diff --git a/textile/features.textile b/textile/features.textile
index b740c847f..19882ef28 100644
--- a/textile/features.textile
+++ b/textile/features.textile
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ h4. ChannelStateChange
 * @(TH1)@ Whenever the channel state changes, a @ChannelStateChange@ object is emitted on the @Channel@ object
 * @(TH2)@ The @ChannelStateChange@ object contains the current state in attribute @current@, the previous state in attribute @previous@
-* @(TH3)@ If the connection state change includes error information, then the @reason@ attribute will contain an @ErrorInfo@ object describing the reason for the error
+* @(TH3)@ If the channel state change includes error information, then the @reason@ attribute will contain an @ErrorInfo@ object describing the reason for the error
 * @(TH4)@ The @ChannelStateChange@ object contains an attribute @resumed@ which in combination with an @ATTACHED@ state, indicates whether the channel attach successfully resumed its state following the connection being resumed or recovered. If @resumed@ is true, then the attribute indicates that the attach within Ably successfully recovered the state for the channel, and as such there is no loss of message continuity. In all other cases, @resumed@ is false, and may be accompanied with a "channel state change error reason":#TH3
 h4. Capability - *API not defined yet*