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Schema, Resolvers and Utils for GraphQL server with JSAccounts

npm Circle CI Coverage Status MIT License

This package does not requires any network interface / express in order to combine with your GraphQL - it's just a collection of GraphQL schema, resolvers and utils!


This package is under active development and is just starting to form a structure.

Start dev server

yarn start

How to use this package?

This package exports GraphQL schema and GraphQL resolvers, which you can extend with your existing GraphQL schema server.

Start by installing it from NPM / Yarn:

// Npm
npm install --save @accounts/server @accounts/graphql-api

// Yarn
yarn add @accounts/server @accounts/graphql-api

This package does not create a transport or anything else, only schema and string and resolvers as object.

Start by configuring your AccountsServer as you wish. for example:

// ... you config here
}, new Mongo(await getDb()));

Next, import createJSAccountsGraphQL method from this package, and run it with your AccountsServer:

import { createJSAccountsGraphQL } from '@accounts/graphql-api';

const accountsGraphQL = createJSAccountsGraphQL(Accounts);

Now, add accountsGraphQL.schema to your schema definition (just before using it with makeExecutableSchema), and use accountsGraphQL.extendWithResolvers to extend your resolvers object, for example:

import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';

const typeDefs = [
  type Query {
    myQuery: String
  type Mutation {
    myMutation: String
  schema {
      query: Query,
      mutation: Mutation

let myResolvers = {
  Query: {
    myQuery: () => 'Hello'
  Mutation: {
    myMutation: () => 'Hello'

const resolversWithAccounts = accountsGraphQL.extendWithResolvers(myResolvers);

const schema = makeExecutableSchema({

The last step is to extend your graphqlExpress with a context middleware, that extracts the authentication token from the HTTP request, so AccountsServer will automatically validate it:

import { JSAccountsContext } from '@accounts/graphql-api';

app.use(GRAPHQL_ROUTE, bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress(request => {
  return {
    context: JSAccountsContext(request),

Authenticating Resolvers

You can authenticate your own resolvers with JSAccounts authentication flow, by using authenticated method from this package.

This method composer also extends context with the current authenticated user!

This is an example for a protected mutation:

import AccountsServer from '@accounts/server';
import { authenticated } from '@accounts/graphql-api';

export const resolver = {
  Mutation: {
    updateUserProfile: authenticated(AccountsServer, (rootValue, args, context) => {
      // Write your resolver here 
      // context.user - the current authenticated user!


This package allow you to customize the GraphQL schema and it's resolvers.

For example, some application main query called MyQuery or RootQuery instead of query, so you can customize the name, without modifying you application's schema.

These are the available customizations:

  • rootQueryName (string) - The name of the root query, default: Query.
  • rootMutationName (string) - The name of the root mutation, default: Mutation.
  • extend (boolean) - whether to add extend before the root type declaration, default: true.
  • withSchemaDefinition (boolean): whether to add schema { ... } declaration to the generation schema, default: false.

Pass a second object to createJSAccountsGraphQL, for example:

const myCustomGraphQLAccounts = createSchemaWithAccounts(AccountsServer, {
  rootQueryName: 'RootQuery',
  rootMutationName: 'RootMutation',

Another possible customization is to modify the name of the authentication header, use it with JSAccountsContext (the default is Authorization):

context: JSAccountsContext(request, 'MyCustomHeader')

Extending User

To extend User object with custom fields and logic, add your own GraphQL type definition of User with the prefix of extend, and add your fields:

extend type User {
    firstName: String
    lastName: String

And also implement a regular resolver, for the fields you added:

const UserResolver = {
    firstName: () => 'Dotan',
    lastName: () => 'Simha',