysadmin | 577 XP | level 2 - 22% | |
04 | minitalk | C - Signals | 1142 XP | level 2 - 69% | |
05 | so_long | C - GameDev | 1000 XP | level 3 - 5% | |
05 | push_swap | C - Sorting algorithms and complexity | 1855 XP | level 3 - 41% | |
06 | Exam Rank 02 | C - Exam | 0 XP | level 3 - 41% | |
05 | Philosophers | C - Threads and Processes | 3360 XP | level 4 - 5% | |
06 | minishell | C - processes and file descriptors | 2814 XP | level 4 - 22% | |
07 | cub3D | C - GameDev | 5775 XP | level 4 - 58% | |
08 | NetPractice | C - Networking | 3160 XP | level 4 - 77% | |
09 | CPP-Modules | C++ | 9660 XP | level 5 - 35% | |
10 | webserv | Socket Programming - CGI | 21630 XP | level 6 - 93% | |
11 | inception | Docker - Docker-compose | 10042 XP | level 8 - 72% | |
12 | ft_transcendence | Nest.js - Next.js - PostgreSQL | 24360 XP | level 11 - 34% | |
12 | Exam Rank 06 | Socket Programming | 0 XP | level 11 - 34% |