diff --git a/lib/kafka/datadog.rb b/lib/kafka/datadog.rb
index c5710c432..032c1749d 100644
--- a/lib/kafka/datadog.rb
+++ b/lib/kafka/datadog.rb
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Datadog
     class << self
       def statsd
-        @statsd ||= ::Datadog::Statsd.new(host, port, namespace: namespace, tags: tags)
+        @statsd ||= ::Datadog::Statsd.new(host, port, namespace: namespace, tags: tags, socket_path: socket_path)
       def statsd=(statsd)
@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ def port=(port)
+      def socket_path
+        @socket_path
+      end
+      def socket_path=(socket_path)
+        @socket_path = socket_path
+        clear
+      end
       def namespace
         @namespace ||= STATSD_NAMESPACE
diff --git a/spec/datadog_spec.rb b/spec/datadog_spec.rb
index e02b81f61..8b1d3463b 100644
--- a/spec/datadog_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/datadog_spec.rb
@@ -14,20 +14,40 @@
-  it "emits metrics to the Datadog agent" do
-    Kafka::Datadog.host = agent.host
-    Kafka::Datadog.port = agent.port
+  context "when host and port are specified" do
+    it "emits metrics to the Datadog agent" do
+      Kafka::Datadog.host = agent.host
+      Kafka::Datadog.port = agent.port
-    client = Kafka::Datadog.statsd
+      client = Kafka::Datadog.statsd
-    client.increment("greetings")
+      client.increment("greetings")
-    agent.wait_for_metrics
+      agent.wait_for_metrics
-    expect(agent.metrics.count).to eq 1
+      expect(agent.metrics.count).to eq 1
-    metric = agent.metrics.first
+      metric = agent.metrics.first
-    expect(metric).to eq "ruby_kafka.greetings"
+      expect(metric).to eq "ruby_kafka.greetings"
+    end
+  end
+  context "when host and port are specified" do
+    it "emits metrics to the Datadog agent" do
+      Kafka::Datadog.socket_path = agent.socket_path
+      client = Kafka::Datadog.statsd
+      client.increment("greetings")
+      agent.wait_for_metrics
+      expect(agent.metrics.count).to eq 1
+      metric = agent.metrics.first
+      expect(metric).to eq "ruby_kafka.greetings"
+    end
diff --git a/spec/fake_datadog_agent.rb b/spec/fake_datadog_agent.rb
index 4705c7d3d..3b0b930de 100644
--- a/spec/fake_datadog_agent.rb
+++ b/spec/fake_datadog_agent.rb
@@ -1,27 +1,39 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
 require "socket"
+require "tempfile"
 class FakeDatadogAgent
-  attr_reader :host, :port, :metrics
+  attr_reader :host, :port, :socket_path, :metrics
   def initialize
     @host = ""
     @port = 9999
-    @socket = UDPSocket.new
-    @thread = nil
+    @socket_path = Tempfile.open("fake_datadog_agent_sock") do |f|
+      path = f.path
+      f.unlink
+      path
+    end
+    @udp_socket = UDPSocket.new
+    @uds_socket = Socket.new(Socket::AF_UNIX, Socket::SOCK_DGRAM)
+    @threads = []
     @metrics = []
-    @socket.bind(@host, @port)
   def start
-    @thread = Thread.new { loop { receive } }
-    @thread.abort_on_exception = true
+    @udp_socket.bind(@host, @port)
+    @uds_socket.bind(Addrinfo.unix(@socket_path))
+    @threads << Thread.new { loop { receive_from_udp_socket } }
+    @threads << Thread.new { loop { receive_from_uds_socket } }
+    @threads.each { |th| th.abort_on_exception = true }
   def stop
-    @thread.kill
+    @threads.each(&:kill)
+    @udp_socket.close
+    @uds_socket.close
+    @threads = []
   def wait_for_metrics(count: 1)
@@ -34,9 +46,17 @@ def wait_for_metrics(count: 1)
-  def receive
-    data, sender = @socket.recvfrom(512)
+  def receive_from_udp_socket
+    data, _ = @udp_socket.recvfrom(512)
+    add_metrics(data)
+  end
+  def receive_from_uds_socket
+    data, _ = @uds_socket.recvfrom(512)
+    add_metrics(data)
+  end
+  def add_metrics(data)
     data.split("\n").each do |message|
       metric = message.split(":").first
       @metrics << metric if metric
diff --git a/spec/functional/datadog_spec.rb b/spec/functional/datadog_spec.rb
index a7a5915e4..79a605bc2 100644
--- a/spec/functional/datadog_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/functional/datadog_spec.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 require "fake_datadog_agent"
 describe "Reporting metrics to Datadog", functional: true do
-  example "reporting connection metrics" do
+  example "reporting connection metrics using UDP socket" do
     agent = FakeDatadogAgent.new
     Kafka::Datadog.port = agent.port
@@ -20,5 +20,26 @@
     expect(agent.metrics).to include("ruby_kafka.api.latency")
     expect(agent.metrics).to include("ruby_kafka.api.request_size")
     expect(agent.metrics).to include("ruby_kafka.api.response_size")
+  ensure
+    agent.stop
+  end
+  example "reporting connection metrics using UDS socket" do
+    agent = FakeDatadogAgent.new
+    Kafka::Datadog.socket_path = agent.socket_path
+    agent.start
+    kafka.topics
+    agent.wait_for_metrics(count: 4)
+    expect(agent.metrics).to include("ruby_kafka.api.calls")
+    expect(agent.metrics).to include("ruby_kafka.api.latency")
+    expect(agent.metrics).to include("ruby_kafka.api.request_size")
+    expect(agent.metrics).to include("ruby_kafka.api.response_size")
+  ensure
+    agent.stop