The scene format is built around the alias/wavefront object with a few extensions for accessing the advanced rendering features offered by polaris
When specifying a path to a material file or other external resource:
- A relative path (to the current file) can be used
- An absolute path can be used
- An http/https URL can be specified to pull the resource from a remote host
Command | Description |
mtllib | Import material library |
usemtl | use material by name |
v | specify geometry vertex |
vn | specify normal vertex |
vt | specify uv coordinate |
g | specify object group name |
o | specify object name |
f | specify triangular or quad face |
The following command extensions can be used to specify the scene camera properties:
Command | Description | Type | Default value | Example |
camera_fov | Field of view | Scalar | 45 | camera_fov 60 |
camera_eye | Eye position | Vector | 0 0 0 | camera_eye 10 0 0 |
camera_look | Camera target | Vector | 0 0 -1 | camera_look 10 -1 0 |
camera_up | World up vector | Vector | 0 1 0 | camera_up 0 1 0 |
Scene files can include other wavefront object files using the call
This allows users to break down complex scenes into multiple files or to compose
scenes by including pre-defined objects.
The call
directive expects one argument for the file to include. For example:
call sphere.obj
Polaris supports mesh instancing
. This allows users to instantiate multiple
copies of the same object and associate each copy with a 4x4 transformation matrix.
All instances share the same geometry, materials and BVH tree.
A mesh instance can be created using the instance
instance mesh_name tX tY tZ yaw pitch roll sX sY sZ
- mesh_name is the name of a previously defined group or object.
- tX, tY, tZ specify the object translation vector in world coordinates.
- yaw, pitch, roll specify the rotation angles.
- sX sY sZ specify the object scaling vector. To disable scaling all values must be set to
If no mesh instances are defined, polaris will automatically generate an instance for each defined object using an identity transformation matrix.