diff --git a/lib/metamodel.cto b/lib/metamodel.cto index e021ee0..9963280 100644 --- a/lib/metamodel.cto +++ b/lib/metamodel.cto @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ abstract concept ScalarDeclaration extends Declaration { } concept BooleanScalar extends ScalarDeclaration { - o Boolean defaultValue + o Boolean defaultValue optional } concept IntegerScalar extends ScalarDeclaration { diff --git a/lib/metamodel.js b/lib/metamodel.js index 28b25a2..90add78 100644 --- a/lib/metamodel.js +++ b/lib/metamodel.js @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ /** * The metamodel itself, as a CTO string */ -const metaModelCto = "/*\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n@DotNetNamespace(\"AccordProject.Concerto.Metamodel\")\nnamespace concerto.metamodel@1.0.0\n\nconcept Position {\n o Integer line\n o Integer column\n o Integer offset\n}\n\nconcept Range {\n o Position start\n o Position end\n o String source optional\n}\n\nconcept TypeIdentifier {\n o String name\n o String namespace optional\n}\n\nabstract concept DecoratorLiteral {\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorString extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o String value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorNumber extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o Double value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorBoolean extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o Boolean value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorTypeReference extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n o Boolean isArray default=false\n}\n\nconcept Decorator {\n o String name\n o DecoratorLiteral[] arguments optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept Identified {\n}\n\nconcept IdentifiedBy extends Identified {\n o String name\n}\n\nabstract concept Declaration {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept MapDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o MapKeyType key\n o AggregateValueType value\n}\n\nconcept MapKeyType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept AggregateValueType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept AggregateRelationshipValueType extends AggregateValueType {\n}\n\nconcept EnumDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o EnumProperty[] properties\n}\n\nconcept EnumProperty {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept ConceptDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o Boolean isAbstract default=false\n o Identified identified optional\n o TypeIdentifier superType optional\n o Property[] properties\n}\n\nconcept AssetDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept ParticipantDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept TransactionDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept EventDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nabstract concept Property {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Boolean isArray default=false\n o Boolean isOptional default=false\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept RelationshipProperty extends Property {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept ObjectProperty extends Property {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept BooleanProperty extends Property {\n o Boolean defaultValue optional\n}\n\nconcept DateTimeProperty extends Property {\n}\n\nconcept StringProperty extends Property {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o StringRegexValidator validator optional\n o StringLengthValidator lengthValidator optional\n}\n\nconcept StringRegexValidator {\n o String pattern\n o String flags\n}\n\nconcept StringLengthValidator {\n o Integer minLength optional\n o Integer maxLength optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleProperty extends Property {\n o Double defaultValue optional\n o DoubleDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleDomainValidator {\n o Double lower optional\n o Double upper optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerProperty extends Property {\n o Integer defaultValue optional\n o IntegerDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerDomainValidator {\n o Integer lower optional\n o Integer upper optional\n}\n\nconcept LongProperty extends Property {\n o Long defaultValue optional\n o LongDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept LongDomainValidator {\n o Long lower optional\n o Long upper optional\n}\n\nabstract concept Import {\n o String namespace\n o String uri optional\n}\n\nconcept ImportAll extends Import {\n}\n\nconcept ImportType extends Import {\n o String name\n}\n\nconcept ImportTypes extends Import {\n o String[] types\n}\n\nconcept Model {\n o String namespace\n o String sourceUri optional\n o String concertoVersion optional\n o Import[] imports optional\n o Declaration[] declarations optional\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n}\n\nconcept Models {\n o Model[] models\n}\n\nabstract concept ScalarDeclaration extends Declaration {\n}\n\nconcept BooleanScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Boolean defaultValue\n}\n\nconcept IntegerScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Integer defaultValue optional\n o IntegerDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept LongScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Long defaultValue optional\n o LongDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Double defaultValue optional\n o DoubleDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept StringScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o StringRegexValidator validator optional\n o StringLengthValidator lengthValidator optional\n}\n\nconcept DateTimeScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o String defaultValue optional\n}\n"; +const metaModelCto = "/*\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n@DotNetNamespace(\"AccordProject.Concerto.Metamodel\")\nnamespace concerto.metamodel@1.0.0\n\nconcept Position {\n o Integer line\n o Integer column\n o Integer offset\n}\n\nconcept Range {\n o Position start\n o Position end\n o String source optional\n}\n\nconcept TypeIdentifier {\n o String name\n o String namespace optional\n}\n\nabstract concept DecoratorLiteral {\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorString extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o String value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorNumber extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o Double value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorBoolean extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o Boolean value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorTypeReference extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n o Boolean isArray default=false\n}\n\nconcept Decorator {\n o String name\n o DecoratorLiteral[] arguments optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept Identified {\n}\n\nconcept IdentifiedBy extends Identified {\n o String name\n}\n\nabstract concept Declaration {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nabstract concept MapKeyType {\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nabstract concept MapValueType {\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept MapDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o MapKeyType key\n o MapValueType value\n}\n\nconcept StringMapKeyType extends MapKeyType {}\nconcept DateTimeMapKeyType extends MapKeyType {}\n\nconcept ObjectMapKeyType extends MapKeyType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept BooleanMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept DateTimeMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept StringMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept IntegerMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept LongMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept DoubleMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\n\nconcept ObjectMapValueType extends MapValueType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept RelationshipMapValueType extends MapValueType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept EnumDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o EnumProperty[] properties\n}\n\nconcept EnumProperty {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept ConceptDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o Boolean isAbstract default=false\n o Identified identified optional\n o TypeIdentifier superType optional\n o Property[] properties\n}\n\nconcept AssetDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept ParticipantDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept TransactionDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept EventDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nabstract concept Property {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Boolean isArray default=false\n o Boolean isOptional default=false\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept RelationshipProperty extends Property {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept ObjectProperty extends Property {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept BooleanProperty extends Property {\n o Boolean defaultValue optional\n}\n\nconcept DateTimeProperty extends Property {\n}\n\nconcept StringProperty extends Property {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o StringRegexValidator validator optional\n o StringLengthValidator lengthValidator optional\n}\n\nconcept StringRegexValidator {\n o String pattern\n o String flags\n}\n\nconcept StringLengthValidator {\n o Integer minLength optional\n o Integer maxLength optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleProperty extends Property {\n o Double defaultValue optional\n o DoubleDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleDomainValidator {\n o Double lower optional\n o Double upper optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerProperty extends Property {\n o Integer defaultValue optional\n o IntegerDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerDomainValidator {\n o Integer lower optional\n o Integer upper optional\n}\n\nconcept LongProperty extends Property {\n o Long defaultValue optional\n o LongDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept LongDomainValidator {\n o Long lower optional\n o Long upper optional\n}\n\nabstract concept Import {\n o String namespace\n o String uri optional\n}\n\nconcept ImportAll extends Import {\n}\n\nconcept ImportType extends Import {\n o String name\n}\n\nconcept ImportTypes extends Import {\n o String[] types\n}\n\nconcept Model {\n o String namespace\n o String sourceUri optional\n o String concertoVersion optional\n o Import[] imports optional\n o Declaration[] declarations optional\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n}\n\nconcept Models {\n o Model[] models\n}\n\nabstract concept ScalarDeclaration extends Declaration {\n}\n\nconcept BooleanScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Boolean defaultValue optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Integer defaultValue optional\n o IntegerDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept LongScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Long defaultValue optional\n o LongDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Double defaultValue optional\n o DoubleDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept StringScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o StringRegexValidator validator optional\n o StringLengthValidator lengthValidator optional\n}\n\nconcept DateTimeScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o String defaultValue optional\n}\n"; module.exports = metaModelCto; diff --git a/lib/metamodel.json b/lib/metamodel.json index 71e877e..6ee7941 100644 --- a/lib/metamodel.json +++ b/lib/metamodel.json @@ -1,1298 +1,1298 @@ { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.Model", - "decorators": [ - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.Decorator", - "name": "DotNetNamespace", - "arguments": [ - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.DecoratorString", - "value": "AccordProject.Concerto.Metamodel" - } - ] - } - ], - "namespace": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0", - "imports": [], - "declarations": [ - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.ConceptDeclaration", - "name": "Position", - "isAbstract": false, - "properties": [ - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.IntegerProperty", - "name": "line", - "isArray": false, - "isOptional": false - }, - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.IntegerProperty", - "name": "column", - "isArray": false, - "isOptional": false - }, - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.IntegerProperty", - "name": "offset", - "isArray": false, - "isOptional": false - } - ] - }, - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.ConceptDeclaration", - "name": "Range", - "isAbstract": false, - "properties": [ - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.ObjectProperty", - "name": "start", - "type": { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.TypeIdentifier", - "name": "Position" - }, - "isArray": false, - "isOptional": false - }, - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.ObjectProperty", - "name": "end", - "type": { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.TypeIdentifier", - "name": "Position" - }, - "isArray": false, - "isOptional": false - }, - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.StringProperty", - "name": "source", - "isArray": false, - "isOptional": true - } - ] - }, - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.ConceptDeclaration", - "name": "TypeIdentifier", - "isAbstract": false, - "properties": [ - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.StringProperty", - "name": "name", - "isArray": false, - "isOptional": false - }, - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.StringProperty", - "name": "namespace", - "isArray": false, - "isOptional": true - } - ] - }, - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.ConceptDeclaration", - "name": "DecoratorLiteral", - "isAbstract": true, - "properties": [ - { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.ObjectProperty", - "name": "location", - "type": { - "$class": "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.TypeIdentifier", - "name": "Range" - }, - "isArray": false, - 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You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n@DotNetNamespace(\"AccordProject.Concerto.Metamodel\")\nnamespace concerto.metamodel@1.0.0\n\nconcept Position {\n o Integer line\n o Integer column\n o Integer offset\n}\n\nconcept Range {\n o Position start\n o Position end\n o String source optional\n}\n\nconcept TypeIdentifier {\n o String name\n o String namespace optional\n}\n\nabstract concept DecoratorLiteral {\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorString extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o String value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorNumber extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o Double value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorBoolean extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o Boolean value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorTypeReference extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n o Boolean isArray default=false\n}\n\nconcept Decorator {\n o String name\n o DecoratorLiteral[] arguments optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept Identified {\n}\n\nconcept IdentifiedBy extends Identified {\n o String name\n}\n\nabstract concept Declaration {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept MapDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o MapKeyType key\n o AggregateValueType value\n}\n\nconcept MapKeyType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept AggregateValueType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept AggregateRelationshipValueType extends AggregateValueType {\n}\n\nconcept EnumDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o EnumProperty[] properties\n}\n\nconcept EnumProperty {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept ConceptDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o Boolean isAbstract default=false\n o Identified identified optional\n o TypeIdentifier superType optional\n o Property[] properties\n}\n\nconcept AssetDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept ParticipantDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept TransactionDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept EventDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nabstract concept Property {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Boolean isArray default=false\n o Boolean isOptional default=false\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept RelationshipProperty extends Property {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept ObjectProperty extends Property {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept BooleanProperty extends Property {\n o Boolean defaultValue optional\n}\n\nconcept DateTimeProperty extends Property {\n}\n\nconcept StringProperty extends Property {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o StringRegexValidator validator optional\n o StringLengthValidator lengthValidator optional\n}\n\nconcept StringRegexValidator {\n o String pattern\n o String flags\n}\n\nconcept StringLengthValidator {\n o Integer minLength optional\n o Integer maxLength optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleProperty extends Property {\n o Double defaultValue optional\n o DoubleDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleDomainValidator {\n o Double lower optional\n o Double upper optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerProperty extends Property {\n o Integer defaultValue optional\n o IntegerDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerDomainValidator {\n o Integer lower optional\n o Integer upper optional\n}\n\nconcept LongProperty extends Property {\n o Long defaultValue optional\n o LongDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept LongDomainValidator {\n o Long lower optional\n o Long upper optional\n}\n\nabstract concept Import {\n o String namespace\n o String uri optional\n}\n\nconcept ImportAll extends Import {\n}\n\nconcept ImportType extends Import {\n o String name\n}\n\nconcept ImportTypes extends Import {\n o String[] types\n}\n\nconcept Model {\n o String namespace\n o String sourceUri optional\n o String concertoVersion optional\n o Import[] imports optional\n o Declaration[] declarations optional\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n}\n\nconcept Models {\n o Model[] models\n}\n\nabstract concept ScalarDeclaration extends Declaration {\n}\n\nconcept BooleanScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Boolean defaultValue\n}\n\nconcept IntegerScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Integer defaultValue optional\n o IntegerDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept LongScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Long defaultValue optional\n o LongDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Double defaultValue optional\n o DoubleDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept StringScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o StringRegexValidator validator optional\n o StringLengthValidator lengthValidator optional\n}\n\nconcept DateTimeScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o String defaultValue optional\n}\n"; +declare const metaModelCto: "/*\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n@DotNetNamespace(\"AccordProject.Concerto.Metamodel\")\nnamespace concerto.metamodel@1.0.0\n\nconcept Position {\n o Integer line\n o Integer column\n o Integer offset\n}\n\nconcept Range {\n o Position start\n o Position end\n o String source optional\n}\n\nconcept TypeIdentifier {\n o String name\n o String namespace optional\n}\n\nabstract concept DecoratorLiteral {\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorString extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o String value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorNumber extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o Double value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorBoolean extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o Boolean value\n}\n\nconcept DecoratorTypeReference extends DecoratorLiteral {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n o Boolean isArray default=false\n}\n\nconcept Decorator {\n o String name\n o DecoratorLiteral[] arguments optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept Identified {\n}\n\nconcept IdentifiedBy extends Identified {\n o String name\n}\n\nabstract concept Declaration {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nabstract concept MapKeyType {\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nabstract concept MapValueType {\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept MapDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o MapKeyType key\n o MapValueType value\n}\n\nconcept StringMapKeyType extends MapKeyType {}\nconcept DateTimeMapKeyType extends MapKeyType {}\n\nconcept ObjectMapKeyType extends MapKeyType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept BooleanMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept DateTimeMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept StringMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept IntegerMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept LongMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\nconcept DoubleMapValueType extends MapValueType {}\n\nconcept ObjectMapValueType extends MapValueType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept RelationshipMapValueType extends MapValueType {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept EnumDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o EnumProperty[] properties\n}\n\nconcept EnumProperty {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept ConceptDeclaration extends Declaration {\n o Boolean isAbstract default=false\n o Identified identified optional\n o TypeIdentifier superType optional\n o Property[] properties\n}\n\nconcept AssetDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept ParticipantDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept TransactionDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nconcept EventDeclaration extends ConceptDeclaration {\n}\n\nabstract concept Property {\n o String name regex=/^(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})(?:\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Lo}|\\p{Nl}|\\$|_|\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Nd}|\\p{Pc}|\\u200C|\\u200D)*$/u\n o Boolean isArray default=false\n o Boolean isOptional default=false\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n o Range location optional\n}\n\nconcept RelationshipProperty extends Property {\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept ObjectProperty extends Property {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o TypeIdentifier type\n}\n\nconcept BooleanProperty extends Property {\n o Boolean defaultValue optional\n}\n\nconcept DateTimeProperty extends Property {\n}\n\nconcept StringProperty extends Property {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o StringRegexValidator validator optional\n o StringLengthValidator lengthValidator optional\n}\n\nconcept StringRegexValidator {\n o String pattern\n o String flags\n}\n\nconcept StringLengthValidator {\n o Integer minLength optional\n o Integer maxLength optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleProperty extends Property {\n o Double defaultValue optional\n o DoubleDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleDomainValidator {\n o Double lower optional\n o Double upper optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerProperty extends Property {\n o Integer defaultValue optional\n o IntegerDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerDomainValidator {\n o Integer lower optional\n o Integer upper optional\n}\n\nconcept LongProperty extends Property {\n o Long defaultValue optional\n o LongDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept LongDomainValidator {\n o Long lower optional\n o Long upper optional\n}\n\nabstract concept Import {\n o String namespace\n o String uri optional\n}\n\nconcept ImportAll extends Import {\n}\n\nconcept ImportType extends Import {\n o String name\n}\n\nconcept ImportTypes extends Import {\n o String[] types\n}\n\nconcept Model {\n o String namespace\n o String sourceUri optional\n o String concertoVersion optional\n o Import[] imports optional\n o Declaration[] declarations optional\n o Decorator[] decorators optional\n}\n\nconcept Models {\n o Model[] models\n}\n\nabstract concept ScalarDeclaration extends Declaration {\n}\n\nconcept BooleanScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Boolean defaultValue optional\n}\n\nconcept IntegerScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Integer defaultValue optional\n o IntegerDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept LongScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Long defaultValue optional\n o LongDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept DoubleScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o Double defaultValue optional\n o DoubleDomainValidator validator optional\n}\n\nconcept StringScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o String defaultValue optional\n o StringRegexValidator validator optional\n o StringLengthValidator lengthValidator optional\n}\n\nconcept DateTimeScalar extends ScalarDeclaration {\n o String defaultValue optional\n}\n";