diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json index 8ab810b8a28..caa14e8d94b 100644 --- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json +++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json @@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ "DDDBookEmailBody": "Thank you.
To download your book, click here.", "FreeDDDEBook": "Free DDD E-Book", "CommercialNewsletterConfirmationMessage": "I agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.", - "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "You are removing yourself from your own organization. You will no longer be able to manage this organization, do you confirm?" + "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "You are removing yourself from your own organization. You will no longer be able to manage this organization, do you confirm?", + "RenewExistingOrganizationOrCreateNewOneMessage": "You can renew the license of your organization(s) by clicking the below \"Extend Now\" button(s) and thus you can extend the license expiry date by 1 year. If you continue to checkout, you will have a new organization. Do you want to continue with a new organization?", + "ExtendNow": "Extend Now", + "ContinueWithNewOrganization": "Continue with a new organization" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en.json index a24f42c6df0..7bb8f4d1094 100644 --- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en.json +++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en.json @@ -397,6 +397,9 @@ "LicenseTransferExplanation": "Yes! When you purchase a license, you become the license holder, hence you will have access to the organization management page. An organization has owner and developer roles. Owners can manage the developer seats and assign developers. Each assigned developer will login via ABP CLI command into the system and will have development and support permissions.", "UserOwnerDescription": "The 'Owner' of the organization is the admin of this account. He/she manages the organization by purchasing licenses, allocating developers. An 'Owner' cannot write code in the ABP Commercial projects, cannot download the ABP sample projects, or cannot ask questions on the support website. If you want to do all these, you have to add yourself as a developer too.", "UserDeveloperDescription": "The 'Developers' can write code in the ABP Commercial projects, download the ABP sample projects, or ask questions on the support website. On the other hand, the 'Developers' cannot manage this organization.", - "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "You are removing yourself from your own organization. You will no longer be able to manage this organization, do you confirm?" + "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "You are removing yourself from your own organization. You will no longer be able to manage this organization, do you confirm?", + "RenewExistingOrganizationOrCreateNewOneMessage": "You can renew the license of your organization(s) by clicking the below \"Extend Now\" button(s) and thus you can extend the license expiry date by 1 year. If you continue to checkout, you will have a new organization. Do you want to continue with a new organization?", + "ExtendNow": "Extend Now", + "ContinueWithNewOrganization": "Continue with a new organization" } } diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/tr.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/tr.json index d2271f77ae8..5e93833b0d3 100644 --- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/tr.json +++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/tr.json @@ -391,6 +391,9 @@ "TryForFree": "Ücretsiz deneyin", "TrialLicenseExpiredInfo": "Deneme lisansınızın süresi doldu!", "CommercialNewsletterConfirmationMessage": "Şartlar, Koşullar ve Gizlilik politikasını kabul ediyorum.", - "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "Organizasyondan kendinizi kaldırıyorsunuz. Artık bu organizasyonu yönetemeyeceksiniz, onaylıyor musunuz? " + "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "Organizasyondan kendinizi kaldırıyorsunuz. Artık bu organizasyonu yönetemeyeceksiniz, onaylıyor musunuz? ", + "RenewExistingOrganizationOrCreateNewOneMessage": "Aşağıdaki \"Şimdi Uzat\" buton(lar)una tıklayarak organizasyon(lar)ınızın lisansını yenileyebilir ve böylece lisans geçerlilik süresini 1 yıl uzatabilirsiniz. Ödemeye devam ederseniz, yeni bir organizasyonunuz olacak. Yeni bir organizasyonla devam etmek istiyor musunuz? ", + "ExtendNow": "Şimdi Uzat", + "ContinueWithNewOrganization": "Yeni bir organizasyon ile devam et" } } \ No newline at end of file